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PRICE CENTS LOYAL FELIX LODGE Seven Races for 4th London Greets McDonald NI. Fittingly Ob LA BOCA ATHENAEUM PICNIC, THURSDAY of July Meet Like a Hero serves Women Day MEETS TUESDAY EVE Events Bring Out Large. Make No Mistake About It, It Is Not Going To Be All Beer y cus this cess, which tu ol unise tion figures.
Solemn Ad ess by Dr. u.
Oddfellows And Their Friends Six barnes. eu veneral instalation Of Officers Import Will spend Glorious fourth at Fields Admission to Grand And Skitties, Especially For Me. Says New Prime MinIncandge nece. Ved wila LR an. Item Of Business Muse Savannansnappy and stand Reduced, Field Free urister thusiasm.
cal Programme by Talented Good Day Sport Assured.
chetra will kender Latest Memuers Of Club Fromises LONDON Ramsay MacDonald read the figures this morning you States Hits.
others Day was fittingly obOfficials of the Panama Jockey was welcomed like a conqueror by saw that the Labour polls in the Very enjoyable Time Officers and members of Loyal Club have succeeded in arranging a about 10, 000 of his supporters when country were above the Conservativ erveu dis Sunday by the members of the Angston Dive Newly elected otticers of the Felix Lodge, Independent Order overy attractive programme for the he arrived at Kings Cross Station polls and twice the Liberal polls. Did 10u o te and Lea Athenaeum will be installed.
Oddielows, Manchester Unity, have fourth of July meet. There are seven from his constituency at Seaham. ever you think you would live to see the city an de rivale Academyotice at its next meeting wiuch rranged a grand pienie for next races on the card in which the best The greeting was the noisiest and that? Honestly did not, and thank wid Sure Canna De heia Tuesday evening, July Thursday, United States Indepenuative and imported horses will com liveliest public demonstration of the Gud it has been done. very solemn acores was de commencing at o clock.
cence Day, at the Savannahs. Therepete The entries in six of the races British elections, the Labourites; Make no mistake about it, it is Barton, acting The oficers to be instaliu are.
will be numerous games for the en range from five to nine horse showing none of the traditional Eng ni going to be all beer and skittles, Seved us Dr.
kertainment of their guests. The more than enough to assure an af. fish restraint in expressing their joy, especially for me. You have fini hurman, Why afterwards introduc collows: Kuig, president. ternoon of thrilling sport.
Happyland orchestra has been en over their triumph at the polls. od the fight. am afraid am only diraDeams as the chairman Wesley, Vice President; hillips, Secretary Mrs. Biore The Panama Jockey Club intens, suged for the occasion. This orches It required more than half an hour eginning to bear the burden, but 11 he evening.
Te iuus look the chair and Smith, Asst. Secretary, Sirs.
ira has made itself famous and it is should this meet be a financial sue for Mr. MacDonald to make his way will do it cheerfully and know undoubtedly it should from the train carriage to a waiting chall have your sympathy and su:vell chosen wurus thanked the chair Waikes, Chaplain, certain that their presence at It is felt by the membership th.
pienie wul attract a very large be to resume its weekly programm, automobile at the station. His ad port backing me through hiek and ran for the honour bestowed on her, it than gave a brilliant address on the Athenaeum will continue crowd of pleasure seekers. They pro As a very special inducement en mirers were equipped with whistle thin.
the importance of Women Day prosper under the good guidance on programme of the latest trance to the grandstand has been rattles and other street carnival acPhilip Snowden, former Labour Two recitations were well render the new administration, each States hits. It is hardly necessary fixed at the very low price of twenussories with which they were able chancellor of the Exchequer, also led by the lisses Louise Dennis am whom has always shown marked mention that dancing will be the ty five cents, and each purchaser of to keep up deafening din. Ther. turned to London and he express Mel erson. In spite of the little del Lerest in the advancement of the ticket will receive a printed pro were cheers, Baldwin is special feature.
finished himself as delighted with the eleclects which were noticed in the Or Club. As the guiding power they will Buses will leave from the Panama gramme. There will be no charge long live MacDonald.
