
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD Willard Clocks JAMAICA GRENADA Motor Accident Westminster Chimes Member of Jamaica Le Inauguration of Island Beauty Charms At Barataria For, Trinity Cathedral gislative Council Invit Church American Visitors ed Here Child Dies As Result of Injuries Congregation Must Hand Over Rev. Mitchell Specially Sent Grenada Reminds Me Very ReceivedMotorist Is Exoner To Future Generations Ca Out Meeting Held Under Much Of Java. Commoated.
thedral In Good Order. Says Hon. Wint Invited By Auspices of Belmont Friendly dore Matheson of American Dean Holt.
West Indians To Call Here On Society.
Yacht Seaforth. motor accident at Barataria on His Way To British Guiana.
the Ist instant when a four year old The intention of the Vestry of the Over three hundred persons were in boy named Julian Lewis was knock Cathedral You have very beautiful little of the Holy Trinity to As result of an invitation from attendance at the inaugural meeting Island here. Commodore Maed down and killed in attempting to secure Westminster chimes which West Indians on the Isthmus the of the African Methodist Episcopal cross the road, was investigated by will chime every fifteen minutes was SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY Hon. Wint, C. of Jamai. Church in Grennis which was beidheson of the cruising party of the American yacht Seaforth told a Mr. Vincent Brown who sat as announced by Dean Holt in the ea will be a visitor here next month, recently at the building under representative of The West Indian in STUDY OR DESK Coroner at the City Magistrate course of his address on the occasion an interview. have been around for There is an air of grace and ele. while on his way to British Guianate auspices of th. Belmont TrendCourt last Saturday.
of the celebration of the 106th anniwhere he has also been invited by the ly Society at Belmont, drive and think the scenery on The vietim was the son of Consta versary of the dedication of the Caleance reminiscent of Colonial Days People Progress party of that èolo. Me chair was taken by Me. the country side lovely. You have a Lle Lewis, stationed at Belmont. hedral. The anouncement was made about Willard Type Banjo Clocks ny to deliver the opening address at Finlay, while Messrs. Kennedy, lot of waste land, and would venThe motorist, Mr. Herbert Crouch oy the Dean in impressing upon the) that appeals to people of culture. the annual convention which opens Bain, and James were aware this proposal that sections of er, Lecturer in Chemistry and Soil congregation their obligation to hand These clocks are high grade and in Georgetown on August pois. ted to address the gathering.
the land be cut up and allotted to Science at the Imperial College of over to future generations the CaThe Jamaica Mail has the followRev. Mitchell, lately rent out the peasantry for cultivation. It is Tropical Agriculture, was represent thedral in good condition. He stated reliable, while the cases are of the ing to say in connection with the from the Headquarters, an excellent idea and think it ed by Mr. Kelshall of Messr. that the Government had recently best craftsmanship.
Honourable gentleman visit here: opened the proceedings with the would work here very well. Grenada T: Kelshall Co.
made a grant for the purpose of Also a new assortment of other Mr. Wint has also been invited singing of a hymn which was folcminds me very much indeed of Mr. Croucher said he was driving purchasing a new clock with gass fine clocks that will surely meet by West Indians on the Isthmus of lowed by a short prayer. He chenava and like the scenery quite a his ear 3321 at 46 coming dial and iron figures, and if the your every requirement in the home Panama to visit that republic while introduced the Chairman, Mr. lot. have been to most of the other into Port of Spain. At Barataria heinoney could be raised the West. or office at he is en route to British Guiana Finlay, afterwards delivering a short Northern Islands and think you saw a bus coming towards him slow minster chimes, if ordered tog. thx There are many thousands of British lecture on the spreading of the Goshave the finest harbour that have ly. While abreast of the bus and with the clock, would be obtained at West Indians on the įsthmus, and it pel.
px ssing it a child ran across the road a lower figure than otherwise, is known that many of them are dis. Mr. Kennedy speaking next said ren yet. You ve got the making of a fine island.
from behind the bus. He applied his The sum of 82 had been promised 122 CENTRAL AVE. satisfied with conditions under which that he was a member of the Commodore Matheson is short, brakes and tried to avoid the child by way of subseription and this left hey live in the Canal Zone. Col. Ein Barbados and had great pleabut it was impossible. The child was a balance of 158 to be raised for the onisation scheme is being developed ure in identifying himself with the middle aged, bright faced gentleman knocked down. He stopped the car purpose of the chimes. The Dean on. Kelshall persuaded the in British Guiana to provide a work seal braneh. He wished them great and from the short interview scomand got down and removed the child would be very grateful for any sub. Souncil to earmark 5, 000 for the ng population for this magnificent cuccess in their endeavours, ed to possess a most affable personfrom the road to the side after which seriptions in this behalf. structure. Mr. Brinsley supplied de but wholly undeveloped British posMr. Bain thanked the Rev. plity.
he brought him into town to the The erection of the Chancel screen signs for it soon afterwards, but a.
