p. 8


PAGE EIGBT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1929. Never Grumbre Garveyites Observe West Indian Badly Leader, Day NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA be NEURALGINA TROTT The Cleaner (Continued from Page Continued from Page 6)
against Might and as you have alhe was playing in matches of the Enthusiasm Prevailed At Obserways been very outspoken against Middlesex Club and Ground against vance Of Garvey Day, Last the Wrongs that need assistance, several suburban clubs. These games Sunday. Special Meeting Tomor venture to solicit your assistance, in were played on the grounds of oprow Afternoon a worthy cause, hoping that it might ponents and were captained by Great enthusiasm was maniies. ed telp to enlighten British West InGeorge Burton, an old member of by the members and friends of the jdians, who venture annually into Cuthe county side. It was he who did Kingston division of the Universalba under the delusion that they can much to encourage and to make opNegro Improvement Association last better their positions.
portunities for Hendren.
Sunday when Garvey day was cele Sir, am use of the many unforBy this time Patsy had risen from brated. The meeting took place as: unave onus. On leaving the Is. anu ground boy to a member of the usual at the Private Academy, we are packed on board the ship bowling staff. He was a professionTwenty fifth street, Guachapali.
very much like sardines, and on aral cricketer and privileged to bowl In the absence of Dr. Barton, rival at Chaparra or Delicia we are to and bat against most of the greatthe Chair was taken by Mr. Greely, made to work uke Galley Slaves, est players.
the acting seetetary, who after per una part is neglible, but the trouble Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and Eventually Patsy got into the side forming the religious part of the. we are robbed of the mouey which but was not at all successsful. Still, programme, in a very interesting we have saved from our hard earnreduce the fever of children.
he improved, but it was not until taik told his hearers that the salvaings and when the crops are nearly the year 1911 that he made his first tion of the Negro Race lies in the ver, the police of the Chaparra Sucentury, getting 134 not out against Negro Improvement Association. Mr. kuu wu. associated with the Cuoan Sussex at Lord s, and finishing up Thompson also gave a very in soldiers, patroi the streets and nau with an aggregate of nearly 1, 000 teresting address. His subject was imported labourers at sight, forced runs, his average being 35.
the True Doctrine of Christ, which aboard a ship with undue Violence Tour in Australia was listened to with rapt attention and the slightest protest is promptIs completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, In the three following years he This was followed by the reading of ly met with the weight of a us or did very well, and in 1914 scored the President Generol weekly mes planas wielded by one of these in three separate hundreds against sage which was well received.
authority, one is not allowed to get Notts, Surrey and Yorkshire, beThe singing of the hyun. God of his clothes, if he has money in the lieve it was long before this that the right our battle tight followed bank, it is lost, man sitting at For sale both Wholesale and Retail Mr. Fry predicated that he by the Benediction brougnt a very his door when these limbs of the would one day become the Tyldesley interesting meeting to a close.
LAW spot and nab him, is seldom of Middlesex AT THE There will be a special meeting allowed to go in and get his gear; The War put a stop to cricket tomorrow evening, during which tois happens annually. Many of the until 1919, and then Patsy seemed to there will be a drive to raise Con men who have landed here this week AMERICAN PHARMACY jump right into form, so that in the vention funds. special feature of were dragged away from their wives following year, 1920, he was invited the meeting will be the presence of and children, who are still in Cuba.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor by the to accompany the the Rochester Boys band with a very There can be no less than eighteen touring team to Australia. It was a good programme.
of these cases personally known to Panama.
great honour, and he was compelled The division officers extend a corre. Another case in point, a young to beg leave from his directors to dial invitation to the public to be Barbadian, Evans Forde, of Coringget away from football. As a matpresent.
Ston Hill was snatched up by the ter of fact, at eighteen years of age Police and hustled on board the he was playing First League footDrink Salada Tea the best for Baracao, in port, and because he had ball for the Manchester City team, the Tropics the temerity to protest against such and altogether was associated with an unconventional method, and the professional football for twenty The Week News.
