
PAGE THREE Congressman Guardia Harshly Attacks Haiti Press Advertising Beats Radio PANAMA HARDWARE Two Hundred Twenty two Inquiries Follow Press Adver tisement For Every One Following Radio. CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA Paint Headquarters JUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY OF Paints, Oils, Varnishes Etc. Etc. Etc.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue CLEVELAND, Ohio. newspaper advertisement published in five cities at cost of 3, 000 brought 222 inquiries the Babson Statistieal Organization for every reply received from 3, 000 half hour on the Columbia Radio network, Roger Babson, business, statistician and forecaster, told an audience here.
Mr. Babson answered questions in financial matters for more than two hours at a conference of clients of his organization.
The broadcast was from 30 to p. Saturday, May 18, Mr. Babson said. well known orchestra played and there was a five minute talk on the Babson service. The result was sixteen inquiries and two telegraphic orders.
On the following Monday the advertisement appeared in newspapers in Cleveland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. The result was 4, 000 inquiries, of which 488 came from New York, where it was published in The Times alone on the first day, Mr. Babson figure sindicated that each reply from the radio cost 166. 66, while those from the newspaper advertisement cost 75 cents each.
Mr. Babson told his clients that aviation needed an increase in Licensed pilots rather than increased production of airplanes. Charts the industry, he said, showed a sharp increase in the production of planes, while the net increase in trained piluts each year was strikingly low.
There are 174 companies manufacturing planes in the he said, and 150 of those are of the wildcat variety, set up by young mer who sell stock in their organications. He said that possibly five or ten of these would survive, but that the others would eventually disappear and the investors would lose their money.
Mr. Babson said that because of increased efficiency in the heating of buildings, combined with the popularity of closed automobiles, men in a few years would wear nothing but cotton suits. For that reason be suid cotton stocks were good investmenta.
His Attitude Is Only The Conti Guardia at least showed in his arnuation Of His Old Anti Negrotacles that he had absorbed antiCampaign Of Many Years Haitian, pro occupation propaganda Standing, Says Writer. as illustrated in the writings of the suthors of Black Haiti. Black It is quite natural that a persuu Majesty. Magie Island and so on, of the calibre of Congressman there would be some excuse for him.
La Guardia, the Socialist congress At least the American people would an, should lately have taken a see clearly and openly that he has sianderous attitude towards the studied the situation and has acHaitian Republic, says Henry Ch. cepted the role of justifying the Rosemond, First Advisor of the American policy in Haiti, of whiteilaitian Patriotic Union in the washing the crimes committed by His attack is an open alliance the Marines upon the Haitians with those forces that are seeking since 1916. As for the Haitian peoto dominate and oppress the Haiti pie, they did not even pay attention DS.
to these writings for they considerHis attitude is only the continua ed the books as obvious bought and tion of his old anti Negro campaign, paid for propaganda against the of many years standing, which ori alaitian people. The authors in every ginates from a false ideology of the case have chosen upon the worst superiority of the white Spaniaraivatures of the Haitian people and over the Negro in Latin America. claborated upon them to such an exHe uses this absurd idea to hide his tent as to give the impression that ignorance of international affairs nothing else exists in Haiti. Such and to shield the role of imperialism vicious propaganda can only fool in Haiti superficial minds like Congressman This same insincere and superficial La Guardia. The American people attitude was manifested by La Guar and the oppressed nations of the dia in another instance. During the world cannot be fooled by such es.
yours of 1918 19 20 when the If some of the intellectuals, who Government was taking very drastic insist on writting articles about measures against the bootleggers, countries they know nothing about, La Guardia was issuing very nice would use some of their intelligence and sympathetic statements of alto examine the actual conditions exfundamentally dry character. Now leisting in the various countries the he has suddently turned liquor pro social and economic conditions of pagandist. He wants to have the slavery and oppression, they would future title of wet champion. He be of morse service and would be tries to be on the safe side of the forced to bring before the people of ruling powers.
the United States the heroic batiles This same up to date wet con that are being fought at this time gressman in his am telling you by the oppressed colonial peoples all confidentially anti Haitian articles over Latin America.
in the Evening Graphic of March 28, These intellectual talk of voodoo April 6, and April 11, proves again huw superficial and ignorant he is of uifairs in Haiti. The American people who are acquainted with the history of Haiti and the Haitian people, with their gailant struggle for liberty and independence, can readily see that the articles of La Guardia are unfounded and absurd. He again in these articles brings forth the theory that the dark races will always be oppressed because they are an inferior race. In his opinion, Haiti especially must be brought under the subjugation of the because she won her independence from France through the extermination of the great, heroic army of Napoleon, under the commandership of Rochanbeau in 1804 in bloody battles.
And our congressman mourns the loss of the Napoleonic army; but has he ever stopped to think of the disaster the marines have brought to the Haitian people through years of peaceful occupation. wish to inform the congressman that if men of the type of Toussaint Louverture, Dessaline, Capoie La Mort, King Henri Christophe and the other beroes responsible for driving out Napoleon army and establishing freedom in Haiti, were alive today, much of the supression and suffering inflicted on the lives of the Haitian people by Generali John Russell, and his southern marines, who have been fighting there for 14 years, would have been avoided. Of course, John Russell would have done like John Waller did in the Philippines a few years ago, where he set fire to the four corners of the capital. Or as the anna is now doing in Nicaragua and Mexico. The question here is which is the stronger oppressor. Napoleon had only this large army, but the Imperialists have aeroplanes and bombs and marines to subjugate colonial peoples. might suggest to the congressman if he insists on writing articles on Haiti, to take a trip there or at Solar least go to the 42nd St. Library and look up some material on Haiti. It will no doubt help hin straighten out some of the foolish and erroneatel dous ideas on the subject: If Mr. La TOP DR ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY YOU WE OFFER EXCELLENT PRICES FOR AND who were Job Printing Book. Binding Rubber Stamps The Workman Printery 72 Carlos Mendoza Street AT magic, but not a word do they say about Augusto Sandino of Nicaragua and his heroic struggle against the marines in Nicaragua; nothing about the growing consciousness of the Mexican workers and peasants and the recent organization of the Workers and Peasants Bloc. which party is putting a candidate into the field for the next election; nothing about the renewed revolution in China and the organization of workers and peasant armies there, nothing about the general growing reaction on the part of the imperialist nations in every colonial and semi colonial country in the world.
They never take notice of the fact that for five consecutive years the African Equatorial Region has been suffering from the increasing en slavement of the French government, and that the Negroes there are fighting bravely against such op.
Why does not Mr. La Guardia mention a word about the institution of Jim Crowism in the United States, where lynching of Negroes is a daily occurrence, where the Negro workers are constantly faced with starvation because of race discrimination on the job and elsewhere.
These are important matters that cannot be overlooked. But what is one to expect from a man who has for years been playing on the side of those who had greater advantages to offer, ab CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard Drink Salad Tea the best for the Tropias


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