
British Labour Must Change Social Order The Ideal Pharmacy No. 29 Street East, Calidonia o BASSAN Stores 70. 74 Central Ave.
We Have Just received a Large Shipment of MEN WOMEN Prescriptions Carefully Compounded By Experienced Druggist CHILDREN SHOES IN LARGE VARIETY OF STYLES Our prices defy competition Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET WI) STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required the Labour Party is not con cerned With Patching The Renus in Bad System. Says Always on hand a fine selection of rrime Minister MacDonald DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES LONDON. The Labour Party. ands in the British elections for a And TOILET ARTICLES social order. Unlike other parties says former and present Primer Minister Ramsay acdonalu, the Labour Party aut concerned with patching the renis in AND bad system, but with transforming capitalism into socialism. The party essentially one of action. It asks THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
u power in order to lay the foundaRuns of new social order and tu Teieve immediate distress.
And a pamphlet issued by Labour Headquarters in definition 01 the party arms, a pamphlet in which the core going citation from Mr.
acDonald appears as a foreworu, adds. he Labour party, since it holds that creed, is a Secialist party. It YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED it is the reorganization of the inAND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED uustry and the administration of the wealth which that industry produce.
in the interest not of the small mine urity (less than 10 per cent of the own the greater FROM THE SAYINGS OF may be described as the microbe ar the universe which makes for stur population) who ERNEST BENTHAM y; and but for the glands all over dier and hardier species and races. part of the land, the plants and the he body, we would become easy prey we had no need to struggle, wequipment without access to which AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL to them. When we grow siek, it is would soon have become mere weak their fellow countrymen can neitner LIFE WARFARE he result of being overpowered by ings, physically and mentally. The work nor live, but of all who bring present day in which we live calistheir contribution of useful service nem for a display of much courage, common stock.
Many are the metaphors of life The struggle for existence in all trength and endurance. taxing Seeks Goal by Five Roads voyage. pilgrimage. forms of animal life is manifest, and mankind to the utmost; and one It will carry its programme to quest. An adventure all these, in completion by peaceful means, withand more; but none so autly despin this struggle the strongest seem sonders what it is likely to be eribes this human life of ours is that to survive, and the weakest go to be future. Perhaps it may be other cut disorder or confusion, with the of warfare.
he wall. This may seem heartless wise when it is remembered we are consent of the majority of the elecThe human frame is constantly but it is the way of life; it is impoverned to what is known as the core and by the use of the ordinary machinery of democratic goveru battling with a mighty force which bedience to an unalterable law of endular Law.
OM The Labour party proposes to adSOLD IN DRUG STORES vance to the establishment of the Socialist commonwealth along five roads. It will in its own words, use its power thus: To secure to every member of AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, the community the standards of life COLLECT YOUR WORK and employment necessary to a healAND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME thy, independent and self respecting OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSHIP existence, ARE GUARANTEED TRY US To convert industry, step by CLEAN step, and with due regard to the PRESS REPAIR special needs and varying circumDARN MAKE You Suiteto FOR stances of different occupations, THE STAR PRESSER DYERS from a sordid struggle for private 101 ANCON AVE PANAMA gain into a co operative undertaking ALCIDE carried on for the service of the Proprietor community and under its control. To extend widely and rapidly it proposes to transfer the import of those forms of social provision, aneat into a public service adminnamely education, public health, istered by an import Board appointhousing, pensions, the care of the ed by the Ministry of Agriculture ALSO sick and maintenance during emor by the Board of Trade.
ployment, in the absence of which the individual is the sport of econo In its financial policy is stands Custom Tailor fur: me chance and the slave his en1 Progressive reduction of expen og vironment.
No 22 Stroot diture on armaments.
To readjust taxation in such a Abolition of taxes on the necway as to secure that due provision ſessities of life and of protective Guachapali is made for the maintenance and duties.
Panama do improvement of the material appar6000000000000 Increase of death duties 20 atus of industry, and that surpluses large estates.
created by social effort shall be ap4 Further graduation of income piled by society for the good of all tax so as to relieve the smaller and Small To establish peace, freedom increase the contributions from the AND and justice by removing from among larger incomes.
DENTIST the nations that root causes of in Establishment additional ternational disputes, by conciliation graduated surtax on incomes from MASONIC TEMPLE and arbitration, by renouncing war property of over 2, 500 dollars per Office Hours: 8, cm to 12 pm as an instrument of national policy, annum. 30 pm to 30 pm by disarmament, by political and The taxation of the land values. Sundays, by Special Appointmen economie co operation through the Labour government would urge Masonic Temple ilth St, League of Nations, and by mutual the various bodies concerned to coP. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL)
agreements with states which are not members of the League.
operate in a survey of the land reTO SELECT FROM PHONE: OFFICE 1664 sources of the British commonFor Public Ownership wealth with a view to subordinating More concretely, the Labour par. the private use of land to the genly stands for transfer to public owneral interests of a scientific redisership, of coal, transport, power life tribution of the insurance and land. It stands for it.
population within control of the Bank of England by a Migration and publie corporation, including repre are part of the party programme.
training schemes sentatives of the Treasury, the Board of Trade, industry, labour and the Drink Salada Tea the best for 37 Central Avenue.
co operative movement and the enthe Tropics couragement of co operative Calidonia No 44 and municipal banking. Advertise in the Workman Garcia With a view to stabilizing prices will bring good results.
BORINQUEN Fabrica de Cigarros


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