
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS JAMAICA TRINIDAD Drought Hits No. Pier Nearly The National City Bank BEEF WAR HAS Pimento Crop STARTED Goes Up in Flames Of New York HEAD OFFICE. 55 WALL STREET NEW YORK CITY e SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies 25 Years of Service to West Indian Residents of thé Isthmus The National Tity Bank of New York TWENTY PER CENT.
The drought conditions which con.
Had it not been for the quick acCUT IN PRICES tinue generally throughout the Ltion of Pappa Fred Johnson and land have been very severe in aer. MacIntosh, along with other memtain districts particularly in the wors of the Killerig, No. pier War clouds in the beef market of South western and North western might have suffered the same fate Port of Spain which have been sections. Considerable damage has jas No. pier did a few months ago threatening have broken, says the been done to all crops in the parish On Tuesday morning, July 23, the Trinidad Guardian, situated in the drought areas, work boat of the Killerig, the local beet war is on in Port of Spain There has been much suffering ship of the Merrit Chapman Lindand the rival dealers are armed to among the peasantry through lack of say Salvage Co. went alongside No.
the teeth for war to a finish.
water and native grown foodstuffs. pier to load a new cooling tank Total Assets more than Iwo Thousand Million Opening Prices Water and provisions have had to that had arrived from New York.
The Demerara beef ppened up at be sent from neighbouring parishes After the job had been completed Dollars Cy.
16c. and 12e. per lb. because the to relieve the distress.
at about 10. 30 am. the boat in monopolists had dropped from 20c.
Fortunately the Banana Planta charge of Pappa Fred as he is and 18c. per lb. to 16e. and 12e. per tions have not suffered to the same known to all his friends, left the Ib.
extent as the minor products which dock for the killerig, a few moWithin six hours of the opening include Coffee, Cocoa, Ginger, Piments after leaving, Macintosh gave of the market the challenges of the mento, Annatto, and Honey. The te alarm of fire which he had seen (Continued on Page 3)
nost badly hit among these is the under the pier just below the spot Pimento crop which two months ago where the railway engine had been promised well and showed signs of standing previously, DEMERARA ELECTRIC yielding a fairly good crop. This has Immediately the alarm was given, COMPANY caused intense disappointment to the Johnson turned the boat back and Planters as the total production of got his crew to work with buckets On January 31, 1930, the date on Pimento this season (1929) is esti of water, extinguishing the blaze bewhich the thirty year licence held mated not to exceed 50, 000 bags, and fore it had a chance to spread.
by the Demerara Electric Company if the drought continues much longer Soon after the fire had been put expires the Government is notified this figure will be considerably re out, some of the wharf staff arrived that the company will cease to funeduced. If this estimate is realized it with extinguishers, but Johnson and tion unless other arrangements are will be better than last years (1928) Lis party had already done the good made.
crop which was the smallest record work.
The decision is not altogether uned for over 25 years resulting in less expected as for some time the Comthan 40, 000 bags which is about one SENT TO ELLIS ISLAND pany has been complaining that the hall the average crop of Pimento.
system was being operated at a loss.
This shortage however was responTwo years ago the suggestion was sible for the increased price from News received in Kingston from made that the Municipality should which the Island received an income New York states that seven passentake over the concern but the offer of 285, 662 according to the Jamaicagers were transferred to Ellis Island was declined.
Government returns.
rom a steamer which arrived at The company then engaged the Planters are however in expecta hat Port a few weeks ago from JaPANAMA COLON services of a tramway expert to intion of still higher prices this sea maica. The immigration authorities quire and report on the prospects of son which it is hoped will compen held that the parties and their guar.
FRONT STREET AT 7th the system and it is believed that sate them for the small production dians five of the seven were chil.
his report has been so adverse as to in sight.
og dren had given statements at this make the decision of the company to end which were at variance with scrap the tramways the only alterwhat their relatives in America had Jamaican Distinguished native made to the department. One of the In the event of the Company A Jamaica College old boy adult passengers was was subsequently Cricket of failure the Municipality will have to devise ways and means to meet the given distinction when the Annual released under bond. The other will Jamaica. The case of Control Convention of University of Durham be sent back emergency created.
was held in the Great Hall of Dur the juveniles had been undecided up to the time the first mail was disThe Jamaica Mail of recent date ham Castle, for conferring Degrees, cu Thursday June 27. It was preced patched from New York to King states that the meeting of the West Indies Cricket Board of Control CIVIL SERVANTS AND ed by a luncheon at which Mr. Bald. ston.
which will be held at Demerara in GEORGETOWN, By Mail. thinking out the ultimate problem of PRESS win was the guest of honour.
