p. 8


Wiring, Supplies and Repairs PAGE EIGBT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1929.
Venezuelan Out. hecoming African Labour Party Neverson Blunders laws Seize Conclave in Jamaica NEW AFRIVALS (Contiued from Page 1)
FINE ASSORTMENT OF (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
two of the three parties have attack prepare the proper pultomto (Continued from Page 1)
ALL LEATHER SHOES ed the government for its naval end to the various organizations at ed to hand over the barracks and will wait with anxious expectation the FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN CHILDREN, poliey, as exemplified at Geneva insther end, before invitations to them ite contente, being cooly informed response that will be suade to that CHILDREN HOSIEKY, ARROW SHIRIS 1927 and in the Franco British navaluld follow after they were studied.
by Urbina that the runs and muni appa by Christendon.
LADIES GARTERS, BATHING CAPS, BATHING That the Air. can abroad is justified sreord of 1928. And the Labour par. The Colon Board forcibly extended tions were wanted in his struggle to ty SHOES, BABIES PANTIES CRIB SHEETS overthrow the Government of Gen an seeking to found a stare in Africa has issued an electioneeringutself to form an overnighs Orgai eral Gomez in Venezuela. The Serior those sons of the dispersion who ETC. ETC.
pamphlet. Freedom of the Seas, Old ustion despite my disfavour of such Your Patronage Solicited and New. with a foreward reant refused to obey the order even have mind to return to mother Mr. Ja move. At the first meeting of April although his life was threatened and, Africa may be gathered from the THE COSMOPOLITAN HOUSE Ramsay MacDonald, in which this an organization formed and named 31 Calldonla Road conclusion heads all the seeing that threats were of no ef solowing press news reported in others. and at this last meeting it was satu McALMON Prop. The Labour party stands for the this was not done in confuct wich feet, the Venezuelans suddenly tell white newspaper, The State. in its KKK6 32 complete renunciation of the right of the Minutes this was an error com upon the hapless man with their editorial columns for December 31, private war and private blockade. mitted killing the Colon Central wachetes and hacked him to pieces, 1928. The Monroe Newb Star, il The Labour party pamphlet says Board until the other meeting which meting out a similar fate to three of leays, tells of an unusually shocking frankly: the other soldiers who tried to come affair that occurred in Jackson Par.
is set for July 30, under these ei:to his rescue.
Jish Christmas day in which two Ne Wire for us and we ll Wire for You Today we cannot evade any long cumstances change of program er the crucial question: Shall we, ust be made to correct everything. Captain Van Borren, Chief of the gro women were shot down anda NIMBLEY Co.
like Mr. Churchill, still contend that The meeting was only one of itu.
Military Police Force, who lived out third perhaps fatally wounded, white the seas are ours, to close or keep paganda to know if the people want of town, upon receiving the report Jmen doing the shooting. The cause os Electricians and Dealers open as we think fit, and that our the Central Organization, and am that his Garrison had been assaulted the shooting was dispute over a plantation owner security depends on our supremacy. convinced it is wanted, and greatly by Venezuelan insurgents, rushed to dog owned by a white neighbor and Or shall we, like President Wilson, cesired. Turning to Mr. Connor ou the scene, only to find that General loaned to Telephone 1059 zecept the principle that the seaway line about the Central Organization Urbins was already master not only sought in return by a negro tenant of the world are not to be closed by Ier Central Board of Control he said of the Barracks but of all the Policet the request of the dog owner. Box 747 Ancon any one power, however disinterest in his mind should be likened the Stations in the island in fact hod The tenant sought to carry out the No Street Panama oil, at its own discretion.
