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PRICE CENTS HORSERACING AT JUAN Boy Scouts Celebrate St. Vincent Petition to Home Comedy Develops Into BARBADOS SOCIETY Coming of Age FRANCO TRACK SUNDAY Horrid Tragedy Govt. Turned Down INSTALLS OFFICERS. 112 after the. 90. 126. 116 120 126 100 Twelve Boy Cadets Burn Cantones and Other Old Boy Scouts Now In Camp To Death When Dummy Large Gathering of Memtimers Will Compete with lat Arrowe Park, Near BirYoungsters Tomorrow Af Kenhead Rally and Page Administrator Cannot Have More Power Changes Pro House Took Fire At Char bers and Guests Witness ity Bazaar Impressive Ceremony Last ternoon ant For Prince of Wales posed Would Not Be InInterest of The Colony, Says Secretary of State Sunday British West India Co.
There will be races at Juan FranLONDON, July 31. The Boy cable despatch from Gillingham, The Installation of Officers of the co tomorrow afternoon and a very Scouts come of age this year; and The West India Committee Cir! The petition continued. The adverse feeling of the inhab. that twelve boy cadets from the place on Sunday July 28th at the England, dated July 12, states Barbadian Progressive Society, took good program has been made up by the event is being celebrated by alcular of recent date states that it the Panama Jockey Club. Still betreat World Jamboree which is has been in formed by Mr. Secretary fitants of St. Vincent toward the Chatham Navy Barracks were Panama Capital Hall 22nd Street, ter news is the fact that oldtimersing held at Arrowe Park, near Bir Sydney Webb that a despatch was increase of salary to the Governor hurned to death here last night Guachapali. The spacious Hall was who have not been seen on the track kenhead, from today until Augu ta Hressed on June 5th to the Gov is intensified by the fact that the when a dummy house at a Char filled to capacity with Members, ReWinward Islands Governor does not reside in this ity Bazaar took fire and was presentatives from the various Colofor a very long time will be among 13. It is attended by 50, 000 scouturement of the them are from 25 parts of the British Empire Sating that after carful considra Colony which is necessary for en consumed before they could nial Societies and Friends, among the contenders. Among Lenine, Cantones and Jackie. und from 41 other nations. This is een of the request contained in abling him to deal efficiently with leave it.
Three firemen and whom were the Rev. NightWhether or not these old runners the third international tition signed by members of the ail questions which, under the pre three or Jamboree four other would be longale, Mr. Walrond, Mr.
can step up with the youngsters of that the Boy Scouts have held, the of Government must Vincent Representative Govern sent system rescuers were injured seriously. Collins. The Chairman for the today remains to be seen. other two having been held in Londents of St. Vincent, the Secretary time. Lack of knowledge of local af:ure of wood frame and canvas who proved nant Association and other inhabi claim his attention from time to The house of three story struc evening was Mr. Geo. Roberts, The events with entries and handi. Jon in 1920, when 1, 200 scouts from State had been unable to find fairs on the part of the Governor had been constructed to allow the occasion. The Choir under the himself an adept for caps are as follows: 23 other countries were present, and that the grounds put forward provid has resulted, and will always result the local firemen to demonstrate direction of FIRST RACE FURLONGS in Copenhagen in 1924, immediately et sufficient justification for the so long as the existing arrange a rescue for the Charity Fete highly applauded for their beautiful Mr. John Rock, was Ramona.
Imperial Jamboree at kiant to the Administrator to ex ments obtain. in delaying or the the boys climbing the upper renditions.
110 Wembley, when there were present and powers in dealing with local al thwarting of beneficial schemes ad storeys to represent occupants.
Amapola. 1106, 000 scouts from thirty three na tuirs and the privilege of communi vocated by the better informed Ad. Spectators saw it suddenly burst performed by Bro. Percy Seales, asThe Installation Annie Laurie. 90tions.
Ceremony was 1!
eating direct with the Secretary of ministrator of the Colony and supinto flames but thought it part sisted by Alonza Young, and Pan Dulce.
It had been proposed that this state. Further, the Secretary of ported by the Legislature.
