p. 8


Television In Canada Rumrunin Horse Racing NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
at ang NEURALGINA w the au alu.
Ibu. Page Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
bu. l we colour quarters duwa river, it is suid. Re ed his mount up to challenge them HO. Le receiving screen, ſports are to be submitted at regular and the game mare passed them in Li. Ives said that one of the most intervals, day and night, from both the home stretch and won going guificant teatures of this achieve American and Canadian sides of the away.
nent was that it did not require con Deroit River, and the Government La Nena, in the second race, ran pleve new apparatus as cu boats can get under way in pursuit away with her backers money. All with the equipment toat nana. es of suspected craft as alarms are agog to run she broke away and lesvasion pictures roadcast.
could not be stopped until she had whive. The same light sourus, dr.
The strength of the dry navy circled the track twice, this made it ing motors, scanning disks and auer July to be fourteen of the impossible for her to compete in the syucnrunising systems and the same coast guard 75 foot cruisers, fourrace wype of ampunication are utal seu teen of the customs border patrul Results of the seven races are as ne rrung apparatus cuisiboats, eight coast guard boats, eight follows: of uue ultne sixteen un televis. oncoastguard boats of the 42 foot First Race Four furlongs: RipQIDAS uscu la our earues ex, erine.
cuss and seventeen coastguard pling Water, 124. Escobar) 30, Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and La Wui uur. Vcs.
bouts of the 20 and 36 foot caliber. 50; Don Simon, 122. Reyes)
саrее ѕресi amp. reduce the fever of children.
a total of fifty three. 40; Star Light, 108. Ordoñez. is system when Iocuses the gat Time 56. May and Annie Laurie also It is understood that the personinto a small aperture in iron oxins!
nel of the three departments co opdusk. The ouserver, 100king into to.
Second Race Five thrlongs: Oeerating in the anti smuggling drive aperture, receives, through eaca urrencia, 126. Walker) 20, 50; huse of the disk passes by wie officers and men.
is to comprise nearly eight hundred Lucero, 100. Ordoñez) 60; Pora, Irom the three lamps each con116. Godoy. La Nena ran away on The coast guard reported recenttroued by its appropriate signal Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, false start. Time 05. ly it had seized an Amherstburg from the sending end. When the inThird Race One Mile: Billy Dentensities of the three images are profitteen cases of whisky.
Irum runner on a small boat with nis, 126. Clark) 70, 10; Mar.
perly adjusted, he therefore sees an cela, 100. Dario) 90; Chiquilla, image in its true colours, and with 110. Ordoñez. Time 45. Kitty the general appearance of a small Gill, Socia also ran.
For sale both Wholesale and Retail Churches That Get coloured motion picture.
Fourth Race Six furlongs: Ex Colour television constitutes a Approval Can Use cuse Me, 110. Ordoñez) 10; Royal definite further step in the solution New Prayer Book AT THE Eagle, 120 (Walker. Pauline, 110, of the many problems presented in (Escobar. Time 20.
the electrical communications of LONDON Both the Upper and Fifth Race Six Furlongs: Don AMERICAN PHARMACY images. it is, however, obviously lower Houses of the Convocation of Simon, 90. Dario) 19. 30, 00; Inmore expensive as well as more dif Canterbury adopted resolutions apfimo, 114. Escobar) 40; Pistol, ficult than the earlier monochroma Iproving the use of the revised Prayer JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor 120. Reyes. Zapo, 90. Ferguson. tie form, involving extra communica Book of 1928 in Churches where the Time 26.
tion channels as well as additional assent of the people is given through Panama.
Sixth Race Six Furlongs: Lena, apparatus.
their Parish Council. The vote in the 120. Escobar) 60, 80; Honey The great obstacle in the way of Upper House was 28 to and in the Dew, 120. Walker) 20; Cococha, applying coloured television to ra Lower House 96 to 54. The resolu114. Dario. Time 23 215. Tunney, dio is that it required so much space tion in the Upper House was intro Lagrimita also ron.
in the ether three radio channels duced by the Archbishop of Canter The Week News New York on Mouday afternoon at Seventh Race Six Furlongs: Res.
