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PRICE CENTS NO WORK FOR WEST GOOD PROGRAM FOR Grave Charges Made Against WEST INDANS BADLY MASS MEETING WELL INDIANS IN PARA TOMORROW RACES CUBA Vincentian Cricketers ATTENDED TO YOUR West Indies are six other races 120. 96 of Mayara Barbados the local were three Pauline And Royal Eagle To Run More Than Une Thousand Bar British Consul At Para Tells Of Six Furlongs For 1, 000 Pursebadians Returned Home Condi vepresentative Gathering of Conditions Many Can do BetSix Other Events On Card Deieated but unshared ihe Grenada Cricket team Lions Deplorable, Universal Negro Improvement ter Remaining Home As Wages returned to the colony yesterday morning by the motor Association Members Met Last Are Low Al nough Pauline didn extend her sloup Lady Kelvin from St. Vincent whither they Over one thousand West Indians Sunday seli to beat Royal Eagle when they went to endeavour to bring home the Cork Cup, says the turned trom Cuba during the week, The following copy of a leitermel July 4, there are very many per west indian of June 18. The team was comprised of. suy Ciennel Wickham, writing in All Chapters of the Universal Nefrom Coultas, the British Con sons who are unconvinced that the Messrs. Hughes (Capt. Hughes, Barbados Herald. One of them. co Improvement Association works sul at Para, asking that West In mare is the better horse. Well, they Paulilips, Hughes, Callender, Beggs, bain, in a letter to the Herald condemns an under Charter from the Parent dians be warned of the risk they are weet again tomorrow in a matah Chas Haynes, Rodrigues, Phillips, DeLandro, che conditions in Cuba and suggests body was represented at the class likely to incur by emigrating to Para race over six furlongs for a purse Radix, Frederick and Parris.
the prohibition of emigration to Cu meeting held at Liberty Hall, in search of work has been forward of one thousand dollars, and if this large crowd greeted the team as the Lady Kel ieeling of a West Indian in Cuba u survet last Sunday. The meeting was ed to the Governments hroughout the were the only race for the afternoon, vin. moored alongside Messrs. Hugging Co seeling of a West Indian in Cuba of a success in every way. There was it is certain that a large crowd jeity and extended words of congratulation to them, all mult what our correspondent states very large attendance of members British Consulate, would witness the event, but there ieeling that our boys had certainly met with hard luck. true. But the point which suggests who enjoyed the excellent program Para, Brazil, on the proYesterday a representative of The West Indian itself at once is: Is or is not a West consisting of solos, choruses and mu Sir: sramme which promises an after called on Mr. Hughes, the Captain of the Grenada sidian British subject? If he is sical numbers as well as addresses have the honour to report that noon of thrilling sport.
team, for an interview on his impressions in St. Vincent. Why is not the Union Jack big by some of the most briliantora considerable numbers of West In The entries and handicaps are as Mr. Hughes refusal to give any particulars with re enough to protect him in Cuba? Itors of the Association.
The West Indian band under the dians have recently arrived at Para, follows: spect to the alleged unpleasant attitude displayed to Conditions for labouring classes are via British and French Guiana, with FIRST RACE FURLONGS wards the team by certain sections of the community in bad in some of the West Indian wirection of Griffith outdid itself.
the object of taking up employment Tonosi.
St. Vincent was in itself eloquent. He merely comment Colonies that no obstacle whatever he choirs of Division 17 and of the on the Ford Concession. Many of Rippling Water these are without sufficient means Star Light.
1118 ed on the dissatisfaction arising from adverse weather should be put in the way of their caapters were at their best and tu. 106 conditions. The morale of the Grenada XI was exem that Barbados is better off for the ad received.
emigrating. Would anybody suggestly deserved the applause their efforis to reach the Ford Estates, which Pan Dulce. 104plary and they all enjoyed themselves.
are situated some three or four days Flor de Lis Those Who Shone hill who clenched the leather in his dition of a thousand men to the La Stevens gave the address of journey by river steamer from this Annie Laurie In the Grenada St. Lucia match left hand, arresting its most certain bour Market. Can work be found for the evening. The gentlemen is a very city, the third class fare for which SECOND RACE FURLONGS Norris Hughes gave splendid batting flight for a six boundary right down them all? wonder what the British cioquent and forceful speaker and he amounts to about twenty five shil Sena. 122 display, while Ewart Hughes show on the ropes. The third was taken Consul in Cuba does when West In huld the attention of the audience as imgs. In addition to this, travellingCococha.
