
Atlantic Side Notes ALL LEATHER SHOES Wiring, Supplies and Repairs y two orders for ice boxes. If were. Foresters Annual told this, wouldn believe it. only NEW ARRIVALS believe it because heard him give ine the orders. One order was, Get FINE ASSORTMENT OF (Continued from Page BY THE STRAGGLER)
Out. the other was, Stay Out. way with Condy as installing mas.
PAKKERKUccowooooooo FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN CHILDREN, ter. The officers installed are as folThere were the usual showers such cases made and provided, Speaking of jobs, will never forCHILDREN HOSIERY, ARROW SHIRIS lows: Comrie, Solomon, blessing during the past week. and against the peace of His Excel get the last time was waiting on a Davis, Treasurer; LADIES GARTERS, BATHING CAPS, BATHING Straggler was well blessed one eveny the President of the Republe, line for a job. There was about fifty Springer, Secretary; Clarke, SHOES, BABIES PANTIES CRIB SHEETS ning going home from work. Tell his Seat, and Dignity. The capablemen on that line, all waiting for the Asst. Seety; Grant, the truth, the whole truth, and Police are said to be Lollowing ene position. The first man on the ETC. ETC.
Lewin, Quamie, Trustee; thing but the truth, would ruchu sues, and the straggler joins willine was a colored brother. He had Your Patronage Solicited Burrell, and Bro. Devaris, not blessed all than to receive all good citizens in hoping that theſe recommendation from his former THE COSMOPOLITAN HOUSE many more of such blessings. av perpetrator of the unlawiul act wil. exaployer. So he gave this to the 31 Calldonia Road McALMON Prop.
The ceremony through the breth.
had enough of them when was albe speedily brought to justice. boss of the office. After the boss had en then repaired to the banquet hait man. Now, have become a stras read the letter, he told the colored where a sumptuous repast was par gler, should not be molested and Again, air. Thomas Gordon, who man he couldn use him. Why can taken of and many toasts were 11.
disturbed. Those big drops are als tried in the District Court of the you use me. asked Sam. Because, very enjoyable time was had Le heavy to fall on a straggler annan Zone at Cristobal on the ſaid the boss, this recommendation Wire for us and we ll Wire for You ali.
zow. There was a big crowd in Bharge of having committed a Sta says, The bearer is a lazy, good nothing, impudent, stupid NIMBLEY Co.
esclute and Garzona set the pise, var Street one day last week. There wory ulience, and whose case was for aken under advisement by the pre block head. Gets drunk the former took the lead, opene at every is excitement. There was sym a Electricians and Dealers Will was set at liberty. Jopportunity.
steal cries of Shame! iding judge, cap and main ained it cor four tur any.
tly. There were felt that the learned thing, from cancelled twoings of the seven furlong journey Shame! The late Mr. James Pugh, Everybody to a modern drea.
Diareela and Pora off badly be a an Irshan, a British Seaman burudge had come to his conclusion af cent stamp Telephone 1059 to gain on the leaders, passed inging to the crew of the Steamshipa careful study of the evidence naught. Well, sir. said Sam, 2h and in the home streven ubmitted at the trial, and there jani sorry to hear what that boss has arismina of the United Fruit Con ore, that Mr. Gordon is not guilty aid about me; but you should have Box 747 Jela in a whirlwind drive got one. eu am Ancon cz.
pany, received, it is alleged, som No 8J Street Panama terms with Resolute; both horses a nows in his neck, and other parts of the oftence upon which he had heard what he said about you together until nearing the winning Irish anatomy from the clube teen brought to trial. However una rust Marcela drew away to win unfortunate the cir Sam was a fine fellow, only that Iwo Policemen. Poor Pat dropped to pleasant and spiendid race. Pora finished third.
the pavement, and died a little while umstances in connection with this his rich unele was a tight wad. Sam Garzona was favorite with 185 tiekalterwards in the Charity Hospica, altair, it is that if Mr. Gordon had always said, whoever could get a ets. The winner had 91. There were where the honorable physicians said made any mistakes in his conduce cent out of him deserved a prize.
