
PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side Notes Races! Races! Races!
AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK Tomorrow Afternoon MO FEATURE EVENT Pauline and Royal Eagle to run Furlongs for a 000 Purse First Race Start at p.
ADMISSION. Including Program. 25c GOOD ŘACES. 000 Purse NESTLE CONTEST. NESTLÈS S150. 00 No Work for West Indians in Para (BY THE STRAGGLER. Continued from Page 1)
Rio de Janeiro or New York as the it isn an easy job to grind out wing of the tower ur babes; out case may be, so that for practical suragglings to fill this column every he hopes the bavel confusion wil purposes they are useless to the week. In these parts, nothing is in not occur, because he is uired 01 kolders and should be changed into teresting for long, besides, a fellow walking all the way to Cristova, Brazilian currency or bankers draft gets tired of doing the same thing commissary where he gets his gus WORKMAN every day. However, it seems to Leal flattened out between the unruy on Para before leaving British Gui good thing not to get tired to och folks in a never ending line, just ana cupy one time in good efforts. Thelt get one loaf of bread.
SUNDAY JULY 14, 1929 According to information rostraggler thinks this is a good ef The women folk too are jubilant au ceived from West Indians who have fort, and so he keeps at it. tae sight of construction. Those who already worked on the Ford Estates One can hardly describe the king are fat say they will save bus fare, the average daily wage for a labourof weather we have had this side for and those who are skinny say they er does not exceed 26 and food acthe past week. Some rain feil, anal get fat when the commissary in commodation and medical attention.
when it did, it was a bucket eachinished, and they don have to Carpenters and artisans may receive drop. As usual, it came this way far to make their purchases. much as from to 76 a day, in just when the poor man is to go to agree with all of them. They have addition to the other advantagen his camp to get a mouthful, if mouth all said what is true. am jubiiant mentioned.
Lul there is, and to get a little rest to behold the fruits of labor, and in In these cireumstances many if he has the good fortune to reside Jteiligent representation, and see a West Indians, who have been receiv.
next door to some civilized persons. cemonstration of the usefulness ou ing higher daily wages in their own These, by the way, are few and fall ganized effort.
Colonies, find that they are more between, and because of this, many likely to lose than to gain by seekpersons have to say their prayers Last week, the make up wan ing such employment. It may, theremore often than is either necessary, essed up the news about the Alfore, be thought desirable that some or they intended to. Se Senor, the iance Literary and Debating so. tricks in trade, and mischief in, day, was spooning with a girl who did she do anything to show resent further warning should be issued stragger has heard many a poor hiety. This makes it necessary for business. Girls are a funny set of was kind a funny. She would scarec rent, so just kept right on repert against precipitate departure on the soul exclaim. Good Lord deliver the straggler to re write it agan Times, you will really do to them ex even look at me except like a child and gave me a sort of funny implor part of those who are already empeople, and if you follow them some fly speak, nor reply to a question, noring the suggestion until she turned us. And this expression has, many this week. It is that all is set for ployed locally, as there is practically actly the opposite of what they de vho has been stealing jam. was a ing pious look, whatever that is. In times kept them from conversing staged on August 15th. Contestants sire. They have a way to be falsely a loss to find out what kind of a girl other words, she looked at me like to work to be had else where in this with magistrate Murray, will be accepted up to, and including modest, forcibly vexed, apparently this was, so ignored her peculiar a child who had been stealing jam, for those who lack of any knowledge region at present more partieularly Tell July 31st. All contestants have the disgusted when, as a matter of fact, ities. and placed myself right at. just kissed her. Straightaway of the Portuguese Innguage severely Monday was a busy day for the option of selecting their own piece pedagogues at Cristobal. They were for recitation. In addition to these, they are exactly the opposite of home. made a little suggestion to she gave me a broad, sweet, long restricts their chance of obtaining busy enrolling names of children for there will be solos, duets, quartetts, what they pretend to be. The other which she did not reply, and neither satisfactory, captivating smile, and work in competition with Brazil the school year. All day was spent and such like things to make the ians.
on this, and when saw some of programas interesting as possible.
them in the evening, they looked as Contestants are invited. The pre kissed me in return. Merey! just if they had never slept for a week. dent, secretary, or any member of Tremembered the saying that there was not surprised, neither should the club will gladly receive names, are tricks in trade, and mischier in you, because at Silver City School, and as gladly attach them to the Jousiness. Then best of all, learnthe enrollment was thirteen hundred programme. little more than one ed once and for all that any time a and fifty. Fancy, thirteen hundred month is left. That is not much time, girl looks at you lilke a little child and fifty children in one school! So, anyone wishing to enter should who has just stolen candy, she wants This shows that West Indian people get busy and have their names listyou to kiss her. ll never forget are prolific, and it also shows howled.
necessary it is to have people to take care of such vast multitude of Atlantic siders like to see a Pat went into a barber shop to get children in other ways besides giving ew things happen. For instance, a shave. Pat, you know, is very witthem ropa and comida. Ropa y Co they would like to see less stone CHOCOLATE ALMONDS MILK ty, and you will have to be very mida no sufficiente, carahu. Educa throwing among the boys and careful with him or he will stick even siones necesario, tambien.