1085 of his money and gear which PHONE 250 COLON years, assisting England against DRY CLEANING was within a stone throw of the Wales during this period.
PHONE453 PANAMA place of arrest, was put to stand in STEAM PRESSING The reader can imagine Hendren (Continued from Page 4) the stocks, feet chained to the Ship 16 STREET joy in 1921 when the authorities DYEING PANAMA Forty persons were injured, seven rail, until it was thought that his We Dye To Live chose him to play in the Test match of them seriously, when five cars of a spirit was broken. He did not resist.
against Australia at Lord Little Florida to New York passenger train lle was further hand cufted, and did he think when he used to run was derailed in Ruggles Swamp, carried below; this is one instance of about selling cards to the spectators North Carolina, on Wednesday, the treatment meted out to nonon the historic ground that he would natives of Cuba, in Cuba. CHURCH SERVICES NOVEREERDERE one day walk out in the middle to The Panama Government has been Nevisian who worked and savNEW ARRIVALS bat for his country. What an obinvited by the Cuban Government to ed his money which was put in the AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH ject lesson in perseverance to all FINE ASSORTMENT OF participate in a congress of rectors, Bank, was not permitted when aryoung cricketers!
deans, and educators in general to rested on the street to present his St. Paul Church, Panama, ALL LEATHER SHOES For ten years Patay Hendren age be held in Havana, February 15, pass book whereby he could have de SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN CHILDREN, gregate has been over 2, 000 runs, 1980. The invitation was transmitted manded his savings.
TRINITY CHILDREN HOSIERY, ARROW SHIRTS the year 1923 being the best with to the Foreign Office through the Law nCuba is at a discount far 8, 010 runs, and an average of 77, LADIES GARTERS, BATHING CAPS, BATHING Cuban minister here Dr. Carlos Rev. Nightengale, This wonderful cricketer gives as Vasseur.
below par. It is an uncivilised and Rector)
SHOES, BABIES PANTIES CRIB SHEETS his secret of success: Happiness; and country, which should be 30 a. Holy Communion. The ETC. ETC.
the ability to laugh at adversity Fred Lavis, who succeeds the late ashamed of its up to date machinery. sector.
Your Patronage Solicited Never grumble. says Patsy. And Minor Keith as president of the It is a game by the Factory Owners 10. 15 a. Matins. Mr. AE THE COSMOPOLITAN HOUSE nobody in the world of cricket has in Cuba, International Railway of Central of MONEY, MONEY, vell, Lay Reader.
31 Calldonia Road MCALMON Prop.
ever heard him complain.
America, sailed Thursday from New MONEY, where the life blood of the 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist and York for Central America to inspect Iuported labourer is drained, toermon. The Rector.
GOOD PROGRAM FORthe lines of the Company, awell already swollen coffers of Introit Psalm 119. Pt. VII. Contiued from Page 1)
these scheming, money grabbing, Hymns (A. and 474, 517, 304. 30 SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNI. ents and guardians and all others THIRD RACE FURLONGS actory Owners.
Hall Communion Service in VERSARY Conditions in.
och interested in missions, Miss Jill. Only they who have some idea of 00 Church School. Mr. 30 Mr. Harris.
Choral Evensong and sermon, 80 Diez y Seis. 118 British Justice and the British sense Cragwell, Supt. Speciol preacher, The Rev. Silver Spray. 116 (Continued From Page 1) of fair play, can realize, Chaparral 30 Choral Eyensong and ST. PETER BY HE SEA, Lest Wood, Chaplain Sonny Boy. 110 Though there may not be room and Cuba as a hole, to be the HELL Sermon.
LA BOCA iwo anthems Gounod Send Out May. 100 for more immigrants of the labour that it really is, am of opinion Hymns (A. and 302, 514, 228.
Thy Light and Handel Hallelu Don Florentino. 105 ing class, it is safe to say that there tnat the various British West Indian Psalms 38, 84.
