p. 8


Seven Races for.
Protest Against Cana. Church Services da West Indian Treaty Great Bargain Sale EL BARATILLO NO. 106 CENTRAL AVE BIC REDUCTION IN MEN AND WOMEN WEARING APPAREL. 115 Sale Commences July July 1st Come Earls and get First Pick NEURALGINA Lucero 118. 108 112 Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA 90. 106 Tonosi.
Don Simon.
IST RACE FURLONKS Confectionary, Biscuit And St. Paul Church, Panama, 118 Tonosi 110 Chocolate Industries Hard Hit VIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Pan Dulce 103 AT By Treaty. Says Rev. Nightengale, Star Light Rector)
Saunders of Montreal 110 Nippling Water 30. Holy Communion. The lor de Lis 108 TORONTO Annual convention oRector.
Don Florentino 110 Confectionery, Biscuit, and Chocolate 10. 15 a. Matins. Mr. AtMiss Jill. 110 Industries of Canada was opened well, Lay Reader.
Sunny Boy 110 and 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist recently in the King Edward Houel Almirante 110 Saunders of Montreal, Sermon. The Rector.
IN FRONT NEW CHINA BRANCH STORE 2ND RACE FURLONGS acting president, in his address, said: Prelude La Chansan. Hoff126 Tunney Not even the most pessimistic perman Lena 112 son can doubt the future prospects Latroit Psalm 119. Pt.
Legrimita 100 u Canada. But he complained of Hymns (A. and 513, 278, 566, Pistol 110 terdt conditions saying: 46.
Diez y Seis. 114 Hall Communion Service in 118 Our industry has been very hard Honey Dew.
Postlude Ceremonial March.
Canada West bit by the Mayara.
Indies Harris.
Cococha 120 Treaty as a result of which we as 00 pm. Church School. Mr.
3RD RACE FURLONGS an industry have been called upon to Cragwell, Supt.
119 pay extra over the three years and Hit or Miss (Pera. 121 (1927 1928 1929. the sum of 337, 30 Choral Evensong sermon.
Resolute 110 wu. The extra burden of this impost Prelude. Joseph Haydn.
119 has been borne by the firms mauuHymns (A. and 302, 290, 228.
San Chee.
118 lucturing cocoa and chocolate coatPsalms 26, 27.
Garzona. 126 ings. We feel justified in once again Magnificant. Barrow.
Cuntones. 118 protesting that it is unfair to saddle Nunc Dimittis. Matthews.
4TH RACE FURLONGS une particular industry in order that Offertory. Anthem. Will Feed Excuse Me. 115 advantage may accrue to My Flock. Simper.
Pauline. 108 others.
Postlude. March Processional.
iloyal Eagle.
126 The cocoa manufacturers particu Parker.
STH RACE FURLONGS larly have been placed at a great Popó. 126 uisadvantage by unfair competition ST. ALBAN CHURCH, Litle Rose. 100 from the Netherlands, and the UnitPARAISO, 114 ed States who admit cocoa beans (The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
La Nena.
106 into the countries free, and are able 00. Church School and ConGolondrina.
to undersell us in our own market. firmation Instruction.
6TH RACE FURLONGS The present duty on imported cocoa 30 pm Evensong and Address.
Chiquilla powder of 36 ad valorem, or Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
Bolsheviki Bomba. 114 per pound, whichever is greater, re.
presents less protection today when 92 the average value of cocoa powder LAS SABANAS Billy Dennis. 112 Hit or Miss (Pera. imported from the Netherlands and (The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
Kitty Gill.
the United States is only 7c. per 00 pm. Church School and ConSan Chee 90 pound, as compared with the time firmation Instruction.
7TH RACE FURLONGS when the old duty of 36 ad 80 Evensong and Address, Zapo.
vaiered was fixed and the average Mr. Richards, Catechist. 100 price of imported cocoa powder was Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and Workman 18 well over 200. per pound.
105 ST. PETER MUTUAL BENEFIT reduce the fever of children.
Silver Spray. 112 Consideration Overdue SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS FOR 110 ENSUING TERM Consideration from the GovernDardanella.
115 ment for the industries using large Pistol. 126 quantities of Last Tuesday night immediately cocoa beans is long May. 106 over due, but it appears difficult ter Mutual Benefit Society, the after the regular business of St. PeInfinmo secure any consideration from Otannual election of officers for the tawa. We are still hopeful, however, ensuing term took place through the that when the treaty between Frane medium of balloting and re appointJAMAICA YOUTH CETS and West Africa is revised this year Jing. The following is the result. arrangements may be made for recRev. Mulcare, Chaplain Ex of(Continued from Page 2)
procity with Canada which will perficio; Mt. McCarthy, Presihis way through College he has mit of Accra cocos coming in free dent (by Ballot. Mrs. Mulcare, For sale both Wholesale and Retail maintained a scholastie average of into Canada under the terms of the Vice President (by Ballot. the fol4. 47 based on as perfect. This averCanada West Indies Treaty.