Jamboree should be held in Czecho State added that he was unable to of the programme. Suddenly it With conditions as they are, the was Harris, Delegates from the Colon La Loma. 110 realized that what had Slovakia, but in view of the 21st an find that the change proposed would people of St. Vincent would feel ex started as play had become an Branch of the Society.
SECOND RACE FURLONGS Jniversary of the foundation of the be in the interest of the colony.
The following are the Officers Intremely grateful of you, Sir, if you intensely real life and death movement it was thought fitting, in Resolute.
The petition referred to, which would cause such change to be ef drama. Firemen rushed to the stalled for the ensuing term: honour of the Chief Scout, Sir Rob was lodged in Mareh, complained freted as would ensure to the Ad rescue dashing into the flaming White, President; Rouse, Vice Marcela ert Baden Powelll, and the move that the Legislative Council of Gre ministrator of St. Vincent extended building and President; Headley, Gen SecSocia ment birth place, that is should be nada had, at a recent Session, at power in dealing with local affairs, from pulling victims (Continued on Page 8)
the blaze. Some of the (Continued on Page 1)
held in this country.
tempted what was, in effect, legis and the privilege of communicating spectators at great danger to THE WEEK NEWS One of the reasons for the deci lation for the whole of the Wind direct to the Secretary of State for themselves assisted as the others CARPENTER INSTANTLY sion to hold the Jamboree at Birken ward Islands by passing a measure the colonies on matters of impor watched horror stricken. An unTOLD IN BRIEF head is that it is close to the thickly to increase the salary of the Gover. sance put forward by the Unofficial determined number were saved KILLED IN FALL populated Northern industrial area nor by 500. At the very meeting at Members of the Legislative Council, but it was believed there were World Events Flashed so that it takes place at the doors which a protest was made by the El, which require urgent attention. With fifteen boys in the house origin Romero Falls From Scaffold Across the Atlantic of a great and important section of ected Members of the Council, the such a change it would not matternally and that five of these were According to plans and estimates the population. Arrowe Park itself measure to increase the Governor whether the Governor resided inextricated alive; two of these At Excelsior Theatre now awaiting the approval of the has the reputation of being the larg salary was passed by the Adminis. Grenada or elsewhere, and the cause later died at a hospital.
Panama Government, the Chiriqui est public park in England. It is fourtrator casting vote, the Unofficial for complaint respecting the paucity Generally the disaster was at Santana Romero was instantly Birkenhead town hall, Members in a body opposing the of his visits would be entirely re tributed Iand Company a subsidiary of to inadvertent prema killed on Wednesday afternoon when measure moved.
United Fruit Co. will invest 8, 250. and covers about 450 acres of unture setting of the blaze which he fell from a scaffold while work000 in laying out, seeding, irrigating, culating, well wooded country. The had been intended to permit a ing on the fourth story of the Exmore than 1, 000, 000 for raiways, park was bought by the Birkenhead (Continued on page 4)
celsior Theatre in this city. Continued on Page 5)
and working their plantation, which Romero, is a carpenter by trade, is a vast concession in one of the HOME PRINCE HON OURED and was engaged in removing forma richest agricultural sections of Panfrom the concrete walls of the upper ama. The respective executive reso GARVEY DAY TO BE MUST PAY MORE TAXES structure of the building, when he lution passing on the plans and esstepped off the scaffold into space OBSERVED TOMORROW timates is now being prepared Home of James Burden, and fell into a pile of stones forty the Treasury department, Interesting Correspondence Between Is Considered More Valu feet below. The unfortunate man Kingston Division To HoHonble T. Marryshow and able Because Prince Lived skull was smashed from the force of Panama Government officials are nour President General of There in 1924 the fall and his back broken when reported to be considering a most Association Public MeetA. Cipriani he struck the edge of one of the unusual claim for the recovery of ing At 00 m.
