
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD 444444 The National City City Bank New Telephone Booth Erected JAMAICA Total Assets more than wo Thousand Million Dollars Cy.
SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies 25 Years of Service The National Tify Rank of New York UOVERAMENTS STAND ON RECONSTRUCTION HAN THE METROPOLIS Of New York The Gleaner understands that the OPENED BY DEPUTY to be closed for even a day.
Government have taken up a firm MAYOR The number of the booth was and definite attitude wita regard to known to be 88 and the first day HEAD OFFICE. 55 WALL STREET the remainder of the reconstruelon AN INNOVATION it was disconnected people would work to be carried ou, in Kingstun.
call back on the Turncock Station NEW YORK CITY Until the present works in hand the taxi driver telephone boota which had done good service in are completed and completion escrected at the main entrance to the past.
timates are sent in to the GovernPublic Sympathy rince Building was formaliy openment the Governor will not sace tu by the Hon. Cipriani, De They had started the telephone, tion the estimates for work to be puty Mayor, in the presence of ser they had the sympathy of the public carried out in any new area. This, eru drivers whose ears were at the ſand it would be their fault if they therefore, means that the Engineerstand.
allow it to drop ing staff must rush the works they Formal Opening This wooden structure fitted witn now have in hand for until these one receiver has been provided for He had much pleasure in declarworks are completed no new areas the convenience of the drivers andling the station open and would telecan be reconstructed.
will be maintained by a monthly sub phone the Mayor of the City at once The reconstruction work on East scription from them.
saying that he had opened it.
Queen Street is now being pushed First Telephone Station The Deput y Mayor called up the forward and as soon as it is comThe Deputy Mayor said he was Mayor Chambers and in his absence pleted upper Orange Street will be very pleased at the opportunity his left a message announcing the openreconstructed. The sewer is being good friends the chaufieurs had giving of the Station.
laid in that thoroughfare and new Drivers Thanks en him on doing them the litule se.
gas and water mains will be laid. If vice of opening the first telephone Mr. Cooper, on behalf of the the Engineer Staff of the Corporadrivers, thanked the Deputy Mayor station in Trinidad tion speed up the programme of reopening the station and lor It was one of those progressive for construction there is no reason why steps which showed that the chauf sponsoring their application to the the work on Upper Orange Street leurs at least had the correct view. City Council.
should not be completed before the The Humorous Side point, and proved that there was New Year.
Chat sentiment of agreement and The first call received after the that great keynote of progress co opening furnished some amusement.
to West Indian Residents of thé Isthmus The driver who answered the call INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL operation among them.
and drove off is alleged not to buve CHANGES PROPOSED Co operation Necessary He remembered the time when contribute one cent to the venture.
It was taken in good part by the The Gleaner has good reason to there was a Chauffeurs Union of believe that a Bill has been prewhich he had the honour to be Pre others but they remarked that it was pared for introduction at the next aldent, and he looked forward to un hard luck that one who had not contributed should receive one of the session of the Legislative Council to other such union being tormed amend the Reformatories and IndusHe wanted to impress upon them first jobs through the Station.
trial Schools Law, 1891. The main that unless chauffeurs got togethe.
and made their influence felt they PANAMA COLON change which it is proposed to make Intercolonial Gomes to the Law is that the maximum would never be in a position to prove what they must be one of the secto be played 33 CENTRAL AVE.
FRONT STREET AT 7th age of the boys and girls in a reformatory should be inersed from tions in the community in which the 16 to 18 years of age.
authorities had a good deal of conAnother important matter which fidence and as being responsible for Demerara and Trinidad to is engaging the attention of the a good deal of law and order on the Contend or Silver Trophy public highways of the Colony.
Board of Visitors of Government Intrict, 10, 000; part conversion of the PORT OF SPAIN. The Bugby dustrial schools is the after care Advice Sought telephone system to a metallie eirFootball Club (says the Sporting When that Association existed its Cnronicle of Trinidad. held its ancuit, 3, 400; improvement of of children discharged from such the advice and co operation was sought road system throughout the colony institutions.
nual general meeting at the Queen In due course certain definite proof additional water by the authorities for the purpose Park Hotel on Wednesday last, and ST. VINCENT TO After a brief introduction by Hon. and provision of bringing up to date the regulation there was a full turn out of mem EXPORT TOMATOES Coreau, Major Peebles out supplies to the smaller towns, 11, posals will be submitted to the Gov.
which governed the traffic of the bers. The Hon. Secretary submitted AND ONION lined his scheme, which calls for the 600. The money is to be raised in London by the Governor or the Colony, and he had no doubt that if an exhaustive report on the workestablishment of nurseries at various Crown Agents acting on his behalf BANANA PRICES another Union were formed their coing of club during the season ST. VINCENT. Under the chair centres.
under ordinance No. 12, and will be IN ENGLAND operation would be sought to bring 1928 29 and this was unanimously manship of Major Pebles, From these nurseries plants wil be a charge upon the general revenue about an end to the road hogging adopted. Administrator, a meeting was given to approved growers.
and assets of the colony.
