
PAGE THREE Airplane Arrival At Port of Spain Lipton to try Again for Cup CALL AT THE Detailed Account of the Visit of Col Neill and His Airplane Panama Hardware His Challenge Accepted By New York Club Will Make Fifth Attempt To Take Cup To England.
CATHEDRAL PLAZA AND SEE THE FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS The Washington arrived here Trinidad Government to carry Trinfrom Porto Rico, piloted by Colonel idad mails to New York and South Neill. He is accompanied by his American ports. If he failed in that wife and his Private Secretary, Miss he intended to get a permit to oper Jane Galbraith. The boat pilot is late Mr. Clonkey and the other oc In any case. he stated, we will cupant is the engineer, Mr. Leslie. Imake Trinidad a port of call because Leaving New York twelve days it is an important port, but we would ago Colonel Neill stopped at every ike a contract, because a contract purt from New York to Trinidad. Iguarantees service in the country.
On Sunday he was at Santo Domin We would like a contract from your go. He left Port au Prince on Mon Government to carry British mails to day at 15 a. and proceeded to the United States and all round the Porto Rico. He left there at six route.
o clock yesterday morning and made The United States Government, he the trip to Trinidad under eleven hours, stopping at Martinique and contracts for this route, and no other said, had not yet advertised for mail Guadeloupe. Company had a contract to carry OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Also the Fine Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS Sir Thomas Lipton challenge fur a series of races for the American JCup has been accepted by the New Lork Club. The races will be held in September of next year. The measurement, scantling and racing rules et the New York Yacht Club will prevail. The competing yachts will be 76 feet rating. There will be no time allowance. The races will be sailed out of Newport, Rhode Island. The best three out of five will count the first race being on September 3rd, 1930. Acceptance of the challenge has been a forgone conclusion but considerable interest was aroused by the announcement that the competing yachts would be of identical type and measurement thereby obviating any necessity of a handicap for one or the other of the contestants.
Shamrock will be designed by Nicholson, and it is probable that she will be about 77 feet onwater line.
Sir Thomas Lipton has made four previous attemmpts to secure the famous yachting trophy in 1899, in 1901, in 1904, and in 1920. These attempts are reputed to have cost 2400, 000 Colonel Neil will see iis Excel mails to Trinidad.
JUST RECEIVED Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue ADVERTISE IN West Indian At Home THE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY YOU WE OFFER Nothing but praise is due to the Rector, the Rev. Sankey, and the Churchwardens of St. Andrewby the Wardrobe, for giving a British West Indian At Home in the Cutlers Hall on the afternoon of June 18th. It will be remembered that St. Andrew is the City Church which recently adopted the British West Indies in accordance with the scheme of linking up certain City churches with the respective parts of the Empire, The Rector had the assistance of a Committee of ladies and great credit is due to all for the arrangements made. An excellent tea was provided and a most enjoyable programme of music had been arranged, those taking part being. Madame Alyce Fraser, the well known soprano from British Guiana, now resident in the United States where she received her musical training, who sang negro spirituals; Signor Silvio Sideli, a well known operatie baritone and favourite of listenersin, who sang songs by Tosti and (Continued on Page EXCELLENT PRICES leney the Acting Governor this morn am now going down to South ing and leave for La Guaira at noon. America exploring the route and He will be in Caracas for two days, making arrangements for contracts.
return to Trinidad and leave as soon we have already got good contracts as possible for British Guiana and and expect many more.
the other countries on the east coast think the American Government of South America.
will establish an air mail service War Service over this route. But we are starting Colonel Neill was one of the first the service without any contract. We Americans to join up when America have contracts in South America entered the war. He was trained in which make this proposition a sound the Royal Flying Corps and was at one. am now going to Venezuela to tached to the First Pursuit Group of negotiate for a contract there.
American single seater fighters, He was the fourth American flyDependable Service Asked about the Company fly.
ing Ace and was awarded the with four bars and the Croix de ing boats and their dependability he Cuerre.
raid, The only thing to stop our. Bervice would be a hurricane. or Training course you can see a hurricane com owe a lot of my success in flying two or three days in advance and ing to the Royal Flying Corps train if ships that travel 12 miles an hour ing. he told a representative of the can avoid them we travelling at over Trinidad Guardian. They are wonderful fliers. Of course, there are greater American fliers than myself who were not trained by the men like Colonel Lindbergh.
Studying the Ports Colonel Neill said in the course of the interview: am studying all the ports and making arrangements for establishing the service itself.
The route will be inaugurated in November and a weekly service will commence in January. will be down in August with the first big boat, The machine in which Colonel Neill is travelling is an eight passenger amphibian plane with two motors capable of developing a speed of 129 miles an hour carrying its full load of two tons. It has a dual control.
Flying Boats to Be used said that he intends to use flying boats in this service because the route is a water one. These flying boats will be twice as large as the Washington and the first one will be the Consolidated Commodore, a twenty passenger flying boat with a carrying capacity of four tons. These boats. he said, are the largest that have ever been built in the United States and cost 150, 000 each. Each will have two or three motors. There are forty ports of call in each of which we are going to establish a base. he said. We have been awarded contracts in Argentine and am making arrangements for contracts and applying for permits in all the countries on the route. 12, 000, 000 Capital The New York, Rio and Buenos Aires Line Inc. is a private commercial undertaking with a capital of 12, 000, 000 and has already spent 1, 500, 000 on equipment to distribute to all the proposed ports to which this service will extend. We are going to build hangars and other necessary equipment here; this will be a base. he stated definitely.
Port of Spain Will Be Port He explained that he intended to try and get a contract from the FOR AND Job Printing Book. Binding Rubber Stamps The Workman Printery 72 AT 100 miles an hour can also get out of their way. to 20c. Per Mile Fare The passenger fare, Colonel Neill stated, had not been decided upon yet, but it would not be higher than the average cost of air transport in the United States which is 8e. to 20c.
per mile. We might charge about 14c. per mile he said.
The Service We are going to begin with a service twice a week. It will be daily soon and within three years we ex pect to establish it nightly as well.
The service will be five days from New York to Brazil.
Col Neill said that he must be in Buen Aires not later than August to come back with a big boat.
Wonderful Islands Asked about the trip generally he said he flew 200 feet off the water most of the time looking at the coral reefs and ducking in and out of squalls.
It was always exciting and all the way he found the islands very attractive. am very much impressed with Trinidad he said. came north and made a turn over the city, was told that should not have done it. Carlos Mendoza Street CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard


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