
Races! Races! Races!
AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK Tomorrow Afternoon Was GOOD RACES. Billy Dennis. Chiquilla. Kitty Gill. Socia. Copi. Chombo Gordo First Race Starts at p.
Including Program. 25c TAR.
Horseracing at. GEORGE TOWN ru CHURCH SERVICES (Continued rum rage Continued from Page 7)
eciany those who opposee upuncy of the New Dauy Chronicle, it AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH tuve done worse had he wanted to.
Following is tue results of thes a well known fact that tran. portation services seidom pay their way St. Paul Church, Panama, eight races:Laideu. In Jamaica, Trinidad and 11th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY.
FIRST RACE FURLONGS (Rev. Nightengale, La Loma, 110. Godoy) 30, sarbados subsidies are provided one form or another. In British Rector. 60 30 am. Holy Communion The Ramona, 112. Ordoñez) 00. Guiana every little launch service is operated with some measure of a.
Rector. May, 1:20. Clark. sistance from the general taxpayers.
10. 15 a. Matins, Mr. AtTime: 56. Annie Laurie, Pan in Georgetown, that subsidy well, Lay Reader Dulce, Darien also ran paid in the power lighting rates, 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and SECOND RACE XURLONGS SUNDAY, AUGUST 1929 to compensate for loss on the Sermon. The Rector, Kitty Gill, 104. Allen) 80, transportation services. The comPrelude. Adagio Cantiblo 50.
pany hangs on to the subsidy, but Marcela, 126. Reyes) 00.
Li. reatens to shut down the transporIntroit. Psalm 119. Vs. 81) De3 Bolsheviki, 116. Clark. tation.
fecit anima mea.
Time: 37. Golondrina, Pora, ReFEATURE Those City Fathers who are so anEVENT Hymns. and 161, 653, 316.
solute also ran.
xious to break faith with a contracPostlude in Homer.
THIRD RACE FURLONGS ſtor for the sake of a few pence un 00 Church School. Mr. Royal Eagle, 120. Escobar)
the price of stone, if even that much Cragwell, Supt. 00. could now be heard with advantage, 30 Choral Evensong and Excuse Me, 115. Ordoñez. to how they propose to deal with Sermon. Pauine, 105. Ferguson. the tram situation. After all, what Prelude. Pastoral. Flagler.
does even a hundred dollars a month, Hymns. and 216, 620, 804.
FOURTH RACE FURLONGS against outraged morals and the Psalm 54, 56. Zapo, 100. Ordoñez) 10. 70, costs and dangers of a law suitMagnificat. Garrett. 00.
matter when compared with the deNune Dimittis. Hayes. Pistol, 120. Rees) 90.
tial to the whole community, prince Offertory Anthem: Let The Rippling Water 110. Escobar. as well as peasant, of its entire INTERESTING Time: 12. Don Simon, Diez y transportation facilities, for which The Week News Righteous Be Glad. Baines.
JOTTINGS Postlude. Jubilant March.
Seis, Infimo also ran. Continued from Page 1)
thousands of dolars are being paid per Solly. FIFTH RACE FURLONGS 56 during the month of July, this (Continued from page 5)
That Lysle Warren Ruckman commonth, exactly as though a cheque La Nena, 105. Ferguson)
que were being signed at the pay served that name. As your gdod amount being in excess of the esmitted suicide was the verdiet reST. ALBAN CHURCH. 12. 60, 360.
table. Meanwhile the City Fathers tiend, am going to advise that iftimated amount, aceording to figures turned by the coroner held at Coco PARAISO, Cantones, 116. Godoy) 70.
ure making a Roman holiday, overy of you intend to take up re riven out by the office of the fiscal solo last Wednesday. His body was Ocurrencia, 132. Escobar. immoral attempt to get out of sidence in Kingston, and if you have agent of the Republic. It is expected found about 150 feet from the oil The Rector of St. Paul in charge) 45 a. Holy Eucharist and serTime: 08. San Chee, Lucero also one contract, an attempt that we it in mind to take it easy on a Can tnat the final figures for the month station at Coco Solo that morning mon.
