
PAGE FIVE Interesting Jottings Atlantic Side Notes (Continued from Page BY THE STRAGGLER)
LA MASCOTA HEADQUARTERS FOR ENGLISH TWEEDS AND FLANNELS ALSO is to provide for them a place to which they can go to improve upon the little knowledge they obtained in the grade schools. Provide for then la place that will fit them to battle with life in an intelligent and profitable way. Provide for them such facilities as will put them on equal terms with the rest of the educated world where they can be taught the fundamentals of civilized existence, and be removed from the environment of peonage and slavery where they can be taught to become men, real men men of honour, integrity, and principle, and our daughters brought up in the light of exalted womanhood, with virtues blooming to the sunlight, and shedding its arom full into the atmosphere of an illuminated society! This, if you please, wculd be doing justice. This would be the performance of duty than which there could be no better perfcrmance, and then, when we pass on, we would leave our footprints upon the sands of time, and we would rest in our graves in peace, for ever enjoying the well done of our progeny. The WEST INDLAN FOUNDATION is before you. It has teen for a long time. It is opportune now, to move in the matter. We invite you to a consideration of the project. It is worthwhile. The ques tion is: HIGH SCHOOL MUST BE BUILT FOR OUR CHILDREN.
Are you ready?
37 Central Avenue.
During the past week, it has rain be conducive to the other.
ed galore on the Atlantie side. Tor Manual training is skillful use of rential and interminable downpour tools employed in manual labor, and was the order of the day, and night it trains the hand to materialize our təo. But for all this, the heat was at pictures and concepts. Manual labor times, unbearable. At this writing, it originated from two sources.
is still raining, and the heat is as have said, unbearable. The cooling 1st. The growth of the rade school, influences of the breezes, from the an institution which has replaced the en fortunately gushes in now and old form of apprenticeship.
then, and so, we are not baked, 2nd. From the conviction now wide But these rains did not prevent spread, that more books should be the Straggler from attending the Al tudied during school life.
liance on Tuesday night. Attendance Trade schools differ from schools was not what it usually is, but of manual training in that they aim was satisfactory in that kind of at the nearest root to the times and weather. The meeting was enjoyable dollars. Manual training aims at and interesting, and all things went the production and perpetuation of well as usual. recitation about In an industrious and intellectual nadians was given in fine style by tion. Intelligence and eficiency are visiting friend of the Club, Mr. Dash, its ideals, judgment and reason by name. He was a companied by his form its unshaken base, it furnishes charming wife, and feel that if she no material for the market, its whole was not there, he would not havre end and aim are educational; in as cited so nicely. This gentleman is much as it unfolds both physical and like am feel very good in the com mental capacities. It develops the hany of ladies.
underlying principles of science as The President of the Club announc. well as the art, and every ed that all was ready for the mak. how.
ing of arrangements to hold an elo There are some persons who cution contest under the auspices of that young people can learn manua the Club sometime in August nextthat all those wishing to enter the be of service to their parents; but training at home and the same tim contest are at liberty to make ap. this my dear friends constitutes one plication to himself, the Secretary of the greatest errors of the age or through any member of the club and it also accounts for the multithat applications will be received tude of unskilled laborers who up to, and including July 15th. All Contestants are at liberty to select our labor system and harass our govthrong our communities disorganize their own piece for recitation. This ernments, being the case, believe this contest is going to be interesting, enjoyable. This is a grievous fault, but neverand profitable.
theless it is true, and it is practiced at our homes, in our houses, and was treated to a beautiful bit of when the question is asked who is composure by listening to a splendid responsible for this unorganized, and paper by our genial friend the Sec unskillful mass of humanity, the anretary of the silver Club, Mr. Waller.
This, by the way, is only one of his er comes the fault lies with the mother and father.
many useful contributions to the educational welfare of the Cristobal Proper education then equips and Community. As one boy has said, stimulates the individual for the im.
is a regular Wall er. which un mediate duties and responsibilities of derstand to mean that he is a good life.
builder that he is faithful in alThe student should come out of ways placing his little brick in the school with the elements of high wall of social progress, and communal moral character a vigorous and respectability that he demonstrate his beief in the oxiom. No wall healthy body able to put forth the combined efforts of the hand, head will be complete if some builder ne and heart, to enter into sympathete kleets to place his brick in its place. operation with the institutions of This boy is right, and the Straggler his county and time, and the educaconcurs in his finding. Further, the tion which fails to supply those deStraggler is glad to be able to say mands is wanting in its parts.
that there are a respectable number of such Wall ers in this little vilThe ultimate aim of education in and inge. believe the paper to bejto cultivate a just relation worthwhile, and have requested familiarity between mind and matpermission to have it published for ter.
