
PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side Notes Races! Races! Races!
AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK Tomorrow Afternoon time, the GOOD RACES. Excuse Me. Royal Eagle. Pauline in Furlong Race First Race Starts at p.
Including Program the year; NESTLE CONTEST tue had become anxious. ult that she had done harm to me, gries Jous harm, so said unto her, Etta, hast thou withdrawn thine affection (BY THE STRAGGLER)
arom me? She did not answer stiil, but began to sing. Never, oh rever Nothing untoward happened this phem, was well as we from thee will stray. Hearing this, end during the past week. The usual. bence the www. view jumped my owa height about sex heavy and interminable showers feil, Juage Murray. The judge tvunu that Teet, and rang out in melodious und many had compulsory ablutions ars. Douson had a right loe name song. joy to my heart, the Ight buth morning and evening. This which she claimed upon the cert. si has come. had thought would straggier was able to cate of marriage whien she prud.
never again be able to sing my first make a clean get away. He was dee, and was set ee. Violett Ann was song, Etta my darling. but termined to be satisfied with the. ven fifteen days in jail for molest.
SUNDAY JULY 21, 1929 found that now, sang it sweeter ablutions obtained in the precincta ng another woman upon her righs, than ever, for Etta had become of his Camp.
that is, her righis to enjoy the conpleasant. She had thrown off her panionship of her husband without grouches, and she had lightened up For taking Walk. Wobble Whisky molestation.
my existence as she was accustomed FEATURE EVENT into the Canal one, his honour Judge to doing before. Then every evening Leninan found Leroy Graham, UniI think myself that there should be after this, on my arrival at Etta ed States Soluer of Fort Davis some law like this, Larceny by inapartments, would greet her only guilty and soaked him 100. 00 or Lorierence, or some such thing which with my song, litteen days in jail. This should re could be applied to any woman or Etta my darling, Etta my dear, mind all who are fond of their little girl who is too lazy to look for her Would, could see thee all through steam that to obey is better than own husband. If were a woman, ADMISSION 25c sacrifice at all times, and in all would be very disagreeable in case 1 would wept all that comes withpinces, especially in the Canal Zone. should be molested in my associaout fear, trons with my hupsband by any other And both my eyes would be minus woman. should be very much inAn unfortunate youngster by the a tear!
clined to find a way to teach her to girls do, viz. play that she was lieve me, my voice at that time was When sat near to her, she drew name of Samuel Leach was brought have some respect for herself, and exed, sit a little side ways, look afsweet. Etta told me so, and others her chair away. All did, Etta paid before the Cristobal Magistrate toi This Sunday morning mean the to do what she has a perfect right Ittle funny and things like that. But too, but never believed what the no attention, and even my sweet last Sunday morning, was all voice had no eflct on her. All did, Janinded of the pleasures of being in show cause why he deprived, as was to do, that is, look for her own hus. never mind those things. Those others said. was monarch alleged, Messrs. Albert Ellis and Land.
were little things as compared with surveyed. spent every evening in and said, and sang, was of no avail.
Robert George McFarlane, both of company with modern girls who tine great big thing of being in the splendor and composure. But some Then said with my mouth unto know to behave themselves. It was house No. 6011, Silver City of their There was another one of these company of Etta my darling, Ettathing happened one evening that her, Etta my darling, Etta my dear, Leight o clock, and was still in bed.
clothing and other belongings. He husband stealing cases in our vil my dear. And so kept right on sing made me sing more than ever. Etta What have done unto thee. No an You know, when it comes to Sunday, was unfortunate in that he was un lage; but this one did not go into ing my song which composed in would not look in my direction. She swer. This question was oft times re am not particular to part company able to convince the learned judge honor of Etta my darling. And be would not court. The wronged wife simply conanswer when spoke. peated with the same result. By this with my pillow, seeing that on all the that he was more entitled to the ar nected her fist to the robber mouth ticles in his possession than those other mornings, have to separate who laid claim to them, so the judge times as big as it was before, and it. multiplying its size to about three!
myself from it without ceremony, gave him a chance to clear himself and before the dreadful whistle by asking him to deposit 2, 000 bail, Jor the mouth, and perhaps her con was not any too small then. The size blows. To shorten long story, my and wait until the next sitting of the wife rubbed gently on my jaw say.
District Court, when he might be science on top of that, prevented her ing. a young lady has come to see able to satisfy Judge Lenihan one with the infuriated woman after her.
from going into court. She ran away you. She says her name is Fanny opened my eyes, but not my mouth, way or the other. Young Leach felt then rubbed my eyes and got up: laughed heartily, and commended that the bail was too high, so he the unfortunate wife for her pluck. Where is she. said In the sitmade up his mind to reoccupy a cell May be, this other woman will think ting room. said the old lady. did in the Police Station till such time as my morning ablution, took sip of twice before she attempts to steal the District Judge arrives in Cristoshe coffee, and went out to see Fanny.
bal. The value of the stolen articles another husband again. Then, cleaned up the husband after he came suddenly upon a peach of a is said to be 41. 59 Cy.
