
The Church Grave Problem The Ideal Pharmacy of the future. These young men do Canadian Ice Cream not want to be able to pay their way. and, perhaps, they will desire to for South Ameircan Our Clergy Are Dying More said to me with tears in his eyes: marry. Thinking over the question of No 29 Street East, Calidonia Quickly Than They Can Be. cannot carry on much longer, Bi. what they are to do, they quite na First Shipment From Maritime Replaced. Says the Bishop of shop. In May he was dead. turally decide that they cannot live Provinces Goes Forward on London He was overworked. Many of our on charity. Like everybody else, they Lady Drake.
Jelergy are overworked.
want a living wage; they want to be Always on hand a fine selection of The Church of England is faced The Money Barrier independent, and they do not see The first shipment of ice cream, DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES with a very grave problem. Like an What is responsible for the in Low they can be independent if thy which it is believed was ever made to South America from any place in army fighting without the sppport fereasingly serious shortage of re. are ordained.
And TOILET ARTICLES of sufficient forces in reserve, it is cruits for Holy Orders. the bishop Thrilling Adventure Canada, went forward recently from unable to fill the gaps which are be was asked. The Church is urgently in need of Truro, consigned to Georgeing made in its ranks of officers by Money or, rather, the lack of it young blood. We want young men town, British Guiana, by the Prescriptions Carefulty Compounded death, retirement, and other causes. Lady Drake of the Canadian Na is responsible. he replied. with enthusiasm, and, if possible. Our clergy are dying more quick am quite certain. he continued, iversity men with the spirit af ad tional Steamships. The order, which By Experienced Druggist ly than they can be replaced. the that there is no shortage of young venture strong in them. The time is of substantial size was received Bishop of London, the Rt. Rev. Dr. men who really wish to become can has long since past when being by the manufacturer entirely unsoliWinnington Ingram, said on Satur Loidates for Holy Orders. Indeed they clergyman meant or was accepted cited, and the Manager of the firm THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
day, when he discussed the situation abound in the public schools, in the as meaning reading the Bible to old foresees great possibilities in this with a correspondent of the Daily colleges and even in business of ladies.
trade with the inauguration of the Times, in his study at Fulham Palace. Sfices; but they cannot afford to be The Church is today an adventur new service by the Canadian Nationtion and the Canada West Indies SALVATION ARMY buried seven during seven weeks trained, ous calling, offering hard and won. This particular firm has been suc or Empire connection occurred real Steamships.
Creaty. demonstration of the yalu.
SELF DENIAL WEEK last year. In February one old man Furthermore, they have to think derfully interesting work whi may cessful in creating remunerative Scently, where a firm in the West In 50, 000 Less Than Last Year trade with Bermuda in this rather dies cancelled a rather large order perishable product, and they are ex. that had been given to an American The total sum collected by the SalSSSSSS sk. tending their activities throughout firm and gave it to a Canadian.
the West Indies.
yation Army during Self Denial Two years ago they made their Veek, which was the last week in first shipment of this delicacy outIf you have a Prescription to Pebruary, amounted to 145, 421 side of Canada to Newfoundland, and be made up take it to the which is 249, 633 less than last year, this has since developed into a re National Pharmacy, Santa Ana it had been anticipated that there gular trade. Convinced by their suecess in Newfoundland the firm de Plaza, where you will get cour would be a drop owing to the litigacided to extend the export field with teous and obliging service Ition regarding a new General.
the results as noted direct result of this expansion is the increased demand for cream, and there has been difficulty in se curing sufficient to fill orders. The Maritime Provinces are particularly adapted in this line, and their close Why throw away your old, but no proximity to the West Indian market doubt interesting books, when you is a decided factor in the developnient of that trade, which this ship can have them neatly bound at ment emphasizes.
There is a growing market for Canadian products in Bermuda, the British West Indies, British Guiana and British Honduras, and it is up! NÓ, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET to Canadians generally to capitalize their advantages of Empire connecAND CORNER JAVILLO FILL FOR SALE CHEAP Good Assortment of Book Binding!
Photo Albums ScrapAlbums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY THE WORKMAN WI) STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD PANAMA CITY SSXXXSC WE The British Pharmacy COLON iake one to the ends of the earthout on the prairies, in the backwoods, throughout the Empire, and in foreign lands, where there is fine and thrilling work for young men to do for the Church. Work in the mission field offers more opportunities for travel and inNo hot irons or special combs required teresting experiences than almost any other calling. But we have to come down to SOLD IN DRUG STORES this question of means. Many years ago started the London Diocesan Ordination Candidates Fund to train for the priesthood young men earnestly desiring AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, to take orders in the Church but COLLECT YOUR WORK lacking the necessary means.
AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME In addition to this fund, the three OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSHIP daughters of the late Bishop Monk, ARE GUARANTEED TRY US left in trust a sum which provides 12, 500 a CLEAN year sufficient to send PRESS REPAIR every year ten promising young men PARN to Cambridge for three years and MAKB You Sulto to afterwards to a theological college THE STAR PRESSER DYERS 101 ANCON AVE PANAMA for two years. They are known as Monk scholars. ALCIDE Propriotor Think of what could be done if number of wealthy people came forward and made it possible to send they used to be. It has taken 26 for training not 10 but 100 or 1, 000 years to do it, he said, but the young men every year! This could position of the clergy generally has very well be done by people particu been bettered considerably.
Present Stipends larly interested in London.
The First Sponsor For instance, an incumbent with Then there is also a similar a parish of more than 4, 000 people scheme which embraces the whole of now gets 400 a year; the stipend for Sundays, by Special Appointment England. This is called the Sponsor a parish of more than 1, 000 is 350 scheme, and is directed from Church and for a parish of more than 300 House, Westminster. Under it any 300 a year, but with the increased one may choose a young man who is cost of living even this is barely sufanxious to become a clergyman but ficient, cannot afford to pay the cost of his curate can get 250 a year. If training and may sponsor him. The is single he can live fairly com The Queen was, think, the very fortably on the sum; but he and a first to become a. sponsor. If her wife could not live very comfortable Majesty example were widely fol on it lowed the present problem of the The unmarried curate with 250 shortage of clergy would soon be a year is much better off than many solved. Canon Patridgą, at Church a parson with a living.
House, woulld be glad to give all in The main point however which the formation about the sceheme to any bishop made was that further supbody who is interested in it. port should be given to the scheme The bishop pointed out that in for training young men to be clergy. Garcia cambents are now better off than men. Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours: 8, am to 12 pm. 30 to 30 PM 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies Masonic Temple ilth St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: OFFICE 1664 Fine Selection Of Toilet Articles LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY BORINQUEN Fabrica de Cigarros Calidonia No 44


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