general information in this column Manual training is the medium se, here it is: THE PAPER through which this may be accom MANUAL TRAINING AND IN plished most effectually, for by way TELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT of it, we are able to study things (By WALLER) and not signs. We can acquire more readily and maintain more lastingly, He who knows the history of the for we then have a combination of human family will not hesitate to both theory and practice.
to soy that physical training marks Manual training is not only esthe beginning of education among sential to the intellectual growth of men.
the individual, but opon it rests the No doubt in complete harmony responsibility of a nation.
with the divine arrangements, never What a personal existence, humantheless with the advance of civiliza ly and God require of us are; tion and with the progress of philo heart to resolve, a head to contriv!
sophy, science and art, man discov and a hand to execute, and without ered that he possessed a mind, such unison and concurrence in the soul related to the body, as kins is different walks of life, human greatto his subjects, master to servant, ness would become imperiled.
and as God is to the universe. It Now having seen these two analizis a peculiarity of human nature to ed and defined the province of one as zeize upon novelties and carry them related to the province of the other, to an excess; regardless of the many their mutual dependence yet comachievements of the future possibil bined vality in promoting a progresities; consequently history records asive and intelligent nation; let the system that involves all of these ex materialists no longer claim that intremes.
dustrial education alone is the only 1st. The all physical at the ex open door to the holy of holies. Let pense of the mental.
the rationalists cease to dream that 2nd. The all mental at the expense book knowledge alone constitutes the of the physical.
highest good of life, neither is comThe question that now arises is, plete in itself, for both parts of that how, when and where may these two stupendous whole whose body nameet and compromise that one may ture is, and God the soul.
La Boca Notes An attractive program has been arranged for the weekly meeting of the Athenaeum next Tuesday evehing at p. The feature item of the afternoon will be the nomination and election of officers, All members are urged to be present as it is sure that this item will evince a lot of interest, The following program will be rendered: Reading Miss Elie.
Piano Selection Master Walkis.
Address Mrs. Neely.
Recitation Miss Carmen Wesley.
The many friends of Mr. McBayne will regret to know that he is ailing at his home in La Boca, having been sick for the past few months owing to an attack of the heart.
The much talked of June Pole by the Women Life Problem Club has been postponed from Saturday June 22nd to July 11th (Thursday. IDOZAN Patronal Festival Is an iron preparation designed to meet the modern principle of prescribing liberal doses of iron without causing constipation or gastric disturbance. It contains per cent of assimilable Iron which is considerably in excess of that contained in the more generally prescribed iron compounds.
The most recent medical investigations have fully proved that iron should be administered in much larger doses than those usually given. Thus, Professor Poulson, the well known pharmacologist says. Pharmacology, 1920) a change for the better does not set in until the doses of iron applied are so large as to apparently overshoot the mark, and Lichtenstein, Stockholm, has arrived at similar conclusions in his treatment of infants with iron. Stockholm, 1917. In spite of its high iron contents, IDOZAN has no constipating effect, but acts as a mild aperient when taken before meals.
IDOZAN is a neutral solution and exerts no harmful effect on the teeth; a possible dark colouration observed after taking a dose, disappears at once if the dose is followed by a draught of water.
IDOZAN is pleasant to take and the doses stated are readily tolerated by children as well as by adults.
Iron taken in the concentrated form of IDOZAN yields results in a short time, comparable to many months treatment with preparations, the iron content of which is much smaller. Continued frem page 1)
Sunday, June 29. Holy Commun jion, a, m, and 10. 45 a, The Reetir.
Sunday, June 30Choral Evensong and sermon, 30 Preacher, The Very Rev. Werlein, h, Wednesday, July Choral Evensong, 30. Messrs. Palmer and Swaby.
Sunday, July Holy Communion, a, and 10. 45 a. The Rector.
Sunday, July Choral Evensors and sermon, 30 The Ven.
Arehdeacon Lundy Sykes.
Wednesday, July 10 Choral Evensong and Address, 30 pm. Messrs. Brathwaite and N. MeCarthy.
Sunday, July 14 Holy Communion, a. and 10. 45 a. The Rector, Sunday, July 14Juvenile Missionary service, p. Special Adresses hy lads of the Church School, Sunday, July 14Choral Evensong and sermon, 30 Preacher, The Rev. Ernest Wood, Chaplain Special music will be rendered at the Sunday afternoon and night ser vices. FOR SALE AT LEADING DRUGGISTS Actress: In the advertisements you call me the peerless actress.
Manager: Well, what about it. want you to understand that know as many peers as any other actress.


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