
THE WORKMAN The Royal Bank of Canada INCORPORATED 1869 Head Office: Montreal, Canada Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
SIX MONTHS. 20. 60 ONE MONTH. 50 Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matters of public interest invited.
We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS THREE.
COLON PANAMA Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets the Administrator was brought to bear on Mr. Childs that he retracted and apologised properly. The Grenada team did not go to the ground that day. His Honour did not know of the occurrence till the afternoon when he came to the hotel to interview Mr. Earle Hughes and took him to Government House where, with Mr. Childs, the apology was made.
Grenada it was stated should have won heir St. Lucia match easily but the men had to be so mindful of the umpires that they lost their nerve.
When St. Vincent met St. Lucia, the latter play evinced that the men had been severely tried and were very tired out. Neverson and Lewis, it was alleged, who compiled respective scores of 71 and 72 runs should both have been out before reaching ten, having survived obviously out decisions from their own umpires.
The well laid plan to defeat Grenada at any cost (like the Scotsman, honestly if you can, but do it) has been attributed to that individual who is so versed in the art of running with the hares and hunting with the hounds WILLIAM ERLING VAN LOO.
Total Assets in Excess of 954. 543. 384. 99 THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1929.
Antigua The Week News The coast steamer Prince George and the coastguard cutter Aggsiz collided 55 miles off Portland last Sunday morning. There were 249 passengers on the former who were jtransferred to the Mohave which took them to Boston where they landed the same evening. The Prince George reached that port later in the evening with a gaping hole in her port bow and was listing badly.
Passengers from Costa Rica report here that trains from Port Limon to San Jose have been able to maintain schedule time since last week Thursday because of the let up in landsiides which have constantly occur.
red at certain points. Numerous labor gangs are being maintained by the railroad company in the danger zones, which are located in the neighbourhood of Peralta, where most of the slides are taking place at a bend Inown as the Devil Elbow. OUR MEED OF PRAISE With 900 Branches throughout the world, including the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank Not even standing room. Very many persons is in a position to render the best possible service.
anxious to see the first night showing of Neta The Scarlet Woman were turned away from the Variedades theatre Wednesday, evening with the words with Dominica Montserrat which our article commences. The following evening the Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts company played to another packed house. Mr. Milton Garvey, writer of the Play, and his company scored a Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia tremenous success. We were not surprised. Mr. Garvey has repeatedly written and staged plays that have won British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique him recognition, but never before has he won the plauGuadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
dits, praise and congratulations of a very exacting public as has been accorded him in this his latest effort.
It is very seldom that any company appearing in this city has been able to attract full houses for two consecutive evenings. That the Panama Melo Dramatic THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Company has done just that is in itself something for PAID ON DEPOSITS the company to be very proud of. month or so ago Messrs. Manning and Perrins, comedians said to have won fame in and around Harlem, New York, played here but did not succeed; they found the public very inA General Banking Business Transacted.
different. Were they here to witness the success of this play, they would realise that our people are not colour prejudiced as these gentlemen believed.
Mr. Garvey deserves the success he has won. His persistence and determination; his struggle to surmount obstacles are the outstanding qualities that have GRAVE CHARGES placed him in the front rank of local play writers. He understands his subjects, the result of long study ere he (Contiued from Page 1)
writes. This was very evident in Neta The Scarlet Wo the specific purpose of shortening man. The play went from the first scene through to the boundary for slow bowling an the third and last act with a smoothness that left no abundance of which the Grena. ia thing to be desired. And his company portrayed the team had the request was willingly characters to perfection. We would not single out any complied with a few hours befvre one of the company for special praise, as we feel that the commencement of play which each one, even the humble maid, did his or her part ex was delayed by rain, but on return ceedingly well and made the play the success it was. But to the match the boundaries still rethey must not stop there. They must not feel that all mained in the original place. After is won. They are on the road to success, and we would much ado, they were eventually reremind them that that road is long, steep and rugged. moved to the longest distance the There are obstacles at every step of the way. Adverse configuration of the ground could criticism is one of the obstacles that surely disheartens. allow.