NEW YORK Whart the cost of walls.
land said to have constituted a conCross Street, St. George Grenada da to deliver one or two addresse Jentertaining royalty. The deceased was for several cession dating from long before the Members of the Universal Negro Dear Captain Cipriani Congrat o inspire our people in the cause of Few could give an exact estimate. months in the employ of Navarro establishment of this Republic. The improvement Association, Kingston lations to you and your comrades femocracy according to Labour doc But this much is now known to Co. and was considered an excoelclaim has been made by the North jaivision, will fittingly celebrate the impressive showing of the trines Choose your own time as may James Burden, whose Long Is bent worker. He is survived by and South American Colonisation Garvey day tomorrow at the Pri Labour Party in the General Elec. The convenient to you and let me land home, Woodside. was the of widow and three children, who reCo. who requests information as to vate Academy, Twenty fifth street, iun in Great Britain.
know if, and when you will be able to ficial residence five years ago of the side in Calidonia district what steps should be taken to re Guachapali. An invitation is extend Very courageously you preached come. With the help of certain sup Prince of Wales.
enver 4, 600 acres of land in the Pan ed to friends of the association to our faith in Labour when most of porters will arrange for defraying It isn the initial cost! it the LINDO TO REPRESENT (Continued on page 6) attend a meeting which will com thought you were backing the your steamer expenses both to and upkeep.
PANAMA mence at 30 nanifestly wrong horse but it ap from Grenada also for ministering This became apparent when it AT CONCLAVE PASSES FIRST YEAR There was a good attendance of pears that your instincts or shall to your comfort whilst guest of was learned by the New York AmeTEST EXAMINATION members and friends at last Sun say your intuition. as a turf man the people of Grenada. rican that last year, 1928, the mil Panama Division and Chapters of The Jamaica Gleaner of the 18th. day meeting. Dr. Barton as in things equine are quite on a par The political problems of Grenada lionaire society leader was still pay the Universal Negro Improvement ulto. published the names of the nur usual occupied the Chair and per with your discernment and convic. are not similar to those of Trinidad. ing handsomely for the privilege of Association and African Communities ses who passed their Test Exam1x su se supus uow. tos pazarteptions in things political, colonial na We are all victims of the dasden entertaining the Prince.
League have elected Louis Lindo ination at the Kingston General Hosh Ruowana snopyla ay pauzojionally and internationally. ing shadow and the shade of the ever But he through now, to all ap to represent Panama at the sixth WAS held early last the first 17 verses of the 16th chapHave you seen that Dr. Mor branching up as tree of Crown Colo pearances at least. No longer will conference of the association to be month. Among those who passed the ter of St. John Gospel.
an, a Grenadian has won for Ia ny rule and call on you Macedo the magnificent Burden estate be held at Kingston, Jamaica throughfirst year is the name of Miss Emi The inspiring message of the Pre bour the north West Camberwell nian like to come over and help us. taxed at a higher rate than the out the present month. Mr. Lindo, ly Barber who came first in her Isident General contained in the seat in the recent General Election. The West Indies are one, and those neighbourhood estates, which never seen yesterday, could not give a declass of 16. Miss Barber is the daugh Negro World of July 20, was read He is a brilliant young man and f us who are blessed with the girl were honoured by the presence of finite date when he would sail for ter of Mr. Barber night Clerk by Mr. Greely, who made very im confidently look forward to his at or leadership should generate the the heir of the British throne. Jamaica, as direct sailings to that at the Panaman Brewing and Re pressive comments on the subject aining Cabinet rank some day. He missionary spirit and go to help it Records of the Board of Assessors island are anything but regular. In frigerating Company and she is a Pa matter of the message which was possessed of abiding undying Tot to the relief, of others beyond at Oyster Bay showed that James the meantime, the interest of the dinamaian by birth. We congratu received with enthusiasm.
West Indian consciousness and that the confines of our immediate insu Burden recently tired of paying and ision and chapters at the conferlate Mr. Barber on this the first. The meeting was brought to aj hould be of some inspiration to us. Inrism. It was in this spirit as you paying and paying. He threatened to ence are being taken care of by a euccess of his daughter in the pro close with the singing of the NationThe immediate object of this let may recall, visited Trinidad some go to court about it. It seems that gentleman appointed by Mr. Lindo fession of her choice.
a) Anthem of the association. ter to you is to invite you to Gren Continued on Page (Continued on Page 8)
to act for him, the miles from Islands Consolidating for Self Government pital which


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