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PRICE CENTS Grenada Hospitality PRINCE VISITS SCOUT Boxing Bouts at HORSERACING AT JUAN Garveyites, Observe CAMPS AT JAMBOREE Leader Day Bull Ring Sunday PRANCU TRACK SUNDAY Appreciated There was Durvulsa UIONUM Sir nuw pouce rurce resented Garvey Lee Tay Tatung TreWAA Union Jack Dy Receives Greetings avourites naun A Look uie in me veauer Last Jones, Member of Ana Tours Quarters With Promoter Sol Arranges Best Programme in Years in ması Sunuay And The Sunday. wewny como COMMITTEE Founder no is Made Walcott And White Meet In 12 Round Bout Four winners raid Good Pools row Vemmy Peer Other Bouts In Which Well known Battlers Meet.
Hegarding the rolice Force as the PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY large galuering representative buuyu uble MESSAGE FROM KING There going to be a hot time in fought to a draw. Waleott is anxious Laers au thelf, Iriends at the Llie Colony, ways the this town tomorrow afternoon, and o meet the Black Panther again, all Turlites learned for the time private ucucemy hai last Sunday West Ludlun, Mr. Cum LONDON, August (By Special whatever happens good or bad, the because he feels that he has got his fout the ponies out at Juan Franco evenmg bor uw purpose o celebrat. Jones of the West luciu Cummit Gleaner Wireless) The Prince of blame will surely be laid at Promo number and can beat him. Tommy crack gon run true to form. Favormig warvey way. aiany addresses rew was made me veut runice Force Wales who spent last night in the ter Sol door for the simple reason white has the same aspiration. It ses, those that have since the re were denvered, which the speakers ate present of splendid y 9 camp of the Boy Scouts at Arrowe that he has arranged a fight card was to meet Wills or Walcott that sumption of rucing been the leaders paid tribute to Marcus Garvey, their Au Jackas measure of his ap Park, Birkenhead, was astir very for that afternoon that consists of de visited the Isthmus a short while bome and some of them were known wader.
preciation of the hospitanty we ew early this morning and visited the rive bouts in which ten fighters with ago, when both these gentlemen of sur past brilliant performances, The meeting opened with the singwwyud wolle Le Culony som camps of Scouts of various nations. hosts of admirers will swap punches. the cauliflower fraternity met in couldn get beside their former trail jing of the hymn From Greenland muallis mgo.
His Royal Highness received the programme is being discussed combat, but due to conditions over ers.
wr. Jumea, to all appearances mus greetings varying from the enthu excitedly in every public place and which they had no control the fight ley Mountain. This was followed by Zapo, who previous to last Sunday cligious exercises and the ConvenDave been wainuras pussenger on wstic cries of Vive le Prince rais. it is even rumoured that one fan developed into a slow motion fiasco had been very much in the debt of con prayer, led by Dr. Barton, one or the he. wils anu in his ed by the French Scouts, to the rat dreamed of the fight and has got a much to the disappointment of fans. curtites, completely squared her ac the acting chairman. The doctor is Lour of the town huu veenuss isted Ling on tom toms by scouts from red hot tip on the winners. He saw Tommy White had to return to Cuba count with those who did not turn a very enthusiastic and interested by the hospitality of our townsfolk. the East and the weird cries of the to fill an engagement there. In the their back on him. He ran away worker for the advancement of the be donor of this tundsome gift hu Zulus. The tour occupied three hours.
mean time the public knows that with two races. In the first instance Negro Improvement Association and given uo turther crue to his where There was a great gathering of Wills and Walcott fought a return ne paid 10. 70 and 00, and in the the Kingston Division in particular.
ubouts thun that he is a member of foreign Ambassadors and ministers sensational battle and how it ended. next rewarded his backers with He gave a very soul stirring address, the West India Committee.
In the grandstand this afternoon The bait that Promtoer Sol is 18. 40 and 10, the biggest pool of quoting the sixth verse of the sixth with the buuang, which will when the Prince saw the inspiring using to make Waleott and White the afternoon.
chapter of Proverbs. He appealed to udded to the numerous trophies and pageant of Scouts, see red when they look at each other Mr. Raul Espinosa two year old his audience to assist the cther presents which dorn the walls Robert Baden Powell, the tomorrow afternoon is that the win native thoroughbred made her debut ito. carry through its programme, of the Police Library, will be copy founder of the Boy Scout movement ner will have the desire of his heart in the first race and went to the land in closing said that every Negro vi the following lutter which accom on whom peerage was yesterday post a hot favorite, she showed that should be a member of the associapunied the gift:conferred, had a great ovation from sae was deserving of the confidence tion.
To The Officer and Constables of 50, 000 scouts in the arena when he of her backers by winning the event, Mrs. MacPherson, a loyal member The Police Force of Grenada: appeared with the Prince.
and she was the only favorite that of the association, rendered a solo am prompted tu ask your ac Addressing the Scouts, the Prince scored a victory.
which received the applause it richceptance of this Union Jack as a tok said it was surpriving to see how the The pari mutuel did a very good! y deserved.
eu in memory of the very enjoyable movement had in in the British business for there was a very large duys which spent in Grenada and Empire but it Elmost more surMr. Morgan, another zealous crowd present, the best since Juan worker, in an address that lauded as weasure of my appreciation of prising to fin it had caught on Franco resumed activities, your bospitality. decided that as it had foreign countries Mr. Garvey and the great work that The starter came in for a good deal he is doing for the Negroes of the could not do better than select the well. aboree proved that of razzing. Undoubtedly he couldn world, wished that the Convention Police Force as a body of represen the idea ay behind the Scout tative Public Servants following an movemer as really a big one and (Continued on Page 8)
being held at Kingston, Jahonourable and noble duty, the pre one that ppealed to all sorts of peomaiea, be fruitful with much benefit servation and intenance of Lawule irre pective of their nationality.
for the cause of Garveyism.
and Order, upon which rest to so Every day, he added, scouting is Mr. Greely, the acting secretary of great an extent the comfort, security growing and extending and bringing the Kingston Division, read the Presud wellbeing of the community into closer touch, the youth of all St. Paul Choir sident General message from the that they may pursue their lawful Continued on Page Negro World, which was received business and pleasures in quiet enTOMMY WHITE with cheers.