age places him in the highest ten Mr. Saunders urged a regard for lowing officers were popularly reAT THE students graduating from the agripresent Government standards, and appointed: Mr. Robertson, Gencultural college.
eral Secretary: Mr. McBarnett, suggested that further standards Assistant Secretary; Mr. Josephus At the present time he has charge of one of the diary laboratories were necessary in the manufacture Alexander, Treasurer. Messrs of chocolate and candy for the pro Eestwick, Roberts and which is operated in connection with tection of the industry.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor the courses in dairy husbandry. His Palmer, Trustees (by Ballot. Meswork in dairy husbandry furnishes Speaking of unethical cigare. te dames Roberts, Jones, BenPanama.
him with theory as well as a pracadvertising in the he said: son, Palmer, Sick Visitors (Aptical background. He has just reNot only is this attitude on the part pointed. Mesars. Inniss, Geo.
turned from a five day field trip on of this large manufacturer pro. Richords, Phillips, Mrs. Innes, which he inspected leading commerfound surprise to us, but we have re Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs.
rial ice cream plants, packing houses, seived rather unpleasant jolt by Passiah, Management Committee inilk companies, condensories and the knowledge that the advertising (Appointed. Mr. Daisley, Marshkindred lines of diary manufacturprofession have subjudicated ethical (Appointed. ing. This trip was made in and prineples to immediate monetary Though one of the youngest on AND GET GOOD RESULTS wround Chicago.
the Canal Zone, the society has Although majoring in diary husMuat Keep Faith grown rapidly and is justifying its bandry, Cunningham is registered in Our responsibility to our custom existence. Its Roll is open to any re Muriel had been to a party and FROM THE SAYINGS OF a life made new.
the general agricultural course and ers, whether it be the jobber, retailer spectable person whatever his re her mother said to her: hope, ERNEST BENTHAM ve been for sometime now trying is taking subjects which will fit him or chain store operator, we must of ligious denomination, and application Muriel, you said No, thank you. to find out any honest, painstaking, either for life work in the profesnecessity keep faith with him, and for membership may be made at more often than you said Yes, THE ENERGETIC conscientious, energetic men who ion of farming, for technical posiby example give no ground for either of the fortnightly meetings. please. have been worsted in life struggle tions in industries closely allied to breach of faith, said Mr. Saunders. Course did, mummy. hadn The world belongs to the ener and until now have failed in my agriculture or for public service in who, speaking of responsibility to WESLEYAN METHODIST boen eating more than half an hour getic. What a statement! What search. On the contrary, such men all lines of investigational work or the public suggested the value of a CHURCH before they began saying, Don you driving force back of it! What are invariably found heading for the extension service relating to agricode of ethics. British Conference)
think you ve eaten enough? Aren spiration! What Urge! Such expre. top, making grey skies blue, turning culture.
About price cutting, observed, FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY İyou afraid you ll make yourself illions at once negative all pun con yawning wastes into smiling fields, There comes a time when real Wesley Church, Panama City And said No thank you every ceptions, brush aside all apparent in short, they are those who cash WHAT THE BLAK BELT 11. Mr. Walters.
business man has to decide to pass their cheques at the Bank of Opobstacles, and instinctively inspire OF NEW YORK IS LIKE 30 Rev. Wade.
up business on which he can only men to corve their own parts. More, portunity. What, therefore can keep Subject: How Jesus Proclaimed make a loss, and look about for some the Good News.
they place men on a vantage point them under? Nothing! They ride 11. Mr. Frank Reed. Continued from Page 7)
whereby they see new vistas; they triumphantly. on.
other lines which will bring him a that bring to light queer racial hosMonday. 30 service for the Re 30 Mr. Perey Hinds.
enable them to behold far off mountilities. The coloured man from the profit. Be careful not to be brought Workman 20 tain ranges, lit Paraiso, Canal Zone with the golden Rent Receipt Books in Spanish British West Indies (often a handdown by ignoring this fact.
cognition of Local Preachers.
11. Rev. Cousins.
glamour of a rising and beneficient and English for sale at the Worksome, intelligent Trinity Church, Colon type) sometimes sun, reminding them of another man Printery.
11. Mr. Hilton Airall. 30 Mr. Theo. Fuller, arouses the jealousy of the American Drink Salade Tes the best for morn, and another opportunity, OS 80 Rev. Cousins.
bom negro, and there are squabbles.
New Provindence which compel them to affirm Each Drink. Salada Tes the best for the Troplas La Boce, Canal Zone pet gibe against the West Indian 11. Mr. Peart.
day is a new beginning, each day is the Tropias is that he catches and eats monkeys!
NEURALGINA. 110 Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, AMERICAN PHARMACY ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN rain.


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