
THE WORKMAN JAMAICA SCOUTS TO JAMSOREE The Royal Bank of Canada 19. 60. 50 Dr. Leo Pink (Contiued from Page 1)
An Inspiring Address Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 The Brigadier described the parade CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, as being very good indeed; and conP. Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon INCORPORATED 1869 gratulated the Scouts on the fine RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION showing they made. He wished them ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada a pleasant voyage, and exhorted them to remember that the eyes of SIX MONTHS. 20 Britain and of the world will be fixTHREE.
ed on them and that they should be ONE MONTH.
PANAMA COLON careful to so conduct themselves that Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matSanta Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets they would bring honour to themters of public interest invited.
selvs and credit to Jamaica and the We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS The contingent lined up and headTotal Assets in Excess of 954. 543. 384. 99 ed by their colours, and by the JaTHE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1929.
maica Military Band made the march down to the Pier. They went along East Queen Street, around East FORLORN HOPE With 900 Branches throughout the world, including Parade, into North Parade along the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank Seymour Place; here Brigadier Grazebrook received the salute. The In this issue we publish a news item to the effect is in a position to render the best possible service. that the Hon. Theo. Wint, of Jamaica has march proceedded down King Street, along Harbour Street into Pechon found it impossible to visit British Guiana as he had Street on to No. Pier. The boys hoped to, due to pressing duties. This means that his Antigua Dominica Montserrat then boarded the Producer. each meeting with a delegation of West Indians here, on his Bahamas way to that colony, to discuss the question of emigraGrenada St. Kitts seeking out his cabin and making final preparations for the voyage.
tion to British Guiana as had been planned is frustratBarbados Jamaica (2. St. Lucia Between four o clock and the hour at ed, to the disappointment of those concerned.
British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique which the We are among the disappointed for we were curi Producer sailed last ous to know what were the suggestions, schemes or Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
night, the Scouts were visited by hundreds of their relatives and plans that the delegation desired to submit to the Hon.
Gentleman. We are certain that the Hon. Wint could friends, with whom they exchanged little pleasantries and received farenot give any advise, as he is no better informed as to conditions existing in British Guiana than those of us well greetings of bon voyage and THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST good luck, etc.
who receive and read the newspapers from that colony.
The remainder of Sea Rovers will There have appeared in this journal news items that PAID ON DEPOSITS leave the island this morning at 10 fairly tell of the serious financial conditions at present)
existing in this British possession.
o clock on the Elders and Fyffes steamer Manistee. The celebrated JaIn our issue of June 29, we published an article tellA General Banking Business Transacted.
ing of retrenchment that is being carried out by the maica Comedian, Mr. Cupidon, also travels on the same vessel to Government, retrenchment that extended to the closing of schools, post offices and disbandment of the England.
Georgetown Police Force. Our issue of July 6, carried an article which was culled from the Times. The writer stated that the sum of three million pounds was the amount required for British Guiana to settle with the past and guarantee the future. The colony deficit this year is placed at 40, 000 and has been accepted by the Surgeon Dentist Secretary of State for the Colonies, in view of a guarantee that it is to be the last deficit.
125 Central Avenue Panama City, Knowing as we do the deplorable financial condiPhone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, tion of the country, we wonder by what stretching of imagination could our people turn their eyes to British Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Guiana as a solution to the unemployment problem here which threatens to become very acute. We know that Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment the colony is very much under populated. We know that 000000000000 0000 the Government is considering colonisation proposals with a view to attracting emigrants, and that West InWorld, Happenings pieces u wreckage.
dians are preferred, we have no doubt. But surely not West Indian labourers. Those of our people who have Briefly Told Au vessels from Colombian pula amassed a few thousand dollars, to them we say that The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro (Contiued from Page 1) Meaning at Cuba will be rigidly in British Guiana offers inducements as a place to settle. duced for the motorist who uses his car for long spected as. precautionary neure Its agricultural possibilities are enormous. But any man The first air mail dispatch from against the possible introduction o spells on bad roads, or in other ways involving with only his passage and a few dollars in his pocket the Isthmus direct Chile leitellow fever in that kepuble.
would be courting disaster in going to that country at particularly arduous service conditions.
