
HD PAGE SIX toon THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1929. Never Grumble Hendren Motto The Ideal Pharmacy BASSAN Stores 70. 74 Central Ave. HAS We Have Just received a Large Shipment of VOL MEN WOMEN AA AND CHILDREN SHOES IN LARGE VARIETY OF STYLES Our prices defy competition Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET more than a protetor Contra Crespo No. 29 Street East, Calidonia Dogged Perseverance Leade To Romantic Entry Into Cricket Must Get The Best Result Always on hand a fine selection of Out His Game.
DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES (By In All Sport Special Corres And TOILET ARTICLES pondent)
It is generally imagined that the Lives of all cricketers are very simiar. Perhaps they are, although in Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Patsy Hendren case any success By Experienced Druggist which has come his way can be at.
tributed to dogged perseverance, for doubt if he is what is termed a born player. And it is this dog THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
De ged perseverance which has made his entry into the first class cricket world something of a romance, His early childhood was much the same as that of any other boy.
Senooling and playtime, with a certain amount of antipathy toward the former and a real stubborn deter mination to succeed in games.
He was neyer satisfied just to YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED kick a football in a perfunctory way as some boys do. Neither was he AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED haphazard about his cricket. He wanted to juggle with football, to master it so that he could dodge round his opponents, and whether he was using a bat or a ball, it was Queen Mary completed the interior ry is a mere child, and Bucking ever his ambition to use one or the WINDSOR CASTLE LIGITSchanges started in the brief reign of ham Pálace, Balmoral, Sandringham other in a manner which got the best (Continued from Page 8)
AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL mality prevailed and it was not so King Edward and only last year starts of recent growth.
results, unrelenting.
there disappeared from a room in Patsy Youth There was an end to the long perhe Round Tower the last vestige of Drink Salacha Tea the best for Patsy never had any coaching exriod of mourning and retirement. The that wisteria patterned wall paper the Tropics cepting the hints given to him by his coming and goings of the King in beloved of Queen Victoria, elder brother, Dennis, who played WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR numerable friends brought life and It is fitting that King Georg for Middlesex and then migrated to activity to the castle. The frequent should spend the last days of his If visits of Oriental princes and polong convalescence in quiet and seThey were times when they would tentates meant banquets and sere elusion at Windsor Caastle, the most be made up take it to the monies enough to have delighted the beloved and the most regal of all hi National Pharmacy, Santa Ana join other small boys on a piece of waste land with the stump covered No hot irons or special combs required heart of that flamboyant monarch homes beside which St. James Pal Plaza, where you will get cour with one of their jackets for a wickEdward IIL sidence with its four centuries of his teous and obliging serviee.
et, another jacket being held by the SOLD IN DRUG STORES wicket keeper. or back stop to stop the ball. On other occasions he play in an unfrequented street with a lamp post for the wicket.
The First Paw AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, few months ago chatted with COLLECT YOUR WORK Hendren about those early days, and AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME he said: How vividly it all comes OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSHIP back to me. think was some six ARE GUARANTEED TRY US or seven years of age when and CLEAN some other small boys became posPRESS REPAIR sessed of a pad. Not a pair, but just DARN MAKR You Sulto ate one! It was in a very poor condition FOR THE STAR PRESSER DYERS and much too large to fit any one of 101 ANCON AVE PANAMA us; yet how we fought and wrangled ALCIDE over the privilege of wearing it!
Proprietor know on one occasion a boy had it on when the bowler appealed for him along to see Mr. Gregor Mcan Ibw decision, and the very small Gregor, the famous Middlesex wickumpire yelled with a tone of deri Jet keeper, with a view to getting an sion: Yah! What yer mean? Why. im on the wrong leg.
engagement at Lord ALSO As Patsy Ground Boy grew older he played for boys clubs, eventually improving When he was sixteen Hendren enCustom Tailor THE FINEST SELECTION to such an extent that he became tered into his first cricket job, and OVOG one of the principal members of the it was as a ground boy at Lord No 22 Stroot Turnham Green Club.
Any swollen ideas which he may Guachapali They used to play on the village have possessed about his own cricket Panama de green, and the matches were watch were quickly dispelled. The ordinary ed by all the cricket loving inhabi members of the and of the tants. He won the Middlesex County Club seemed to bowling prize when he was only fifteen years of him to be great enough, but when he saw or came into age.
contact with Small Talent and Enthusiasm a. y famous players he realised what AND It was in the latter part of the a long way he had to travel before DENTIST Nool summer of that year when we could hope to become one of them.
MASONIC TEMPLE Hearne captained an England XI, in ground boy! Everybody has seen Office Hours: 8, om to 12 pm a charity match at Chiswick Park the boy who runs round the ground. 30 pm to 30 pm)
against a local eighteen. Patsy had crying Card, sir! Well, he sold read about the giants of the game, score cards, and took an interest in Sundoys, by Special fippointmen and he looked up with reverence at the work feeling like a merchant Masonic Temple lith St, the very mention of certain outprince when he did extra good busiP. 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL tu Polonia standing players.
SHOE PHONE: OFFICE 1664 TO SELECT FROM Imagine, then, his delight, temBut selling cards was not all he pered with awe, when he had to take bad to do. He helped with the roller; the field against a side which in he picked out weeds from the turf, cluded Beldam, Hearne, he ran messages, he scouted when Tom Richardson, Brockwell, cricketers were practising at the Trott and Ernie Hayes, to name but, nets; and, to his delight, he practishalf a dozen of them. Each and alled with the other ground boys, of good enough to play in Test cricket whom Jack Hearne, now a famous Fabrica de in those days.
colleague in the Middlesex side, was But Patsy stayed in against the one.
Cigarros 37 Central Avenue.
cream of English bowling for half a First Century dozen overs, as a result of which It is wonderful how quickly one Calldonia No 44 Mr. Beldam, who was ever on the ean rise if one tries, and very soon Garcia look out for youthful talent, sent. Continued on Page 8)


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