
PAGE THREE Fastest Motorship Built is Launched THE WORKMANSATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1929.
Must Find Work for Jobless now says Thomas CALL AT THE Minister Defends Unemplo yment Schemes Against Critics in the House of Com mons Rt. Hon. Churchill Praises Plans But Fears They Will Not Have Any Effect On Problem Panama Hardware CATHEDRAL PLAZA AND SEE THE FULL ASSORTMENT OF COWES, Lsle of Wight. What is claimed as the fastest motor boat ever built has been launched here for Betty Carstairs, famous woman driver, who expects to pilot the craft in international races at Detroit and elsewhere in the United States this year. The boat is fitted with three airplane engines similar in design to those used by Major Seygrave Golden Arrow of the automobile speed record of 231 miles an hour and by the winning Schneider Cup Seaplane. They are said to develop 3, 000 horse power.
NO PROPOSAL FROM WEST INDIES DEMILITARIZATION LOCKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Also the Fine Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS JUST RECEIVED use LONDON, Juy 17. Mail. mense efforts and exertion, the for My object at the present moment is mer Chancellor did not think his to ork and find it imme schemes would have the slightest efdiately.
fect on the live register of unemIn such words Rt: Hon. ployment. They are like trying to Thomas, Minister of Employment bail ont the Thames with a tea cup.
defended his unemployment schemes he said.
against criticism that they did not Rt. Hon.
David Lloyd George, go far enough. The schemes, he said, Liberal leader, said he was convincwere only the beginning. He was atod a scheme of a bolder character present preparing for the coming was needed to meet the problem.
winter not for the problems of five Mr. Thomas said he planned to years ahead. His proposals for a per abolish the present requirement of manent solution of the problem community before certain grants would come later but the maximum may be given. He wanted to see the that could be done now was being figure reduced to ten per cent, and done, proposed to give the grants com It is no spending moneyImittee wide discretion.
blindly. Mr. Thomas explained.
Discussing the question of speed Anybody can do that. We want to spend it wisely for the ultimate ing up work, Mr. Thomas said, the benefit and development of the municipalities had to prove the work Country they were submitting for assistance The proposal before the House was work which would not otherwise was a vote of 25, 000, 000 to have been undertaken for a period guarantee loans for development, work of five years. He had decided to in Great Britain. Mr. Thomas said substitute three years as a limit in the government proposed to put the order to speed up the situation.
unemployment grants committee on a statutory basis and to withdraw from the committee to give to public utility undertaking carried on for profit.
Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill congratulated the Minister on not being Modern Tailor hampered by foolish socialist ideas or no nonsense about private enterprise exploiting the worker. But No 57 while he assured Mr. Thomas he had Calidonia Road the sympathy of the whole House in his task which would call for imLONDON The United States has made no proposal to the govern ment for demilitarization of the naval bases in the British West Indies, either in connection with President Hoover peace plans or otherwise, Arthur Henderson, For eign Secretary told a questioner in the House of Commons Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
England is Raising School Leaving Age BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue Kirton ADVERTISE IN LONDON (Special Gleaner Wireless) The Education Minister Sir Trevelyan, announceed that the Government had carefully cons.
dered the most suitable date or raising the school leaving age of children to fifteen. After weighing El circumstances they had decided to prepare the necessary legislation t)
raise the school age as from April 1, 1930. He was at once asking representatives of the local education authorities and professional bodies to meet him with a view to consultation and co operating.
First Shipment of African Oranges Arrives in Canada THE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY YOU TORONTO EXHIBITION GATEWAY TO THE CANADIAN MARKET WE OFFER EXCELLENT PRICES MONTREAL. Trade within the Empire received further impetus There when nine hundred boxes of foranges of good quality were landed from South Africa. It is believed that this was the first shipment of Es kind to arrive in Canada. The consignment will be sold to fruit Dealers in various parts of the counFOR PLAN MOCK TRIAL; AUGUST 17 LONDON Mr. Thomas Bradshaw, President of the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, who has been on a visit to this country, said in an interview before his departure that Canada was anxious to purchase British goods and that it was up to the manufacturers here to take full advantage of the desire and make a point of studying the market more intensely and at first hand. To reach the market. he said. certain difficulties must be overcome, and make no unfair criticism when suggest that these difficulties in most cases have primarily proved to be the lack of knowledge of the Dominion and the best method for merchandising. What is re quired is for more principals of the manufacturing concerns of this country to visit Canada to make a close study of the actual conditions that are confronting them with their trade with the Dominion. The participation of the Empire Marketing Board in our Exhibition last year was, in my opinion, the greatest scheme of propaganda undertaken by his Majesty Government in any part of the British Empire. The Canadian National Exhibition is rightly and correctly referred to as The Gateway to the Canadian Market. and it presents a most useful medium of analysis. ManufacSurers from this country would certainly be in a position to ascertain the possibility of placing their goods in the Dominion.
The Toronto Exhibition enters its 51st consecutive year on August 28, and will remain open for two weeks.
AND Job Printing Book. Binding Rubber Stamps The Workman Printery 72 Officials of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, Chapter (14, have arranged to stage a mock trial on the evening of August 17th.
The case to be prosecuted and dethose who will assist the Chapter in staging the trial which promises to be interesting and amusing are Jos. Smith, Victor Moore and Headdey, formerly members of the now defunct Democratic Club. These gentlemen have often been before the publie in legal battles. and their presence in this case as attorneys for the prosecution and defense will be the drawing card for a full house.
Tickets are already on sale and are going fast. Those who desire to spend an enjoyable evening should not wait until the last momeent to purchase tickets.
CHINESE SHOPKEEPER ROBBED OF 1, 050 AT Carlos Mendoza Street Ly Lee, Chinese storekeeper in this city awoke Tuesday morning to find that he had had visitors while he slept and that they had taken away 1, 000 and a cheque for 60 which he had put away in his safe.
Lee told detectives that be believed he had been drugged, for although his bed is very near to the safe, he did not see nor hear the robbers who removed the bed on which he was sleeping several feet from where it was and had thoroughly searched the pockets of his pajamas, CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour teous and obliging service


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