
PAGE SEVEN Trinidad. Continued froia Page 2)
THE LAST OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN THE ALL BRITISH AIR SERVICE PLAN FOR THE WEST INDIES FOR Making Good Clothes Frigidaire Club IS NOW OFFERED THE CLUB WILL START THIS MONTH and Cleaning Clothes Good See The Refrigerators offered are the Latest Frigidaire Models, in Porcelain or Duco finish, all with one piece porcelain lining. Each Refrigerator is equipped with the new COLD CONTROL to specd up the freezing of ice cubes and ice cream.
The models offered in the club have cubic feet of storage space and make 42 ice cubes every hours.
Other models can be obtained through the Club by paying the difference in prices between the club model and any other desired by the customer. Come in to our Showrooms today and see the new models.
Someone will get a FRIGIDAIRE For Only SEVEN DOLLARS IT MAY BE YOU. REID No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, Cia. Panamena de Fuerza Luz SANTA ANA PLAZA FRONT STREET PANAMA AT YOUR COLON SERVICE BARBADOS Administration Slow in Filling Vacancies The Trinidad Guardian publishes the following from its London correspondent:I understand that the civil aviation branch of the Air Ministry have given theix blessing to a proposal submitted to them by the West Indian Aviation Committee for the stablishment in the British West Indies of an All British Air Transport service.
The nature of the proposal is being kept secret for the time being as the proposal is as yet in the confidential stage.
Nor is it likely that there will be any disclosure until it has been laid before the West Indian Governments concerned.
Question of Costs It will be informing to observe how far the proposal, when laid before the public follows the lines of the Report published in December 1927 of the West Indian Air Transport Committee appointed by the Minister for Air (Sir Samuel Hoare) in the previous year.
Air Vice Marshal Sir Sefton Brancker was the Chairman of that Committee which comprised representatives of the Air Ministry, the Colonial Office, the Department of cous Barbadian Mr. Harold Wilson, Oversees Trade, the West India the Editor of the Antigua Magnet. Committee and the West Indian Mr. Wilson gave the Governor as Aviation Committee.
kood as he got. On one occasion there was an invitation to fisticuffs. Large Subsidy That opinion was based on an es Sir Eustace was, however, a worker timate that a subsidy of 90, 000 per and Mr. Wilson was the first to annum would be necessary to enable acknowledge it. On the eve of his rea West Indian weekly service in tirement Sir Eustace received a reeach direction markable demonstration by all class Guiana, Trinidad, the Windward Isbetween British es of people in Antigua And he reized the opportunity to pay a gen.
lands. Barbados, Martinique, the Rico, San crous tribute to Mr. Wilson. He said Leeward Islands, Porto that whatever criticism had been of Domingo, Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, fered by the Magnet on his policy Florida, New Providence (Bahamas. had been offered for the good of the We are assured. stated the Comneople. Both Sir Eustace and Mr. Mittee that there is no possibility of Wilson come out of theZ affair with subsidy of this magnitude being credit.
forthcoming from local sources and we hesitate to recommend that such a large subsidy from Imperial Funds COLLEGE RESTORATION should be devoted to this particulair FUND NOW 52, 342 service.
Al British Plan The Coddrington College Restora It will be noted that the proposal tion Fund, according to the Weekly now under consideration is an allHerald, has reached the tidy sum of British plan, whereas that outlined 52, 342. 06. Included in this amount in the Committee report embraced is 24, 000 donated by the Barbados much foreign territory.
The Committee pointed out that the British centres offering the most WEST INDIAN AT HOME favourable commercial prospects for air service were British Guiana and (Continued from Page 3)
Deuza; Mr. Finlay Dunn, popular Trinidad.
humorous entertainer; and Miss Elsie Richards, at the piano.
Mr. Sankey, in the course of short speech on the subject of the connection between the Church of St. Andrew and British West In Modern Tailor dians in London and district, said Bottled and Distributed that he was pleased to be able to No 57 announce that the Archbishop of the PAN AMERICAN West Indies had arranged to preach Calidonia Road ORANGE CRUSH at a special service in St. Andrew on Ascension Day next year.
COMPANY GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR House 40 3rd November Street Guachapali Panama City Tardiness in Filling Appointments One of Its Mysteries Says Writer Praises Governor Finnes their food ntan HALLA v3 be STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 AND Orange Crush One of the mysteries of the present administration in Barbados is the stendy refusal to fill appointments. There has not been a Solicitor General for ages, or a Registrar, and in the lower walks of the Civil Service there is the same trouble.
Mr. Kellman retired from the Savings Bank months ago, why has his place not been filled? And why has not somebody been promoted in place of Mr. Haynes of the Waterworks? There is a steady and not unjustifiable grumbling all over the Service by men who feel that the delay in making the apointments is depriving the greatly needed increase of pay. Promotion is purely a matter routine and in a well ordered Service, a man would be found to fill a gap as soon as it was made. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Accept it only in the Krinkly Bottle Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts. M. Kirton Crown Colony Government depends entirely upon the Governor.
Recent happenings in the Leeward Island prove it abundantly. Sir Eustace Fiennes who passed through Barbados this week has been one of the most successful Governors the Windward Islands have ever seen, notwithstanding he has serious defects of temper. Our readers will remember his row with that courageSecure yours now there will be a great rush for them.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama VEGA. Romaine Organ Repairer Omphroy Auto Supply Repair Shop Muller Building CALIDONIA PANAMA Telephone 280 STREET BELOW. HOTEL BOLIVAR HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED WORK DONE IN HOUR SERVICE GUARANTEED GIVE ME TRIAL STREET PANAMA JOB. PRINTING No 42 Calidonia Road Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Benjamin Barnett Son AT THE Before the guests departed, Mr.
John Bromley expressed to the Rector and Churchwandens the thanks and appreciation of those present for their kindness in organising the West Indian At Home. a function which he thought everyone would agree had been a most successful one in every way.


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