p. 8


NEURALGINA the Panama NEURILGINA Panamthis NEURILGINA World Happenings.
WINDSOR CASTLE Clairvoyant Aids. Continued From Page 1)
health resort but for its military (Coutiqued trom Page (Continued From Page 1)
The British Consul has requescund strategie value, and for the sur rounding dense forests in which hurrying away.
authorities an enfroamed boar and other wild beasts Peering Down at Me quiry into the cause of the death of of venery woman known throughout this in Pugh, Irish sailor of the Uni. eu For State Occasions countryside, who claims to be ruit Company steamr Parismina.
Not since the death of Queen Vienaturally gifted clairvoyant, held a ugh it is alleged was struck over toria has Windsor been used for seance this afternoon on the lakethe lead by Colon policemen when Should be in every office to immediately soothe any side. After describing a man minis arrest was ordered by chinese other than state occasions, for the utely, she dramatically declared that storekeeper who was afriad of Pugh reception of visiting kings, princes, neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
he was at that very moment peering scaving the store without paying for potentates and for the entertainment down at her through the trees at the his purchases. The injured man wel of the court which twice a year at in end of the lake.
luken to the Charity hospital where laster and during Ascot week June, proceeds from London to She asserted that he stopped Mrs.
He died three minutes after admi.
Windsor. The visit of the King, who Cranko at the lokeside and was precance.
is yet far from well enough to as sent when she dashed into lake afsume the cares of State, will change Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and ter her son had fallen in Eleven officers of the procedure; his residence at That man. declared the clarivoyI olice Department are out the force Windsor will be one of quiet and reduce the fever of children.
ant, is swarthy, has piercing brown tuvay as a result of the Govern seclusion for the first time since eyes, and lives at the village of ment economy measures. Thre. he ascended the throne.
Wootton Bassett.
clerks have also been let out from Throughout the 900 years of its Mr. Pitceathly, Major Cranthe civil registry office.
existence Windsor has been in a real ko brother in law, said today that a solicitor has been retained to act faxiense of the term the home of the for the family at the adjourned in.
The biplane Southern Star pilot kings and queens of England; its his 18 Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, quest. He continued: ed by McMahon arrived at ſtory is the history of England. AlI am going to see that this inFrance Field Tuesday afternoon at laost every monarch has lived there, 41 o clock, having left Puerto Ca with the notable exception of vestigation is pushed to the very simit. If an open verdict is returned Leza the same morning at 45. George III who spent his days in a shall make an attempt to have the Failure of the airmen to reach the small residence in Windsor Great For sale both Wholesale and Retail mystery cleared up. think the poIsthmus in a non stop flight from Park, being too mean to support the lice have done all they can, and Miami, Florida, was due to rainy castle and make it habitable for ana thoroughly satisfied with them, weather which was experienced large family.
AT THE from my experience of Superintenpractically the entier journey. This Queen Victoria at Windsor dent Brooks. No stone has been left necessitated stops at Tela, Honduras, Queen Victoria, after the death of unturned.
and Puerto Cabeza, Nicaragua. Be the consort, divided her time chiefly AMERICAN PHARMACY Spoilt Child side the pilot, there was on board between Windsor and Scotland, makI have been asked why when Hubert Huntington, his assistant, ing no secret of the fact that for her JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor visited the lake on the Monday afHunter, radiqman, and two me Windsor had the added attraction of she chanics. Montgomery, president not being London, a place anama.
ternoon did not see the push chair stated to have been left on the bank of the International Airways, was a thoroughly detested. This dislike of oy Mrs. Cranko. can only say that passenger. The huge craft, one of the capital was unfortunate for her did not look very closely. made the largest seen here, has a capacity Ministers who constantly journeyed plenty of noise with my motor cycle for fuel of 1, 940 gallons in the main from Westminster to Windsor, conand should think that if Mrs.
lanks. The ship has occommodati nsoled by the reflection that the drive Cranko was there she would have Tor 25 passengers and a crew of two was as nothing compared with the Good Time Coming The airmen Mary and Her Little heard it.
continued their flight fatigue of penetrating the wilds of As a matter of fact, was only toward Chile leaving here Thursday, Balmoral with home and foreign Lamb problems demanding the personal a:(Continued from Page 4)
there a few minutes and was back in Mayor Ramon Garcia de Paredes, tention of the monarch.
