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PRICE CENTS ATHENAEUM INSTALLS Juan Franco Races ITS OFFICERS Huge Success Conflict Over Prayer Book Rises in Britain Foresters Annual Dance July 13 HAREWOOD IS NOW LOCAL PREACHER Ever.
of the Queen Mary, Regal, Courteous and yet Shy Windsor Castle Lights Gleam Again Big Crowd Witness Well ConThirteen has no Terrors For Ceremony Performed By tested Events Pauline Wins New Prayer Book Subject To Certain Revisions Wili Vincent Foresters. This After Having Se ved His Proba Gallimore. Interesting Ad Feature Event Pari Mutuel Year Function To Be Best Be Recommended By Bishops At Convocation To tion, he is Received in Weseydresses and Musical Numbers Did Good Business.
an Church Rev. Wade Rendered, Be Held July 10 To 12.
There was a large and enthusiastic That the number 13 has no ter Newly elected officers of the La LONDON Renewal of the great until further order be taken Boca Athenaeum were duly installed crowd at Juan Franco race track on evening at the Club Thursday, and the ponies prov ded conflict over the revision of the Lishops could not regard as ine. rors for Foresters must cause others Members of the Panama Wesleyan on Tuesday of us who just can get over the Church and their friends witnes. ed la very solemn and impressive cerehouse. Mr. Gallimore of the excitement a plenty. The Pari MuChurch of England Book of Com sistent with loyalty to the principe idea that it is the most unfortunato tuel was well patronized and the won Prayer was envisaged by the the Church of England the use number and that that date of the sony on Monday evening, when Mr.
Chorrillo Baptist Church officiated as installing master and with very lucky holders of winning tickets co Daily News when it reported that clergy of such additions or devia ceived into the church as a local lected good dividends. Lena, Marche bishops at a meeting at Lam tions from the prayer book of 166 taonth should be set apart only for enty Harewood of this city was reappropriate remarks inducted the eating and sleeping, to feel that they officers into office, who were: cela and Infimo paid the highs neth Palace decided to recommend us all within the limits of the pronare bound to come to grief. But to preacher, after having served hs to the Convocatio nof Bishops the posals approved by the House of probation. The ceremony was per thing can King, president; Wesley, vice pools, 10. 90, 10. 80, and 50 restop the members spectively.
e of the new prayer book, subject Convocation and the Church Aformed by the Rev. Wad, president; Phillips, Secty. Court St. Vincent having their anPaulind castly won the featured certain revisions.
pastor of the church, assisted by Mrs. Florence Smith, assts. secty; nual dance on Saturday evening, The convocation meets from July lead kev. Cousins of Colon, as also This step, in September of last!
Mrs. Walkes, chaplain; and event. Royal Eagle took the from her in the early running ani 10 to 12 and the recommendation year met with a great number a July 13. And those who have been 80 Neeley, treasurer.
Spected to arouse stormy discuss on protests.
fortunate as to have been invited, can be following local preachers: liarris, Walters, and Two very interestng addresses opened a wide gap, but Pauline som the revise prayer book, on which The revised prayer book was plac.
look forward to a very enjoyable Walters, Fuller and Reid.
were delivered by Reynolds overhauled him and passed him in time.
The choir rendered approand Prescott. Mr. Reynolds chose the home stretch. Excuse me tried the former Archbishop of Canteed on sale last December, with The dance is to be held at Liberty riate hymns. After the ceremony, for his subject Musie and in a very to keep up with them, but was never sury, the Most Rev. Rondal Thomp. note saying its publication did not un Davidson laboured long and directly or indirectly imply it coud Hall, Street. That the place; Mr. Harewood was congratulated by able manner he dealt with sound, prominent in the running.
earnestly, was twice flatly rejected be regarded as authorised for u. and the music will be furnished by e pastors and was the recipient or melody, harmony and sympathetic Billy Dennis ran a post to post by Parliament, in the churches. Prime Minister the Isthmian Syncopatore that many kind wishes for his continued vibrations, introducing illustrations Trace. Leaving his field at the start In December, 1927, the revised Stanley Balwin declared the book the best news. Still better, though, is success in the Master work.
