
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD Willard Clocks GRENADA JAMAICA Colony Moves For Popular Agriculture and the Governor Additional Lighting For City Government Streets are Baroadians or the children of Bar Une barbados Advocate in loWith tauve Government 10r Trinidad, land.
the ure of the FULLER BARBADOS In Colony Paper Accuses Sir Sovernors Not Always Fuseauve for. and for a grea. er James Of Consistently uolie Service Company agreed on, for the same money.
Right And People Always she vi respons. bility of Gover.
Ignoring the Community Makes Concessions And This concession had been made as wrong, says Barbados nent. Not a few Trinidadians cy, councu Agrees That a result of an interview which His Advocate EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ine Work Be rroceeued Worship the Mayor had with Mr.
badians in whom the love of repreNelson, the engineer in charge of sentative and responsible instituA recent issue of the West Indian the Electric Lighting Department of cent arcie in support or Represeli cious is strong and unshakeabie. Tot DL Grenada contains the following: meeting of the Committee of the Public Service Co. and the comBarbados constituion is not pertect, SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY Inat during his live years admin the whole Council of the Kingston pany agreed to make a substantial saye: ut it certainly makes more ade STUDY OR DESK iration of the government of this and St. Andrew Corporation was hela reduction in the charge.
16 was hardly to be expecued that There is an ait of grace and cle colony sir James has consist rocentiy commencing soon after 11 It is understood that the Committhe people on Trinidad would be longquate provision for the expression the popular will than any other Igance reminiscent of Colonial Days atly ignored the agricultural com a. to deal with the question ou tee decided that the lighting of the content with the constitution whickem of Government in the West bout Willard Type Banjo Clocksunity and has time and again to the additional lighting by electricity localities that had been agreed on was given them as a result of the nies. It is not surprising, there. ore, that appeals to people of culture. used to consult agriculturists on certain parts of Kingston and some time ago should be proceeded investigations of the Wood Comlan in spite of all its defects the These clocks are high grade and questions oi vita impurance to the lower St. Andrew.
with. This will mean the installation mission. For although it is a vast people of Trinidad should turn long reliable, while the cases are of the agriculturai advancement of the is The members present were: Hon of about sixty four lights. After improvement on the form of goverG. Seymour Seymour, Mayor (pre these have been put up, two comLE ment which preceded it and provides ing eyes upon the Barbados constitu best craftsmanship.
That the Governor predecessors, siding) Alderman Penso, Coun mittees of the Corporation one reAlso a new assortment of other opportunities for the expression of Lion and work for a change in their for a period of over fifteen years at cillors Clough, Harrison, presenting Kingston under will surely meet popular opinion, the popular will is cwn constitution which will make fine clocks that least, appointed an agriculturist, Fernandez, Rev. Gordon Hay Chairmanship of Councillor Harrison not allowed to shape the policy of approximate more ciosely to that of your every requirement in the home possessed the confidence of the en and Beecher, and Mr. Pat and the other representing St. Anthe Government. It is in fact still truly representative Government. for office at agricultural community to afterson. acting deputy Town Clerk. drew, under the chairmanship a Crown Colony Government with An attempt will probably be made seat on the Executive Council, and The Committee dealt with a let Councillor Dillon, will visit the power remaining in the hands to damn the movement for representhat Sir Geo. Basil Haddon Smith ter which had been received from places where the new lights shall of the Chief Executive Officer. It alive never failed to consult the Agricu) the Jamaica Public Service Compa have been installed, and will then goverament as an agitation 122 CENTRAL AVE. tural Association and the Board of ny, stating that they would be able be able to decide in which streets has been the good fortune of Trin engineered by a few, demagogues Agriculture, with the result that a to install a number of additional for districts the other thirty six lights idad to have a succession of able and who stir up the rabble. Our wel. IRcapable Governors.
But the most sormea Trma corresponuent nusered which in the long run is equal spirit of goodwill existed between lights to those that had already been should be installed.
the Government and agriculturists, able and enlightened Governors are we believe, made a more accurate est that Government of the people which is so absolutely essential to apt to err, and unlimited authority imate of public opinion. For all by the people, for the people. which the progress of the colony.
