
India, and Dom. of Canada The Ideal Pharmacy BASSAN Stores 70. 74 Central Ave. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded By Experienced Druggist We Have Just received a Large Shipment of MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN SHOES IN LARGE VARIETY OF STYLES Our prices defy competition Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Contra Crespo Charles Andrews, Member Of No 29 Street Easi, Calidonia MOUR Rotary Club, BeLeves Goiden Upportunkcy Has Come For a Link up.
Always on hand a fine selection of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES MONTREAL Canada, the West Indies and India was the subject ou And TOILET ARTICLES au address by Chas. Andrews beiure the members of the Rotary Club of Montreal, at a luncheon held in Clie Windsor Hotel, reports the Canada West Indies Magazine.
Mr. Andrews was a Fellow of Cambridge, University of Englan, Iur the first part of his life before THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
te went out to India under the Cambridge University Mission at Delhi. He remained in Delhi for ten years as a professor and then joineu the poet, Sir Rabindranath Tagore at his Institution, named Santi Nikotan in Bengal. He has made the question of Indians in the different colonies of the British Empire one of the main subjects of his studies and research and with this object in YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED View has visited almost every part AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED of the Empire.
He believed that the golden opportunity had come for closer relations between Canada and India through the West Indies. In the West 1926 and are likely to double again. sumer goes down. However, it is Indian Islands and on the continent of BOOM IN EMPIRE ORANGES. com the next few years. At pre nuped that by finding a ready south America, he said, there were STRONG cont South Auricu sends ony u pe market for such by products as fruit agricultural settlers to the number of AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL cent of the total importation, out to a juice, marmalade, pulps and ci over 30, 000 from India who had come The Trinidad Guardian correspond expected to be soubled or treb. orange growing will continue to pay out during the last century under ent in London writes as follows: within the next decade.
good profits.
the indenture system of India laAlthough two thirds of the British increased competition from the Each inhabitant of England, Set tour. Their earlier conditions under orange supply comes from Spain, WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR United States and Brazil probably land, Wales and Ireland eats nine indenture had often been depressing where extensive plantings have been made recently, the most striking in will cause a fhu in price and stricter teen pounds of oranges a year or one and the system was brought to an creases in production are noted in grading standards, it is anticipated. third of all the oranges entering the end but he thought, there was no Although consumption has gone up channels of world trade. Since the reason why free immigration should unias of the British Empire.
For instance, imports from Pales since the war, it is not certain that War they have been eating more and not be encouraged wherever an agriNo hot irons or special combs required population of industrious tine of the famed Jaffa oranges it will be able to keep pace with pro more oranges, until in 1927 impor cultural needed to give a more than doubled between 1924 and duction unless the price to the con were 80 per cent more than in 1920. labourers were perennial source of labour to counSOLD IN DRUG STORES tries that were underpopulated and in great need of agricultural people to make them prosperous and fertile.
Quite lately, continued Mr. AnI AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, drews, British Guiana had become COLLECT YOUR WORK such a country and the bad health AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME conditions which had existed there OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSHIP previously are rapidly becoming ARE GUARANTEED TRY US thing of the past. There is also a CLEAN PRBOS great anxiety on the part of the CoREPAIR lonial Office in London to improve DARN MAKB You Suite te the conditions of this large and vaFOR THE STAR PRESSER DYERS cant territory by encouraging an in101 ANCON AVE PANAMA flux of industrious tillers of the soil. ALCIDE Proprietor Mr. Andrews who said that the Governor Sir Gordon Guggisberg, himself a Canadian, whom he had sional passage to India which might met in London and had formed the be increased later in proportion as highest opinion of his great sincerity freight and passenger service of and busineas ability, had asked him fered.
to help him with regard to the imALSO In concluding, Mr. Andrews stated provement of the condition of those that the relations between Canada at Custom Tailor Indian settlers who were already estoblished on the island, and also to indeed. The act of courtesy on the the present time were favourable 2000 discuss thoroughly with him the pos part of Canada in inviting the Indian No 22 Stroot sibility of the renewal of immigra Trades Commissioner in London, the Guachapali tion from India under perfectly free lon, Vajiaragava Charlar, of Can Panama de and favourable conditions.
Exhibition at Toronto in 1927 had Such immigration, thought Mr. da to open the Canadian National Andrews, would to a very great ex Exhibition at Toronto in 1927 had tent depend upon the steamship line created a deep impression among passing from Canada to the West thinking Indians. It made them Small Indies around the Cape of Good realise that the Canadian people AND Hope, touching at Natal, where al wished to have friendly relations DENTIST large Indian agricultaral population with India.
MASONIC TEMPLE was already established, and MauOffice Hours: 8, am to 12 pm ritius, which had become in process traveller in a Southern State of time practically an East Indian stopped in front of a tumble down. 30 to 30 pm island by virtue of Indians wettling country store and spoke to an old Sundays, by Speciai fppointmen there.
Masonic Temple ilth St, colored man who sat on a bench The steamship service would go whittling a piece of wood. Box 787. CRISTOBAL Packbone forward from Mauritius to Madras What community is this? in PHONE: OFFICE 1664 and Canada Possibly, it freight quired the stranger.
were offered, it might on its return Community, sah? said Unele passage miss Mauritius and go down Mose, guess dunno jes what you the coast of East Africa calling at all means by community. Mambasa and Durban. community. said the travelMr. Andrews stated he had fully ler, is made up of people who live discussed this possibility with the near each other in a friendly spirit new Governor of British Guiana, who and generally try to help other each Fabrica de said he had brought the question in many ways.
forward in a public manner in Can understan now. spoke up 37 Central Avenue.
ada itself with a view to ascertain Unele Mose, the light of comprehenCalldonia No 44 ing whether any of the existing sion breaking on his countenance; steamship services might be divert understan Well, sah, dis am no Garcia ed towards this route for an ooca community; dis am jes. place.


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