Isthmian League 20, 000 cycles wide.
bury. o clock, olute, 118. Ordoñez) 50, 00; completing her baden Socia, 112. Clark) 20; GolondriVoyage au days, 1o Aurs and CHURCH SERVICES (Concinued from Page 1)
muves, na, 108. Dario. Pora left. Time (Continued from Page 1)
Dealing we are Zone, with 399, wnie the Pue a good Dy muua sign that the society 1. 18 26.
Cristobal District had 298.
There will be no races at Juan TU Huuuu mation instruction, AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Cases pending at the beginning ot alvany tuu Vass. pood works are being appreciated.
The officers installed are as fol Franeo Track tomorrow. 80 Evensong and Address. St. Paul Church, Panama, the year totaled 161, 95 in Balboa and exeu es, breaking is wa lows: McFarquhar, president; Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
NINTH SUNDAY AFTER rreoru set the previous way of low uban Cristobal cases numbering 24 TRINITY ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, Rev. Nightengale, while those in the Balboa district Urk the bremen released plune Tittens, second vice president; Wilson, LAS SABANAS secretaryá Morrison, at took au to the porc.
Rector. Continued from Page 1)
numbered 38 civil, 48 probate, anu treasurer; Lawes, asst. secretary, bar on June 12, after completing his (The Rector of St. Pau in Charge) 30 a. Holy Communion. The vine criminal. Three hundred and Gittens, marshall. All these of3. 00 Church School and Con Rector.
Eulogio kourigues, has been Ludies at Inner Temple.
thirty nine cases were filed during firmation Instruction.
10. 15 a. Matins. Mr. At the year in Balboa, numbering 61cranted exclusive rights to explore Carthy introduced the officers who ficers were re elected. McMr. Blackett has been in the colony 30 Evensong and Addresa. well, Lay Reader.
Mr. Richards, Catechist.
civil, 189 probate, and 88 criminal, in exploit mineral deposits in 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist be admitted, but he seems to be up and while those filed in Cristobal were urge tract of manu un we uiscriet u were installed by Legister. Pol over four months and is anxious to Surmon. The Rector.
120, numbering 21 civil, 12 probate, Capira, where previously the same lowing the installation, refreshments against hard luck.
were served.
ST. PETER BY THE SEA, Prelude. Hear My Prayer. Man and 87 criminal.
Darcy has been granted mining cou, The Acting Chief Justice is away LA BOCA contract which was in Demerara and Mr. Justice Greendelsohn.
Cases settled in Cristobal num cessions. The WORLD JAMBOREE Matins and address, 11 a. Mr.
idge is in San Fernando, so that the Introit. Psalm 119. Pt. IX. bered 131, of the 31 civil 18 being given executive sanction ou Munduy, OF BOY SCOUTS Palmer, Lay Reader.
date of his admission cannot be fixChurch School, p.
Hymn. and 321, 308, 24, decided, one transferred, and 12 disame which is between senor ludrony ed definitely.
missed; and of the 93 criminal cases. Luez and the Secretary of Agricu The following is taken from a reChoral Evensong and sermon, 30 13.
Revising Barrister Postlude. Choral. Bach.
Jeight being acquitted, seven dismiss ture and Public Works, CkP. The Rector.
In keeping with the policy to onJ. MULCARE, 00 Church School, Mr. ſed, 72 convicted, two transferred, ments, is similar to other agreements, ent issue of the London Daily ExA. Cragwell, Supt.
and three dropped, while the other negotiated concessions in the Republic. Fifty thousand Boy Scouts from trust the revision of the burgess list Rector. 30 Choral Evensong and seven were probate cases. In Bal LESNI all parts of the world are coming to of the City to the most recent addiSermon. Preacher, Dean Werlein, boa 856 were settled, of the 79 Birkenhead for the great world jam tion to the Bar, the City Council has ST. SIMON MISSION, GAMBOA Antonio Periera, white Portugu. se appointed Mr. Algernon Wharton, Prelude. Beneath The Soft Wind civil, 57 being decided and 22 disboree next month.
Matins, Holy Eucharist and ser. Poxton.
missed, while of the 88 criminal, nine sound guilty of the charge or vitaFrance is sending 1, 900, the Unit to be Revising Barrister for 1929.
mon, 10. 45 a. Rev. Mulcare.
