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PRICE CENTS MIDDLE TEMPLE NOW The Week News Television in Colours Shown Interesting Meeting of HORSERACING AT JUAN ATTRACTS For First Time FRANCO In Brief Assn. the thu in the une he true waves.
a were issued Then a Interesting Local News and Special Sermon rieacueu World Events Flashed SIX. dau Suuucius AuAcross the Atlantic American Flag, Watermelon And Bunch Of Roses. Dr. Darwn rum Billy Dennis Wins Silver Rucieu MACMIDES ine Again Fiashed On Tiny Screen In est New Photo Cell Lieu 10 vietung Um Cup Excuse Me Launvurawie suciety, of all ruw vening Leads Pauline And Royal Sixty live persons were usuwne Key Three Sets Of Electric Eyes Pick Up Hues die Tempie Eagle Home on Sunday near anore, brain ureat veres was ev. lvu vye PROCESS MORE COSTLY THAN PRESENT Middle Temple seems to be attract dia, when a river boat with low puis MY Une Cuil DaVISUAU.
Giving away from 16 to 36 pounds ing the majority of mous sengers capsized at Unaniot. md.
une universal Negro improvem. to his opponents and over a distance stream whirlpool into which Siuuenis one is to judge by press despatch states that that the latest radio eye was senAssociation and their friends at of one mile which it had been preboat and the struggling notitication Stars and Stripes waved in front of Shive. to any colour.
capsized posted in the papers re Convention meeting neid last dicted would be too much for him, Law Mo Sacrifice of Detail possengers were drawn shorts ar terevision flickering eye Library, says Trinidad Sunday evening at the Private Aca Rilly Dennie proved that there om.
ter the accident, added to we horBell laboratories and was reprodue The television theatre is in the auGuardian corium of the keu Lavoratories at demy, sweaty tifth street, Guacha phets didn know enough of him, six students from this colony have ror and caused most of the drow. Sed in red, white and blue on a screen pali la hundred feet from the transmitter 163 West Street and is under the. for he set a pace last Sunday, that Dr.
recently been uumilteu members of ings, the 35 who escaped being exBarion occupied to was too much for his contenders the honourable Society of to show that television in colour has supervision of vr. Herbert Ives, reMidule hausted from fighting thmael Temple.
strom when they reached the shorecen achieved by the research en search engineer, who a year ago this Chair and arter performing the open and won without having to be urged.
ing ceremony, he preached a very Mr. Woodruff, his proud own or taken into small craft hurrried to gineers.
month Hitherto Gray Inn was the utintroduced a radio camera traspiring sermon taking his texter is now in possession of the silver traction the scene. The small river boat wa.
The demonstration, in which the that pictured ouidoor. scenes for a from the sixth chapter of Judges, cup which was offered by Don David but it is stated that only over crowded with Sunday crowds (transmission was over wires rather television audience. Dr. Ives called verse 12. Among other things, ne Delvalle Henriquez.
with great difficuity and after a long seeking diversion when it ft than radio, opened with the Ameri attention to the fact that the en told his hearers that God is with period of waiting can admission be Excuse Me, again proved that guined to that Inn.
cock. commotion in the water can flag fluttering on a screen about gmeers in the past year have sue the movement. and that the organ Pauline and Royal Eagle have got This from the point of view of the caused the curious passengers to the size of a postage stamp. The ob ceeded in adding colour to television ization is now making employment nothing to quarrel about. Twice in Trinidad scholar is particularly uncrowd to one side, giving the ship a server saw it through a peephole in motion pictures without the sacrifice for Negroes in the island of Jamai as many weeks she has shown them aangerous list and causing the deck a darkened room. The colours repro lot detail. He said the picture is re ca. He asked that everyone present the way home. Ridden with very fortunate because there are so many duced perfectly. Then the Union Jack stricted at present to the size of a valuable prizes offered there that on that side to ship water.
support the A.
good judgment by Jockey Ordofler, was flashed on the screen and was postage stamp so that even the finthe student of ability may receive Mr. Greely, the acting secretary, she staged a victory that had everyMarcelino Vilarreai, Panamanian easily great help from these awards.
recognized by its coloured lest detail may be reproduced. Once before reading the President Gen one yelling to the finish. Ordofiez bars.