France Field on Tuesday and is schepresent. British Guiana needs capitalists. Its thousands VERY STRONG VERY DURABLE duled to arrive at Santiago, the ChiAccording to the announcement and tens of thousands of acres of virgin soil is waiting VERY EFFICIENT lean capital, Suaday uyi.
only for the farmer hands to yield bountiful crops of Man made by Duque, Secretary of receiveu iruniu united Staves Treasury the Panama Government sugar, rice, wheat, corn, and, as a matter of fact, most went forwaru by this service which is to erect a large bonded everything that can be grown for profit. Demerara is. operated by an American Air house on a site in front of the Pan.
well known for its rum and sugar, and considerable quantities of rice are grown. Sugar and rum are not ways Inc. and its auxuary the Punama Railroad freight house in this very profitable items of manufacture today. In one of merican Grace Airways.
city. In the erection of the building our recent issues we published an item that told of a provisions will be made to eliminate committee that would be leaving British Guiana for Sentenced to a term of five years the great difficulties and red tape Canada in an effort to find a market there for rice.
in the Gamboa Penitentiary with a which now hamper the activities of That there are many of our people here who are zine of 500 for violating the Nar local commerce in connection with steadily employed but who are anxious to migrate due See the cotie Drugs Import and export Act, the receipt and dispatch of their to a sense of insecurity, we are fully aware. The outlook coloured Jose Caneda Gomez, Spaniard, hang merchandise. The announcement was is far from encouraging. The Panama Government is medallion ed himself in the Cristobal jail amades at a meeting of the Panama on the rigidly enforcing compliance with the law which comfew minutes after sentence was pro Association of Commerce on Tuesdde pels the country commerce to provide employment for The famous wall nounced on him Monday. Gomez, on day evening.
natives to the extent of 75 per cent. of the workers reDunlop Tyre the night of his arrest attempted to The home of Mr. Vernon Sasquired. We know of a business house that was summon Your Dealer of Standard take his life, but failed when an ao, located at No. 16 Higinio Avenue, ed before the courts and was fined for not having the will be glad Construction other prisoner in the cell called the Bella Vista, was completely destroyquota required, and had to lay off West Indians to is, of course, this latest desk officer. Gomez was found guiled by fire on Wednesday morning.
make places for natives. In the Canal Zone conditions Dunlop prostill available ty by a jury on June 21, but Judge The fire broke out in the rear of the are much better but signs are not wanting that certain Lenihan reserved sentence lower floor of the two story strucpositions held by West Indians will soon be jobs for that he might study the case, which ture shortly after 10. 80 o clock, and white Americans. This must come about. American DUNLOP RUBBER was that he was caught with about althoug the firemen reached the boys and girls growing up in the Canal Zone must be COMPANY LTD. nine pounds of opium as he was scene a few minutes after the alarm found employment in the Canal Zone. It is only reasonLondon,.
about to leave the Dutch liner Van sounded it was impossible for them able to expect that they must take the positions held by Branches throughout the World Rensselaer at the Cristobal Idocks.
to save the building as the back of West Indians.
the house was completely enveloped There are thoughtful West Indians who are much in flames. The building valued One survivor is concerned over conditions here, and they are anxious left to tell the 9, 000 was covered by insurance of tale of the sinking of the Chilean 88, 000 and another policy for 2, 000 to find a way out of the evil influence that is at work naval transport Abatao in which was held on the furniture.
against them. But British Guiana is not, as we see it, For Sale at Leading Garage the land of promise.
thirty nine members of The good news that indications of oil has been disF. ESCOFFERY. Distributor were drowned. The vessel was en route from Lota to Iquique and sank ployed on the Madden Road, had his Nicholas Rodriguez, Panaman, emcovered there is encouraging. Oil companies are turning tish Guiana and the West Indies.
during a heavy storm. Vessels which left hand amputated Wednesday as their eyes to the colony. Of course British companies will monopolize the oid fields should there be really oil, responsible system of administration the country be only survivor and reported that the While Until some good fortune come to the colony or by a had gone to the rescue picked up the result of a dynamite explosion.
and what a Heaven sent blessing that would be to Bri comes prosperous, we advise our people to bide a wee. sea was stream with dead bodies and investigating the (Continued on Page ud With an even greater reserve of Strength DUNLOP FORT LO WaraFORT to show you duction.
so St James House, at the crew cause


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