p. 8


Church Services Islands ConsoliAMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH dating for Self Govt.
Horseracing at Juan May. 108 Races! Races! Races. AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK Tomorrow Afternoon SUNDAY, AUGUST 1929 GOOD RACES FEATURE EVENT Excuse Me. Royal Eagle. Pauline in Furlong Race First Race Starts at p.
ADMISSION. Including Program. 25c Pistol Lacero NEURALGINA 100. 126 Should be in every office to immediately soothe any. 126 NEURALGINA. 98 Jofimo 120 NEURALGINA St. Paul Church, Panama, Contiued from Page Continued from Page 1)
zoth SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Golondrina. 100 Limes in 1922 to give a fillip to the. 104 Rev. Nightengale, agitation for Representative Gover Kitty Gill Rector. ora. 90 ment there, and also invaded British 630 am. Holy Communion. The Guiana last August to enhearten the THIRD RACE FURLONGS Rector.
kaders of the Negro Progress in. 100 00 a. Holy Communion. The that Colony. If we are to be a solid Intimo. 110 Rector.
West Indian people, we must forget Don Simon 10, 16 a, Matins. Mr. At our narrow strips of soda, serap inRippling Water. 110 well, Lay Reader.
sularism and parochialism and enDiez y Seis. 116 10. 80. Holy Eucharist and Jyisage the whole West Indies as our Zapo.
100 Sermon. The Rector.
mainland, or as our parish, and un. 120 Prelude. Adagio in Flat. der should say that urge of th FOURTH RACE FURLONGS Stainer.
full conception am planning a visit to Introit Psalm 119 (Manus tace the Leeward Islands this year, Royal Eagle. 120 fererunt me) Vs. 78.
where St. Kitts, the Mother Colony Pauline 105 Hymns (A. and 321, 187, 556. of the West Indies, is as yet denied, Excuse Me. 115 Postlude in Schubert. with Antigua, the right of electing FIFTH RACE FURLONGS 00 Church School. Mr. representatives of the people to th: Cantones 115 Cragwell, Supt.
Legislature. 30 Choral Evensong and think am at liberty in naming. 95 La Nena.
105 Sermon.
the Hon. Webber of British Ocurrencia. 132 Prelude. Andante in Flat. Guiana an Electeed Member as our San Chee Stainer. 115 selves as one who is willing to enPora Hymns (A. and 302, 169 582. ter heart and soul in any scheme. 90 Psalm 49.
of intercolonial missionary enter SIXTH RACE FURLONGS Magnificat. Boyce.
rise for the purpose of teaching our Chombo Gordo. 126 Nunc Dimittis. Turle.
common West Indian people as well Chiquilla. 116 Offertory, Anthem: Let Not as inculcating in the minds of our Kitty Gill. 90 Your Heart Be Troubled. Simper. erlords, that we are all members Socia. 90 Postlude. March Victory Wilſof one body, Marcela. 112 son.
If you come, as pray you should Resolute ST. ALBAN CHURCH, do you ought to outline in clear PARAISO, terms the Labour programme after, SEVENTH RACE FURLONGS do my best for the Tunney. 108 (The Rector of St. Paul in charge) wich will 11. 00 a. Matins and Address.
inauguration of a Workingmen AsCococha. 112 00 Church School and Con sociation of Labour Union here if Lena.
firmation Instruction. enly as a connective to economic Lagrimita. 100 80 Evensong and Address. yranny.
Honey Dew. 122 Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
We are about to launch a heavy neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
Miss Jill. 112 ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, movement in Grenada for RepresenEIGTHTH RACE FURLONGS tative Government free of all the LAS SABANAS Jackie.
fraudulent entrenchments of Crown (The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
Don Simon. 00 Church School and Con Colony rule, and your presence here. 100 Zapo.
should you be able to see your way fumation Instruction.
Silver Spray. 100 80 Evensong and address to come, will be an impressive signal Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and Diez y Seis 114 Mr. Richards, Catechist.
bat hostilities in the cause of jus. 100 tice and righteousness have been dereduce the fever of children.
Pistol. 110 ST. PETER BY THE SEA, Mayara.
LA BOCA Let me hear from you in your own Holy Communion, a. The good time.
Yours in the cause of West Indian.
Home Prince Honour Matins, Holy Eucharist and ser Progress and Prestige, mon, 10. 46 a. The Rector, ALBERT MARRYSHOW, Church School, p.
Member of St. George Legislative (Contiued from Page 1)
at just because the Prince lived Council.
Choral Evensong and sermon. Woodside in 1924 the estate at The Rector.
Feast of the Transfiguration 40 St. Vincent Street Syosset was considered more valuPort of Spain The Feast of the Transfiguration able per acre than other magnificent estates, will be observed next Tuesday, the 14th June 1929.