According to quotations published which took place in this island.
Cup Fær Inter Colonial Tournament held at the Court House for the pur The crop will be graded, packed in the London Fruit Grower the Too Many Reckless Drivers Announcement was made of the pose of organising a Peasant Bureau and exported by the Bureau.
auctioning of Jamaica bananas in Unfortunately there are too many fact that Hon. McGregor for the protection and marketing of peasant adviser would be en BUY FROM THE WORKMAN the English market has been very irresponsible and negligent drivers had presented the club with a hand fruit and vegetables, gaged to keep in touch with the ADVERTISERS brist peasants and to foster and super VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
AND at the wheel of motor cars in TrinGET some Silver Trophy for Intercolonial Consignments of bananas to idad (Applause. competition in rugby between the vise the general working of the (Continued on Page 7)
He was quite sure they would colonies of Trinidad and Demerara.
scheme. The name of Mr. Horner of agree with him that the time had This trophy was handed to Mr. Alan Montserrat has been mentioned in come when a stop must be put to Storey, captain of Trinidad last this capacity.
DENTIST HOWELL the indiscriminate furnishing of team, and on behalf of the club Mr.
The scheme will deal with classes House No. 912 La Boca Hicences to every Tom, Dick and Storey in suitable words expressed of fruit and vegetables but at first Canal Zone Harry, som td his gratitude to the doner. The iniTomatoes and Onions will be the THE ARTISTIC The chauffeur had a responsible tial competition for the cup will chief products.
OPPOSITE RESTAURANT position to fill and the road hog take place on the occasion of the The Peasants Bureau will be given TAILOR PHONE 1941. BALBOA must be driven out. The negligent visit of a Trinidad team to Demerara a two years trial at a cost of apdriver should have no place in a de sometime about the end of the year.
proximately 1670 per annum but it Specialises in all Branches of cent community and the man who!
Rugby Union is hoped that at the expiration of Dentistry Street found himself drunk at the wheel of In connection with the competition this time the scheme will be self ALL WORK GUARANTEED Panama, car ought never to have had a for the McGregor Cup, a committee supporting.
RESIDENCE588 licence. Applause. comprising Messrs. Storey and full and frank discussion followH. felt sure that if the Union Capt. Alseton and a representative ed Major Peebles address and the were revived they would prove to be from each of the local rugby clubs SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY meeting unanimously approved of what they had been in the past will be formed for the purpose of the plan.
STUDY OR DESK great deal of help to the authorities. drafting rules to govern the tourna There is an air of grace and cleA vote of thanks having been givContinuity Advocated ment and it is most welcome news to cance reminiscent of Colonial Dayo en the Administrator, the meeting He observed that they were very learn that it is the intention of the about Willard Type Banjo Clock was brought to a close.
enthusiastie over the opening of the Rugby Club to urge of their con that appeals to people of culture PHYSICIAN telephone station. He knew the aver treres the formation of a Rugby These clocks are high grade and age working man and had no doubt Union for the control of the game reliable, while the cases are of the ST. VICENT LOAN HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO that if they were asked that after locally. This centralising of author best craftsmanship.
noon to subscribe or they ity is a capital iden, and when maSt. Vincent is to raise a loan of No. K STREET would be willing to contribute Also new assortment of other 125, 000 which is to be applied to terialised should go far in putting PANAMA CITY But when it came to collecting the the game on a most solid founda: fine clocks that will surely meet the following purposes: For elecsixpences later on for the purposetion.
your every requirement in the home tric lighting of Kingston and disof keeping the telephone going, the or office at man that undertook that job would have the devil own job, and, it BUY FROM THE WORKMAN SEE THAT YOU GET COPY OF THE would be a great pity and a reflec ADVERTISERS AND GET tion if they alllowed that telephone VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.


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