
PAGE SEVEN Sugar Industry Passing Thru Critical Period og COOK WITH GAS CHEAP CLEAN QUICK Conditions In British Guiana Described As Worse Than Any Other Part Of British West Indie.
ontains the in pour food In the Wet Season Wund or Charcoal is never Satisfactory for Cooking Oil is irty and will Spoil the Paint in your home. Gas is always.
the orders to haver 02 190 Fast Chrap, Clean and Ready parec TO SERVE YOU AT ANY HOUR Come to Our Showrooms and See the Newest ROPER Stoves YOU WILL BUY ONE FOR YOUR HOME desd to have both handicaps. But of New York is like there is also a coloured aristocracy, consisting mainly of mulattoes, who What is To Be The Future Of can adorn their lives with all the or raments of culture and leisure. Many Haslem Is The Question That cf their women are very beautiiui Presents itself Negro Pop and intelligent, with delicate featurulation Now 170, 000.
es touched in the most subtle way with race, soft voices and exquisite NEW YORK. The negro popula manners, tion of New York has increased four The cultured negro, who lives in a times as rapidly as the white during luxurious flat, has sometimes earthe past ten years, and today num tain haughtiness in his attitude to vers considerably more than 260, 000. the dominant race, a reserve that no of that great host 170, 000 are segre white man can hope to penetrate.
Contrary to popular prejudice, the Rated in Harlem.
That means Harlem is becoming averare negro has no desire to mix with white people.
more and more fascinating as a specNoise and Glitter tacle and more and more puzzling as a social problem, Harlem, with its coloured police Tinen and its negro edited daily news They call it the black belt but paper, lives an iatense life of its own black is not the true colour of Harnat cuts it off from the rest of New lem As you go along its pavements1 crk. There is mystery in the dark you see faces of bronze, faces of adows of its tenements. There is copper, faces of amber, but surpris. barbarie glitter about its music ingly few that seem cut out of halls and a sense of dull satiety ebony. There are negroes with the about its dance halls, where the aureddish mahogany faces of the Amtomatic pianos tinkle far into the erican Indians, negroes as white as night. On its crowded pavemente any Anglo Saxon. Those faces toll of there is a feeling of profuse vitality a process that has been going on for flashing eyes, flashing teeth, enmany decades, and some negro writ Tormous smiles lit up by the wild ers even contended that 70 per cent. Klare of the countless electric signs.
of their people have blood of other Across lighted windows shadows aces in their veins.
are weaving the pattern of the Coloured Aristocrats dance, there is a shuffle of feetHarlem is not merely setting somebody is giving a party to pay for blatant cabarets and nocturnal the rent of the apartment, and adventures. There is poverty, there charging the quests of a dime or a is overcrowding Piecaninnies nre quarter (25 cents) for an evening many, beds restricted. Too many hectie and buddled entertainment.
negroes who come from the South Voices in the crowd are deep and to seek their fortunes succumb to dark in quality.
tuberculosis. It is bad luck to be Sometimes there are disputations poor, it is bad luck to belong to a (Continued on Page)
Orange Crush Accept de qwxy Cia. Panamena de Fuerza y Luz SANTA ANA PLAZA PANAMA FRONT STREET COLON AT YOUR SERVICE The sugar report on economic and financial conditions in the British West Indies published by the Department of Uverseas Trade, describes financial conditions as satisfactory ducing the past two years, large surpluses hay.
ing been declared in Jamaica and Trinidad, and favourably balances elsewhere the only important exception being British Guiana where a series of deficits has been recorded la these circumstances it is regre table to observe that the good financial position is not reflected by any great increase in business. On the contrary there is a sense of depression, with a consequent relue tance to spend. This is ascribed to anxiety as to the future principally because of the steady decline in prices of the principal staple pruducts during recent months which is now becoming more accentuated.
industry is passing through a critical period as a result of over production and consequent Calling prices, and although the later are somewhat offset by exceptionally large crops the general state of the industry cannot have o her than a depressing effect on trade in these colonies, notably Barbados a British Guiana, where great depenGence is placed on sugar. Trinidad, not being dependent on this crop to the same extent, is in a rather more lavourable position than her neighbours, especially in view of the con siderable expansion of her oil industry.
Conditions in British Guiana are ciescribed as worse than any other part of the British West Indies. The purchasing power of the community is low, but in view of the increase in the value of all exports from the colony, it seems clear that this is mainly due to debt and high taxa tion. The colony has suffered in the rast from political and constitutional difficulties, but it is hoped that the change in the constitution of the Government will result in an era o retrenchment and possibly reduced taxation. Jamaica suffered severely 1928 from a drought which lasted damage towards the end of the year, The volume of imports, however, ter eight months, and from hurricane showed that the purchasing power of File community was not impaired. kreat deal of money was put in o circulation, as the result of expenditure by the Public Works and Railway Department.
GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR House 40 3rd November Street Guachapeli Panama City Bottled and Distributed by PAN AMERICAN ORANGE CRUSH COMPANY STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History FOR Making Good Clothes. AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages and Cleaning Clothes Good Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Recor is of the 1923 Toui, Photographs of the Teans and 16 Individua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
See FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. RIGBY Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROR Romaine The mortal remains of Alice Rigby, wife of Rigby, teacher of the La Boca coloured school, were laid to rest last Sunday afternoon in the Herrera Cemetery. The Rev. Wade, Pastor of the Wesleyan Church, of which the deceased was a member, performed the last rites both at the church and the graveside. The services were fully choral.
Deceased had formerly been a member of the Panama Baptist Church, and for this reason the choir of that church were in attendance as also members of the church.
The La Boca Wesleyan Church was also well represented.
The very large gathering of friends and acquaintances testified the very high erteem in which the deceased was Omphroy Auto Supply Repair Shop Muller Building CALIDONIA PANAMA Telephone 280 Organ Repairer No 42 Calidonia Road JOB. PRINTING held.
Benjamin Barnett Son Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH If you have a Prescription to be made uptake it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour teous and obliging service AT THE POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM TAILORS House 77 Room 23r Street Chorrillo WORKMAN PRINTERY Drink Salada Tes the best for the Tropics (3) A


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