
PAGE SEVEN BARBADOS ANTIGUA BRITISH GUIANA COOK WITH GAS We Have More Than Lionel Licorish Ignored lin Vestris Medal Award 5, 000 Contains Satisfied Customers Are You One Of Then. the della to Portfol carbonated pan Drug SEE US TODAY Orange Crush Accept Bus Service Is Oil Indications Inaugurated Extensive Prospecting to Commenez Under Supervision of Experis Red Letter Day In Antigua From United States and Trinidad.
Governor Attends And Wishes Venture Success.
It is stated that extensive pros.
pecting for oil is expected to be The 17th of May, 1929, should be started in the Corentyne District very recorded by the people of Antigua ashortly on behalf of several local one of the red letter days of that is and other firms under the superviland and should be regarded by allsion of experts and drillers from the interested in Antigua and its wel. United Statee and Trinidad. Follow fare as step forward in the march of ſing the Governor sensational anprogress through the enterprise of nouncement that strong indications lorenf its principal business men, Mr. of oil had been discovered while borJose Anjo.
ing artesian wells to supply Skeldon Ar. Joseph Anjo, who has done so with water, 80 blocks of land have much for the advertisement of An leen leased with exclusive permisigua where he has been resident for sion to explore for mineral oil.
many years, today inaugurated a motor bus service, quet by Miss Rita Anjo. The GoverHis Excellency, the Hon. Sir, Ets nor and Lady Fiennes entered the tare Fiennes, Bart. accompanied by bus and with the rest of the party the Hon. Lady Fiennes, E, were the first to take their seats in proceeded to Fort James. large the bus. There were also present His gathering cheered the bus as it proHon. the Chief Justice, Brigadier Jceeded on its maiden voyage. Pac. Grazebrook, In ¡cific Cable.
spection Officer, and Mrs. Craze.
brook, Staff Officer Major Rushbridger, the Hon. the Colonial VEGA.
Secretary and Mrs. Baynes, thé Hon.
the Attorney General and Mrs.
DELOR HOTEL BOLIVAR Trusted and members of the ExecuHATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED tive and Legislative Councils at AnWORK DONE IN HOUR tigua.
SERVICE GUARANTEED On arrival at Mr. Anjo premises the Governor and Lady Fiennes were GIVE ME TRIAL met by Mr. and Mrs. Anjo, and Lady STREET PANAMA Fiennes was presented with a bouSatisfied Customer only the Krinkby Bottle LITREET Lionel Licorish, brave Barbados Laariner and member of the crew o the ill fated Vestris that founde:ed inst November, will not get even medal for his heroie efforts, ali though he rescued more individual than any one else, if the Life Saving Benevolent Association of New York has anything to say about it. Soys frull the New York News.
IF NOT The named organization through its president, Cornelius Eldert, awarded bronze medals and purses of 100 Wednesday afternoon to WE WILL INSTALL GAS STOVE FOR YOU each of the members of the life sav.
IMMEDIATELY, SO THAT YOU ing crew of the American Shipper, WILL BE ANOTHER one of the vessels that assistel in the rescue of 125 survivors. The awards were made aboard the vessel at Pier 7, North River, Mr. Licorish was born in the parish of St. Lucy, Barbados, on the 19th Nov Cia. Panamena de Fuerza y Luz ember, 1905. Like the majority of SANTA ANA PLAZA FRONT STREET boys he had a great craving fo: a PANAMA AT YOUR COLON life on the ocean. This craving in SERVICE creased as he grew older until, on raving school at the age of fifteen, he embarked as an apprentice seaman in the schooner Florence Stream, commanded by Captain Alred Jones, For some months he sailed the GEO. BISHOP seas in this vessel which traded be.
tween Barbados, Trinidad and the Bottle Dlatributed Guianas. He then left his ship and MODERN TAILOR spent a short while ashore, but was PAN AMERICAN soon influenced by the lure of the ORANGE CRUSH House 40 sea to take up a seafaring life again.
COMPANY 3rd November Street This he followed for six years by which time he had received the ratGuachapali Panama City ing of an able bodied seaman.
About the middle of July, 1926, he decided to abandon the sailing vessel and try the more modern steamship.
With this end in view he signed on as an able bodied seaman in the Voltaire and made three round voyeges in her before, in the beginning of the next year, he was transferred to the Vestris. Here he was quickly promoted to the rank of quartermaster, a post which he held until the end of the vessel 12th Nov. AND Jember, 1928 Mr. Licorish took charge of a boat hen the tragedy occurred and had Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages already succeeded in rescuing twenty persons when he was picked up by the American Shipper, which had Summary of Contents: come under Captain Cummings to History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years the scene in response to the wireless Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, messages for help sent out by the Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Vestris before she sank.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tout, Two days after he landed in New Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua York from the rescue ship, Mr. Lcorish was the guest of honour at a Players reception held in the City Hall, New Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and York. This was attended by nearly Interesting thousand of the prominent citizens at the place on whose behalf Major Price 50cts.
Walker presented him with a medal Another public reception was given him in Manhattan Casino Hall later, Secure yours now there will be a great rush He is the possessor of seven meda for them, and has been welcomed by 42 States Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN of the Union.
Panama After giving evidence at the inquiry held by the Board of Trade, he left for Barbados in the Van dyck, a vessel of the same line. reception and ball was given there in his honour at the New CaOmphroy Auto Supply cino, Britton Hill in the Parish of St. Michael, by Mr. Scott, ManRepair Shop ager of the Plaza Hotel of that island.
Muller Building Here, as elsewhere, he was the reNo 42 CALIDONIA. PANAMA cipient of addresses eulogising his Telephone 280 Calidonia Road bravery. He also gave the story of his experiences to the public at both the Empire Theatre, Bridgetown, and the Universal of Speightstown.
STILL ON SALE West lidies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 FOR Making Good Clothes and Cleaning Clothes Good See REID No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, Romaine Organ Repairer JOB. PRINTING Benjamin Barnett Son Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM TAILORS House 77 Room 23r1 Street Chorrillo Bayne Custom Tailor OOO No 22 Stroot Guachapali Panama de WORKMAN PRINTERY


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