
BY LEACOCK The Work ma reaches That The Workman has lived ring yet subtle initiations of Jour peuple should all come into their the end of another knot of its through 17 years of industrial, journalism?
portion of the rights of man. And journey across the turbulent sea balistie, political and racial warfare Surely by our many accomplish so it has been with most men who of journalism. It again celebrates even in a strange land, is enough to ments we have carned the respect of have dared to champion the cause of another anniversary of its birthday, give us serious thought; it has me our neighbours. Surely we deserve the oppressed they have always Seventeen years ago it first saw the rited the respect, the support, the to be accepted as full riedged men. been neglected even by the people light of the Panamanian sun as it ympathy of every thoughtful color. The Workman proves that we are for whom they fought.
rose over the placid surface of our man on the Isthmus; it is a proof capable of organizing and manning Truly, The Workman has fought pact of the mighty Pacific Ocean that the Negro will not be down enterprised to a recognized age, if all along, with the vision and skill We, therefore, not only as a brother even by the crushing circunstances of we but give the devil his due; and it of its early years, but it has done West Indian, but as an old friend, odern times.
Was The Workman, too, that struck its share of getting the authorities take pleasure in participating in the When we accepted to contribute for us our first dominant note to to recognize that West Indians drainlaudable celebration, extending, a article to this its seventeenth an respect, capabilities, and to a living ed their blood for the construction we do, our heart felt felicitations and niversary issue, we imagined our wage for our labor. 11 we have of the Panama Canal and, consequent unalloyed congratulations to the solves standing with pride, watching gained anything along these lines, ly, toward the development, as such, intrepid proprietor of the sturdy lit. and welcoming it as it stands cling. we cannot but remember that this of Panama; and that, therefore, it is tlo paper.
ing to the thereashold of industrial, newspaper launched for us our ap high time that they ask human (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
Although THE WORKMAN hns Journalistie, and racial progress; and poal, when because of its being the redress for their labor.
This is my greeting to the Work not been given the huge patronage then the question to ourselves. lone unit of prominence it stood If we must judge movements of man newspaper at inis time when we had hoped it would have had Is it not true that in this news the chance of being burnt as was the authorities to find where the it celebrates its lith anniversary. during the year just ended, the paper paper West Indians here have a 17. Bruno for the truth; as was Preston wind is blowing, they seem to point when was asked to make a con haa, nevertheless, been read by years old enterprise which gives the Stout banished for our economic toward a recognition that says: BY THOMPSON tribution to the Anniversary. Num hundreds of well wishers the lle to the saying that they cannot do cause. Its fights met the reaction Since West Indians know that they You have asked me, Mr. Editor, ber, was somewhat contused to Canal Zone and in the terminal sities anything that will last? Does not which all pioneers have met through are among us in word and deed and for a contribution to the 17th Annifind a suitable subject; but after of Panama and Colon; and we firmly The Workman plainly show that the oui history. When Thomas Paine are entitled to human facilities and versary of The Workman.
much thought, 1, concluded that believe that every one of these old colored West Indian, though hemmed visualized liberty, freedom and wages that will enable them to live At the outset should say that, it EXCELSIOR would till the bill. friends will continue to stand by the in by discriminative conditions, des. quity peering down from all heaven up to modern conditions, we, too, is ever my profund conviction that believe that both the proprietor well written Weekly which has given erves to be accepted as a fullfledged the inalienable rights of men, here make movements to rreognize the Press is the most potent factor and friends of the Workman will the West Indian community such man of intellectual and business too launched an unthankful battle so the facts; but facts never did work in shaping the destiny of mankind.
agreo that if the wish is expressed good service, and held its own so neumen that penetrate even the cun that the French and the American (Continued on page 11. Consequently, have always enthat the paper should go stu high creditably among other local newsdeavoured in my own humble way, er. that its motto should be ever papers during the seventeen event.
and conseientious conception, to say upward, that is a good wish. That ful yeyars of its existence.
something through its medium for is also my feeling, hence the expres. And may not hope that the mutual benefit of all concerned.
during the ensuing year every West For several years had been a During the seventeen years of this Indian in the Canal Zone and in the frequent contributer to the colums.
of The Workman, but for some inpaper existence, it has experienced teemig cities above mentioned, who many setbacks. These setbacks were is in a position to buy a copy, will explicable reason, had been silent due to divery causes. Some were cheerfully and readily do so, and fct quite a while.
unavoidable, and can properly be thus evince unstinted, appreciation Thinking of what ought to write classed among those circumstances for the unselfish and determined efabout, my attention has been arrestover which no control could be ex fert of the man at the helm to keep ed to that hackneyed question, over ereised. Others, daresay, could West Indians one hundred per cent which there has been much dialee.
have been avoided, and their cir posted up with beautifully assorted tical and convential quiblings recentcumstances were controllable; but, news from every corner of the globe.
iy: namely, The Religious Training as the wise man says, it is human With others we wich THE WORK of the Young.
to err.