116 ed himself a level headed and safe in the slip by Osbourne off the dis dians are illtreated, or whether it is ne told of what the had expenses between British Guiana and Tunney 116 opening bat. The bowling of natch of hot full pitch to Patris. brought to his notice at all? There done, what it is doing and what it Para are heavy owing to delays en Honey Dew. 115 Parris was beautiful and true. Edis something wrong if citizens of the will do in the future.
What Happened route due to deficient means 110 win Beggs also showed his mettle at British Empire can be illtreated with We have however been able to obThe from the weekly message communication in French Guiana and Pistol. 90 trundling. Iri Bain, in this depart tain the following information from impunity.
Chief was read by Miss Ethel Levy.
at Cyapock.
Lagrimita. 90 ment, was not up to standard but a very reliable source with regard to THE LETTER. Mrs. Thompson contributed an Other West Indians are in pos(Continued on Page 8)
did his bit admirably. As to fielding the spirit of the tournament as far Knowing your valuable journal elocutionary item. Miss Henry and session only of British Bank Notes every man contributed worthily, and as the Grenada team was concerned.
has always upheld the cause of Right Miss Villiers rendered two reci.
issued by such Banks as the Royal tations.
Continued on Page CONDITIONS IN COSTA while play in this direction could The first thing which it is stated Bank of Canada and Barclays Bank have been better, it was far from brought about a rift in the even Louis Lindo, President of the currency equi.
RICA being unsatisfactory, enure of attains was the request of WESLEYAN SCHOOL Division, in his closing remarks emvalent of which can only be obtainThere phasized of the sensational he Captain of the Grenada team for ed after the Banks here have re Sunday Closing Restriction Ef entches during the Grenada St. Lucia he removal of two or three of the ANNIVERSARY jeusion and urged the members to do mitted the notes for verification to fected Chicken Pox Prevalent natch by the later team. The first boundary poles, which were obviousAll they could to assist in the com(Continued on Page 5) Many Persons Attacked No vas one off Ewart Hughes to Rollo y placed closer in than the laws of Children will kender cantata ing convention to be held at King.
Unemployment At Present it point. The second and most bril. Dricket provided, it was alleged for Tomorrow ton, Jamaica.
Afternoon. proiant was off Earle Hughes by BoxMINSTREL SHOW AT (Continued on Page 4)
gramme of Songs And RecixaSIQUIRRES, June 30( By tion For Monday Evening SOJOURNERS INSTALL A. TONIGHT, Mail. The municipal authorities OFFICERS TONIGHT ure again putting their foot on SunThe annual Sunday School anniStadt Trinidadian Protective Associa lay trading. recent order, eftecversary services of the Wesleyan Officers Elected Last Month To tion Staging Show Professor Live from the 16th inst, requires all church in this city will take place Take Reins Of AdministrationShine, Popular Comedian, Will places of business to close it down oinoto tomorrow afternoon commencing at Successful Term Is The Hope of Do His Stuff This Evening work on Sundays at noon sharp. Port of Spain, Trinidad, June 18 (By Mail. 30 o clock.
Membership Health Matters Trinidad will be one of the forty ports of call in the The children with the assistance of What is said to be a grand Min Chicken pox made its appaearance Air Mail Passenger and Express Service planned to be several young ladies have been reOfficers, elected at a meeting of strel show will be held this evening kere some weeks ago and very many inaugurated in November by the New York Rio and hearsing the cantata entitled Sing the Sojourners Benevolent Society at the Universal Negro Improve persons have been attacked. There Buenos Aires Line, Inc. of New York, Unto The Lord which will be ren held June 28, at the Edith Cavel ment Association hall, Guachapali. kave been no fatalities, however, and weekly Service will be started in January, 1930, dered at this service. Rev, Lull, Nineteenth of October St. will The show is under the auspices of no quarter is it feared that the and in three years time the Company intends to have Wade, pastor of the church will pre be installed Tuesday evening next, the Trinidadian Protective Associa malady will become epidemic. two flying boats calling at Trinidad every forty eight side.