Student of Inner Temple sunor from a coastwise vessel, narthis is achieved, he said, it will not eral message from the Negro made his two opponents do the runMr. Richard Blackett, former rowly escaped losing his right hand! The man at the transmitter picked be ditticult to flash the radio movies World of July 18, commented on the ning for four furlongs then he movly school teacher, was called to the last Sunday while standing on the up a piece of watermelon, and there in colour on a much larger screen, importance of the Sixth Internation. Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
cuge of the local narket pier. Villar could no mistake in identity. ng although it will be more expensive al Convention to be held at Kingston, side of a boat moored alongside the what he was eating. The red of the The person or object whose image Jamaica, during next month; and on CANADA RUMRUNNING real hand was between the meion, the black seeds and the green is to be transmitted is rapidly scan. behalf of the delegates who were on INDIAN PRINCES AND to nature, TRADE DALKLANJAMO per and one of the sliding doors of rind were as ned by a beam of flickering bright their way to the Island he asked the THE CROWN the wharf as the vessel was thrown were the red of his lips, the natural light, while three sets of electrical audince to join in the singing of against the pier by the effects of the colour of his skin and his black hair. leyes known as photo electric bells hymn 370 Eternal Father Strong Want Definite Statement of Strengthening of American Next a flower pot of geraniums are arranged so as to transmit cur!
to Save. The President General Crown Rights In Regard Dry fleet Said To Spoil appeared in order to show how tele rent corresponding to the amount of message was then read and was re To Native States Canada Export The annual report of the District vision could reproduce flowers the a primary colour, red, blue or green. ceived with enthusiasm.
WINDSOR, Ont. Canadian Peas) Court of the Canal Zone shows thau, red blossoms and the green leaves. At the receiver three tubes form The meeting was brought to press despatch states that the Canadian customs returns for the 697 marriage license large ball with coloured images corresponding in brightness close with the singing of the hymn standing committee of the Chamber what the current month should show sigai, during the past fiscal year. Other stripes; a pineapple, a bouquet of and colour to electrical The Day Thou Gavest Lord is End of Princes at Poona, India, presented ficant drop in the exports of Iquo. fiscal records were also broken. The varicoloured roses and the image of a eyes at the sending machine see. Aed. followed by the Benediction and to Lord Irwin, Viceroy of India, on 1rom the Essex border docks, accord Balboa distriet led in the number of young woman in a coloured dress, system of mirrors combines the ja verse of the National Anthem. the eve of his departure for England ing to reports to the United Siate couples who were joined in wedlock came on the screen to give evidence (Continued on Page 8)
Officials of the Division extended an leave, an informal expression of authorities. Continued on Page 8)
hearty invitation to the public to at their opinions on the recommendaImports at the otse time notorious tend the meeting tomorrow evening tions of the Butler Committee on Reliquor receiving depot of Ecois BRITISH COLONIES TO which will begin at o clock. lations between the native States and have been cut to a fraction, accordBritish India.
ing to customs patrols, while the oeGET 1, 000, 000 ISTHMIAN LEAGUE INSTALLS While expressing some satisfaction casional rum boat on the American with the findings of the committe side of the Detroit River is more or House Of Commons Agreed OFFICERS drawn up at a conference at Bomless of an oddity these nights, thuy Without Division To Pro Experimenters Wearing Apparatus Were Sunk In a bay of representatives of the six y say.
vide Fund For Develop Chamber To a Depth Of 126 Feet The Water Was 50 Officers Were All Re elect Indian States, the Princes were diConsiderable liquor, however, is ment of Agriculture Degrees With knot Running Tide They Reached ed And Installed By Leg. satisfied with the commission failgetting through below Ecorse on the Surface In a Minu te And a Quarter ister League Membership ure to place on a definite basis the Trenton front. The rum boats are LONDON The House of Com.