House of Representatives of the captured Curacao. Some three thou wishes of his mistress, but the man This is a new orientation in Brit United States, and each state to have and Venezuelans are employed in ho had the dog refused to deliver ich politics and one of great interests own peculiar laws but their is no the oil stations on the island, and it to him. Subsequently party of several hundreds of these had joined white men including those to whom visitors ordered the women to stand in this country. Great Britain an ronflict between each state and anMrs. Alice Rigby cient imperial policy has been ma other when acting as a big powerful in with the insurgent leader, thus the dog had been loaned, went up in line and be killed. The latter, putting him in a position to carry the tenant quarter, some under the thinking the men were jesting, made terially modified by the emergeneration. This is correct here so far, influence of liquor, and found not the uut his coup etat on the unsuspect(Contiued from Page 1) of the self governing dominions about continuing he states this Cenno attempt to escape. Thereupon one tenant but his wife, four daughters, Jor more of the white party opened mug colony.
burial offices of the church, equal partners in the empire. It iwal Board will be something simiGovernor Made Prisoner and a grand child. They told the NeThe deceased was a native of St. also being modified by changes in far, this is wrong as the Central 1ire, killing a girl of 15, another of The Chief of Police was prompt uro women they intended to keep the 20 with babe in her arms, fatally Jumes, Jamaica, where many of her point of view in the United Kingdom. Board will be Temporary Comrelatives still reside. Besides her None of these changes is more signi ittee to devise the plans for the ly held up and placed under guard of Cog. Words passed, whereupon the sounding a third daughter, and husband, she leaves two sons Carl Pieant than the Labour party dis Central Organization, which is dif handful of the outlaws armed with and Orland, and many friends to avowal of blockade and of sea suferent to the Central Board.
runs which were previously taken rieved to a great extent the terrible tooting the mother in the shoulder. The State. cal mourn their irreparable loss.
premacy ideas which were once acfrom the Barracks and shortly after tension under which the inhabitants the newspaper, Now wish it be understood by the the affair an inexcusable crime, The Workman tenders its sincere cepted in Great Britain as unchal public in general that the Central His Excellency Governor Fruytier, had suffered for over 20 hours, but who had also come on the scene, wa the people are asking for better pro cowardly, brutal and ferocious. Tha condolences to the bereaved family lengable and almost axiomatie.
Boards of Panama and Colon will Lection from Holland to prevent anyalso would probably be the verdict made prisoner.
in this their hour of sorrow.
form One Strong Committee and of Christendom. But Christendom The outlaw chief at the point of thing of the sort aceuring again. Observe invitations will be sent to such prothe gun, compelled the Governor of As stated above Dutch warships scands aghast at this sort of thing CHRYS FORSYTH DIES ininent individuals not connected to od does not seem to know what to (Continued from Page 1)
any Colonial Society to help prepare the colony to sign a note in his co are now racing across the Atlantic to do. At Geneva, when the prayer of (Continued from Pagel)
pacity as Commander in Chief of all Curacao.
the Negro is presented, probably ciety and a Forester of Court Para tingly observed by this division. Dr. ne unified platform for the whole the land and sea forces of Her Ma Quiet On The Laland dise No S292 of this city. Barton, acting chairmon, pre community which will also be sent Christendom will understand and act, jesty Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, message received from WilhemHis nearest relatives on the Isthmus saded. He performed the religious to the various organizations to disin Curacao, requesting the Captain stad, Dutch West Indies by the Min for what a worm of a race will not are a Mother in law, and Sister in law part of the program and in his openeurs at their meetings, and will arof the American freight ship Maraistry of Colonies stated that all was tam at treatment such as this? residing here ing remarks welcomed one and all to trwards be invited to send their Deraibo. belonging to the Red Line peaceful on the island. The Gold Coast Leader. Funeral arrangements await the the meeting. The literary part of the legates with their proper credentials Steamship Company, which happendecision of these relatives program consisting of songs, solos, empowering them to enroll such or ed to be lying in the port, to place recitations and addresses was then Kanizations they represent. Posters his vessel at the disposal of the inrendered. Mr. George Morse cornet will be placed in such places to ensurgents to take them back to Venealo was beautifully rendered. Mr. Lighten the whole public about the zuela.
Morse is a member of the Rochester movement. The same Strong Com.
