
PAGE SEVEN PREMIER Horks FUR PALE UNANLU IR YOKLU LUUST THE LAST OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN THE ly FOR Making Good Clothes Frigidaire Club IS NOW OFFERED THE CLUB WILL START THIS MONTH and LONDON. Important negotia LIVES Alle ting Empue Atairs are uported to have been initiated by we new Government. It has communicated with all the Dominions in mu eftort to gain agreement of signng of the optional clause of the World Court status under watch questions of international law would ue submitted to the permanent court of International Justice at the Herue, the Daily Herald, Labour, rocently, said also that the Govern toont has informed the Dominion Governments that it proposes to resume diplomatic relations with ausi. Premier MacDonald is hopefu.
of being able to show complete Empire agreement of joining the World Court when he visits the League of Nations Assembly at Genova in September.
Cleaning Clothes Good Seo REID The Refrigerators offered are the Latest Fri.
gidaire Models, in Porcelain or Duco finish, all with one piece porcelain lining. Each Refrigerator is equipped with the new COLD CONTROL to speed up the freezing of ice cubes and ice cream.
The models offered in the club have cubic feet of storage space and make 42 ice cubes every hours.
Other models can be obtained through the Club by paying the difference in prices between the club model and any other desired by the customer. Come in to our Showrooms today and see the new models.
Someone will get a FRIGIDAIRE For Only SEVEN DOLLARS IT MAY BE YOU. Cia. Panamena de Fuerza y Luz SANTA ANA PLAZA FRONT STREET PANAMA AT YOUR COLON SERVICE MISSING LINK DISCOVERY MADE No. 6, 19th Street and Central PANAMA, RIFT IN ANGLICAN CHURCH IN U, K, ANGLO CATHOLICS REUNION BISHOP PROPHECY GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR House 40 3rd November Street Guachapali Panama City བཀའ ནན IN Contains the juice SPECIALISTEN STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Bishop Southwell, who is in charge if the Diocese of Chichester pending the consecration of Dr. Bell, denvered a remarkable speech at the opening session of the Angló Cathol. e Congress in the Dome watch with grave apprehension, he said, the movement in the Church of England towards reunion with the Non conformist bodies.
The movement seems to have the support of at least some individual bishops, but am certain that, if it prove successful, it will split the Church from end to end. Unless he misunderstood things they were to cut adrift from the Eastern and Western branches of the Church.
The movement had already put back!
reunion with the Orthodox Churches of the East for many years. Surely this is an enormous departure from anything you will find in the three Prayer Books, which have lately over engaged our attention If any attempt is made within the Church to go behind the plain meaning of the Preface of the Ordinal, and to give a new meaning and a new expression to our faith in Apostolic Orders, then say the Church of England will be split and divided as it has never been before. myself stand absolutely for Apostolic suecoussion in the Christian ministry, and any attempt to go be the Ordinal as it stands in both the old and new Prayer Books would make it impossible for me to remain within the Anglican communion.
Orange Crush LONDON. Discoveries of mannial fossils in a limestone deposit 56 miles from Peking are said to have cunvinced scientists that the Peking Man was the immediate ancestor of Man, forming the link wich the apes.
Additional teeth and parts of the skull of the Peking Man bave been found since the excavations were resumed a short while ago.
In 1921 the Swedish archaologist No Roman Obedience say quite frankly am not in Dr. Anderson, discovered imcuned to accept Roman obedience portant mammal fossils in the limebut if, at the Lambeth Conference, stone deposit, tooth, which was which is to meet next year, reunion that of a man or of mammal hithwith the Free Churches is consumesto unknown, being found.
Clift Excavations muted, what are the Anglo CathThe discovery was reported to ulics to do scientists in China and arrangements He prophesied that they unite un were made for thorough excava der the banner of what used to be tion of the linestone elitr in which termed the old Catholic Church, re the tooth was discovered.
taining the right to claim Apostolic The work was put in charge of succession, which in such circum Mr. Davidson Black, head of the Destances would have been forfeited partment of Anatomy at the Peking by the Church of England should she Union Medical Sehpool, and during abandon the principle of episcopal the intervening years about 200 teeth ordination.
parts of a jaw, and the upper part This new Church they would be of the skull were unearthed.
lieve was still the Catholic Church The fossils which are likely to in England.
ank as one of the greatest discovAbout 3, 600 persons attended the eries of recent years, will remain in Congress. Before the High Mass ce the museum of the China Survey in lebrated at St. Bartholomew Peking, Church, there was a procession through the streets which included SCOTLAND YARD more than fifty priests with Bishop CHIEF TO RETIRE Southwell, preceded by a processional crucifix, lights and incense. LONDON Credited witb the sol.
Daily Telegraph.
ution of more murder myreteries than any living man Fredrick Wensley at the age of 64 recently an200 STUDENTS nounced he would give up his duties STAGE RIOT IN as Chief of the criminal Intelligence LONDON HALL division of Scotland Yard. Chiet Cometable Wensley plans to leave ScotLONDON. Wild scenes of disor land Yard at the end of July. He deder were witnessed here when a body clined a special tive year extension of 200 medical students broke up a in office beyond the age limit offermeeting being held by anti vivisee. ed as a signal mark of contidence on tionists at Caxton Han, in West. the part of the highest police auminster.
thorities in Great Britain.
Buckets of water and stink bombs were thrown from the gallery, while memebrs and the spectators, wille live mice released from boxes on women belaboured the scholars with among the audience.
su The students clashed with the Many persons suffered minor injnries. The police ejected the disturben, Doctor Hawden, who was prevented from making a speech, attributed the disorder to an organised opposition which has been troubling the anti viviseetloniste for three moAe te AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages. Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Valuable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts. ºrionibro Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copias may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Download are PAN AMERICAN ORANGE CRUSH COMPANY Romaine Organ Repairer Ompliroy Auto Supply Ropalr Shop Muller Building CALIDONIA PANAMA Telephone 280 2015 cesolve your JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH No 42 Calldonla Rond орооооооооооооооооо 10 lewo ho nd pag Pro Benjamin Barnett Son ini AT THE Samuel Russell Tho Tallor 24th STREET Gunohapall Panama PN NO 13 voi WORKMAN PRINTERY st POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM TAILORS House 77 Room 23ra street bedro ધ કર food Chorrillo polovi


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