Amongst those on whom the Do UNITED STATES IMMT October this year will be a very im The Rev. Andrews, Indian Mis the University. To show the trend of sionary and Publicist, in his preli my portant one.
thoughts it inclines towards gree of Master of Arts was confer. GRATION QUOTA FOR Says the Daily Chronicle, of BriThis meeting will definitely ar minary findings on education red was the Rev. Guildford Palin grouping British Guiana, Trinidad tish Guiana, of a recent date: JAMAICA range the programme of matches to British Guiana, says: and Barbados together and building An official circular, issued on Satmerston Thompson, Hons. be played by the team My whole mind is engaged in slowly step by step.
Hatfield College.
urday to all heads of departments, Increased From 14 to 27 against the cricketers in the various The other approximate islands has given rise to much curiosity He entered the University in OcA Year West Indies Colonies during the earwould of course come in, but they among Civil Servants.
tober 1923, taking up residence in hardly hold sufficient population for ly months of next year particularly Hatfield The effect of the circular is to forllege, and at the end of The Gleaner is in a position to the test matches That is to say, where a large university branch to be es bid junior officers from writing lethis first term won the University make an important announcement the five test matches will be played.
Theological Scholarship with higher which will be read with the greatest tablished in them.
ters or communicating in other reThe West Indies Cricket Board Trinidad obviously made a good spects with the Press without the marks than any previous winner. interest in all parts of Jamaica, es will also appoint. Selection Comstart with the first rate Tropical sanction of the Colonial GovernIn 1924 he won the University De pecially by those who are desirous mittee to select the teams for the clamation Prize and later on Agricultural College. The beginning, ment.
the of emigrating to the United States test matches.
Hebrew Ccholarship (tying with an of the University suited to this West Needless to state, the matter is reUnder the old quota only 14 JaSnglish Student. then the Special maicans were allowed to enter the Cricket Tournament will be played The West Indian inter colonial Indian area are obviously there. ceiving careful attention from every Prize for very creditable work for United States each year. The num Barbados with its fine training at direction, since nothing is known to the Barry Scholarship same not be ber has now been increased to 27, when the West Indies Cricket Board Demerara just about the time Codrington College might form have occurred to warrant the reunited theological centre.
ing awarded on account of some and it will mean that at least two or of Control will meet. This Tournatechnicalities and in British Guiana should certainly June 1926, three will be able to leave for Ame Trinidad and Barbados the Tournawhen he obtained the Degree.
be the rica each month. From what can be ment is played in January or Febhome of a Royal Tropical Forestry College no less first rate gathered there are several hundreds, ruary, but that period of the year is than that at Trinidad.
MME. ANITA PATTI If you have a Prescription to especially women, who are desirous the rainy season in Demerara, and BROWN do not think Jamaie a could be made up take it to the of proceeding to the United States, therefore the Tournament in that SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY come within the same sphere for a National Pharmacy, Santa Ana but of course they will have to wait colony takes place in October. STUDY OR DESK single University as British Guiana, tish Guiana, states: The New Daily Chronicle, of BriPlaza, where you will get cour their turn which will probably be frournament was played in Trinidad There is an air of grace and cle Trinidad And Barbados. But if Jateous and obliging service years.
in February this year, when the cance reminiscent of Colonial Dayı It is announced that Mme. Anita Trinidad team won is under contract to the Champion bout Willard Type Banje Clocks maica specialised in medicine with Patti Brown ship.
that appeals to people of culture.
its very large population it might make a singing tour of Trinidad and Mr. Leary Bradbury, and These clocks are high grade and be possible for British Guiana stu possibly Barbados and British GuiJ. VEGA.
Major Cox have been appointed reliable, while the cases are the dents to go there for medicine and ana, in the near future. The Namaica students to come over here nouncement has been hailed with pas Jamaica representatives at the best craftsmanship. STREET BELOW HOTEL BOLIVAR meeting of the West Indies Cricket. Also a new assortment of other for forestry and agriculture. Some greatest delight by the music loving HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED Board in October.
fine clocks that will surely meet where near Bartica might be an ideal public of the West Indies, it being WORK DONE IN HOUR Modern Tailor your every requirement in the home place for a Royal Tropical Forestry the consensus that the noted nightor office at college.
engale of Chicago. as she has been SERVICE GUARANTEED The best Universities in the referred to by a leading newspaper, GIVE ME TRIAL No 57 the best singer that has ever visitBUY FROM THE WORKMAN world have always been built up in ed these parts. Mme. Brown, who is STREET PANAMA Calidonia Road ADVERTISERS AND GET this manner. Whereever they grow a famous coloured singer appeared VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
122 CENTRAL AVE. out of the soil they flourish. in the West Indies somo yago.
BRITISH GUIANA Indian On University STATES TO Willard Clocks in anM. Kirton FULLER


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