Boys Band, His number The revolutionist leader cooly inwas mittee will prepare the Constitutionformed the Governor that he General Africa Awaken. The Acting Sec. al rules and regulations for the CenUrbina was, at that moment, the retary, Bro. Greely, read the Presi tral Organization.
dent message from the front page Means to call a General Conference They will also find the Ways and actual ruler on the island and in that capacity notified His Excellency, of the Negro World and followed of the Representatives to nominate hat he, his Chief of Police, and 15 of with a very forceful and encouragthe private soldiers were to follow ing address, which was well receiv some one to be at the head who will tim on board the Maracoibo which be the official mouthpiece of the Should be in every office to immediately soothe any ed. Mrs. Finn solo was exceedingly was to sail in few hours for the well rendered and deserved the ap Union. It does not matter whether he resides in Colon or Panama, and Venezuelan coast.
neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
plause she received. Dr. Barton acsuch other officers required.
People Driver Off The Streets companied her on the organ. Two recitations by the misses Ira and Mr. Connor idea of having two Resistance was out of the queston. The terrorized population of the Cleotta Greely were well rendered soparate Boards Control one for and appropriate for the occasion.
Panama and Colon each with their capital menaced at all points by the Venezuelans, fled from the streets, Mrs. Dennis delivered the address independent President will tend to locking themselves in their homes of the evening. First she spoke to create factionalism like the RepubShould be in every school to soothe bad headaches and and with the city completely in their the children then of the organizalican and Democratic parties.
tion, its activities and its importThe Central Organization is to be possession the invaders commenced reduce the fever of children.
the removal of the arms and ammuance. The lady kept her listeners No Party Union, with one captain nition which was taken out in small spell bound for nearly thirty min. at the head. big Union, or a Society of Societies. This will be preboats to the steamer. The Governor utes.
und Chief of Police being compelled In his closing remarks, the Chair pared by the Strong Committee the best means to get a proper governto travel up and down with each man thanked Mrs. Dennis for her inboat load. With the last lot safely on teresting address and all those who ment for it. So as the pioneer mover am asking to be given a chance to the Maracaibo the Governor, the took part in the program.
Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, place the movement in the hands of Police Chief and the 15 soldiers were The singing of hymn 477 The ordered on board and the vessel day Thou gavest Lord is ended fola Strong Committee, and it will be a success it will not be completed steamed for the Venezuelan const lowed by the Benediction and one tomorrow. The Colonial Societies which was reached in three hours.
verse of the National Anthem, brought a very interesting meeting must meet first before we can work Committee of Panama This was at o clock on Sunday and Colon morning, the vessel whistle, notifyFor sale both Wholesale and Retail to its close for the benefit of a Unified cause.
ing the inhabitants that the invaders AT CHAPTER 14 It is also to be known that the serwith their hostages were departing.
Members of the Universal Negro vices of these gentlemen are requirReturn Of The Hostages AT THE Improvement Association and theired on the strong committee.
At o clock Sunday afternoon the friends aer promised a very enjoyI cannot allow this, to go uncorMarsicaibo returned to the har.
able evening at the hall of Chapter reeted with something which will later hour of Willemstad with the kidnap14, this Sunday evening when the make me look like a scapegoat. Give ped Governor, the Chief of Police and JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Chapter will observe Women Night. me a chance, give me my chance, to Eoldiers, who were none the worse das well known ad re interest allow the movement to grow, so that for their trying ordeal. The vessel ing orators will extol the virtues of we may build a Central OrganizaFanama.
tad been directed to a certain point women and feature those who have tion. will get in touch with Panon the coast where General Urbina climbed to the Hall of Fame, and ama and will announce later everyand about 300 of his followersfully those who have worked and are thing to the general public.
850 of the oil workers had turned reworking for the upliftment and re will be rendered.
volutionists and thrown in their lot cognition of the Negro Peoples of the with him had landed, taking the Porla.
The President ond officers of the stolen arms and ammunition with The choir will as usual take care of Chapter expres the hope that every them.
the musical part of the program and member will attend and bring along The return of the hostages resome excellent solos and choruses at least one friend.


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