
Interesting Jottings THE WORKMAN The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 954. 543. 384. 99 TROTT The Cleaner Friends, Countrymen and Others. came very near not giving you these jottings this week because Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 ani tired. am weary and heavy ladCARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 en with the weight of your obdurateP. Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon ness in respect of those things that RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION are good for you and for me, and Head Office: Montreal, Canada ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
which you neglect to observe and to do. My heart aches, and threbs beSIX MONTHS 20 cause of the thought that you so THREE. 60 PANAMA COLON uften leave undone the things you ONE MONTH. 50 should do, and as often do the things Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matyou have no right to do. Verily, There is no health in you, at any ters of public interest invited.
rate, not as much as there should be.
We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Speaking of things you have left undone which you should do, have The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS in mind the Panama Canal West Incian Employees Association. This THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1929.
organization has been established for With 900 Branches throughout the workl, including all and sundry the West Indian workthe foilowing in the British West Indies etc. this Bank rs of the Panama Canal. It has juslified its existence by actually aeA VERY SURE REMEDY is in a position to render the best possible service.
omplishing some of the things it had set out to accomplish, which have been beneficial to all, whether Antigua Dominica Montserrat members or not. It appears that if is for Years and Years that intelligent and culBahamas Grenada St. Kitts without sufficient support, it could Lurtu wtsu Inulaus win the all of the Fress have trieu neve accomplished so much, with the convance our wterave auu unculcureu class the evu Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia proper amount of such support, it of their ways allu to point out the pacus in which they British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique would have accomplished much more.
shoulu go. but have they succeeded. NO, and you know, That seems to be logical Any man melligent reauer, as well as au lat whey, wou never Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
who makes up his mind to live in the succeeu, 101 the simple reason that the worluule sweat of another face commits people in whom they are merested and vor wuum they nonstruous injustice to himself and sacrilice time, ink, paper and innumerable columns to that other in the sweat of whose the Tess, are not aware on what is being done in their THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST iace he obtains anything. It is pecubenal; the few wno do know, wonder what it all liar it one is inclined to be unjut about. The Fupit, too, nas done more than its share to PAID ON DEPOSITS into another; but it is brutal when enugnten a people or wnom it may well be said, accordthe injustice is done unto onesel.
ing to our very intelugent reasoning they sit in darkThis is un understandable conduct. it.
ness. They have neara tne eloquent and pleasing disA General Banking Business Transacted.
is the exemplification of a beasily courses 01 our pastors and preachers who not only pomt and ferocious attitude, the like of to them the way to heaven, but would nave them bewhich is unknown amongst those fit come useful and respected members of the West Indian to be called men. It is an act which is community. The preachers have the advantage of havopposed to the dictates of reason, and ing been heard. In the case of the Press items they have is in direct contravention of decent never been read and even if read never understood. 99 procedure. When one is unjust to an.
Really it takes the intelligent reader to understand DRY CLEANING PHONE 250 COLON other, he is condemned as having what some of our writers would have us do. And this is the chief cause of the indifference of the masses. Our PHONE453 PANAMA done the thing he ought not to have STEAM PRESSING done. When a man is unjust to himleaders, of whom there are so many, point our people in 18 STREET self, he becomes worthy of all conevery direction so that they become confused and very DYEING We Dye To Live PANAMA demnation because he has violated wisely, although illiterate and uncultured, refuse to set the fundamental and almost only vir.
their feet in any one direction. Can you blame them?
tue of social life, which alone emOur leaders, our agitators for one thing and anbraces all the acts which are useful other, and the intelligent and cultured should be conto society. The sentiment of justice vinced ere this of the uselessness of their efforts to is natural, therefore, man should teach a people that refuse to be taught; who will not be be inclined to be very just unto him.
seif even if he is disinclined to be to led or driven. They should realise that if there is anyothers.
thing to be done they are the ones who must do it. if our salvation des in organizing, then they must organ But if a man unto himself be just, ize. If we are to be competitors in the commercial worla, It surely follows, like the night the then they must enter the commercial arena. If higher day, education is the remedy for our ills then they must He cannot be to other men unjust.
make plans leading to our erecting colleges. If to sucJustice is said to be the highest conceed we must support West Indian Enterprises, they dition of civilization. It is not said must be first in the line. Yes, we who claim to be intelto be only. It is so. Whitter says, ligent and cultured must be doers. Why should we ex Justice is the hope of all who suffer pect our unfortunate brothers (unfortunate in that The dread of all who wrong.
they have not had the advantage or did not take adThere is nothing plainer than the vantage of free education) to go out and fight our cause iaet that, if a man withholds justice while we stand and watch from afar. Why should we from himself, and if he be a sufferbe ready to advise our erring brothers, as we believe er, there is no hope for him.
them to be, and compliment ourselves on having done our duty to our neighbor. Is it because it costs nothing?
We do know that our duty lies in doing the things that Evaporated Milk mirth and laughter as rule. You would be for our communal benefit.
will agree that Variety is the spice VOU LL need less butter if you use St. Charles of life. That is go. You will also The intelligent and cultured few would have the world believe that our ills are due to the illiterate and same time delight your family and friends with agree that anybody who wants to uncultured thousands who refuse to be led. Shame on dishes having a new smooth, cooked with butter, laugh all the time, something is us for trying to pass our burden of responsibility on creamy flavor.
wrong with that person. If it be a to the shoulders of those unconcerned. They do not let NESTLÉ S, Box 803 Panama City or group of persons, the conclusion or hinder us in anything that we would do. We the inBox 300 Colon will gladly send you this booklet must be the same regarding them on request. Write now for it.
You will therefore permit the divertelligent and cultured are just cowards. We are gifted ision this week, and you won mind with brains to conceive profitable plans. We have the even if ask you to try. Crying is ability to do, but we lack the courage to attempt.
pometimes necessary. It seems to me We must no longer deceive ourselves. Let us admit EVAPORATED to be necessary in connection with our faults. We have left undone the things we should this thing about which have been have done for the other fellow to do. We realise that the talking all along, and others too. It only remedy for our stagnation is for us to go out and is this thing about the future of our do something each one in his own way. Let us learn to There Cream in every Drop children in connection with their edu kill selfishness and instead of criticizing and condemncation. There is no provision made ing the other fellow for his efforts assist him even by for them. Every year, certain numgood words. We appear wise in our own eyes; well, let Iber of them leave the elementary or us give the other fellow credit for seeing himself as we grade schools. That they do not, in see ourselves. Learn, too, that we can co operate and the majority, go to any kind of help along those who try by keeping our mouths closed.
Askem: Where are you going on school anymore is a fact with which Undoubtedly it is to our interest to assist in every way The Diadem Jewelry Store your vacation this Summer?
you are conversant, and which you we can those who took opportunity by the hand and are 79 Central Avenue w! not deny. The other fact is, that forging ahead. We should be proud of their successes Tellum: Niagara Falls. they are our children, and it we are which should be object lessons to those who are waiting Only Good Quality for Askem: thought you went there at all worthy of our existence, we to get a chance chance that will never come. There are Your Money last year on your honeymoon.
must be inclined to do justice to our things we want, things we should have; then let us Tellum: Yes, but m going this geat that the way to be just to them selves by being just to them. sugtake them for be assured that they will never be given OTTO HAACK. Prop.
to us. And let us act before it is too late.
time to see the falls. Continued on Page 5)
Here a Good Recipe Book Delicious Dishes Using This column. This been used for ST.


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