
The Royal Bank of Canada TROTT The Cleaner PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1929. Queen Mary Cuntinued from Page 1)
THE WORKMAN when she was a girl in her teens, and a young wife settling down to Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 housekeeping on her own account at CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, York Cottage. She has had to make INCORPORATED 1869 Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon tremendous efforts to overcome this RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION shyness. which now and then, when ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada she was very young, was agony for SIX MONTHS 20 ber.
THREE. 60 She has retained the hobbies of COLON ONE MONTH. 50 PANAMA her youth. In the Pitti Palace and Uffizi Gallery she acquired a ta. te Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matSanta Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets Lers of public interest invited.
for furniture and pictures of which many evidences may be seen in the We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
royal residences. Her collection of The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS china is a magnificent one; dealers Total Assets in Excess of 954. 543. 384. 99 recognize her discerning skill.
She is interested in all the arua, THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1929.
he visits all the important exhibits of painting, sculpture and etchingEducation on the Canal Zone With 900 Branches throughout the world, including not because it is a duty she sets herself, but because it is a pleasure to the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank be indulged.
Commencement Dael cises in connection with Cais in a position to render the best possible service.
She appreciates good music perHai Lone correu Schools were nelu aroughout the Zone huips the only one of the Royal Famun rivay mga June zo. inis is the second year these ily to do so. But she is not very keen exercises have been observed in the colored schools, anu Antigua Dominica Montserrat on grand opera, and the thea. re Lue attenuances at these uncions, give eviuence of the Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts never has been among her interests.
mga appreciation of all concerned.
She loves gardens. She spends Generally speaking, the Canal Zone AdministraBarbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia much of her time at Windsor, Sandtion must be congratuated for having introduced wnal British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique ringham and at Balmoral inspecting must be regardeu as a new departure, since the granting of aiplomas to students of colored schoois was herethe gardens, discussing them with Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
the head gardeners, and herself plantocore unknown here. It must also be admitted that the ning new layouts.
Division of Schools has been very energetic in its efIt has sometimes been observed corts to provide sufficient school accommodation or that she is not enthusiastic about the children of silver employees, and the least that can decently be done in the circumstance, is to express THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST her eldest son passion for riding in steeplechases and hunting. That is satisfaction and pleasure at this new attitude.
PAID ON DEPOSITS because there has been a terrible But it is the correct attitude. Every unit of civili. riding tragedy in her family. At ed humanity are agreed on this. It is an act of Governreview of Austrian troops the horse ment as old as the ages. More than a century and a half General Banking Business Transacted.
of her grandmother, Claudine, Counago, the great Adam Smith, a professor of Moral Phytess de Rhedey, bolted and the losophy in the University of Glasgow during the decaue from 1780 90, in addressing members of the Faculty of DOR Countess was trampled to death by squadron of cavalry.
the University, and educational representatives of the The Duke of British Government said, believe, Sirs, that it is the Teck consequently right and the duty of the State to provide means of edu encouraged his daughter to drive horses, but impressed upon her the cation for the common people. This proposition seems PHONE 250 COLON DRY CLEANING dangers attendant on riding; to be implied in every definition that has ever yet been and given of the functions of a Government. These words PHONE453 PANANA rincess Mary never hunted, and STEAM FRE SIN perhaps, as a result, is against viol were right when spoken. Their echoes have kept on 15 STREET sounding, through all these years, down to our day and ent pursuits for women. She is DYEING PANAMA a We Dye To Live time, and they can as well be re spoken now with as great walker, and used to play a much emphasis and propriety. KKKKKKKKK first rate game of bowls.
We had the pleasure of being present at the graShe is witty, and she can be forthduation of the class from the Silver City School at Crisright. Her sense of humour is kept tobal. The principal, Mr. Johnston, very properıy as the disseminators of that knowledge which will sup TO OBSERVE for family use. Perhaps the Queen GARVEY DAY has little sympathy with the queer gave a resume of the work for the school year just end ply genius to the life of the young usher them into the manners and modes of young people ed, which was extremely interesting, and was received light of day, and exhibit them to the world comprehenThe members of the Kingston Dwith a great deal of satisfaction by parents and guar sive in acquirements, fertile in resources, prudent and today, but at least she is more dians of children attending these schools, which know powerful among their fellows, being well possessed of vision of the and Acierant that her mother, who aledge is of tremendous utility in pointing out the direc happiness which no malignity of fortune can destroy, in Panama will observe Garvey Though so kindly and at times uncon tions in which parental co operation is mostly to be di but which must cleave to them as long as they live, Day tomorrow, Sunday, beginning at ventional, wrote. There are too many grownup children in the prerected, as also the fact that, when home intluence is op ameliorating every good, and deminishing every evil of pin This is always an occasion when sent day. and also that a girl posed to school influence, a condition greatly to be de their existence.
znembers of the Association, friends duty was to learn obedience and plored is created. The care and attention the hard and conscientious labor of the faculty of the school was and wellwishers assemble for mutual attend to her lessons and grow, abundantly reflected by the students, as the essays Good Time Coming intercourse with the view of en without many parties and late written and presented by some of them show. These hancing and furthering the aims and hours.
alone, without taking into consideration any other as Thoughtful Negroes all over the world are greatly interests of this great movement.