Is Increasing Crown rights in regard to the shooting our from Amherstburg into mons agreed without division to ANOTHER DIVING PPARATUS INVENTED States, as exposed to a discationary the lake and, there are not Govern provide a fund of over one milion Officers of the Isthmian League of basis.
ment boats in adequate numbers to sterling annually for the develop LONDON. new apparatus for same time is a diving apparatus British West Indians who will guide The Princes also expressed dissatstem the tide.
the ment of agriculture in the Colonies escape of trapped submarire which it is contended, beats the the destinies of the league for the isfaction with the Butler committee that interjection of the But this situation is to be rem and Protected Territories. The pro crews has been successfully tested world record for depth, permitting next six months were duly installed assertion edied as speedily as possible, accord posal which was introduced by Rt.
by the Admiralty at Loch Long, the diver to descend 300 feet. The into office last Saturday night.
paramount power of the Crown may ing to the plans of the prohibition Hon. Thomas, the Lord Privy Scotland.
previous record was 204 feet. The Isthmian League of British be invoked on the grounds of imenforcement agencies. More than fif Seal, in connection with schemes for Wearing the apparatus, the experi The principle of this invention is West Indians is one of the oldest perial necessity and also with the omission of recomsy boats of all description are to be increasing employment, received the menters were sunk in a chammber to that it reduces to one third the for friendly organizations operating on commmittee the existing main service by July 1, it was reported, general approval by the speakers of depth of 126 feet where the tem ner time of decompression and free the Isthmus. Despite the fact that it mendations that ranging in type from launches for all parties. Mr. Thomas mentioned perature of the water was 50 de dom from the effects of nitrogen. It has encountered many obstacles, the chinery may be made effective for use in shallow chanels to the 70 many Colonies which with a little gres with a knot tide running is a cylinder which is lowered as members are determined to place it the purpose of deciding matters such the foot speed boats, carrying one pound financial help, would embark on deand a squall above. On each test soon as the diver is ready to come in the front rank of other societies as the internal autonomy of guns and useful for long chases.
velopment schemes. He instanced the they reached the surface safely in up to the depth at which decompres of a similar kind. New and energetic States and disputes between the directed by radio from a secret head velopments in The new pum chasing fleet is to be drainage of Şierra Leone, copper dealed out that these tests represented down in this chamber and helps the fortnightly meeting, which in itset the states themselves.
a minute and a quarter. It was point sion must begin. The attendant goes members are being enrolled at every States and British India, or between (Continued on Page 8)
Northern Rhodesia, double the journey a trapped crew diver into it and then disconnects (Continued on Page Continued on Page 5)
Zambesi Bridge and several other would have to make, since the test his impediments, so that he can rest INAUGURATION OF (Continued on Page 5)
IST NATIONAL BANK ers had not only to escape and come comfortably while the necessary de MOSELEY SAILS PANAMA CAPITAL SCTY TOMORROW COURT DAWN MEETS to the surface, but had originally to compression period elapses. Oxygen, FOR COLOMBIA TO STAGE CONCERT Inauguration ceremony in connecTHIS EVENING get down to that depth.
hot drinks and other comforts ara The invention which weighs only also provided.
Among tion with the opening of the First the passengers sailing The Panaa Capital Society choir, Members of Court Dawn No. 6, four or five pounds and is attached The main advantage of this appa from the Isthmus on Thursday last under the direction of Mr. Dudley National Trust Bank in this city will Order of Lebanon Foresters, are to a man chest, has a flexible ratus is that it does away with the was Mr. Moseley well known Rice, is now rehearsing for a grand take place tomorrow. Sunday. The reminded of the special meeting to breathing tube through which the heavy diving armor which, though stenographer and accountant on this secular concert to take place during bank is located at the corner of Cen be held this evening, commencing nt air exhaled is regenerated by the ab ti permits deep descents, eramps and city who left on the Sixaola the coming month. Mr. Rice has retral Avenue and East Thirteenth o clock. Matters of importare? will sorption of the carbon dioxide and limits the movements of the diver. for Barranquilla, Colombia to com peatedly staged successful concerts street, and will be opened for busi be discussed at this meeting which the restoration to it of the requisite ness on the first of August with ex necessitates a good attendance Both inventions were submitted to plete a contract at the latter place. and it is expected that this effort of amount of oxygen.
the Admiralty by the Siebe Gorman President Porras as chairman.
He is expected to be gone for a will be up to his usual high standmembers.
Another invention tested at the Company, Lta.
few months.
ard of entertainment.
Great Britain New Device Effects Submarine Escape


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