CHOCOLATE ALMONDS girl. She sat on a chair in the sitting came in. Good for him. He ought to room reading a magazine which was have enough sense to spend a little Gilbert Gittens spoke with a razor THE RICHEST IN CREAM time with another woman without given to her to pass the time until to Maurice Calles in Colon on the making his wife know.
such time as arrived. Good mornAbth. inst. teiling him that he obing. said Good morning sir. said jects to all conversations between The school at Silver City is going Fanny. What can have the pleabis girl and any other man. Gittensful speed in gifts. Thirteen hundred sure of doing for you. said furnervous aller he had so and a half children are getting their ther. Only to ask whether you are apoken, no doubt, at the sight of the the gentleman whose picture appeartuition daily. Thanks to the Schools blood which he had drawn, and took ed in the Tribune on Sunday, and to Department for their attention to his heels. When he reached the Canal ask if you appreciate the prize being this matter. The straggler hopes Zone, the Zone Police informed him given to a man instead of to me, as Ithat sufficient efforts will be made that it is forbidden that anyone did some guessing too, and believe should shelter in the said Zone after the teachers to suend as little time by parents and guardians to cause that did it right. was puzzled. he had committed an offence with a did not know what to say. After pullas possible on discipline. The chilrazor in the territory of a close dren should be sufficiently disciplining myself together, finally re friend, so the Police held him and Iplied, If had anything to do with ed at home any how, so that all the turned him over to the powers that time, or most of it could be devoted the giving of prizes, and once laid be in the place where said offence to the subjects in the class room.
my eyes upon you, don believe it had been committed. Calles is said would be possible for me to award to be suffering from weakness as a the prize to anybody but you.
The Alliance Literary and Debatresult of much bleeding. Thank you sir. she said, am ing Society will hold Elocution Consatisfied hat was right in my opinMr. William Lewis Dodson, an test on August 15th. They are workion. Sorry to have disturbed your American and the lawful husband of ing hard to make it a success. EveryMorning rest, but one can never tell.
Mrs. Laura Olive Ashwood Dodson is body should help them to make it Thank you for your expression of minus 25. 00 for facilitating Violet the success the effort deserves. All sorrow. said I, my only sorrow is Ann Jarrett to interfere in his af who desire to compete have until the that was disturbed in the presence fections which, according to law, all last day of July to register their of my wife.
belonged to his wife, Violet Ann Jar names, and already, it seems the proAll else can say is, as have rett, it was said, took it upon her gram will be quite full. All and sunsaid before, Fanny was a peach of self to claim Mr. Dodson, with his dry are requested to keep open date a girl. She was evidently a modern consent, of course. This brought a for August 15th. There will be girl, dressed in modern style. She fight between the two, and when Mr. enough chairs to accommodate everyseemed to have known my mind Dodson endeavoured to separate body at the Cristobal Clubhouse.
upon the modern girl, and tell the truth was darned glad she had come. viewed her forwards and backwards. enjoyed my views. They satisfied me, and they aroused some puriosity within my aged mind. She Amigos Paisanos: Buena dias. means. was well up, plump, has created a desire in me to see her Como esta usted? am not sure that comely, pleasant, beautiful, kind, again, and should any of you be acall of you who read these jottings smart, sweet, lovely. She was all that quainted with her, please tell her are my friends; but of this am desired, and more. So lovely was that have said, she is entirely welquite sure; El que no esta conmigo, sine that composed a song, using come in the future!
her name. This name was Etta. el Javillo, Panama City 057 Balboa Avenue Colon esta contra mi. Bueno. am going to entertain you if composed a song with words like If you have a Prescription to this: OR SEND THEM BY MAIL WITH YOUR ADDRES can by telling you a story of my exbe made up take it to the perience with a sweetie of mine when Etta my darling, Etta my dear, National Pharmacy, Santa Ana was a young man. used to have Would could see thee all through Plaza, where you will get cour not one good time, but many good the year!
teous and obliging service times with her. She was a nice girl, Then when went to see her in BOX 803 PANAMA CITY, and we shall mail you our certificate at once BUY FROM THE WORKMAN very nice. Npw a days, people would the evenings, she would meet me on ADVERTISERS AND GET say, she was a pain, whatever that the front porch, and do what all VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
NESTLÉ 150. 00 PETER in Cash became 100. 00 for the first prize 35. 00 second prize 15. 00 third prize Will be paid at the Closing of this Contest on the FIRST OF SEPTEMBER 1929 For each 10 (ten) wrappers of the famous NESTLE or PETER chocolate tablets we shall give you a certificate bearing one number of four figures.
Call at our office for the exchange of your wrappers NESTLE MILK Co.
Interesting Jottings NESTLE Q


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