
monopolist ring reduced prices from 16c. and 12e. per lb. to 14. and 10e.
per ib. and the Ring followed suit.
There was a further reduction liter in the day and the public did Rut fail to take advantage of the war.
For the Pablie Benefit When one of the Demerara beef traders told a Trinidad Guardian representative that the publie was bound to benefit, he was not making mistake for already the result of their entry into the market has prove ed beneficial to hundreds of householders.
Attitude of Rival Factions There can be no doubt that the monopolists are not going to be content to keep on selling at the prices their competitors open at. It is expected that they will make a desper.
ate bid to regain complete control of the market and to do that they are going to make more substantial cuts in prices until the men now in the market are forced to drop out on account of heavy financial losses.
The new competitors on the other hand are determined to remain in the market no matter how heavy their losses at the present time. hey are out to capture the trade and when they have done so, they assured a Trinidad Guardian representatjve they will continue to sell beef at reasonable prices.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY YOU PENSION SCHEME FOR TEACHERS There was quite a large gathering What turned out to be a most enCricket enthusiast as he La Boca joyable event was the instanation o.
wyshed last Sunuay alteracou to Cificers of the Armistice Lodge No.
Winess the game between Ancon 28, which took place RIG Last End cricket clubs. The Tuesday last in the Loya: St. Joyume endea in favour of the Aneon sph Lodge Hati Bih and Brodu cricketers, the scores showing what way.
they had won by 40 runs and one At 00 mn. the lodge was called man to bat. Moore, for the winning to order by Bro. Sam Burke, preCIUD, played a very good game coin sidi Master. The prelimin pact ping the very appreciative score of the business having been perform 40 runs. Carrington and Darlington ev satisfactorily the next part was were the other high scorers, with 11 turned over for the installing of 01.
runs each.
ficers for the ensuing term. FollowThe return match will be plus euing was the conscituent of the Grand tomorrow afternoon at the same Lodge of the viz:place and is scheduled to start at Bro. Evering, Grand o clock, and it is expected that Master.
large crowd will be in attendance, Bro. Frank Aque, Deputy Grand Master.
Bro. Lawrence, Grand Senior Deacon.
NEW MAG STATUE Bro. Maloney, LG. Grand Junior Deacon.
WUNDUN Asatue in route ou Bro. Roach, LG. Grand Treawatu ww be recte in Wienu upposite Bro. Smith, Grand Le DUULLISh Dalice. Ine Saue Wi.
we twenty four feet nigh. te design Bro. Salabarria Messa, selected is by Hardıman Grand Indoor Guard.
was causen by a committee consiste Bro. Frank McLeod, Grand.
muy or Lord Vadernon and represen Chaplain.
Lives of the National Gallery, the Bro. Haig Mitchell, G, Royal Academy, the Royal Institu Grand Tyler.
Lon of Architects and the Royal suThe Staff of Officers to guide the ciety of scuiptures.
riestiny of the Armistice Lodge for July December term is as follows: Bro. Kerr, Illustrative Grand.
Bro. Ander, Deputy Master.
WEST INDIES CRICKET Bro. Stephens, Senior Deacon.
Bro. Anderson, Junior DeaChampman Tribute con.
LUNDUN Wuen ChapBro. Simpson, Perm.
Capuam of the England team. entertamed at luncheon by the Secretary (re elected. Bro. Earle, Asst. Secretary. 16W Laland Cricket Council, re Bro. Jos. Haye, Treasurer (receuty be stated that he considered ſelected. new land cricket Bready impro.
Bro. Jack Ricketts, Indoor Guard.
su by tue tour ol England, but there was need for much further improveBro. James, Tyler (reSelected. ment in bowling. He thought the Bro. Straw, Chaplain.
West Indies team would beat New This ceremony was beautifully Lemang uwing to the superiority of performed by the Grand Lodge in its bowlers. The three fast bowlers of the presence of the Order reprethat side Constantine, Francis, and Griffith were collectively the best sentative. The test was con ferred on Bro. Hamilton. The playing today.
Grand Honors Parade was taken Mr. Chapman stated that the decision to alter certain rules of crick. charge of by Bro. John Roach this and other miscellaneous brought et for county matches in Englandi this unique ceremony to a close.
did not appeal to him: do not The brethren present then retired think heightening and widening the to the banqueting hall, when ladies stumps will make any difference to the first class batsman in general were entertained and justice done to the good things provided.
There is of course, a great deal of All leaving in good spirit.
pad Play. he said, but do not think the proposed new rule will stop the high scores It certainly will make the work of the umpires DEGRDEE ever so much harder, and their job is CONFERRED hard enough now.
The Rev. Pemberton, Vicar of BARBADOS SOCIETY La Brea, who is in England on leave of absence, had his degree conMEETINGS ferreed upon him by the Lord Chancellor of Durham University at The Barbados Protective Society convocation held at special the of this city will convene a business Chapter House, Durham Cathedral, Ineeting at the Panama Capital Hall on June 27.
this evening commencing at 30 o elock. Another meeting is scheduled for Wednesday of next week. CONVENTION Very important matters will be RECEPTION brought up at these meetings, and it is the hope of the officials of the so The Universal Negro Improvement ciety that the members make it pos Association convention now being sible to be present.
held at Kingston, Jamaica, was the motive for a brilliant reception at Drink Balada Tes the best for the home of Plumber, at the Troples street, Calidonia, on the afteernoon NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work. Pension Scheme for Elementary Teachers of Trinidad and Tobago has been approved by the Secretary of State for the Colonies and it will bé embodied in a Bill to be introduced in the Legislative Council during the Extraordinary Session which begins in October Not Civil Servants The representation that teachers should be recognised as Civil Servant has not been given effect to and it therefore becomes necessary to draft a Bill laying down the new pension rights of teachers.
At present teachers are only entitled to half their wlary as pension whereas Civil Servants are entitled to three quarters, but it is understood that the present allowance will be increased under the Bill.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA ST. CLEMENT VICAR DIES SUDDENLY Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail PR AT THE Rev. John Gwilym Jones, Vicar of St. Clement Church, was found dead in his gallery at the Vicarage about 30 o clock on Monday morning, July 7, says the Trinidad Guardian.
His housekeeper, Mrs. Annie Mason, made the discovery. As she was rushing through the yard in a drizzling rain to look after Mr.
Jones morning tea, she saw him sitting in a wicker chair in the gallery, She called out to ask him if he did not think it was too cold to be site ting there, but she got no answer.
Entering the house through a back door she came on to the gallery. Believing the Vicar was asleep she touched him with a view to making him get up and go inside away from the drizzle to which he was then exposed. She was alarmed to find that there was no response to her touch. Seeing a village lad passAMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN BAPTISTE ing on the road close by she called THE ARTISTIC TAILOR 999999 99990oooog of the first instant.
DENTIST HOWELL There was representative gathering of members of the associa House No. 912 La Boca tion and many were the speeches deCanal Zone livered lauding Marcus Garvey, PreOPPOSITE RESTAURANT sident General of the association. All HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO the speakers voiced the hope that PHONE 1941. BALBOA No. K STREET the convention yield abundant good Specialises in all Branches of for the good and welfare of the NeDentistry PANAMA CITY gro race.
ALL WORK GUARANTEED Refreshments were lavishly served REBIDENCE588 and a very enjoyable time was spent.
him in, and he confirmed her fears that Mr. Jones was dead.
They called in Mr. Cleghorn one of the Churchwardens who lives within a stone throw, and soon afterwards the Police were told of the discovery, Mr. Jones wore his cassock with pyjamas beneath it at the time and (Continued on Page 7)
House M Street Panama, 16 Home


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