Unique Function in History joyment, secure in the knowledge the whole show without paying adof Parish Scheduled for very interesting and inspiring that their Persons and their Propermission fare, and he is certain that inceting was brought to its close August 14th No te kene The Police he will take home a small fortune if vith the pronouncing of the BenedieForces throughout the British Emhis money is accepted.
The large mixed Choir of St. tion and the singing of the associapire are a source of pride to all The main bout a 12 round melee tion National Anthem, aul Church, in this city, consistus who are subjects of His Majesty Ocurrences And Events between Joe Walcott, the lion mg of 10 female and 16 male soThe usual Sunday evening meetthe King and the envy of other Na Day By Day of People, Coion and the famous triple champranos, altos, tenors and basses ing will be held tomorrow, commencLions and we are very jealous of Places And Things pion Tommy White, late of Cuba.
will render a unique program of an ing at o clock. It is hoped that all Continued on Page The folks over on the gold coast are thems, vocal and instrumental solos members will be present, and the Hermenegildo Rodriguez, the man and duets at their first Choir Fes public is cordially invited to attend.
who was shot shortly before mid at fever heat. Walcott is going great CONSECRATION MEETJOE WALCOTT tival next Wesnesday night, 14th night last Friday, died shortly after guns, It is claimed that he wont be the same ING OF SOCIETY Walcott that performed in meeting the Black Panther in a inst. o clock last Sunday morning at the HON. CALTHORPE The anthems, in all, are from Colon hospital from the effects of gainst Wills a few weeks ago and fight for the welterweight title of WILL CAPTAIN The monthly consecration meeting the bullet wound.
Panama. That these two hightoned such composers as Simper, Stults, of the Wesleyan Christian EndesRamon Coscujuela, who was ar LADIES SOCIAL CLUB ist swingers are going to put up the stainer, Hopkins, Gounod and the immortal Handel whose famous (Continued on page 4)
Th captain of the side vourers society was held last Wed rested immediately after the shoot INAUGURATION; Chorus Hallelujah will be used as which is expected to visit the West Resday evening in Geddes hall, with ing affray, is now held to answer TUESDAY la fitting climax to the program.
Mr. Harris in the Chair.
Indies at the end of this year is charges of murder. Coscujuela was MINSTREL SHOW Mrs. Doris Reece read the Scrip released on bail of 250. 00, after the The music will be descriptive of Hon. Calthorpe, captain of In an effort to provide recreation ture lesson for the evening; then accused had been brought up on Sat for the young women of the West AT CHAPTER 14 the Church Year, appropriate num Warwickshire who came out win followed Mr. Grant with an ad urday for a preliminary investiga Indian community, quite a few of bers for Advent, Christmas, Ephi a similar capacity about three years dress of welcome to four new mem tion, but as soon as Judge de la them got together and after dis Professor Shine comedian of note cension, Whitsuntide and Trinity, rounder, and has had previous ex.
phany, The Crucifixion, Easter, As ago. Hon. Calthorpe is a fair allbers. Grimaldo was notified of the cussing the ways and means of and his troupe are to appear at the having being selected and prepared perience of playing in the West In Jesus Love and Care. was the death of Rodriguez he ordered the achieving their purpose, they have hall of the Universal Negro Im for the occasion.
subject for a very inspiring and in re arrest of Coscujuela.
announced that the Rainbow Club provement Association, Chapter 14, teresting address by Mr. Harris.
This program will be the first of The accused is said to have ad will come into existence on Tuesday Guachapali. on Monday next, August its kind to be rendered in this city, The young ladies, not to be outdone, mitted in his statement before the evening of next week when the club 12th.
rendered very pleasing trio, they judicial authorities that trade rival will be inaugurated. Several matrons and will be given in commemoration BRITISH CONSULATE few short weeks ago these color the Sixty first Anniversary of ware Miss Vida Stephens, Mis Dalia rs between himself and the deceased have taken an interest in the plans medians delighted a large audience the founding of the Anglican ComNOTICE Staples and Miss Iscilda Scarlett. had caused a long standing feud. of the young folks, among them Mrs. at the same place and they clamour munion here.
The continued illness of the Rev. Both parties operated shooting gal) Ada Stephens, at whose home in Saned for more and this has led the proThe British Consul General in. Wade was the cause for Series in Colon and the fight be. Miguel the club will be inaugurated. fessor to All lovers of good music are cor Panama City desires the wherearrange another pro dially invited to attend the function abouts of Ellen Williams who was expressions of regret; and hopes for tween them was the result of busi very attractive program consist gramme consisting of several new Admission will be by ticket which last heard from seven years ago and bis speedy recovery were voiced by ness rivalry.
ing of instrumental and vocal num features.
may be obtained at the door.
every one present. The Rev. gentlethen residing at Panama; also of bers has been arranged for the oc Dancing will follow the show, and Doors will be opened at p. Thomas Ireland, last heard from five man is president of the society and Panama revenues increased 84, 821 easion. It is hoped that the club will this, it is certain will attract a very and the program will commence at years ago when he was residing at bis presence is greatly missed. Continued on Page 8) be abundantly successful.
large crowd.
o clock sharp.
Colon. Both are natives of Jamaica.
Special Program By The Week News In Brief of


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