The Diadem Jewelry store.
väl tickets sold in the race.
that he died from the usual hemor the matter, the resuit of this case Sam invited his rich uncle to supper should serve to prevent him making one night; as they were seated Pool paid 10. 80, 00 and 50 rage of the brain not caused by a 79 Central Avenue on the winner; 00 and 40 on club, but by high blood pressure. Juny like mistakes in the future, it is around the table, little George, Sam the second horse; and 40 on the His Majesty Consul required an in rood that men profit by their ex youngest son, broke the silence by Only Good Quality for saying, Hey, pop, won the prize.
third horse.
vestigation, and had the two Police. wrience.
What prize. asked Sam, not thinkYour Money The fourth race was the feature nan restrained, in order that here.
The Alliance Literary and Debating for the moment. You know, event in which Pauline had no difOTTO HPACK. Prop.
after, they shall be called upon to ficulty in besting her two comshow cause why, how, and by what Society met as usual on Tuesday Jpop. said George, you said, whopetitors. Royal Eagle was favorite in right in their meeting place at the ever could get a cent from uncle means James Pugh, 42, British, came the betting with 295 win tickets, Cristobal Clubhouse. The Stragkir ought to get a prize. Now, what are by his death. Its a cinch that in a while the winner carried 189, and The meeting you going to give me? got a cent little while, these two questions will us there this time, Excuse Me 119 Was. lorestang, though the att nd rom him. have to be answered, viz (1) Wiu was not up to standard.
The pool paid 70.
killed James Pugh, British Seaman?
Some men are always looking for The fifth race. six appearances, numbers don seem furu 11g and. 2) Why was he killed? Then, uke much fierce with these work. My friend Charley Sore Foo event, was another three cornered it shall be seen whether the answers ople, at any rate, on this night is one of those men. Last night, contest, Popo and Little Rose having will again give opportunity for the hey transacted business, and enter had a swell party, and was invite been scratched. Lucero went out in proclamation of National Herpes. tained everybody present in the He was eclebrating because he front as the barrier went up, but in as was done not so long ago.
same lively spirit which is their his job. went there simply to giv the third furlong Golondrina caught haracteristie The following proim my sympathy. His wife alwa fup with her, and soon La Nena wa Then again, some person or per. ram was carried through. Vocal makes him look for work. She muit beside them. The three horses staged sons unknown, but who knew the solo, Mrs. Thorpe; Vocal Solo, Mis. have been like some of the present the most sensational race of the afcombination of the safe in the Of sambleton; Humorous Reading, Mr. wives. Their husband Wages is ternoon, for they would not yield fice of His Worship the Mayor of to and including July 15th. All those never enough, and their hours of an inch; they ran together to the Culon, ſeloneously entered, in the desiring to enter should therefore labor never long enough. Nothing is head of the home stretch where La right, that office, and stole, took, and in their names together with ever enough for them. Even the husNena began to draw away, and aland carried away monies, and other the piece they intend to recite to band is not enough. Wow!
though pressed by Golondrina she valuables, thereby committing those concerned in due time. In ad maintained the lead and won comfeiony, against the form of statute cition, there will be Instrumental And Charley had a story to te fortably. Veiteh; Piano Selection, Mrs. pieces as well as vocal added to the at his party. He told us that he Pool paid 70 on the winner. Martin.
program to make it as interesting never forget the first girl he wanted Golondrina was favorite in the betAll these renditions received wel as possible. Several well known ar to marry. Her father was a real new «Dunlop with an even ting with 301 win tickets. The winmerited applause, and the Chairman tists are expected to contribute onestate man. After proposed to his greater reserve of strength than ar carried 183 and Lucero 96.
extended to them hearty congratula that occasion, and a good time daughter, he said, went to him and the famous Dunlop Tyre of In the sixth race Billy Dennis tions in the name of the Society. anticipated.
aid, have come to ask you for th The date was fixed for the Elocu.
kand of your daughter. Let me you know so well. This new titors for the entire distance of tion Contest. August 15th. It was Ahora, yo no tengo mas informa sce. said her father, looking up member of the Dunlop family furlongs. He took the lead at the announced that applications for thiſcion. El otro semana me voy a decir form his TO LETS, Have you any tart. Chiquilla made a game effort contest is still open, and will be u otro cosa. Bueno. Adios.
