
PANAMA HARDWARE (M. CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA Paint Headquarters JUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY OFPaints, Oils, Varnishes ce Etc. Etc. Etc. Best writing in the Trinidad Guardian of May 18 on Cricket in the West Indies says th part: Visit So far nothing has been accomplished in the direction of carrying uut the suggestion of Mr. Pelham Warner. It is true, but little time has elapsed but it must be remem.
bered that the team is scheduled to leave England in December and the second series of Test Matches will be carried out in the spring of 1930 before the West Indies have had time to improve their style.
The West Indies Board of Cricket Control who have finance at their command as the result of the 1928 tour should bear the comment of the English critics in mind and in coordination with the International Cup Committee the cricket author ities of the individual islands make arrangements to get out a conchas Soon as practicable. It may yet be possible to have a coach in these isands at the end of the current Eng lish cricket season and while his work may not directly influence West Indies cricket in 1980 it will be rute to produce results later on.
Five Tests Suggested No official intimation has been received as to the programme of the team but in a private letter received last week it has been stated that there will be five Test matehes Thayed by the in the euming tour. The allocation of the tests is a matter of some importanee ar while don propose to deal with that question now it is one of the subjects that will have to be tacklud داده اند Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
BRANCH STORE 125 Centru Aver ue Samuel W, Russell ADVERTISE IN WORKM IT WILL PAY YOU by the Board of Control at an early GLACIERS AND ICEBERGS nas been damned up at its lower und, so that the river flowing intot could not proceed further until the We have come now to Glaciers and valley was filled with water. The Icebergs. These, however, are nit dumming up has in many cases been the only effects of water force the work of ice.
the past history of the globe. Mea few lakes, like Titicaca in South of Science are now generally America, have no rivers running into opinion that mountains have bee a them, and no outlet to the sea. Such formed by the llow out of the lakes are supposed to be the craters valleys, and that this hallowing out of extinct volcanoes. Some are suphas been the result of rain and plied by rivers, but send none out.
streams and ice, which wear chan They are usually salt lakes, such as nels for themselves with resistless the Caspian Sea, the Sea of Aral, power, even in solid rock.
and the Dead Sea in Asia; and the The form in which ice does this Great Salt Lake in North America.
work is that of a Glacier, or ice. They are supposed to get rid of river, which, very gradually, bution. The largest their superfluous water by evaporafresh water lake very surely, rolls down the vale, in the world is Lake Superior in from the regions of perpetual sn North America. It covers Glacier as truly drains a region 43, 000 square miles, and is thus one third uver burdened with snow, as a river larger than Ireland.
drains a region over saturated with water. While the debris that fits into a river sinks for the most part Two American woman were disto the bottom only the light sand fussing a new singing tutor.
and soil being carried down the de like that Italian who is teaching bris that falls on the surface of the your daughter such charming man Glacier, or bars its course, is carriedners said the first.
forward bodily, and with the utmost Yes certainty. Huge boulders which no is bourgeois, you know, eplied the other human engineering could move, have thus been carried in mass over miles. Bourgeois. Let me see that on and then deposited on the margin of higher than a Baron, isn it fertile valleys. For when the Glacier reaches a warmer region, it gradual ly melts, and a muddy stream issue from it. At the same time the debri, which forms a long line of rubbish on its surface, called a moraine, is de The Tailor posited in the valley, In the region of glaciers as else 24th STREET where, fragments of rock are detach Guachapati ed in various ways by the actions Panama RP the atmosphere. The carbonic acid contained in rain causes some rocks, especially limestone, to crumble into sand. The oxygen in the air, which makes iron rust, also forms a crust on the surface of many rocks. This falls off, and a new crust is formed; that too falls off, and thus coat after coat is peeled away. Lastly, when water goes into crevices and clefts of rocks and freezes, it expands, and breaks off fragments, which fall into the valleys.
When a Glarier meets a lake, as happens in some parts of Switzerland, large masses of it break off, and are hurled into it, and float upon its surface, till they gradualy melt away. These floating masses called ICEBERGS, or ICE MOUNTAINS. The loebergs of the Ocean have the same origin. They are detached masses of Aretic Glaciers which glide down to the sea.
It requires a very long time to melt an Iceberg. It is often floated two thousand miles from the place wher it was launched before it disappears.
It carries with it over all that distance whatever rocks and rubbish have been frozen into its substance.
As it gradually melts, its debris is dropped into the sea. Sometimes an Iceberg is stranded in comparatively deep water, for it is found that there are eight feet under the water for every one foot that appears above it. An Iceberg so stranded, melts away by degrees, and deposits where it melts the moraine and boulders which it may have borne with it from its native mountains.
This is but another example of how water force operates in changing the face of nature, The bottom of every Glacier is covered with loose stones and sand, which cause it to leave peculiar scratching, on the rocks over which it has passed. These scratchings, as well as moraines and boulders, are Cound in many countries where Glaciers no longer exist. The inference is, that Glaciers must once have existed there. for example, in Scotland, in Cumberland and Wales, and DAPAT in Ireland. This has led to the further conclusion that many lakes owe their origin to ice force. For a mountain lake is visimply valley which WE OFFER EXCELLENT PRICES FOR are AND Job Printing Book. Binding Kubber Stamps The Workman Printery 72. date Unless a few of the younger playor show exceptional brilliance the West Indies are not likely to produee as strong a combination as in 1328. It is questionable whether Constantine and Francis who vow have engagements with English Les roknyit is se clubs will be able to play and if Jan 150 that is so the West Indies will be 100g Canto boda sda considerably weaker in attack. It is So to true that it is scarcely possible for the to send the cream of 1993 English cricket to play against the sing West Indies, but cricket in the Mother Country has greatly improved since 1923 and it is certain that the team sent out will be strong combination. 5) Dites West Indies Changes COL o metu Mr. Challernor seems past his JOB 905 best and Messrs. St. Hil and Fernandes, batsmen of roStates 10 cognised high class have not reproons is duced their best form during the past SMR two years while Browne and mai Pascall have certainly lost much of their nip and spin, although the pair PONO and St. Hill are yet the best 10 ஒம length bowlers in the West Indies VIE WOOG What is wanted is variety in the medium pace stuff and a real leftLe 20 hatial hander of class.
Cyd மக The West Indies will be concerned in unearthing a bowler to assist Sigita Small who is heady, but sometimes ALX. ua expensive. Moreover, Small is unable to stand the strain of bowling cott tro bodo og hatristsb a to for lengthy periods and. Pascall successor is yet to the unearthed although Achong and MacGregor of Queen Royal College have not yet the experience to disguise the Llight or to trap wary first class WIATING batsman.
Probably the most importont cause is of the West Indies failure in England was the lack of team work. An Waves excellent suggestion has been made 16 that Jamaics should send a few reTurba presentatives to the colony in which 2007 the Intercolonial Cricket matehes th)
are played to take part in a mixed.
mateh. This would enable the men m2 to learn something of each others time play and thus conduce to better team work. It would be well if this suggestion could be carried out after vil Wad the Intercolonial Cricket tournament at Demerara in September. ro DAY AT 3) OL Madon Carlos Mendoza Street CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard ས སo


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