For sale Dear Marryshow am in receipt Retail 6th inst. At a. there will be Last year, it was revealed, assesscelebration of the Holy Communion for your invitation to Grenada which ments for all Syosset estates were Al members are invited. gladly accept, and any date conAT THE increased by 225 per cent. This plaeJ. MULCARE, venient to you, in July or Septemed the assessment of the Burden Rector.
ber, will suit me. have already estate at 600, 000 dollars. Trying to aunched the Campaign for Self AMERICAN PHARMACY figure it out, Burden came to the Government on this side and thouconclusion he was being assessed too ST. BARTHOLOMEW S, LAS sands of signatures to the petition JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor much.
CASCADAS have already been secured. would ST. SIMON S, GAMBOA However, he paid and said nothing.
uggest that you on your side make Panama.
At the above mentioned Missions But a few days ago, when the board an immediate start along these lines the Lay Readers will conduct Matins, met for 1929, he protested against Church School, and Confirmation by retting signatures to a monster the extra assessment. And then the petition praying for Self GovernClass as usual.
story came out. According to redent. MULCARE, liable information, Burden was told: know that a great many of our Well, Mr. Burden; you have a Priest in Charge.
people are afraid to give the support selves the question. Are we as intelPANAMA BAPTIST mighty fine house there.
Tecessary such a demand fearing ligent, cultured, civilized, and eduEarly Morning Prayer Meeting. Yes, but here are other mighty Services 11. 00 a. Thor khat they will be accused of disloyal fated, as the Canadians, New Zeafine houses.
Ry to the British Throne and for sun anders, South Africans, Australians TO FACILITATE OUR CUSTOMERS bourne, Pastor dry other childish qualms of con and have we the same reasonable OUR REDUCTION SALE ON COLLARS Weil, but your house was the Service 15 after which The home of the Prince of Wales, and WILL CONTINUE TILL Holy Communion will be administer cience, but the short point is this common sense and business ability that makes a difference.
Self Government to these Colonies as they? If the answer is yes then ed. Thorbourne, Pastor.
Imeans the substitution of West In what is that could stand in the way. The assessment aga nistshihinPL NEW PROVIDENCE CHEAPER THAN EVER The assessment against his prodian control wherever European conMorning Services 11. 00 a.
trol exists today. That is the only of our being entrusted with the adCOME IN EARLY.
perty is now 500, 000 dollars.
Deacon Whittaker.
Evening Service 00 Preach enange likely to take place. It sele ministration of our own countty?
The Labour Government have Government be granted. The West BUY FROM THE WORKMAN er Supplied.
Indian will replace the Imported or pledged themselves to give Self Gov.
ADVERTISERS 31 Calidonia Road.
AND Tuesday Evening Girls Club.
GET European Officials in the adminis ernment to those Colonies and peoFriday Evening VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
Rration of the Government Surely ples demanding it. Let us take them McALMON. Prop.
NEW HOPE this cannot be interpreted as sedition at their word. But we cannot press Air Service 11. 00 a.
or disloyalty and feel satisfied that forward if there is going to be any gospel. Those who will not follow Brother Walter Williams.
honest thinking people must agree half hearted attempt. We cannot must be left out. The demand can be CRICKET GAME AT with me that West Indians have the tackle it like old women at a tea Inade and must be made to the LA BOCA TOMORROW qual ability, courage, intelligence party, but must take the bull by the masses, to those who subscribe to East End and Ancon cricket clubs ind common sense to carry on the reasonable intelligent and determinand are willing to support the great movement for the freedom, liberty, have arranged a game to be played Government of their own countries ed members of the great Common Custom Tailor development at the La Boca shed tomorrow af. in the same way, under the same wealth to which we belong.
and propsperity of these beautiful Colonies.
ternoon. Both teams are very strong rule, and with the same safeguards Imperialism and all that it stands and as a result some good cricketing as the Government is being today for must go. We are not subject peo English American Styles There is no time like the present, will be witnessed.
carried on by strangers appointed ple either of British or any other NO. CALIDONIA and we have no time to lose if we Members of the team have arrang by Dowling Street. This is the crux nationality but members and partare to bring about the political and ed to meet at the play shed at 80 of the situation and those who ners in the Commonwealth of Free economie emancipation of our native tomorrow to complete final arrange dream penny. dreadfuls over this Nations. Upon this foundation alone ed to fill in the life of the Civilized to infuse into our friends and com lands.
rades of the Leeward and Windward monts for the game which is sched proposed change of status may well can the British Commonwealth en Nations of the Earth.
uled to start at o clocli.
calm their fears by asking them dure and take the place it is destin. This is the sentiment would like group and look to you to preach the ARTHUR CIPRIANI.
Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, 30 both Wholesale and ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY The Cosmopolitan House Open FLYNCH Yours sincerely,


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