kuow Mr. Strickland would never vas Cot, it would be well for you to. July will show a considerable sur with a bullet through his heart. The 00 Church School and ConSIXTH RACE FURLONGS countenance in his own business, the watch it closely, so that it doesn plus, Revenues for the month total deceased took his life with a calibre firmation Instruction, Chiquilla, 116. Ordoñez) 10. Electric Company is getting away, full down. understand that Craw led 651, 984. 48 as compared to es. automatic pistol which it is said 30 Evensong and Address 80.
with cold blooded murder. It is that fford is still alive, and just as poetie, timates totalling 617, 162. 82.
he purchased in Colon a week prior Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
2Kitty Gill, 90. Escobar. the Electric Company argues that and should you suffer the misforto his death, and which was found Chombo Gordo, 126. Reyes. the moral conduct good enough for tune of having your cot fall down, Manuel Perez received a sentence on the ground beside his body. ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, Time: 84.
the Georgetown Town Council is Crawford will get your name, apply of imprisonment for 30 days and No reason could be given for his SEVENTH RACE FURLONGS LAS SABANAS good enough for the Demerara Elec. his poetic genius, and put a song line of 100 in the Balboa Magis act. He had a good record and had (The Rector of St. Paul in charge) Lena, 126. Escobar) 16. 30, tric Company? It looks uncommonly on you. Ever since that time too, trate court last Tuesday, for hurling been awarded high ratings in his 40. 00 Church School and Conlike it. Chickens are coming home to they ceased to call Jane Janie; but a large stone into a crowd and work at the Sub Base. He was never firmation Instruction, Lagrimita, 100. Godoy) 20.
post with a vengeance.
called her instead. Janie Pam pa brandishing a razor last Sunday, known to drink intoxicating liquors 30 Evenson and Address Honey Dew, 122 (Walker. lam!
while intoxicated. Perez is a labour on any occasion prior to his having Mr. Richards, Catechist.
Time: 10. Tunney, Miss Jill, Co GRENADA HOSPITALITY er at Camp three of the Alahuela Jone so the night previous to his cocha also ran. came across another one too. It (Continued from Page 1)
EIGHTH RACE FURLONGS was that a Chinaman kept a little road construction. Unable to pay the Prince Visits Zapo, 100. Ordoñez) 18. 40, shop down in Water Lane. It was fine, Perez was committed to jail to (Continued from Page 1) look forward keenly to paying the only shop in that visinity. John serve 100 days in lieu of the amount 10.
their fine reputatio in addition to the sentence of thirty Adoracion Esquivel, said to be Pistol, 110. Godoy) 80.
was cooking ducks one night after further visit to Grenada at some he had closed shop, and in some way one of the most notorious characters days. Don Simon, 98. Dario. future date.
of the restricted districts of Panama nations. The scout movement is.
Intimo, Mayara and Diez y Seis ur other, his frying pan blazed up, have the honour to be The construction of Bocas de and Colon has been ordered deport wonderfu. thing for individual counand he thought the whole place was also ran.
Yours faithfully, on fire. So frightened was he that Toro water and sewer system mased from the Isthmus. At a meeting tries and for better understanding (sgd. COLIN JONES.
he ran out of the shop calling. Poobe delayed for sometime due to the of the Cabinet held last Wednesday between nations and peoples.
Message From The King TOMORROW RACES see man! Poo see man. Policeman! high cost of the undertaking, which a suggestion to have the woman deThe Prince read the following The Panama Jockey Club has ported was made by Governor InoGOVERNOR HEARS POLITICAL Policeman. There was no Policeman is said to be bayond the governmade up a good program of seven DEPUTATION rround, so John kept on running, and ment economic possibilities at pre cencio Galindo Jr. of Colon, and af message from the King:ter due consideration the deportation heartily welcome races for tomorrow afternoon. The the Boy shouting in the same words. He ran ent.
entries and handicaps are as folorder was made. The woman is said Scouts who have travelled from their The secretary of agriculture and lows: deputation headed by Mr. up town, and came across a PoliceLancelott Sherwood waited onnan standing at some corner. He public works headed a commission of to be a Costa Rican. An order for homes, from far distant parts of the FIRST RACE FURLONGS. 114 His Excellency the Governor at the went up to him shouting. Poo see engineers who visited Bocas tew the departation of six undesirable British Empire and many foreign movement. This is a Amapola also been made. 114 Colonial Secretary office to discuss man! Poo see man! fire lung tung! months ago they surveyed conditions (aliens from Chiriqui province has lands for the coming of age of the May rowdyism at the recent (Policeman! Policeman! fire down there. At that time it was announced are Eusebio Salgado, Pedro Montier, unique assembly, representative of Pan Dulce.