CLOSES MISSIONARY DRIVE jah will be rendered by the Choir.
FOURTH RACE FURLONGS is no unemployment here. West In Governments, should call a halt to Magnificat. Randall.
The following will be the services: After the presentation of the offer Royal Engle in all respects than their country tnis very serious state of affairs, Nunc Dimittis. Lemon.
loly Communion, a. Celebrant, ings, there will solemn Paulme. 118 of in alt respects than their eduntry whereby the Cuban is allowed to car Offertory. Anthem: The Lord Is men in the Republic of Panama and ry on the slave trade without let or wty Shepherd. Murray. to the Rector.
procession of Acolytes, Chor FIFTH RACE FURLONGS Committee Men, Billy Dennis. 126 it is only a propensity to pillage and hindrance, and to break the laws of Matins, 10. 45 Special Psalms isters, Church Members of the Altar Guild Chombo Gordo. 120 plunder that givess rise to the exist these Countries right under the ence of this kind of unemployed noses of the respective Governments.
WESLEYAN METHODIST vill be chanted. Holy Eucharist and sermon, 30 and Social Workers Committee, to Chiquilla CHURCH class. 110 gether with the Clergy, through the Romba.
Hard working West Indians Is it possible for the British West (British Conference) The Rector.
100 would wish it there were a strieter Indies to agree on the point of makaisle and alleys of the Church. Al Kitty Gill.
SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER Juvenile Missionary Service, p.
enforcement of the vagrancy laws ing a Law prohibiting any Emigrater the procession Te Deum lauda Pora Storib im. talented lad trained for the ocmus will be sung by the Choir and SIXTH RACE FURLONGS of the Republic. ALIA tion of the Natives, unless they are Wesley Church, Panama Citycasion, will officiate at the Prayer congregation Then will follow the Bolsheviki It is learnt from reliable sources properly protected by Indentures. 11 Rev. Wade. Desk, another ot the Lecturn, while.
that that reputed West Indian doc In conclusion, would liked to 30 SUNDAY SCHOOL AN four others will deliver specially closing Prayers and Blessing by the Pora Rector,. 126 tor who established certain mystic have seen Board some of the Au NIVERSARY. Delightful Musical 31 Marcela prepared addresses featuring the This will be the last service of the Garzona. 116 organisations here and in Panama as thorities, a few of the Officials, who cantata by the Children: Dime Chureh work in various parts of Drive, and it promises to be most in Resolute. 108 secret friendly societies, was arrest would have a first hand experience Collection for Funds, the Mission Field.
ed there on the 3rd inst. and fined of the conditions of the new arrivals 30 Rev. Wade. Subject: special trained Choir of young tunity for giving liberally on behalf San Chee. 110 20 for practising medicine without from Cuba, and their blood curdling Tiuman Nature, versus, Áumah Nur people will render two beautiful an of the general work of the Church. SEVENTH RACE FURLONGS thems. At this service the children of the general public is extended Lagrimita ernment. The fate of these lodges, Republic. The republic which pays Trinity Church, Colon, the Sunday School will present their must cordial invitation.
Pistol. 120 so called, which have been registered no attention to the strangers within 11. Supplied offerings for the general as such is watched with keen inter its gates, except to let them know MULCARE, Diez y Seis. 116 30 Rev. Cousins, work of the Church.
114 what HELL on earth is like.
La Boca.
mas This service promises to be an inDardanella ODS a. Rev. Wade. spiring one, and should be well at Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Zapo. 98 Drink Salada Tes the best for Drink Salada Tea the best for 30 Mr. Percy Hinds tended not only by the young peo and English for sale at the ork Tonosi the Troples the Troplas Paraiso, ple of the community, but also pari man Printery Don Simon 90 Cuba savage 120. 126. 90 TRINITY. 125. 118. 112 a licence the producing a video sepertenece during presented rear, vertus, Étudi baie ble. 120 special hos. 108 90


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