tion, a benevolent sociely operating Monday evening the child acts. when uie expoetid that their next; and be a very good attendance of memin this city, and which, it is under. There have always been a certain The first of the boats which will be used in the crown ups will render programme flers. wooo stood, is doing worth while services section of the West Indian commun service will be here in August and Trinidad will be a songs and recitations at the The officers to be installed are as among its members SHT ity who, abstaining from work al base of the Company operations with a shuttle line to church. silver collection will be ollows: Shepherd, President; Professor Shine, Panama mostogether, go about the different set Caracas.
restaken up which will be used for the Robinson; First Vice President; popular comedian, will be among the yements as fortune tellers, divine. Col. Ralph Neill, Vice President and benefit of the Sunday School. Vice; pastor expects parents and Paylor, Secretary; Sperling, Asst.
troupe, and this means that there healers and what not to duped the Director of the Line who arrived in Port of Spain yeswill be amusement plenty. There credulous. Upon examination, it is terday afternoon in the company amphibian Sikorsky guardians of the children to be pres Seeretary: Bonner, Recording Scehas been always a full house wher found that these miscreants not only plane Washington made public these facts in an in sent, and he extends a hearty invi retary; Rt. Moore, Chaplain (re elever Shine appeared and tonight obtain money by false pretences but terview with press representatives shortly after landing tation to the public to attend. eeted. Clarke, Treasurer (re elshould not be an exception. that they The passenger fare will not be higher than 20c. per ected. Trustees: Jackman (reMembers of the Association are same immoral practice that they mile. sed on diw lil za eiected. McCloud (re elected. also reminded that in future meet decry and contribute to the calamifost SEVEN IN NEW YORK and Carters Committee of Man ings will be held at Elks Hall, Twenties that they predict as coming ty fourth St. Guachapali. from other sources. The conduct of agement: Hutson, Mapp, EDITH CAVELL SOCIETY ANNIVERSARY Oobant Seven persons perished in New Worrell, Boyke, and Boxill.
one of these howlers in the Gunsimo 10 tot babes CARRINGTON settlement a few nights ago has a die Anniversary services in connection sisting of musical and literary numYork City and over twentytwo were ON VACATION very ugly setting. Suffice it to say, with the Edith Cavell Friendly sobers will be rendered. Refreshmente wave continued on Wednesday over prostrated on the streets as the heat DR. ROWE AT HOSPITAL PANAMA lihat when this particular warner ciety will be held at the Wesleyan will be served.
afternoon Carrington, attorney at law, was caught red handed in his deeds Church tomorrow via the eastern, sertion of the United Som com This anniversary marks the tenth States. Cooler weather is predicted.
Friends of Dr. Nathan Rowe, sailed on Wednesday for an extend and found it a necessity to scale a mencing at 30 o clock. The Rev. Ryear of the society activities in popular physician of Colon, will reed vacation. He is on his way to the window it was only the lard with Wade will preside. 10 this city.
Lucian Progressive Society will be gret to that he is a patient in mother country, and will continue a which he was already annointed en Following the services the mem ST. LUCIAN SOCIETY held tomorrow afternoon at the Panthe Panama Hospital which he en, tour of Europe, then to the United abied him to escape without a lick bers and their friends will return to MEETS SUNDAY Capital hall, commencing attered on Tuesday afternoon of this States, lastly visiting his homeland ing up for his daring.
the hall at Nineteenth street, Gua3. 80 o clock. full turn out of mem week. We look forward to his speedy Barbados (Continued on Page 8)
chapali. where a programme con An important meeting of the st. bers is anticipated.
recovery from his slight illness.
Amphibian Lands Safely stov at Port of Spain. Calamity Howlers TV hours. en anianrai The Doll HEAVEWAKE KILLS ama


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