And so thousands and thousands of Negroes are my class room at 60.
Another question which has been Mayor of Colon, was robbed of 410 The Queen was happy at Windsor: The Original of The Nursery turning their attention to Marcus Garvey. It has taken Monday night. While the mayor she lived in state or she lived in seRhyme Still Lives In England them eleven years to see any hope in the movement that put to me is, why was sent to the Fond of Lamb.
was holding court, his room were clusion according to her mood or th: this man started. Today he is the man of the hour. ake? was in the classroom when entered and a safe looted of the sum dictates of state policy. The thouAt Ty Issa farm, in the beautiful Negroes look to him for deliverance. Next month in Major Cranko came up to me and mentioned. Trusted prisoners, it is sand and more rooms within the casKingston, Jamaica, intelligent Negroes from all over asked me to go to the lake. asked believed, committed the robbery. tle, not counting the State apart. vailey of the Dee close to Llangollen the world will meet in conclave to seek a way out. The him why, and he said, Well, you Nobody of the staff in my of ice ments, enabled her to accommodate Lives Mrs Mary Hughes, the Mary way they are looking is toward Africa. They want to go on your motor cycle, and if falls under suspicion in this robbery, with ease her numerous children and who befriended the lambs and gainhave a place under the Sun as other peoples and nations so shall have to walk. That is the am certain. said the mayor.
even more numerous grandchildren. ed fame in nursery rhyme.
have, the means that will make them respected as other reason went to the lake at all.
In this morning paper it is stated She could be present at their birth The other day Mrs. Hughes cele people and nations are respected. This international Agreement reached between the and deaths; she presided over their rated her 88th birthday. For some Convention of Negroes which, it is said will be the hat Mrs. Henley (a Wootton Bassett Peruvian Government and the Am. ducation and upbringing. Her Min: Sears she has been an invalid and greatest meeting of Negroes since Garveyism came into resident) saw Mrs. Cranko and the erican ambassador at Lima, Peru, isters posted from Westminster nearly blind, but Mrs. Hughes is birth, will prove to the nations of the earth that the child suddenly sº towards the lak it was said that the child said somemakes it possible for American inform her of affairs in London, and quite happy and takes an interest Negro is determined to demand his right. The new in current events.
itors going to Peru and belonging to the furthermost point of the empire; Negro no longer wants to be the adopted child of anything to Mrs. Cranko which appearMrs. Hughes tells the story of her nation.
ed to annoy her and which led to disnon immigrant class to do so with and with unhurried pace she Kirlhood.
vut obtaining passports. In exchange patched affairs of State in view of The Negro Race has long been saying thanks for her going to the lake.
the United States waves all passpor. parks and meadow lands stretched Her father, John Thomas, was a the refuse handed them; now they want to plant their can only interpret that as being duties that Peruvians are compelled uut beneath the castle windows in rearer of Welsh mountain sheep. own vines and fig trees. And that they are going after he desire of the child to go to th green, peaceful amplitude.
to pay when going to the States. was always fond of lambs, and that is evident from the fact that the first two items of lake in spite of inelement weather.
Presumably Mrs. Cranko was anny.
She saw as little as possible of when the mother sheep died in severe the agenda to be dealt with at the conference reads:ed, but she always gave in to Peter.
Three Canal Zone employees of the the world outside of Windsor. For weather my father would bring the (1) The political and Social Freedom of the entire ile was really a spoilt child.
dredging division were arraigned in exercise she drove out in landeau orphan lamb for me to bring up. Negro Race. 2) The presentation of proper evidence the Distriet Court at Ancon on Tues in Windsor Great Park with a lady. Sometimes had half a dozen lambs, before the League of Nations for an adjustment of the ON MIDSUMMER DAY day to answer charges of perjury, in waiting seated stifly at her side, and they would follow me round the International Race problem.
Another item of business that is also very importTO BE REPEATED growing out of their evidence in the and the inevitable John Brown on farmstead and down to the Holy.
