
PAGE SEVEN BRITISH GUIANA THE LAST OPPORTUNITY Govt. 1o Contral Liquor rade TO JOIN THE FOR Making Good Clothes Intends To Make It Very Difficult For Persons To Get Drunk, Governor Declares Frigidaire Club IS NOW OFFERED THE CLUB WILL START THIS MONTH and Cleaning Clothes Good See REID The Refrigerators offered are the Latest Frigidaire Models, in Porcelain or Duco finish, all with one piece porcelain lining. Each Refrigerator is equipped with the new COLD CONTROL to speed up the freezing of ice cubes and ice cream.
The models offered in the club have cubic feet of storage space and make 42 ice cubes every hours.
Other models can be obtained through the Club by paying the difference in prices between the club model and any other desired by the customer. Come in to our Showrooms today and see the new models.
Someone will get a FRIGIDAIRE For Only SEVEN DOLLARS IT MAY BE YOU. Cia. Panamena de Fuerza y Luz SANTA ANA PLAZA FRONT STREET AT YOUR COLON PANAMA SERVICE No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, GRENADA Agriculture and the.
GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR House 40 3rd November Street Guachapali Panama City Parheld found According to the Daily Chronicle of a recent date, Sir Gordon Gug: gisberg in addressing a meeting held at Georgetown, stated, in the course of his remarks: There are one or two things continued His Excellency, that are very important that should mention to you tonight. One is, Mr. Andrews (a visitor from India) has told me something that noticed for myself.
when came here, and that was the atrocious amount of drinking that is going on in this country (applause. Now last December appointed a committee to go into the question of rum shops. That committee has sent in its report and that report contains recommendations which are the least that Government are going to do. We do not intend to force tectotalism, to force temperance, on anybody but are going to make it a very great deal more difficult for you not only to get drink but for some people to get drunk. see no reason why the owners of a rum shop or the manager should sell enough drink to make a man drunk.
BARBADOSIf he goes in future under the new law he is going to lose his license More Tourists are. applause. Now know a lot of people do not like that, but look to you and look to the best people to (Continued From Page 2)
peak more particularly today of back Government up in that step.
His Excellency then expressed the Lur ow shoud of itself prepare hope that with Mr. Andrew advice pamphlets, as suggested by our corin the matter of Hindu marriages in respondent, setting out individual relation to include tax would be sabeauties and historie places of intertisfactorily arranged.
est. There are local associations on great interest to historians, anti The last thing want to speak about Continuing. His Excellency said: quarians and the student of the evol is this question of land settlement.
iution and development of races and Now my officers are working very peopies. The leader of the official hard to get land ready for land setparty of the Canadian National ement. only wish that all we have Steamships that visited us on the to do is to dip our hands in the noaiden trip of the Lady Nelson. canals all along this coastland and dubbed the West Indies the future bring them up full of gold so that play ground of the Dominion of Can we can get ahead and put everybody ada. We may without difficulty, it at least on three acres of land with we will, easily make this true of house with an opportunity of getBarbados.
As our correspondentting more. But we are going steadily points out, the many clubs in our towards that point and hope that midst, the excellent sea bathing to every year that passes by is going be had all the year round and not see more East Indians, more least during the Tourist season the Blacks, settle on land which is going historical associations of Barbados to become their own on easy terms all are potent factors that will aid us (applause. in building up a vast Tourist trade, more especially in these years of de DEMERARA pression in the Sugar Industry.
WINS EMPIRE If you have a Prescription to SCHOLARSHIP be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana The New Daily Chronicle of Plaza, where you will get courDemerara states: teous and obliging service. The Education Department has Drink Salada Tea the best for been informed by the Principal, the Tropics Loughborough College, Bottled Dlateributed Leicestershire England, that Mr.
the Secretary of State and urge the Cabral, one of the five students PAN AMERICAN recall of Sir James from Gren from Queen College who took paORANGE CRUSH ada. He is ruining the cause of Agri pers in the British Empire Scholarculture. little manly action will ship Examination held in April last, COMPANY work wonders, has secured first place and has been offered a scholarship.
Five open scholarships in the Faculty of Engineering are offered annually, each of the value of 75 per annum. They are open to British subjects resident in any part of the British Empire and are tenable at Loughborough College for the period of the full Diploma Course. STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History colorOrange Crush AND Gricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 (Continued from Page 2)
agriculturist will be appointed tempurarily for the purpose.
The agriculturisis are of the uplu wil, paying as they do over 90 por CALL the taxes collected by te Government, that they are entitied to representation on the Executive Council and that they must have it.
That it is in the Executive Council that all the funny things happen and perhaps that is why only the Unofficial is permitted there by this autocrat of autocrats.
That the Board of Agriculture was created by Sir Geo. Haddon Smith as an advisory body to the Government, and that Sir James refuses to consult it except about once in two years.
That the Agricultural Department as at present constituted, is capable of coping with the agricultural needs of the colony, and that the Governor wilfully refuses to do anything in the matter perhaps because agriculturists presumed to protest against the appointment of Mr. Harcourt as Superintendent of Agriculture.
The agriculturists feel that this very unsatisfactory and intolerable state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue much longer, and that if the Governor does not change his attitude towards them very soon they will be compelled to memorialise the Secretary of State for the Colonies praying that His Excellency be removed without delay. This is precisely the time when Agriculturists should memorialise Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages the Krinkly Bottle Accept it only on Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for a years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them.
Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Romaine Organ Repairer Omphroy Auto Supply Repair Shop Muller Building CALIDONIA PANAMA Telephone 280 JOB. PRINTING No 42 Calidonia Road 3333KOON Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH VEGA.


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