The girls of our village. This has been THE RICHEST IN CREAM pome nasty joke on to you. The bar.
straggler is glad such people are getting rather fashionable of late.
ber was shaving him, and let some available, because if they were not, They would also like to see the Poof the soap lather get into the cordarkness would cover the land, and lice get busy and rid the community ner of his mouth. Pat did not object, gross darkness the people. Then lot a gang of idle boys who congrbut asked calmly. do you charge our production would only be genera gate almost nightly round and about Textra for filling a customer mouth tion after generation of vipers! Silver City and the heights. and with soap. No. said the barber indulge in the use of bad language, calmly, not until he swallows the The Silver City commissary at the and other offensive behaviour.
junction of Guava Road and Bolivar They would also like to get rid of Highway is in course of construc the nuisance of being perpetually The best thing for a man to do tion. Every day it becomes plainer bothered by the floor walker in Crisis to prepare the money the tailor and plainer. The constructors are er tobal commissary, and be left alone charges for making his clothes beecting a hugh pile driver with which to endure their suffering of waiting fore he gives it to be made. So Crimto drive piles to make the foundain a packed line in peace. To lean off py Jiggs told his companions after tion sure. This is right, because the he had met with a near disaster bethe counter is all right; but goodness wise man says. every house not set cause he did not do as he had just knows that when a person has to on a firm foundation, shall surely. informed them. Crimpy had a suit stand in line for such long periods, it fall. and this commissary was not made for which he had not paid the is hardly human to ask them not to going to be any exception to that tailor. He wore the suit out to the very general rule. The pile driver is frest their hands on the counter just swimming pool one day. The swimgoing up higher and higher, and one to get a little ease. Too much of one ming pool was adjacent to the publittle boy remarked that it puts him thing is good for nothing, carahu!
lic road. After they had been in swimming for a time, the tailor happened to pass that way on his bicycle. Crimpy observed him coming along. He did not wish to be seen, so he dived. He came carefully up, Friends and Countrymen: heard about. This one was one of such. His taking care to show up his head as new word this week. When heard mother enjoined him not to go in far as the eyes only, so he could see it, laughed some. have never swimming; but he did. When mother when the tailor had passed. The heard it before. And remember the discovered that he did, she said to tailor had alighted, and was standfamous old saying, de more you him. Willie, you know had told ing by his bicycle looking at the lib, de more you larn. Some boys you not to go swimming, and yet you boys swimming. Every time Crimpy were walking along the road leading have been in the water. knew it came up, he saw the tailor, and had to the place the people call thema. said Willie, Satan tempted to go down again. This went on until heights. One of these boys was me. And. said the mother, why he was out of breath and choked evidently mischievous, 80 he kept did not you tell Satan to get behind with water. His eyes were red, his pocking one and another in the ribs stomach full of water; but he could you. Willie. did ma, and he with the end of a little piece of stick not afford to come out. So he nearkicked me in.
he carried. One who had lost his МОЯЯ ly got drowned. The tailor, luckily patience, said, don do that man.
went away just then, and Crimpy After supper, two sisters were out Suppose you bore my skin with that had to be given first aid in order stick? That is pure folishment. This on the porch playing. They fell out el Javillo, Panama City 057 Balboa Avenue Colon that he would be revived.
word foolishment is the one ever some such thing as children After they went home, and were never heard before. have him now. fall out for. Mother came out and at supper, one of the boys said to OR SEND THEM BY MAIL WITH YOUR ADDRESS TO He will never get away from me. It said, dogs delight to bark and bite.
his mother, Mother, you know that there is any room left in your voca Yes mother, said one, dogs debulary to take a word of this size, light to bark and bite, but not so How did it happen. said the there is no objection to your making with the fleas. They delight withoût mother. Well. said this boy, his the addition. It might come in handy barking. BOX 803 PANAMA CITY, and we shall mail you our certificate at once tailor went by, and the poor fellow 10 hitsup obrol was forced to stay under water alThere are some smart boys all There are, as the old people say, most all day. 893 to botata PETER AO in Cash 2TAUOG 100. 00 for the first prize 35. 00 second prize. an 15. 00 third prize Will be paid at the Closing of this Contest on the FIRST OF SEPTEMBER 1929 For each 10 (ten) wrappers of the famous NESTLE or PETER chocolate tablets we shall give you a certificate bearing one number of four figures.
Interesting Jottings Call at our office for the exchange of your wrappers NESTLE MILK Co.
AM NESTLE JIJIUN Crimpy was almost drowned today. some day.


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