Psalms 44, 45.
were acquitted, 68 convicted, and 16 ing and stowing away on the United Sad States 1, 500, Denmark 1, 500, and The Court is usually held early in Church School and Confirmation dismissed. There were 189 probate Fruit Co S. Macabi, was sen batches of from 500 to Magnificat. Aldrich.
800 will August.
Class, 30 tenced to thirty days in jail and ained cases settled in Cristobal.
Nunc Dimittis. Dupuis.
travel from various The same policy is also followed Continental MULCARE, in the Magistrate court on Offertory.
At the close of the year, June 30, 25, in the assignment of Council to deAnthem: Praise Yo countries.
Priest in Charge. The Father. Gounod.
there were 77 cases pending in the Monday. Periera was discovered an The Eskimos are coming, and the fend prisoners on murder trials and Postlude. Rogers.
Balboa district, 20 civil, 48 probate, the boiler room of the vessel on Sat Siamese, Hong Kong, Sierra Leone, Mr. Wharton will in all probability ST. BARTHOLOMEW CHURCH, and nine criminal, while in the Cris urdoy afternoon just as the steamer Trinidad, Tanganyika, Ceylon, bu heard shortly in the role of deLAS CASCADAS ST. ALBAN CHURCH, tobal district there were pending 45, was ready to leave for New York.
Egypt fifty to sixty foreign coun fending Counsel.
Solicitors Examination Matins and address, 11 a. Mr.
tries and states will meet the thouPARAISO, 17 civil, 20 probate, and eight Brathwaite, Lay Reader.
Francisco Escobar was fined in sands of British scouts in the great. The students who presented them(The Rector of St. Paul in Charge) criminal.
selves for examination in May are Church School, 30 Holy Eucharist and Collections, composed of civil and the Balboa Magistrate court for re est pow pow ever held. MULCARE, Sermon.
criminal costs, fines, forfeitures, fusing to take up a passenger in his The greater portion of the camp expecting the Examiners report moPriest in Charge. 00 pm. Church School and Con marriage license fees, recording taxicab although his for hire. sign is to be at Arrowe Park, Birken mently.
foes, and miscellaneous, amounted to was displayed. The chauffeur was head, and, in addition to Chief The two students who sat for the 5, 704. 47, 2, 996. 72 for ohe Balboa arrested when he would not accept Scout Sir Robert Baden Powell, dis final examination are Messrs.
district and 2, 707, 75 for Cristobal. Samuel Holpert, member of the tinguished scouts like the Prince of Thompson of Messrs. Sellier Co. There were five deeds recorded in crew of the Army transport Cam Wales, Prince George, and the Duke and Mr. Hobson of Messrs.
the Balbos district.
trai at pier 18 Monday morning.
Jei Connaught will attend.
Fitzwillam Co.
Dr. Arosemena, Panama It is an affair lasting a fortnight, Mr. Hobson is the son of Mr. MEETING foreign secretary, and former goverand an elaborate programme has Hobson, a Barrister with an extennur of Colon, was the guest of ho TOMORROW EVENING been drawn up, to which the foreign sive practice in the Southern district nour in that city at a banquet attend sections will contribute distinctive and Mr. Alcazar who sat for the The regular ed by more than 250 persons on Suncan have mass meeting of turns.
and Mr. Alcazar who sat for the day night, which was said to be one Chapter 14 of the Universal Negro. We want two elephants to do our Intermediate is a son of the Hon.
of the greatest public demonstrations Improvement Association will be show. wrote the Singalese troop.
Sir Henry Alcazar.
of affection to a former governor held tomorrow evening, commencing The two elephants will be there.
ever to take place in that city.
at o clock. The choir will render a They were found in Liverpool. North Pole can all talk together.
very select programme, and there Scouts all over the earth ape busy It is the twenty first anniversary Making a record run from Cher will be addresses by several notable learning the sign language, the uni of the Scout movement, and world AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL bourg, France to New York, the new speakers. good attendance of mem versal tongue, by which Boy Scouts Scouts mean to make great birth3333333333333333KKROON German liner Bremen arrived at bers is anticipated.
from Malaya, Timbuetoo, and the da yaffair of it, New (Middle Temple press: 45 a.
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