Hundreds of enthusiastie Labour gain, the occasion was, however, a successi aliy guide the affairs of the kail Road Station at 30. Be sure to for entrance to the field. It is ex feature of the elections he de noted success. The actilig Secretary Club, and by their zeal energise the be there on time. very enjoya pected that both field and grandites elimbed on top of the truin sheds cured, is the disappointment of th Bro. Greely was then called upon menubership to renewed activity for stand will be crowded to capacity to get a glimpse of their leader. Liberal expectations. They have been read the day is promised you.
President General wes the mutual benefit of the Club and Someone too, will win a door prize While waiting for Mr. MacDonald playing a game of bluster. They sage which appeared a the front the Community, which will be drawn for on the field arrival they chanted improvised made practically no impression in of one of the recent issues of In connection with the installation ST. PETER CHURCH LA during the afternoon. The lucky one songs of victory. The train pulled in the rural constituencies, where in the Negro World, which was receiv ceremonies, a very attractive and will be the holder of the programme exactly at 10 o clock and then a the BUCA HUNUUR PATRON ST. with the number corresponding to tremendous uproar of cheering broke Labour movement, they might have absence of a well establishe. led with much enthusiasm. Continued on page 4)
The address of the evening was that drawn loose, been expected to do something. This delivered by Thompson Today Being St. Peter Day, The first race will start promptly AN AMERICAN VIEW It looks as if the new House of is not merely an eclipse of the Conas his usual in ceresting manner. The Church of Same Name Obervat p.
Commons will have a very interest servative party, but it probably fore usual meeting will be held tomorrow OF WEST INDIES es Patronal Festival Three Following is the entries and haning problem in Democratic govern shadows the eclipse of Stanley Bald evening at 30 o clock. The public Week mission Drive Begins, dicaps: ment to face. said Mr. MacDonald, win as leader of the Conservatives is cordially invited to attend. Canada Has Becom, The Fond (Continued on Page 8)
in an interview following his recep Sir Austen Chamberlain, Foreign Hope of Neglected And EmToday being St. Peter Day, tion. It was impossible for us to Secretary, said in a speech at West barrassed West Indies. Ho members of St Peter Episcopa: PRESIDENT OF maintain altogether the same Birmingham: COURT DAWN INITIATES Says.
Church and their friends will fit strength in the backward areas of It is evident there has been a gentingly observe the festival of the. SAILS FOR COSTA RICA the country as we obtained in FIVE CANDIDATES the eral movement in the great indusLast January a West Indian conRev. Mulcare, industrial sections. We never really trial communities toward the Labour Installation Of Officers Follows ference (says the New York Times rector of the Church, will be the worked those backward areas Cyril Thomas Goes To Neigh which the only political position the leige and experience it brings they in party. But one day, with the knowleditorially. in Barbados adopted celebrant at Holy Communion at Enjoyable Time Spent bouring Republic To Gather oz dinary person knows is the con will come back to the sounder creed resolution thanking Canada for proo clock this morning, at which it is Data For Presenting To Ja niet between Liberalism and Tory and old traditions of the country. It Around Festive Board Toasts yading a fleet of steamships to trade expected that every communican plenty maica Conference, August.
with the British islands. The conwill commune.
is the irony of fate that the governThe Church yearly mission drive To his own constituents the La ment which built more houses than Lebanon Foresters, had their hands possible to develop commercial reMembers of Court Dawn, Order ofference proomised to do everything also commences today and will conIn a letter to the editor of this bour leader asked: Did the labour were ever built before should be con full last Saturday evening (June 22. Fations. Most of the islands have for three weeks.
clergymen of our Missionary Disdent of Division 8771, of the Uni spiring moment as this? When you selve the whole housing problem.
Several Journal, Mr. Cyril Thomas, Presting people ever live in such an in demned because it was not able to for they initiated five candidates been in a bad way economically.
Trinidad prospers, because it has retriet will deliver special sermons Aversal Negro Improvement Associainto the mysteries of the Order and Sundays during the Drive. As will tion at Colon, states that he is leavthen installed their offüpers for the sources in oil and asphalt. Jamaica cwes much of its development to an be observed from the programme ing for Costa Rica in the interest ensuing term.
American fruit company. Barbados which follows, the preacher for to of the Association and will be away The installation ceremony was immorrow evening will be the Rev. for approximately fifteen days. In pressively conducted by Bro. Jerome As a sugar island is not flourishing.