that proved he was master of the he led a heart breaking chase to the book was first rejected by a major. was in the same position as any the announcement that Walter Mr. Harewood has been an earnest subject. Mr. Prescott biography on inning post.
ity of 33 votes. On June 14, 1923 other private literary work at that Woods will direct the band. Refresh worker of the church. He has always Handel was a literary treat. The The first race, a four furlong the book again was submitted with time.
ments. Yes. Court St. Vincent given his time when called upon to speaker depicted the tumutuous journey, brought out seven of some slight modifications, but ws The former Archbishop of Canie: never do things half way. They have do so, He has repeatedly taken the lives of the greatest oratorical writ nine entries Tonosi, and Almirane rejected by a majority of 45 af er bury, now Lord Davidson, who had repeatedly given some enjoyablo af ervices at outlying stations; and in tors. Miss Jump. contributed a having been scratched. Miss 11, violin solo which, as an intensive two day debate.
they are going him the Church sees a zealous workalways was Rippling Water and Star Light, worked for twenty years on the retairs, but this well enjoyed. Miss Smith follow. were the first off and they held the The next sensation was the dela vision said that in it Romish docto eclipse themselves. That what er for Christ.
Folowing the ceremony the Lord ed with a piano selection and receiv lead for three furlongs then Sonny Lation of the House of Bishops, af trine had been excluded even more they are saying, and it is what they ter four days deliberation, that definitely than before.
will certainly do.
Boy and Don Florentino ran up to Supper was administered.
ed the applaud she well deserved.
INITIATION AND INSTALLATION The members of the Athenaeum them. In the home stretch Sonny Two candidates were initiated last are looking forward to a period of Boy challenged Miss Gill, but she increasing activities under the guid withstood the challenge and won by Tuesday evening in the presence of a large gathering of members of the ance of the new administration. a length. Don Florentino finished Court and visiting brethren of sister third. Sonny Boy was favorite with 137 win tickets. The winner kad courts. The ceremony was most im124. There were 364 tiskets sold in pressively performed by Bro. Jerome of Court Dawn assisted by Bros. Strong Place of William The Appreciates Good Music, Loves Gardens, Is Witty And Condy, Bishop, Comrie and Conqueror 900 Years Ago And The pool paid 20, 90, and Sometimes Forthright Not Great Lover of Rice.
The Favourite Home of Queen 80 on the first horse; 00 and Horse Racing.
Victoria Another important business of the 60 on the second horse, and 40 evening was that of installing the King George going back to Division 17 And Chapter 14 Meet ou the third horse. could use many conventional French and German, and took sing officers for the ensuing term. This Windsor Castle was a happy sign of At Division Hall Tomorrow Tunney, Lena and Cococha ran phrases to describe the real Queen ing lessons from Tosti. She early ac ceremony was directed by Bro. Con his increasing strength; for the Afternoon Delegate To At away from the other five ponies in Mary. writes in the Daily quired a knowledge of the value of (Continued on Page 5) home of the kings of England, since tend Conference.
the second race over six furlongs. Mail. But the most illuminating money, and today nothing annoys the coming of the Conqueror, is no Lena went out in front and held the one is an unconventional phrase her so much as extravagance and chosen place for the sick, writes Division No. 17 and Chapter 14 of (Continued on Page 5)
WORLD HAPPENINGS heard used by a gentleman of the waste.
Kathleen Woodward in the New the Universal Negro Improvement Court at a dinner party the other The sturdy qualities of heart and BRIEFLY TOLD Association have arranged a mass York Times. Its massive stone walls lat night. An American neighbour had mind inculcated in her youth have meeting to be held at the hall of the CLAIRVOYANT AIDS asked: What sort of tenaciously hold the cold and damp.
woman is been a powerful aid in the anxious Interesting Local News and notwithstanding a system of heating Division, Street, tomorrow afQueen Mary? And the hearty re phases through which both the mon World Events Flashed Across in the approved American style, and POLICE ternoon, beginning at 30 o clock.
ply was: Oh, she delightful alarchy and the Empire have passed It is very important that as many the air is not commended for its tonic real good sort!
members as can make it possible to Medium Sitting at Lake Her mother, the Dutchess of Teck, Throne as since her husband came to the the Atlantic.