childern. said to him, you dar.
has been introduced to meet par to get up to him, following him near old fool, what would want your ticularly hard service conditions.
ly all the way, but only took third daughter for if had children. It is the choice of car owner place, having to yield second place to Bomba. Clark who rode the winBut bad luek follows a man whenand involves his tyres in more ner got the glod hand which he de ver it gets set on him. was always served. The others in the race did peaceful man, said Charley, never Friends and Countrymen: Jottings rion, was very hungry and it begannterfered with the peace never not make any showing. Socia and and more jottimgs. passed a some rain up. And what do you think nolested it never had anything to Pora were scratched.
what shaky week. did not feel too only had a fork in my pocket.
Pool paid 30, 00 and 40 do with it, yet, was arrested one good. suppose the rains had someon the winner; 50 and 00 on day for disturbing the peace. Perthing to do with it. However, am the second horse and 60 on the But that my luck. It was always haps, it was because it was such a here still, the same old way no bet.
third horses. The winner was the my luck to strike a bum job. The small town, and as am not too ter, no worse.
favorite in the betting with 173 win jast one had was that of Census all a man, when moved down The famous Dunlop tickets. There were 606 tickets sold Once upon a time there was a cer taker. One house went into to take the street, it appeared to the police Tyre of Standard the race.
tain fellow who couldn keep a job the census was that of an old maid. hat was a disturber of the pace Construction is, of The seventh and last race brought. for long. He was like some of the She had seen about sixty summers, feel, however, that was simply course, still available out the eight entries, Infimo, Zapo Fellows of today, for one reason and and as many winters. She asked me arrested for doing nothing, becaus another, they jump from job to job, tu sit down and she gave me cak the only thing ever disturbed in and Dardanella set the pace, but InDUNLOP RUBBER and you can never write to them at and tea. asked her how old she was all my life was a piece of pie!
COMPANY LTD. fimonsoon ran away from his fiald.
the some address for two weeks. She said, thirty two. My next ques.
Nearing the James St. London, home stretch Pito!
Sometimes, the boss doesn like the tion was are you married. On Branches throughout the World who got off to a bad start ran up Juan Franco Races to the leaders, took second place and book of his face and other times, no. she said, and straightway, she made a game effort to get on evan all the bosses are so darned ugly in threw her arms around me threw physique and manners, that the fe er sweet lips on top of mine press tead for three furlongs then Hone (Contiued from Page 1)
erms with Infimo but to no avail.
low could well be excused for jumped them hard kept them there long Dew caught up with them and s001 sapo held on to third place. The stari ing about so much.
then she muttered, Oh darling, took the lead with Cococha in second was straggling.
Pool paid 50, 90 and 00 on This fellow said that his regular this is so sudden. place. As they neared the home the winner; 80 and 80 on the job was baking. Yesterday, he said, After this, my next job was a stretch, Lena again went up to he second horse; and 20 on the thir! baked two thousand doughnuts, Traveling Salesman. sold lee boce Jeoders and in a driving finishouhore. Silver Spray was favoriten but today, ain working because, at the North Pole. But though every did Honey Dew at the winning pot.
they re putting the holes in them thang was against me, must say Escobar who rode the winner was the betting with 140 win tickets.
now. But let me tell you that the that business was certainly immense. cheered for his splendid ride: CocoThe pool paid 10. 90, 00 and third race answered the bell, Can winner had 94. There were 446 tick bakers are a rising generation. They Why, the first house stopped in to cha finished third. Lagrimits was 40 on the winner; 90 and 46 tones having been scratched, but its sold in the race.
make bread all day. But as for me, soll an ice box, the man gave me favorite with 116 win tickets. The on the second horse; and 4, 80 on cnly four of the horses started, i don believe any fellow has more twor orders. Can you believe that? Winner had 83. There were. 503 he third horse.
uerencia and San Chee were left Drink Salada Tea the best for bad luck than Why, on one occa Imagine, the same man giving me tickets sold in the race.
Six of the seven entries in the standing after several false star the Tropics For the Extra Strain FORT DUNLOP ten Interesting Jottings 2) men See the coloured who habitually uses bad roado medallion than ordinary strain side wall on the St. James Hoswa


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