Fession at the head of the South Mitchell for the honour conferred on Asked about our possibilities as a Colonial Hospital.
and the re seating of the lower por the builders tendered for iar moro American Continent. As the Member him to be associated with the first wurist centre, he said the yachting Constable Woods stationed at tion of the Cathedral were also men han 5, 000 and so those plans were for St. Ann proposes, during his stay meeting of the A, E, in the island parties would find a great deal of Gran Couva, who was a passenger Lioned as part of the scheme of re.
in the Sister Colony, to look into or Grenada, The organization was a pleasure in eruising among these isrejected.
in the bus, said he saw a woman hitparation.
the colonisation scheme in his capa world wide one, and had proved it lands and making short stays at each child with a whip. The child got further effort was made to get city as one of the legislators of Ja self to be a church which catered not one. He drove along the Grand Anse away and ran into the road meeting plans and specifications on the com maica, one of the proposals being only for the spiritual edification of read and thought that a beach like the bus. As the bus passed, the child New Town Hall For etitive system but this was ruit that surplus labour should be divert. the masses but also for their indus ours with a big hotel would be very ran across the road and met the car San Fernando press, and in the interval Mr. Brinsley ed from this island to the mainland trial well being. There was much profitable.
which knocked him down.
claimed 287 for his plans and the colony, it is on this particular sub work to be done and any movement Speaking a little earlier to our reIt was not possible for the car to Desig soet that British West Indians on the which stood for the betterment of presentative Capt. Cronquist said: Supplied By Brinsley visits he had made from the city Isthmus of Panama desire to confer the race would meet with his un. have been to the West Indies be.
evade the child. Building Operations May San Fernando in that connection with Mr. Wint before he goes to stinted support, He wished the Rev. fore but not to Grenada. have also Dr. McLean who conducted Soon Start.
he bill was hostly disputed, and for Georgetown.
Mitchell every success in his new visited the Hawaiian Island. You the post mortem examination described multiple injuries and gave well over a year now efforts have Lield of labour The Hon. Wint will, thereAt last the proposed new Town been directed towards settling it.
have got the advantage over them in the cause of death as shock from fore, proceed from Kingston to CrisRev. Mitchell then spoke on the that there are more tradesmen out hemorrhage due to a ruptured liver to be erected. The Borough Council Hall for San Fernando seems likels About two months ago a Com tobal, and after a stay of some days Mission and what it stood here, but as to the comparative scenresulting from a motor car injury.
again decided to invite tenders for mittee comprising Messrs. Kel in the republic, he will embark for for, showing how from its inception ery well the Hawaiian Islands are After further evidene the Coroner British Guiana via Trinidad. Mr. 142 years ago in the then small 19t beautiful. The West Indies, time the erection of the structure and shall, Hobson and found that death was due to misadonce again Mr. Brinsley has been Sinanan was appointed to approach Wint will return to Jamaica towards town of Philadelphia, by is however bound to come for the venture and no negligence could be the end of August.
dint of hard work by its founder, tourist business. The tourist trade is accepted as Architect, attached to Mr. Croucher.
Br. Brinsley to get the differences Richard Allen, it had risen and moving South Florida is now getThe new building is to replace one between the Council and him adjust. Future Workings of spread in spite of great opposition ting her full share and yours is that is over half a century old. It is ed. The result of their efforts is to nearly all civilized quarters of coming.
to be more beautiful and more spaProducers Associa the globe.
The Seaforth left Miami, Flor.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish cious and thus far better suited to that Mr. Brinsley has supplied new tion Considered The speaker then concluded with da about two months agº proceedand English for sale at the the town as it now is and will be on plans and charged for these and for a short Gospel address on the re ing first to Porto Rico and then to the same site as the present one. his rejected designs altogether less lative durability of things visible St. Thomas, San Juan, Guadeloupe. Workman Printery.
As far back as December, 1926, chan what he originally claimed. meeting of the Executive Coun und invisible.
Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia and cil of the Jamaica Producers AssoMr. James next moved a vote Barbados respectively.
ciation was held at the central off thanks to the President of the fices, Princess Street, Kingston, Belmont Friendly Society who SUCCESSFUL TRINIDADIAN when matters in connetion with the been so kind as to lend them their Sonstitution of the organisation were hall as a temporary meeting place. News has been received of the suedealt with and the lines of the future This motion of Mr. James met with cess of Mr. Rupert Sancho who programme of extension of the cohe universal approval of the meet. has just passed his finals in Medioperative movement in Jamaica were ang and was readily seconded, cine at Howard University, Washunder consideration, The sensible man saves consistently. Though The singing of another hymn then ington. He is the son of Mr. and The Council are submitting to the brought the meeting to a close. Mrs. Joseph Sancho of Port of Spain.
his deposits may be small, his is the satisfac Horace Plunkett Foundation of London, a number of proposals in contion of knowing that he has a constantly grow nection with the organisation and DENTIST HOWELL ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings the approval and acceptance of these BAPTISTE proposals are likely to be of consiHouse No. 912 La Boca Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at derable beenfit to the Association.
Canol Zone THE ARTISTIC Plans for the formation of Com OPPOSITE RESTAURANT modity Associations and the holding TAILOR of growers meetings throughout the PHONE 1941. BALBOA island were considered by the Coun Specialises in all Branches of cil and an early start is likely to be Dentistry House M Street made in this direction.
ALL WORK GUARANTEED Panama, In the future development of the RESIDENCE588 Start saving now. Open an account with this co operative marketing movement, Bank which, together with its predecessor, The the Council feels that there should be a closer working between the ProInternational Banking Corporation, has faith ducers Association and the Jamaica fully served its Agricultural Society, and it is beWest Indian friends on the lieved that the views of the Council Isthmus for a quarter of a century.
cn this matter will be placed before PHYSICIAN the Board of Management of the Agricultural Society at an early date.
HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO Rent Receipt Books in Spanish No. K STREET PANAMA COLON and English for sale at the WorkPANAMA CITY man Printery.
START ON THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE per annum is paid twice a year and added to the money you already have on deposit.


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