
THE LIST OPPORTUNITY ΤΟ JOIN THЕ. Frigidaire Club IS NOW OFFERED THIS CLUP WILL START THE MONTH ontal liche wa The Refrigerators offered are the Latest Fri.
gidaire Models, in Porcelain or Duco finish, all with one piece porcelain lining. Each Refrigerator is equipped with the new COLD CONTROL to speed up the freezing of ice cubes and ice cream.
The models offered in the club have cubic feet of storage space and make 42 ice cubes every hours.
Other models can be obtained through the Club by paying the difference in prices between the club model and any other desired by the customer. Come in to our Showrooms today and see the new models.
PAGE SEVEN ordinary route, when two French London First Robot FAMED SPY IS soldiers ordered her to stop and present her passport. In reply Mle. Evades Food Sale Law NOW INSANE Docteur fired several shots from her revolver at the French soldiers, Venda Perishables After Hours Despite Dora. What Can Young And Beautiful German severely wounding them and ran across the frontier into Switzerland.
Who Created Havoc During War She left this country hastily, how.
Jix Do now? Says Mr. Every Interned In Lunatic Asylum. ever, when the exploit was reported man.
to the Swiss authorities and a war GENEVA comparatively young rant had been issued for her arrest.
LONDON Miss Auto Dore, Lonand beautiful German woman who don first robot, is out to frustrate Among her various methods of did great damage spy to the communication were the use of or the prohibitions of Auntie Dora, uncause of the Allies during the war, dinary postcards with ordinary seem der which sobriquet the defence of has just been ingred in a lunatic the realm aet, forbidding the sale of perishable goods after o clock at asylum in a town on the Rhine by the messages in ordinary ink, but with secret code messages between the German authorities according to the lines in invisible ink made from night, is caricatured throughout the Tribune of Geneva after she had Great Britain.
lime juice, which becomes visible become insane from the effects of She has set up housekeeping at cocaine and morphine poisoning. Herto split a bank note and introduce a upon heating. Another method was Charing Cross under the very nose tools in war time were many, chief igaretie paper between the two por of her fussing and fuming old auntie at Whitehall and the young my officers and soldiers who had de tions of the note which was then rebel dispenses cheese, pickles, ham, serted from the allied armies. losed. third way was to empty beef, sausages, butter, tea, sugar, The British Intelligence Depart. in ordinary cigarette, place the mes fruit and a score of other tasty titment knew the woman as Mrs. Hein sage in the centre and refill the bits regardless of whether they are richsen, The France and Swiss De cigarette with tobacco.
on Dora black list.
partments named her as Mile, le The various intelligence depart.
Miss Auto Dore is a shiny new Docteur. Geneva and Antwerp were ments, however, did not take long to slot machine, with her name painted her chief spy headquarters. In these discover these methods as the clothes defiantly across her brow. By insert lowns she employed a large permaand belongings of suspects were ing a sixpence or a shilling, late nent staff.
minutely examined after an arrest.
shoppers can obtain all sorts of the For her employees Mlle. le Doc. Mlle, le Docteur was married forbidden fruits on Dora taboo.
leur procured false passports, deal. when quite young to a German Selling such articles in a shop aling out to them large sums of money cavalry officer, a member of a high ter p. is punished by severe supplied by the German etat major and wealthy family, Captain von fines. to travel and investigate in hostile but deserted him when war broke There is no law covering slot mahas been stated that out.
chines, however, and pounds and 300 of her spies were discovered and pounds worth of dainties found shot. or imprisoned by the allies, but ready purchasers within the first the woman ringleader was never Samuel. Fussell nour of Miss Auto Dore appear. caught, continuing pittilessly to the ance.
end. Once she narrowly escaped arIt is said that thousands of these te rest near the Faucille Pass in the The Taitor machines are to be on duty throughBottled wad Dlatributed by Jura Mountains above Geneva. She cut the country. The long suffering had climbed the pass alone from 241h STREET public, recently aroused by the de PAN AMERICAN Trance with the object of visiting Guachapall fiant defence by the Home Secretary, ORANGE CRUSH her confederates in Geneva and was Panama P.
Sir William Joynson Hicks, of Dora, COMPANY passing through a firforest, off the is laughing up its sleeve. What can Jix do now? says Mr.
Everyman, as he gives the glad eye to Miss Auto Dore.
Orange Crush the Kink Bottle Accept it only. COLON GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR House 40 3rd November Street Guachapali Panama City Amusements in Churches STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History FOR Making Good Clothes and Cleaning Clothes Good See REID Religion Could Do Itself No Greater Injury Than To Compete With Popular Amusements. Says Archbishop. AND LONDON Religion could do itself no greater injury than to comCricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 pete with popular amusements and Wonderful Work of: 40 odd Pages to endeavour to attract worshippers by entertaining them. declared the Most Rev. Dr. Temple, Archbishop Summary of Contents: of York, at the York Diocesan ConHistory of West Indies Cricket for 60 years ference.
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, The primary necessity of religious Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, practice, he said, is some degree of Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, concentration of mind.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua If we try to tickle the minds of Players people who come to church as they would be tickled at the cinema, only Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and with a different feather. he added, Interesting church going will lose its religious value. It is far better to have small Price 50cts.
congregations that are being religiously entertained.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush The Archbishop was lourly cheered.
for them.
Dr. Temple, formerly Bishop of Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Manchester, was elected Archbishop Panama of York on Dec. 10, 1928. He has continuously opposed the employment of what he termed stunts.
In a speech in 1926, referring to the methods of publicity sometimes emOmphroy Auto Supply ployed here, he said. In the United States one could Repair Shop see advertisements inviting people Muller Building to go inside churches and hear church music by massed choirs. PerNo 42 CALIDONIA PANAMA sonally would run away from such Telephone 280 an allurement. Religion is not going Calidonia Road to be worked by stunts.
No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, Romaine Organ Repairer JOB. PRINTING Drink Salada Tes the best for the Tropias Benjamin Barnett Son Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Rent POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery.
AT THE TAILORS at House 77 23r1 Stroot Room Chorrillo If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.


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