MAN many HAPPY RETURNS OF There is much to be said relative This being the case, and after tak THE DAY, and umbroken financial to the complexity of our economie, ing all these circumstances into health and strength.
moral, social and spiritual status consideration, it must be admitted a people; and especially as these that the Workman Newspaper has matters so seriously affect those of CHARACTER lived for seventeen years. There ts who are domiciled in this cosmowas a time when the Workman did politan Republic of Panama. But, good work for West Indians in this for the time being, shall confine BY ARCHIBALD BUTCHER place. There was a time when the my attention to the foregoing subWorkman, unlike other local news(Asst. Dist. Com of Scouts. ject.
papers, did not exhibit any prejudice We so often read that the aim of Only an idiot or a knave would against championing the cause of our Scouting is to form character, say that, a great measure of responthose who were its peincipal sup that we assume everyone knows what sibility does not rest on parents and porters. This was as it should be character is. It is a word so comguardians with regards to the right (Continued on page 4)
and proper training of their childrer menly used, that we are apt to But when we carefully observe and think that its significance is under The above is a picture of King George of England leaving Bognor where he had gone to convalesee realize that the all round training of after his serious illness during the early part of this year.
children and youths, does not at all begin and end in the homes of the gratulations maments thought will, however, immediate parents, and, that very indicate that there are at least three often, a long and widely divergent interpretations of this word: chain of uncultivated hereditary tenBY ELDER BURKE That which regards character as BY REV. COUSINS ciencies are factors to be reckoned (The Christian Mission of Panama. the sum of a number of attributes, with in their training, and with The Editor of THE WORKMAN, Western Empire fell, about 476 available figures, are published in which the vast majority of parents, Dear Mr. Editor honesty, sobriety. punctuality, Panama, In China On this the Seventeenth Anniver etc.
the Peking Gazette Great Britian and Ireland.
teachers, and preachers are not conDear Sir, sary of the Workman we express our has been published regularly since Concerning the Power and influ versant. And when we seriously heartiest congratulations. In That which regards it as a appreciate very much your re 618 It was not, however, until ence of the Press, it may be noted consider psychologically, the cosmothis wide field of journalistie contes moral quality, e. goodness and quest that should make a contribu the introduction of printing from that it has no legislative or executive (Continued on page 10. feel it has loyally weathered the dif badness.
tion to the special Anniversary movable type (about 1460) that any. power. It is purely reportorial ficulties from without and within bidding defiance to them meanwhile force and which interprets the state sibly a few facts culled here and Sheet was issued. In this respect, and fashioning public opinion is so this opportunity of once more That which looks upon it as a Number of THE WORKMAN. Pos thing resembling the modern News, and critical Institution. As such, regular reader of THE WORKhowever, its influence in moulding MAN, for the past years, take keeping us furnished with valuable inent.
there concerning the History and the Germans were the pioneers. Gerinformation of world events from He is a man of character. to Influence of the Newspaper will man news sheets were started in the great, that though it has no legisla. pressing my appreciation of this use tive power, yet to legislate against ful weekly. Its editorials are gentime to time, especially in the West early part of the 16th. cenutry. The the public opinion created by the erally fair, frank, and fearless. The indian Section.
mean He has a vigorous personality prove interesting.
It is said that ancient Rome and newspaper industry began in Eng. press would be sheer folly. This in summary of West Indian News West Indians in this part of the and makes himself felt.
China had the honour of introducing land in 1622, when Nathaniel butter fluence has increased enormously which appears in the columns world look with eager eyes for this Which of these do we mean when the Newspaper. As early as the issued the Weekly News. The during recent years.
week by week Supplies inperiodical to learn something of we speak of our Scouting aims at first century the Roman Government Oxford Gazette first appeared in what going on in the oquntry of forming character. As the servant of the public, it formation issued daily Bulletins of official news 1665, and was the predecessor of the has scured all sports of privileges people. The printing also, has con great to a their nativity. Continued on page 10. called the Acta Long may the Workman live is our Diurna. These London Gazette.
for collecting and distributing in siderably improved lately. heartily were posted in public places, and It is estimated that the aggregate formation. It is difficult to analyse congratulate the paper on attainsincere wish and courageously con: in touch with happenings in the circulated to the generals in com number of newspapers in all coun. or accurately to appraise the in ing its seventeenth birthday, and tinue in the good informatory work various parts of the world with best mand of the different armies. These tries amounts roughly to 34, 000, of fiuence of the press, and its worth wish for it a future of greater usethat has for seventeen years kept us wishes for greater achievements. Acta Diurna ceased when the which 2, 000, according to the latest cannot be over estimated.
Heartiest Con stood by all who employ it. few The History and Influence of the Newspaper ex.


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