
NEWS FROM TRINIDAD THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS Willard Clocks BRITISH GUIANA BARBADOS Retrenchment Being Carried out by Govt. Colony Looking Forward to Visit of e. Team New System Ship Signals of the Island the FULLER the The Government of British Guiana and the Municipality of Georgetown, Visitors Expected To Arirve de iting West Indies representatives Up To Date Relay System Here ends the pitched road, but a are busy swinging the retrenchment cember 20 First Match Will Irom the time they leave their homeuse at present. The Central AuthorWhereby Kind Of Vessel Apbroad path leads on past the Estate Probably Start New Year und until they return.
proaching Harbour is known for about a quarter of a mile up to ties are closing up schools and cutDay, Colts Match First Three Stations la Service the base of the hill. Here under the Lag down the medical and other The first match in Barbados wil shadow of North Post nestles a tiny vices, not even poor relief being exI have it irom good authority that be a colts match to be followed by PORT OF SPAIN The harbour village of huts inhabited by a mixed Cupted, and the Town Council is out the have practically decided two four day matches against a colur Port of Spain boasts of a very ef population of the labouring class disband its constabulary.
SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY seient signal system by means of Among wbom East Indians and nat.
From Georgetown newspapers to accept the invitation extended by sony team. One Test match against STUDY OR DESK which the coming of a vessel may be lives of the smaller islands around hand it is learnt that Structura al. the West Indies (says the writer of the West Indies will be played in in the Barbados Barbados, and it is proposed that all tuoted some hours before it envers rinidad preponderate. winding There is an air of grace and ele raciulis are being made at the rai. Vast jutting.
the harbour and comes to an anchor rad leads to the top of the hill, gance reminiscent of Colonial Dayo ay stations ai Parika, on the West Advocate. The team is expected to five Test matches shall be played to uge.
steep enough to make the traveller about Willard Type Banjo Clockscoast. Kitty, Enmore and Clonbrook wrive in Barbadus on December 20, a finish. have been informed that This is made effective by a com ascend slowly yet not so steep as to on the East Coast, for the purpose but in deference to the request of Demerara will be selected as that appeals to people of culture.
sination of three signal stations erbe almost inaccessible.
These clocks are high grade and accommodating the post ofis the the first match will not most suitable colony in which to veted some miles apart in such fash The actual distance covered may proposal to close certain discrit bay. The have complain a in that the central one remain with not exceed quarter mile yet the reliable, while the cases are of the cornection with the Government start probably until New Year pray two test matches The Test Tteams post offices and to combine the gainst the prictice of starting the in sight of the other two.
visitor may certainly be forgiven if best craftsmanship.
The new arangement with regard Before each station stands a masthe believes it to be equivalent to a Also new assortment of other auties of the postmasters with those our before their men have been selecting a West Indies side and en an opportunity to recover after defraying the cost of the selected men bearing two horizontal spars placed stretch of ten miles.
fine clocks that will surely meet the stationmasters.
one above the other, from both of Commisson has been appointed the long sea voyage.
Arrived at the top, however, he your every requirement in the home eem to indicate that the Board of which hang several hooks. To een ieels amply repaid for the weariness or office at to enquire into the possibility of efUnder the new arrangements each control has realised that if we are of these hooks is suspended a block of the ascent and is impelled to lecting a saving of 4, 000 a year on Colony contributes 600 to the exo be successful in the Test matches and tackle, by means of which sya rause and gaze around at the wild Ene Poor Law Vote a reduction in penses of the visiting team, and is the representative team must be buls, denoting the kind of vessel ap beauty the numbers in the Alms House, and responsible for their hotel acconselected with as much care as when the scenery.
the establishment of Alms Houses modation, and makes a further conproaching the harbour, are raised to The mountains towering above 122 CENTRAL AVE.
we are sending a touring team to in centres outside the capital; the tribution of 50 to cover car hire.
the spars.
him forma a background which lends England. In the past the practice has proportion of the total expenditur Furthermore, the Board of Control At the top of the mast the house air of majesty to the panorama.
is be borne by general revenue and will have the selection of the West the eleven from cricketers of been to select the greater part of flag of the vessel is flown as soon imbued with new vigour by the ex seen quite plainly from there.
Indies teams for the Test matches colony in which the test match was as it becomes visible from land. hilarating effect of the sea breezes These things make an occasiona ucal rates.
The city station is that with which rushing along the hilltop, the visitor visit to North Post well worth while The possible improvements in the and the colony in which each Test to be played, with the result that a towafolk are most familiar. It stands strides past the Wireless Telegraph but the prospect of a bep there present methods of certifying paumatch takes place will be called up. West Indies side has generally been on a small plut of land between Station on his left and reaches the makes one rather sympathise with us in view of the fact that many on to defray all expenses of the vis weaker than the colony xides.
Eouth Quay and the Customs Ware Signal Station.
the signalman.
so called paupers in Hospitals, Leper house.