Arthur Weil case. The men are the box grimly dedicated to warning head road to meet the postman. One ant is number 9, which reads: The practical effort of Walters, superintendent of Gerald Mathues, Charles Magee, of all conceivable and enconceivable day when was eight, Billy, the old uniting every unit of the Negro Race throughout the La Boca Wesleyan Sunday and Edward Driscoll Hurley.
The dangers that threatened his royal decided to repeat the case has been continued to July 13. mistress. Regularly every day the village school. He frolicked and scam. this has been the aim of the Universal Negro Improve Carrington and Todd, Queen took her air in this manner, pered over the forms and gave us no ment Association, with what success? Ask yourself, Operetta On Midsummer Day as the result of many requests that he will appear for their defense.
in that same park where Elizabeth peace. and the schoolmistress turned thoughtful reader, if you have been one of those who had hunted with her court as bold has received.
have hindered the work. It won be long when those him out.
who have mocked will see some good coming to Negroescessfully staged the operetta at the Mr. Walters and his Scholars sucand courageous as any.
Three Maiden Sisters Juan DeSilva, Portuguese gardener at Corozal, is now an inmate of Three maiden sisters, the Misses through the efforts of the When Queen Victoria first came As Negro people we have been very long at a standLa Boca clubhouse June 20. Successthe Balboa jail all because he refus. to Windsor the castle had undergone with Mary parents at Ty Issa farm, to nowhere. To continue in this way we can see our the pacific side who were well pleasBuel. from London, were staying still. The world has been moving and carrying us along undance of people from all parts of tal in that there was a large ated to pay temporary alimony as or the most drastic and complete renodered by the District Court Twice vation in its history. The elaborate and one of the sisterss was so amusDeSilva had been before the court structural additions and alterations ed with the narrative that she wrote if it is even to help the cause that needs assistance. who are anxious to again witness doom in the distance; but there is so much for us to de, ed at the acting of the children and for the same offense. In the first in undertaken by her uncle, George IV, the now famous poem.
There is a good time coming let us work together to stance he was adjudged guilty of had just been completed under the Mrs. Hughes has decided views on hasten the day.
the play.
contempt of court and ordered direction of Wyatville, at a cost to the modern girl. would prefer No definite day has been named, jail, but he soon made the payment the nation of considerably more that the vote should have been given PANAMA WESLEYAN The Society half year begins but it will certainly be good news to and was released. This time, howthan 1, 000, 000. King George as at the age of 25, rather than at 21. ACTIVITIES with new officers on the roll and it those who saw the play and more ever, DeSilva hasn shown up the Prince Regent had with great she said. But after all, girls have is hoped they will all fill their re. especially those who did not that the 16 monthly allowance and 20 at shrewdness begun the acquisition of more sense and also more knowledge The usual monthly consecration spective offices honourably.
operetta is to be repeated. It is torney fees. The fact is he told a collection of French furniture at 21 than men generally have. am meeting of the Panama Wesleyan The address for the evening on be crowded to capacity long before certain too, that the Clubhouse will his wife that he did not intend to tapestry and china; and before his sorry they wear their skirts so very Christian Endeavour Society took pay them. He is the plaintiff in a death he had been able to fill the short these days wish they would place in Geddes Hall on Wednesday, Patriotism was delivered by the pre the hour for the play to begin.
suit for divorce from his wife.
Jong corridors and spacious apartfollow the example of the Queen. night last when members responded sident of the society, the Rev.
ments of the castle with treasures tulations from all parts of the world.
Mrs. Hughes has received congra to the roll call. Wade, who being 100 per cent Drink Salada Tea the best for If you have Prescription to bought after the French revolution The lesson for the evening was (British, emphasized the subject and the Trople. be made up take it to the from an impoverished nobility only read by Miss Ivy Myers the newly made it impressive, his remarks beNational Pharmacy, Santa Ana too anxious to dispose of its historie Rent Receipt Books in Spanish appointed general secretary. Missing well thought of by the members Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Plana, where you will get courpossessions.
and English for sale at the Work Alice King, the newly appointed The singing of the Mizpah brought and English for sale at the orkteous and obliging service. To be continued)
man Printery, Rolll secretary was also in office. the evening programme to a close.
cst of the pete, followed me to the world into one organized body. For nigh eleven years School, habe to man Printery.


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