
Barbadian Progressive THE WORKMAN (Continued from Page 1)
The Royal Bank of End Montreal, Canada 26. Dottin, reporter of the Workman and many others The musical part of the proPublished on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 gramme was rendered by a select choir under the direction of Messrs. Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Head Office: Joseph Rock and Henry Adamson, Their anthems, solos and quartetts ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
arded considerably to the enjoyment SIX MONTHS 20 of the occasion. 60 PANAMA THREE.
COLON The officers installed into offices ONE MONTH. 50 Santa Ana Plaza are as follows: White, president; Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets Secretary; Hogan Asst. See ty Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matEdna Carmichael, check Seey.
ters of public interest invited.
Franklin, Treasurer; Carter, We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Total Assets in Excess of 954. 543. 384. 99 Chaplain; Holder Marshall; Jones, Guard; Trustees: CarThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS rington, Daniels, John Boyee.
Sick Visitors: Matilda Worrell, FlorTHE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1929.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including ence Clarke, Edith King. Stewards, Wilhelmina Payne, and Miriam Jorthe following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank dan.
ARE PARENTS TO BLAME is in a position to render the best possible service.
Committee of Management: Darlington Liscott, Chas. Worrell, Edward Drakes, Maitland, Norton Antigua Dominica Montserrat Lowe, Sister Spencer, Jack West Indian parents on the Isthmus at least the Bahamas Grenada man, Gittens.
St. Kitts majority of them allow their children to assume the The following was the Programme baneful attitude of disrespect toward all grown up inBarbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia for the evening: Opening dividuals in their community.
Trinidad (2)
British Honduras us Hymn Lead Martinique Heavenly Father The paragraph quoted above is taken from an ediGuadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2) Opening Remarks by Presi.
torial in the Star and Herald of August 1st, from the dent, and Intr action of Chairman.
pen of F. in which he, like all the others who write Chairman opening remarks, by Mr. Roberts.
on the subject of the misconduct of West Indian children, lays the blame entirely at the door of parents.
THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Rendition Entitled, Our Father We know that the Rev. gentleman, as rector of St.
God. By Choir. Paul Church and supervisor of the elementary schools PAID ON DEPOSITS Address by Representative of connected to the church, comes in contact with quite a Barbadian Progressive Sciety. Collarge number of children and their parents, and, thereon. fore, should be able to accurately point out the causes General Banking Business Transacted. Solo, heard the Voice, by Miss (for there are more than one that lead to the evil conHenry.
dition with which his article deals. Anthem, Awake and sing, by the Choir.
But are parents solely responsible for the shortcomings of our children. Are our pastors, teachers and Comedy Develops Representative from the Panothers to whom the moulding of our chilren future is (Continued from Page 1)
ama Capital intrusted free from responsibility for the evils that demonstration of the firemen Parris and others. Quartett, Praise His Name, by from time to time have been pointed out in the Press by skill.
10. Representative from Trinidad, them. Are these educators doing their duties, when such ANOTHER ACCOUNT Association.
duties begin and end within the walls of the church and LONDON tragedy involvINTERMISSION schoolroom?. hat active part are they taking in the ing twelve deaths occurred durPart social life of the community in which these children ing a fete in aid of a local hospi 11. Installation of Officers.
live and move? Is it because of their inactivity in this tal at Gillingham, Kent, last 12. Song. He shall feed His Flock, direction that they see fit to blame the parents. Do night. It had been arranged that by Choir.
they not realise that according to their high calling the local Fire Brigade should 13. Representative from the Antithey owe a duty to the entire community.
give a display and an imitation xua Progressive Society.
Unless it is some activity in connection with the fourstory house of wood 14. Solo, Fairest Lord Jesus, by churches or schools in which they are interested our canvas had been erected for this Miss Weeks.
pastore and teachers do not even think of social work.
purpose. The plan was to se! 15. Representative Jamaica ProWhat recreation do our children have unless they seek this erection afire at the top and vident Society.
it themselves; and very often in an effort to find then the firemen were to rescue 16. Quartett, by Miss Jones and The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro the boys of the local sea scouts others.
amusement they mix with evil companions and naturally they acquire bad habits. Are parents responsible for duced for the motorist who uses his car for long and naval cadet corps who re Representative Grenada this? Where is the school playground, which is an ab spells on bad roads, or in other ways involvins presented a party of guests at 18. Anthem, How Beautiful, solute necessity? In the Canal Zone there are a few that the Fireman Wedding.
particularly arduous service conditions.
By Choir.
mischance the structure took 19. Address Rev. Nightare only partly equipped, and how often do the teachers fraternize with the children there.
VERY STRONG VERY DURABLE fire on the bottom floor which engale. hinted at environment, and we say that VERY EFFICIENT was covered with petrolsoaked 20. Representative St. Lucian shavings. At first the spectators Society.
this plays a very important part in the evil complained did not know anything was 21. Solo, by Mr. John Daniels.
of. To be candid we do not see that our children are wrong and laughed at the gesti 22. Representative Montserrat Somore disrespectful than other children born here.
culations of a fireman dressed as ciety.
Children are naturally wild and reckless, and educators comic body on the top floor. 23. Address by Mr Reid.
who understand this use every possible means of When the Fire Brigade waiting! Address by Mr. Headley.
correction to remedy any evil tendencies they observe out of sight, realised what had 25. Solo and Chorus, Mr. Daniels in the children. They do not complain for they are occurred, the structure was a and others.
aware of the fact that the children are in school to be VU niass of flames and what was 26. Closing Kemarks, Mr.
trained and educated.
intended as a comedy had be. Rouse.
See the It is a well known fact that parents who even lead come a tragedy in which nine 27. Doxology coloured questionable and careless lives are always deeply interboys and three men were either At the close of the Programme modallon ested in the welfare and future of their children. Err as burnt to death or have since died refreshments were lavishly served on the from injuries.
some of them do, they desire that their children should dde and a very enjoyable evening spent.
The famous travel along the path of virtue. They do all they can, wall even to depriving themselves so that their children be Dunlop Tyre educated and what they understand by that is that they Your Dealer of Standard be trained to be creditable citizens; and it can not be will be glad Construction contradicted that the responsibility rests with the to show you is, of course, this latest teachers to a larger degree than they are willing to adstill available.
Surgeon Danlop pro Dentist mit.
123 Central Avenue Panama City.
DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY LTD. Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, ENDEAVORERS HOLD St. James House interesting, was not up to the standSt. James St. London, kwa Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works INTRESTING MEETING Branches throughout the World ard of the meeting held last year at Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment the same time, and there was no With August first being the annidoubt that the illness of the presiversary of the abolition of slavery dent, Rev. Wade, overin the West Indies, the Christian Endeavourer shadowed the meting.
Society in conneotion For Sale at Leading Garage with the Wesleyan Church in this Special mention must be made of ESCOFFERY. Distributor sity, selected the subject of The th contribution by Miss King a THE TAILOR Bmancipation for discussion at the Paper on Wesley on the Emanciparegular meeting held at Geddes Haltion and Miss Myers on Liberty.
15 STREET EAST last West evening. Due to a lack of Mr. Fred Grant, in the absence of HOUSE NO. contributors the meeting, although the prefdent, occupied the chair.
With an even greater reserve of Strength DUNLOP FORT and by FORT Dr. Leo Pink عده ای همه مردم امنة 11 ARTURO PERIGAULT ADVERTISE in the WORKMAN


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