Perched almost at the edge of the Asyium, Lunatic Asylum and Aims LARGE DIAMOND FINDS TRINIDAD NEXT House, are often visited by Placed as it is in the heart of the hill it commands an extensive view wellGRENADA IN COLONY hipping community it is of the of the sea for miles around. So high COLONIAL SECRETARY dressed relatives showing no sigas of poverty.
greatest use to those interested in is it that to the watcher on the top, Notification has been received the barbour as its signals an easily the sea appears to wash the base of Last year the Government spent GEORGETOWN, Attention WILL SIR ANTHONY has been focussed on Potaro district DEFREITAS BE NEXT discernible from all sides. Within the the hill though it is actually some from the Secretary of State for the 129, 000 on this service.
signalman shelter is telescope distance away.
Colonies by telegram, to the effect In connection with the closing of as a result of large finds of diaC. OF TRINIDAD?
trained constantly on Fort George that he has selected Mr. Grier, schools it was proposed to transfer monds, 10 carats being taken from To the right short distance Hill which stands straight before it away from the shore stands an islet of the Administrative Service Nige schoolmasters from one school to an one pit in claim above Kaietenr sume four or five miles without the which is said to have been the reria, for appointment as Colonial See other either as head teacher or dis. Falls. The smallest stone weighed says the Grenada West Indian, that It is rumoured in British Guiana, city limita.
sort of smugglers in days of yore, Petary in succession to the Hon. rated as assistants, but the Attor quarter carat.
ney General (Hon. Hector Josephs, Sir Anthony De Freitas, Chief Justice Here is the intermediary at iou Jackson, The first object which strikes the The principal activities in Potaro there, will in all probability be ap. has given a considered opinby means of which signals are re. ay. eye on entering the signal house is JAMAICAN YOUTH so far have been dredging for gold opinted Chief Justice of Trinidad.
ion that this is illegal.
ed from the outpost station North the powerful telescope mounted on GETS DEGREE AT and it is stated that the Minnehaha The mere To Disband Town Constabulary rumour is said to have Pust to the city.
swivel. Through this objects at sea ILL. UNIVERSITY GEORGETOWN. meeting Development Coy. Ltd. the largest caused public feeling to run high, by As soon as signals are hoisted at are sighted long before they become er the Constabulary Committee of producer, will shortly be reconstruct reason of the fact that Sir Anthony North Post, they are observed by visible to the naked eye. Perhaps at Cyprian Cunningham, native the signalman at Fort George who the moment the visitor is there, a Jamaican, of Kingston, will be gra held in the Council Chamber, Town capital and the installation of a mod. community, and there are those who the Georgetown Town Council wased with the introduction of English is almost worshipped idol of the in turn hoists similar ones and so small dark spot may be observed duated with honours this month Hall, for the purpose of consideringern plant which will produce daily Guiana as a godsend.
regarded his appointment to British relays them to the city station.
way in the distance. Should he then trom the College of Agrtculture, the question of disbanding the Town. much as the monthly production North Post Station stands on alve allowed to look through the glass University of Illinois, where he is constabulary and of making Market or the dredge now being used.
Sir Anthony De Freitas is a Grenahill overlooking the open see some he may we steamer approaching majoring in dairy husbandry. He clerks of the men at precent do. ng dian of whom we are justly proud.
ten miles from the city. The visitor under full steam, the water swirling will receive a degree of Bachelor of duty at the Markets, in the interest There is quite a lot before us to must pass along a highway running in foam by her bows while passeng. Srience.
show that British Guiana, left to from the city through the village ers promenade on deck. On a clear Although Cunningham is working There were of Diego Martin up to River Estate. Idny the island of Tobago may be present Messrs.
herself, will not mind going one (Continued on Page 8)
Nascimento, Deputy Mayor, VEGA. better if it comes to a question of Shankland and Phillips, salary so as to out bid Trinidad. If Councillors, along with Mr. STREET BELON HOTEL BOLIVAR Sir Anthony accepts an offer of the Pacheco, Clerk of Markets.
HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED Trinidad appointment, we think it The meeting was held in camera WORK DONE IN HOUR will not be for so much the salary but it is understood that it is the in SERVICE GUARANTEED the seniority of the post and it must tention of the Committee to recombe remembered that the holder of the mend that the services of the conGIVE ME TRIAL post of Chief Justice of Trinidad is stables on street duty should be disK. STREET PANAMA by his office permanent President pensed with and that those employof the West Indian Court of Appeal.
ed as watchmen should be supersed ed by supernumerary constables under the Inspector General of Police DENTIST HOWELL This arrangement, it is stated, will result in a saving to the Council of House No. 912 La Boca several thousands of dollars per anCanal Zone num and will thus be one of the OPPOSITE RESTAURANT THE ARTISTIC means of bringing about a reduction in taxation for which the ratepayers PHONE 1941. BALBOA TAILOR of the city have been clamouring. Specialises in all Branches of Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Dentistry House M Street and English for sale at the ALL Workman Printery.
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