George Her trained William Evans, attend do so, for at this meeting de Edge Avers She Soos Man was renowned for her goodness of tact has enabled her to Barbadian, and The castle stands on an eminence finite arrangements will be made for Starting From Behind Treo heart. She and the girl who was hearts of people of all classes and Samuel Gale, Panamanian, 14 and 100 feet above the Thames Valley, the sending of a delegate to the Con and Describes Himater to become Queen of England political creeds. gan 17 years old respectively, were fined charming and sinuous in its coure vention to be held at Kingston, Japerformed many good deeds among maica, during next month. Friends WOOTTON BASSETT, Wiltshire, the poor and the sick.
She is imposing in carriage, with 25 each in the Balboa Magistrate but shunned for its moist enervating la zoyal pose of the head. But secret court ou Monday, when they were atmosphere defect scarcely of (Continued on page The police believe that within a They had little money; and, livingly she is shy. Even today, on rare arraigned charged with loitering and consequence to William the Conday or two they will have estab for a couple of years for economy occasions, you will see colour come Judge Blackburn who fined the attempting to trap birds.
yueror, who chose the site not as a MECHANICS INSTALL lished the identity of the mysterious sake in Switzerland and Florence, and go, as it did but more violently (Continued on Page 8)
OFFICERS TONIGHT stranger for whom they are seek ng Princess Mary added Italian to her (Continued on Page 4)
Loys, after viewing the trap which in connection with the drowning of he praised, advised the boys to turn KNIGHTS OF THE Mechanics will this evening install Mrs. Winifred Cranko and her four SCHOOLS their creative genius to more legit DAWN CELEBRATE the officers who were recently el yeors old son Peter, BARBADOS SOCIETY mate creations.
OPEN JULY FOURTH OF JULY lected for the ensuing term. The Mrs. Cranko, the wife of Major MEETS JULY 10 meeting will convene at o clock Cranko, of Little Meads, WootHuge crowds turned out The Knights of the Dawn. one Canal Zone colored schools will for this most important ceremony at ton Bassett, was found drowned in Members of the Barbados Society thronged the streets of London on of the foremost young people club which all members should make it Horsfells Lake. Peter body was reopen again next Monday, July At are reminded of the meeting of the Rionday to see King George, the be of Panama, celebrated Indepēndenca possible to be present.
covered from the lake the next day. theala Boca school there will be a Society to be held Wednesday eve loved monarch, enter his capital. Day in a mild way at their club The independent Order of MechaThe last member of the household soodly number of young and ener ning, July 10 at the Panama Capita Fally recovered from his long illness, rooms, 25th Street, Guachapali.
nics is making wonderful advance to see him alive was Mr. Stuart eetie teachers. Mr. Walters, an le returned from Windsor Castle to From 30 in the afternoon, memoldtimer hall, Guachapali. The officers exand one of the leading ment here, which, no doubt, is due to Pitceathly, Major Cranko brotherBuckingham press the hope that all members will Palace, his London hers enjoyed dancing by the masi: the very capable men to whom thin law. That afternoon a woman, be lights of the community, has been Lome. Due to the huge crowds that of a modern Vietrola until a late affairs of the Order have been in fieved to be Mrs. Cranko, and the named supervisor. It is the expressed make it possible to be present were massed formed, many persons hour of the day. The serving of retrusted. That the officers who are stranger for whom the police are opinion of very As announced by the administra fainted and hambulance and Police freshments added variety to their many persons to be installed this evening are seeking were seen in their under that no better man could have been tien, meeting nights of the Socity ficers had a busy time rendering programme.
capable men is the opinion expressed clothes near the lake. Mrs. Cranko appointed to fill this position. This have been fixed for the second Wed russistance. At the palace, where the The last musical item was rend among the members. They have al clothes were found with note: journal extends its sincere congrát nesday, second Saturday and fourth King arrived early in the afternoon, ed at o clock when all repaired to (Continued on page Help, child in lake; am going to get ulation to the deserving gentleman. Friday of each month.
Xing Alfonso of Spain welcom their homes.
him. Then the stranger was seen him. A To Hold Mass Meeting the race.
win the age and


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