
PAGE THREE Wealthy Girl Pines For Three Things That Money Cant Buy No Rift In The British Empire PANAMA HARDWARE Miss Joan Norton, of Australia, One of the Richest Girls In The World, Wants a Simple Life, a Little Home And Lots of Babies. The Empire is Not Merely a Privilege But Responsibility To The World at Large. Joynson Hicks Tello Canadian Chamber of Commerce. CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA Paint Headquarters JUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY OF Paints, Oils, Varnishes Etc. Etc. Etc.
LONDON Sir William Joynson Hicks, speaking before the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at lunchen, says. see no rift whatever in any crner of the Empire.
The Minister declared in the course of his speech: do not know where in any part of the world could be found an advance comparable to the enormous advance Canada has made not only in agriculture but in production. The idea that immigratin detracts from the amount of work to go around is a hallucination and the notion that increased population restricts the output is ridiculous. he declared It would indeed be disastrous for the Empire and think for the world if that public opinion which up to the present has been completely for the Empire were to break away in any of the great Dominions and if they were to form a Dominion opinion contrary to the interests of the other portions of the Empire. The Empire is not merely a privilege but a responsibility to the world at large and so long as we recognis.
this there is no fear for the Empire.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue Samuel Russell African Flogging Sentence Miss Joan Norton, the wealthiest, should be infuriated at the display of girl in Australia, and one of the pineapples for thirty shillings and richest girls in the world, is pining strawberries at a pound for a few in for three things that money cannot a little basket at Christmas time, buy a simple life, a little home, and In fact feel a pang when see Tots of babies of her very own! them as it is. Extravagance like that Miss Norton is twenty one. She seems so wicked when there is 30 has eyes of sea green, shot with go much terrible want in the world, and and violet, and edged with inky lash even the richest can do so little to es; a tip tilted nose like a petal, and help.
an exquisite figure with the daintiest always see costly fruits through hands and feet.
the eyes of the poor mother who has She inherited her vast fortune not enough for her children.
from her father, a famous Australian Meanwhile, Toti is my baby, journalist, and is the youngest news On hearing her name Toti emerged paper owner in the world.
from under the table and wagged She was presented at Court last her tail. Toti is a Pekingese of doubt week, has jewels princess mightful ancestry acquired by Miss Norion envy, and dresses as delightful as during her stay in England, they are numerous, and yet She has a wistful face and a long am thankful to say that all the body, with a tail totally devoid of things want money cannot buy. hair, and is the darling of her s she said to a representative. rea tress heart.
Lise now that the only real pleasures My mother and intend to live are simple things children, dogs, in London altogether and we felt we and books.
roust have a dog, so we bought Toti. love clothes, and indeed all pret said Miss Norton. She is the most ty things, and never forget, for one beautiful, the most handsome and instant that am lucky to have the dearest dog in the world!
them. But the best thing in life for any virl, whether she is rich or poor, is a husband, and a home. What is any career or any round of gaiety compared with that. have sometimes thought should The Tailor love to go on the stage. should love to act in Marie Temptest parts 24th STREET that is another of my dreams. The Guachapali only drawback is the fact that am Panama so shy that should faint with fear if stood on the stage, and have tiever even spoken at a committee meeting without trembling all over, and stammering with fright. No, My best dream is a home and lots of children. real old fashioned large family. adore babies, and have no sympathy at all with girls who say they never want to have any. If had one should want to bathe it myself and take it out myrelf in its pram. can imagine anything more sovely than a dear little home with everything in reason that one wants to make life so smoothly, and a precious fat, healthy baby always in the nursery. Large families are much more fun than homes where there are only one or two. Yes, certainly that is my best dream. Going about and being presented at Court is good fun, too, but really there are few things nicer than going to bed early with a thriller to read, have a passion for detective stories, and read them in bed till become so frightened that am afraid to turn the light out. Hate Extravagance must tell you of one of my fads. hate to hear of ridiculous prices being paid for things to eat, or passing fancies of fashion. It were a poor man wife, who had to plot and plan for my children, ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY YOU Application for Review Refused WE OFFER Mr. Justice Solomon, sitting at Volksrust refused an application for the review of the sentence of ten.
lashes on Jack Nafte, a Transvaal farmer, for flogging native employee to death. It is understood that further appeal will now be made to the Appellate Division at Bloemfontein.
It may be recalled that the execution of the lashes sentence has twice been stayed, first by General Hert208, Prime Minister, for further investigation, and again by the Supreme Court at Pretoria pending to day decision by Mr. Justice Solotoon. First charged with murder, Nafte was found guilty of culpable homicide and was sentenced by Mr.
Justice Solomon in the court at Bethal, Transvaal, to seven years hard labour and ten lashes. He was alleged to have thrashed the native severely and tied him by the leg, to a tree head downwards, inflicting in juries that later proved fatal.
EXCELLENT PRICES FOR LONDON FIRST DAILY PAPER Special from Monitor Bureau AND Job Printing Book. Binding Rubber Stamps The Workman Printery 72 Carlos Mendoza Street AT CARIBBEAN FRUIT FOR CANADA Strong Bid by Growers The West Indies is to make a strong bid for the Canadian market in winter fruits and vegetables, according to Mr. Burrows of the Canadian Agricultural Council, who has returned from a trip to the is.
lands. Mr. Burrows said it is just as easy to produce strawberries for December as oranges in October. Pacifie Cable.
LONDON. The London press has just been marking the 227th anniversary of the city first successful daily newspaper. It was named the Daily Courant, and described itsele as published by Mallet against the Ditch at Fleet Bridge. Seven years earlier, in 1695, the Postboy had been started as dally paper, but only four numbers appeared.
The Daily Courant did not mark the foundations of the newspaper industry in Britain that honour goes to the Weekly News, produced by Nathaniel Butler in 1665, The Daily Courant consisted of a single page of two columns and professed to give only foreign news. It assured its readers that it would not give any comments of its own supposing other people to have sense enough to make reflections for themM. Kirton Silves Modern Tailor CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard London first daily newspaper came to an end in 1785 when it was absorbed in the Daily Gazeteer.
No 57 Calldonia Road Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the WorkMax Printery.


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