town council by election. The mem town. Of course, you do not need to that before long Bocas del Toro Victor Ibarra, Abelardo Chavarria, the youth of all the great nations of 90 the world and ask you to rememAnnie Laurie bers were pleasantly received and he told that the Policeman didn un would have running water throughIsaac Montenegro and Luis Silva, His Excellency who proved to derstand him. Good policeman as he out, but further study of conditions be ber the future of the world depends Darien on those of you who are taking part SECOND RACE FURLONGS well conversant with prevailing con was, he simply followed him to the there has changed the situation. It he is understood that the department of CUBA PLANNING ditions, thanked the deputation for shop. After he reached there, in this Jamboree. hope you will La Nena.
the views represented and the in found John frying pan and his public works had around 90, 000 SUGAR ARBITRATION thoroughly enjoy your stay in this country and will have a happy and San Chee.
100 formation submitted. His Excellency duck still burning, it was then he unavailable to start the work, but is further made it plain that he favour derstood what John was trying to not disposed to undertake a project Lucero. 90 HAVANA. Cuban sugar can beneficial experience.
ed proper control of proceedings on tell him. Its a very bad thing when that is estimated to cost about 280, planters and grinders are to meet in am keenly disappointed it has Pora. 90 Dad. 120 such occasions and a stop being put you have to speak to a man whose 000.
the near future to form the first ar been impossible for me to be present Ocurrencia. 126 to further lawlessness in connection language you do not know!
bitration board to deal with the on this memorable occasion. But with elections.
THIRD RACE FURLONGS problems arising between growers am glad my eldest son is able to reand grinders.
present me. It has given me great Royal Eagle. 126 Excuse Me. 115 Colombia WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR The National Association of Grow jpleasure to mark this great event in Pauline. 100 SEVENTH RACE FURLONGS ers issued an invitation to the Na your history by conferring the peerPalo Loco 110 Marcela.
tional Association of Millers asking use on Sir Robert Baden Powell, the FOURTH RACE FURLONGS Kitty Gill. 116 that a committee be named to aid in Chief Scout. Ever since its inception, Billy Dennis he has been the mainspring of this. 126 Resolute. 114 planning for a board of arbitration No hot irons or special combs required adventure from its small and almost Chiquilla. 108 Garzona. 108 to act with a member of the Cuban humble beginning until today when Kitty Gill 90 Bolsheviki. 108 government in any differences which you number nearly two million in Socia. 90 Socia. 100 SOLD IN DRUG STORES may arise.
your ranks. This recognition of his Copi. 118 Cantones. 110 Chombo Gordo.
valuable services to the cause, will 112 Golondrina be welcomed by all who realise the FIFTH RACE FURLONGS Mayars.
importance of training the world ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY youth both in mind and in body. At Intimo. 100 37 CENTRAL AVENUE the same time, am aware that the Diex y Seis. 118 TO FACILITATE OUR CUSTOMERS splendid achievement of this organDon Simon. 100 OUR REDUCTION SALE ON COLLARS THE HOUSE OF QUALITY sation could not have been possible Silver Spray WILL CONTINUE TILL without the support given to the Rippling Water. AUGUST 15TH.
SPECIAL BARCAIN SALE Chief Seout by his officers Zapo. 115 CHEAPER THAN EVER wish you God speed and may. 126 WE ARE OFFERING FOR DAYS ONLY SHEETS COME IN EARLY.
you go from strength to strength, Piston. 120 SIXTH RACE FURLONGS PILLOW CASES, BEDSPREADS, AND TOWELS development and prosperity.
Miss Jin.
AT SLASHED PRICES Cocochs. 115 31 Calidonia Road.
قد قمه به Ramons.
The undesirable Boy Scout. 120 cases of 90. 90. 116. 120. 110. 124 Contra Crespo www. 120 SALAS BAZAAR 90. 105 Jackie 108 The Cosmopolitan House. 126 Prop La Loma


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