Her personal courage has never pect of the work, could well be taken as ample proof of concerned as to their future among the other peoples. It is hoped that this interest wil been in question. It will be rememthe excellent accomplishments of both teacher and and nations of the earth. Negroes are not contented be maintained on this occasion when bered that she accompanied the King pupil.
with the existing conditions. They see that they are not several well known speakers will ad to Belfast to open the Ulster ParWe see in all these things the march of intellect considered or taken into the plans of world movements. Järess the gathering.
liament at a time when Ireland was We see that those who lay obstacles in the way to im Every day the fight for existence becomes more fierce. July 14th there will be a grea scething in civil strife. violent atpede the progress of this march are none other than the Wherever the Negro goes he finds a hand upraised drive for funds for the convention tempt against their Majesty peradversaries of improvement. Then we see the teacher against him. He is being strangled. From far away to be held in Kingston, Jamaica, suns was not unthinkable.
as he quietly advances in his humble path, laboring Brazil came the news last week of disturbances between from the 1st to the 31sst of August. And there is the story that Mt.
steadily and calmly to open to light all the recesses of West Indian and Brazilian labourers. Why?
Elaborate preparations are being Lloyd George and his Ministers did ignorance tearing up by the roots the weeds of vice. In the United States, the American Negro is left made for this great event. The everything in their power to preWe see him leading the young towards the triumph of unmolested so long as he does not forget that he is a kochester Boy Band will take care vent the Queen from going, but that the destruction of ignorance, and setting up in its place nigger and keep within his bounds. He is told what he of the musie which will consist of vie privately informed the then Sir knowledge, wisdom, ambition we see him gathering can do and what he should not do; where he can go and violin. saxaphone and piano.
James Croig, the Ulster Premier, unto himself, by his works, laurels more brilliant, more where he cannot go. Why?
Many distinguished persons have that she had no intention of allowimperishable, than those who are the destroyers of Latin American countries are protecting them been invited to take part in the ing the King to go alone. Her place their species.
consist of was by his side, always.
selves against the entry of West Indian Negroes, by ex programme which ers of mankind, and we see them filling the earth with are open to every other people. Why?
We see them deserving the glorious title of teach acting stringent immigration laws, while their doors songs and solos. legend, maybe. But it is in true hearty invitation is extended to character.
their renown by bequeathing their memory to the genHere in Panama it is an open secret that West In the publie.
erations whom their work must bless. LA. TO HOLDdian Negroes are not desired. The West Indian Negro Lastly, we see these men and women perpetuating who is satisfied with the existing condition are those Mehanics Install that philosophy which, long ago. Continued from Page 1)
vas propounded by who have allowed themselves to flattered and deceivof the organization and of individual the immortal English Essayist, viz: teaching the youth ed; and who on their part do denounce their own people.
members are cordially invited to be to love knowledge and virtue; purity of conduct. Teach It is because of these injustices that Negroes are (Continued From Page 1)
ing the future men and women to love that which, if showing restlessness and discontent. There must be a ways shown great interest in Mecha It is understood that a very elaborone is rich and great, will sanctify the providence which way out of this unendurable situation.
nism and have been found always ate and interesting program has made him so; love that which, if one is poor, will render The Negro is hard working, reliable and depend. ready to do everything possible for been arranged for the occasion. his poverty respectable, and make the proudest feel it able. He lives as respectable as his earnings permit, and the good and welfare of the Order. Many well known and interesting unjust to laugh at the meanness of his fortunes; love does make a very good showing compared to the native This being so, the members feels speakers will give addresses. There that which comforts, adorns, and never quits one that labourer of Panama or any other country where he that this term will be one of abun will be many musical numbers both which opens to one the kingdom of thought, and the plants his foot. He is said to be an unfair competitor. dant success not only for their par vocal and instrumental boundless regions of conception as an asylum against But how? Because of his rugged constitution which ticular lodge but for the Order in The coming conference in Jamaica the cruelty and injustice which may be one lot in the enables him to work consistently; and more because he general.
has aroused the interest not only of world that which makes one motive habitually great does the work intrusted to him in the best manner he the members of the organization but and honorable, and light up noble disdains at the knows how?
Drink Salada Tes the best for the public as well. It is therefore thought of meanness and of fraud! Verily, we see them (Continued on Page 8)
the Thopias expected that Liberty Hall will be crowded tomorrow afternoon. will present.


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