It will surely come, this should not hinder but should be Ludicrous Umpiring Alleged the power to force them on to do better. Well would we Two Vincentian umpires officiated remind them that perseverance always gains its mead. in the St. Lucia Grenada mateh and We do not think that the Play was a financial suc the decisions when Grenada was batcess, in the sense that the profits were not sufficient to ting were it is alleged, as ludierous adequately recompense the company as it deserves to as they were unfair. This, it was new Dunlop. with an even be, for the production was costly. We presume that Mr. contended, was evidenced by the fact greater reserve of strength than Garvey intends repeating the play here after returning that there were five members of the the famous Dunlop Tyre of from the Atlantic side. Undoubtedly it would stand an Grenada team given out for Standard Construction, which other showing and in this way be profitable.
We heartily congratulate the Panama Melo Dra the crowd for lıb. whenever the scores of The repeated appeals by you know so well. This new matic Company on its success. And we look forward to ball struck one of the batsmen no member of the Dunlop family still better works from Mr. Garvey. He has the ability matter his position at the wicket or has been introduced to meet pas ticularly hard service conditions.
to write interesting and amusing plays; more than that, where the ball struck him, and the It is the choice of the car owner he has the material in the persons of his company who hostility of the crowd to the Grencan successfully portray his characters.
ada visitors, were alleged to be The company is scheduled to appear at the Silver something appalling. It is said that and involves his tyres in more City clubhouse next Tuesay evening, and we are sure their behaviour was worse than in. on the everyone to see the show. We assure them that they to have been made by an Umpire to won be disappointed.
a Grenada batsman cannot fail to give you an idea of the calibre of the individual, said our authority: Wire for us and we ll Wire for You If you allow the ball to hit your leg no matter where am going to NIMBLEY Co.
give you out, especially Hughes.
The famous Dunlo Rudeness of Home Captain Tyre of Standard Electricians and Dealers Construction of Alleged COLO, available Wiring, Supplies and Repairs It is alleged that the Grenada team was subsequently assured on DUNLOP RUBBER Telephone 1059 the day after they had suffered five COMPANY LTD. s that there would be no other Box 747 Londokwa Home Ancon men given out lbw. on that day, how the world No. 8, Street Panama which assurance proved correct. It is said that the captain of the St. Vincent team was abominably rude to the Grenada team, the former having The Diadem Jewelry Store to apogise for his discourtesy. At first he would not apologise even 79 Central Avenue though several influential gentlemen, including Mr. Yearwood, Only Good Quality for strongly supported the captain of Your Money the Grenada team in his stand. It is OTTO HAACK. Prop.
further stated that it was not until the assistance of the influence of For the Extra Strain FORT DUNLOP Minister Enrique Fonseca Zuñiga, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Costa Rica to Panama with his wife and three children arrived at Cristobal on Monday. special railway mo or was placed at his disposal for the trip across the Isthmus to Panama.
Thanksgiving services were held last Sunday in the historie Westminster Abbey as also throughout the British Empire for the recovery of King George from his long and serious illness. Many thousands took active part in the service in and near Westminster Abbey, while millions of others participated through radio or similar services throughout the world.
See the coloured who habitually used bed rondo medallion than ordinary strías, side wall First Lieutenant Henry Sessions and William Bleakley of the Army Air Corps, stationed at France Field were instantly killed at 10. 24 o clock on Monday morning when their airplane crashed to the ground on the flying field at Fort Clayton.
Lieutenant Sessions was piloting the plane, with Lieutenant Bleakley as passenger. The plane was on ordinary training flight from France Field to the Fort Clayton airdrome.
Approaching the field from a northeasterly direction it was gliding to a landing, when only 50 feet above the ground, it apparently lost flysing speed and started into a tail.
opin. Crashing to earth the propellor was broken off and the plane settled in upright position about 200. feet from the point of striking. It then burst into flames and was almost totally lost. As soon as the flames were extinguished the badly burned bodies of the two officers were removed from the wreck and sent to the morgue at Gorgas Hospital.
Continued on Page ADVERTISE


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