
PAGE SEVEN BRITISH GUIANA BARBADOS SECOND ANNUAL SALE OFHotpoint UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC IRONS 50 CENTS TRADE IN ALLOWANCE for any old Iron RESIGNATION OF REV. PEOPLE AND THINGS Restrictious Prevent MANNING Clennell Wickman, writing unDeveloping of New The Rev. Manning of st. der the above headline in the Barbados Weekly Herald says: There is Oil Industry Ann having reached the age limit an old saying to get rid of the preached his farewell sermon on Pigeons break up the coop and it GEORGE TOWN, July 17 Sunday, June 9th. The church was is upon this principle that the Sani(asy Mail) a luiy representa thronged, and a soul stirring sermon tive publie meeting presided over by moved most of the congregation to Cary Commissioner of St. Michael are working. For faced with the task the Mayor of Georgetown and a tears. The sermon was very approof keeping whart labourers from tendeu by members of the Executive priate for the occasion. About psquatting around the evergreen tree und Legislative Councils, prominent a meeting was held in the school in Trafalgar Square, they tarted the merchants and members of the socal room where a large number of peospot on Monday.
sabour union, which was held in the ple assembled to say Gord Bye.
The idea is one which could be Town Hall, yesterday, vigorous proMr. Marshall, Assistant Teach expanded. For instance, instead of test was vote against the embargo ler of the St. Bernard Boys School. suing a tint against the lusty placed by the British Government on and also a member of the choir, voiced Taylor in the Cathedral the foreign capital that might be used read an address, after which the other day the seat he liked to ocin developing oil industry here.
Reverend gentleman was presented cupy might have been arred? The speakers computed the posi with a purse.
tion locally with the state of affairs Rev. Manning then thanked the hope the Commissioners wont tar the in other countries and alleged that people for their kindness and said Feat usually occupy when honour them with my presence at their the action of the Home Government inter alia that he had managed for meetings cant say that receive a was dictated by vested interests ra.
the twenty nine (29) years he was particularly cordial welcome anyat St. Ann to save a little over ther than by a desire to preserve 2, 000. 00 for the church, and adhow.
Imperial assets.
DURING AUCUST WE WILL GIVE vised the people how it should be Resolution Passed Christ Church is in an awful mess.
used. Mr. Harold Hutchinson son of At the close of the meeting the the late Rector of St. Joseph then The squabble between the Board of following resolution was made and complimented the Rev. on his goodſ Health and Parochial Commissioners carried unanimously: Whereas the work. The meeting ended with th: has developed into first class restrictions imposed by the mining singing of God be with you till we with possible constitutional complilaws of the colony on the nature of meet again. after which the Rey. ations. Dr. Rice it seems is quite the capital which may be employed shook hands with the congregation.
trepared. The welcome he received in the exploitation of the oil refrom the House of Assembly has sources of the colony is an invasion Drink Salada Tea the best for shown that he is to get no quarter, of the rights of the inhabitants of find it does not passed as if he inthe Tropics our undeveloped country; and wheretends to give any. The Board of as it is possible to devise measures Health has passed an order calling to safeguard ultimate British control Apon the Christ Church authorities in times of national emergency of to clean up certain areas, and to Bring us your Old Coal, Electric, Gasoline Iron and Trade it the oil produets of the colony. Be it destroy the mosquitos thereon with resolved that this meeting pledges Paris Green. But the Christ Church in for 50 cents on a new Iron itself to support all constitutional people claim, and it is a serious means designed to have the said recharge that the areas hamed in the This offer is Limited to 1000 customers striction removed and that His Schedule sent to them all consist of Worship the Mayor of Georgetown the lands of Well to do people. In be requested to invite His Excellency other words, that the Parish is to be the Officer administering the Gov.
Scalled upon to clean up the lands of ernment to cable to His Majesty just those people who are able to do principal Secretary of State for the it themselves, but that all around Colonies this expression of the feel these specified areas are lands PANAMA AT YOUR SERVICE COLON ing of the people of the colony on a poor people who are not to receive restriction which is calculated to imofficial assistance. If there is any pede the development of the colony; truth in this imputation it is a seriand to respectfully request that in ous state of affairs, of course the structions be issued to the local govonly thing for the Commissioners connection with ernment to repeal the provisions ft Health to do it to refuse to pro Bermuda Looks For expressed the feeling that inter Em new and obvious pire trade in the direction could be Canada.
complained of.
secute anybody at all. If public More Irade With developed to the advantage of both funds are to be spent to clean up Marketing in the Dominion had people lands the start should be Canada countries. The visitors will leave for en attempted last winter and the GOVERNMENT REFORM made with those people who obvithe Maritime province shortly. possibilities were shown to be satisMOVEENT IN ously cannot afford it or clean uni Officials Touring Dominion Hon. Spurling remarked that factory. He reminded his bearers GEORGETOWN everybody land. There is to be a View Possibilities of De the new United States tariff threat erat this year Bermuda had declared Acept one meeting however of the Christ veloping Vegetable Market ened the trade between Bermuda la twenty five per cent preference for GEORGETOWN, The New Church Commissioners on Monday and New York very seriously. On Canadian goods, Bermuda was now Daily Chronicle says: Leading Coloand we shall await developments we MONTREAL, July 31. survey the other hand the placing of Can. Jusing Canadian meat and there was nists held a private conference in hope the Commissioners will realise of market conditions in Bermuda adian National Steamships boats one need for Canadian fruit and vegethe Town Hall to discuss the prethe seriousness of the situation and possibilities of developing the West Indies route had opened a tables in the off season.
sent disorganised state of the counwhich confronts the island and not vegetable trade with Canada, with try and the desirability of establishwaste time in empty defiance.
some of the problems to eb faced ing an Association among the aims was given by Hon. Spurling, of which will be to secure a form of St. John Pastmasters Minister of Agriculture, and Government in which the Colonist To Meet August 18 McCallum, director of Agriculture acquainted with local condition will Matters of vital importance in for Bermuda at a meeting held by hay an effective share in the admiMODERN TAILOR connection with the encampment of the Eastern Canada Fruit and Vegenistration and formation of a West St. John Pastmasters Conclave will table Jobbers Association here.
Indian Federation.
House 40 Se discussed at a meeting to be held The Bermuda officials who have Provisional Officers were elected on Sunday, August 18, at o clock been making a tour of eastern Can3rd November Street to frame the Association and sumin the afternoon.
ada with a view to meeting vegeDlated mon a public meeting.
Guachapali Panama City PAN AMERICAN Advanced notice of the meeting is table importers and discussing the Rent Receipt Books in Spanish given in the hope that all members requirements for the development of ORANGE CRUSH and English for sale at the Workwill arrange their appointments so the Bermuda vegetable trade with man Printery.
that they can conveniently attend Canada have already visited ToronCOMPANY SRR this meeting at which their presence to and Ottawa. They reported disis particularly requested.
tinct sympathy and interest was beOmphroy Auto Supply ing shown by Canadian dealers and Ropair Shop Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Muller Building and English for sale at the Workman Relatory No 42 CALIDONIA PANAMA Telephone 280 Drink Salada Tea the best for Calidonia Road the Troplas ааааааааа Ciá Panameña de Fuerza y Luz ontal colpito honden Orange Crush the Kitty GEO. BISHOP Romaine. Organ Repairer JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH VEGA.


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