That the request of the Grenada is a heady wine for the most sane though it is the men of the baser was Lincoln classic definition of and balanced of mortals. There have sort who are most vociferous there democracy. To bestow it upon a peo Agricultural Association to His ExMore Tourists Are Desired been occasions on which the Gover is beyond all doubt a growing sec ple who are not yet ready for it is a cellency that a bona fide agriculturist be appointed to the Executive nor has differed from the people of ton of the middle classes, who are grave error; but to withhold it when Council was refused on the grounds Trinidad and in such cases the Gov. becoming ever more and more con a people are ripe for representative that there was no need for such an ernor will has always prevailed vinced of the futility of hoping for institutions is a far graver wrong. appointment, and that if and when New Canadian Steamer None seems energetic enough to bethough it is hardly to be supposed any good or useful work from the lhe people of Trinidad may fairiy the Government wanted any advice Service Has Not Eradicated ein a remedy. It might have been that the Governor was always right number of representatives of the contend that they have earned the on any agricultural questions an, Apathy Existing In Past thought that after the inauguration of the new Canadian National and the people always wrong. Re people on the present Legislatura right to take a larger share in the (Continued on Page 7)
MORE ADVERTISING Steamships service, we would have cently there has been a sharp com The extent and the nature of their management of their own affairs. In seen the last of apathy and of the oft troversy over the question of pro demands are not yet clear. They do the sphere of municipal politics the LOW TRINIDAD The Barbados Agricultural Re reiterated complaint that passenger viding houses for officials, and the not indeed demand a complete con towns are autonomous electing reFOSTERS COCOA porter contains the following article: services are too intermittent and too From time to time the Press, both limited to be of any use in helping action of the Government in this trol of legislation of finance, al presentatives with full responsibility PRODUCTION editorially and through its corres to expand the tourist trade. But in matter has not only roused the peo though in Trinidad as in every West and the administration of municipal ple to loud protest but has also sti Indian colony this is looked forward affairs in Trinidad has been conspward carrying out the scheme of enthusiasm to the pitch of active ad which they give these islands of the Trinidad took a further step to pondents, endeavours to rouse local spite of the free advertisement anulated them to demand a modifi. to as the ultimate goal. But although uously successful. It is time that long range cocoa research proposed Vertising of the beauties of our isMest Indies and in spite of the uncation of the constitution. the desire may still be formless and the ability which has been employed 11 months ago by the Imperial Col land. Yet no concerted action produc wearied efforts of the Publicity DeTrinidad is after all as far ad has not yet been translated into spe to such advantage in municipal af llege of Tropical Agriculture when Live of more than average results partment of the Canadian National there vanced in wealth, culture and intel ſcitic demands there is real dissatis fairs should be used in the larger the Legislative Council voted 800 takes place in consequence of these steam ship is not ligence as any other West Indian faction with what our correspondent sphere of island politics. Trinidad is cowards the capital and first year attempts. The necessity, however, is nearly enough inducement, apart colony. Indeed it might be argued calls the farcical minority vote. moving forward swiftly and it is keep. The Council has pledged it. abundantly evident. In another col from sunshine, held out to prospecwith much force that they now lead It is the fashion nowadays to de right that its form of Government scif to an annual contribution of unna, correspondent signing himself tive tourists to warrant our looking 3600 for five years. initials which conceal the forward to an expanded trade bethe West Indies. It is therefore no ride democracy and to attribute per should develop in accordance with The researen is expected to be ot identity of a well known patriot who tween Canada and ourselves. We cause for wonder if Trinidadians be fection to absolutism. But no form the growth of wealth, intelligence great benefit to all cocoa producing has travelled much, again makes an think that in addition to the small gan to clamour for a more truly re of Government has yet been discov and knowledge.
countries in the Empire. The initial attempt to create sufficient interest booklets prepared by the Shipping cutlay is estimated at 10, 000 to in in the need we have outlined as to Companies for the information clude the purchase of an estate of attract crowds of tourists. Every one their passengers each island and we 100 acres, and the yearly expendi admits the existence of this need. Continued on Page 7)
ture is likely to be 2, 700. The scheme is being financed jointly by Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, the DENTIST HOWELL Gold Coast and cocoa manufacturers in Britain House No. 912 La Boca BAPTISTE There is some fear of shortage in The sensible man saves consistently. Though Canal Zone the world supplies of cacao in the THE ARTISTIC his deposits may be small, his is the satisfac not too distant future, and Profes OPPOSITE RESTAURANT sor Evans, the Principal of the tion of knowing that he has a constantly growPHONE 1941. BALBOA TAILOR Imperial College, points out that Specialises in all Branches of ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings the best safeguard will be an increase of the yield per acre because Dentistry House M Street Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at the area throughout the world suit ALL WORK GUARANTEED Ponama, able for an extension of cacao plantRESIDENCE538 per annum is paid twice a year and added ing is comparatively small. The reto the money you already have on deposit. search programme is designed to discover means of securing such an increase Experiments which have been conducted by the Department of AgriStart saving now. Open an account with this culture during the past 10 years at PHYSICIAN Bank which, together with its predecessor, The!
River Estate in this island are prohably unique in the Empire and will International Banking Corporation, has faithHAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO give the college a valuable start in fully served its West Indian friends on the the work of fundamental research.
No. K STREET Isthmus for a quarter of a century.


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