Dominica, whose coffee and limes Conway, and his officers, who have had to contend with inseet Werlein, Ph. very elloquent and Costa Rica, Mr. Thomas will gather forceful speaker. The following Sundata in connection with the exhorted the newly installed officers day evening, July 7, the Venerab activities in that Republic to prehold stedfastly and be true to the bests, makes frequent demands upon (the imperial exchequer. Antigua just Archdeacon Lundy Sykes will oc sent at the conference to be held in Wife Of Coloured Congressman of Chicago Had Tea At White principles of the Order.
cupy the pulpit. The Rev. Ernest Jamaica next month. Mr. Thomas House It Is As Despicable As It Is Astounding. Says leevening was that spent around the The most enjoyable paft of the manages to keep going. Most of the is Uands are 95 per cent. or more Wood, Chaplain will be the will return to the Isthmus and then Senator Harrison.
legro, and there is a great deal of Festive board, where a sumptuous repreacher for Sunday evening, July sail for Jamaico.
e unismployment among the blaoks.
Mr. Thomas sailed yesterday. Of past was partaken of several interWASHINGTON, Pained at the fine social contacts my wife Jesting toasts were delivered by bril(Continued on Page 5)
Four lads of the Church School ficers and members of the Chapter surprise, open sarcasm, and alarm was able to make at the White Liant speakers among whom were: will conduct the Juvenile Missionary and other friends were at the Docks for the safety of white civilization House, and that there was no ten Bros. Day, Edwards, ce Court Diana to Hold Services to be held at o clock Sun to bid him God Speed.
flavour the south mounting in deney whatever toward discrimina Edgehill, Condy of Court day afternoon, July 14. The Weekday dignation over the fact that Mrs. tion against her at the tea. De Vincent, and Dottin. The ladies Initiation evening services will be taken care of SON ARRIVES FOR Oscar De Priest, wife of the colour. Priest is quoted as saying.
by Messrs. Palmer, WALTERS FAMILY ed congressman from Chicago, had were well represented by Sisters It is deplorable as it is astound Niles and Farley.
Swaby, Brathwaite and Metea at the White House. Not since ing declared senator Pat Harrison The affairs of Court Dawn No. 6, Four Candidates To Be Intro (Continued on Page 5)
duired Into Mysteries Of For Walters of La Boca was ex Booker Washington dined with (Dem. Miss. If there is one thing (Continued on Page 5)
estry Good Attendance of ceedingly glad last Sunday when the President Roosevelt has the south the people of the south look on with SAM MCCLOUD Members Requested by OfCELEBRATES news reached him that a son arrived felt the colour line to be so seriously grave concern and anxiety it is any COURT PACIFIC, SIXTY FIRST BIRTHDAY ficers SE for him at the Gorgas Hospital. The threatened.
tendeney toward social equality. POSTPONES INSTALLATION Four candidates are to be introducyoungster is a lively and lusty fel Mrs. Hoover, according to an of The Texas state senate by a vote ed into the mysteries of the order of Samuel McCloud, well known, low. Latest reports from the hos. Ificial statement, issued at the White of 26 to criticized Mrs. Hoover Members of Court Pacific No. Lebanon Foresters next Tuesday tailor of this city, celebrated his six pital are to the effect that mother House, regards Mrs. De Priest call hospitality to Mrs. De Priest. Sen 9751, and other members of evening at Court Diana, Guachapeli.
ty first anniversary on Thursday of and son are progressing nicely, as a purely routine social matter. ator Holbrook of Galveston of the Order are informed through this The Court will be called to order this week, when many of his friends Friends of the family have been But southerners refuse to be pacifi ered a resolution congratulating so raedium that the Installation of Of lat o clock when the officers expect met and drank to the health of the heaping congratulations on Daddy ed. statement attributed to the called Hoover Democrats on this ficers which should take place next to see a full attendance of members old veteran who is still going strong Walters who is wearing a smile that Representative adds insult to injury. most brilliant social function of the Monday, July 1st. has been postpon of the court, and visiting brethren despite life many vicissitudes. won come off. am delighted beyond measure season.
ed until Saturday, July 18th, 1929. of sister courts will be welcome. atron Saint ism.
tinue hite House ed ADHI South Deplores White House Hospitality to De Priest St.


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