
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN 17th ANNIVERSARY. AUG. 1929 Harry Boone General Agent Frank Morrice Cashier Absolute Protection Protection and Security Be a Modern Man protecting your Property, your Furniture, your Business your Motor Cars etc. etc. in good form and at a low price Policies Against Fire Be a man of foresight protecting your wife, your children, your parents, your sisters, and brothers andyourself against poverty in your old age Fire Insurance Policies NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE Co. of HARTFORD PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Box 172 31 Central Avenue Telephone 714 Enrique de la Guardia ASSOCIATE GENERAL AGENT Miguel Moreno SPECIAL AGENT Sam Applewhite Of The National City Bank are 20 102 PATO RANG AUSH BOTTLE True Fruit Drink from Luscious Oranges Who wwno first Prize in the recent Thrift Campaign carried out by the Bank So good it makes you tip your head back for the last delicious drop!
Here why: Juice of luscious oranges delicate flavor of their peel zestful tang of the fruit acid found in oranges, lemons and limes, a pure food color such as is used in cakes and candies healthful carbonated water pure cane sugar.
Accept Orange Crush nly in the Krinkly Bottle.
The thrift campaign sponsored by the National City Bank of New York finished finding Applewhite the proud winner of the second prize which was a beautiful gold wateh.
Mr. Applewhite is the Floor man of the local Branch National City Bank and is well known for his euurteous attention, by every West Indian customer who does business there. He is also well known by the many white customers, and is now entering his 18 years of service with this great world wide banking institution. Applewhite is not only known by his service and courteous attention at the bank, but is a valuable and highly esteemed member of many Lodges. He is also a long standing member of the St. Paul church choir, and is also a good vocalist and sings Young and sweet bass.
VIBRATIONS BY ROBERTS Is it aceessary for us to say that we are now a columnyist? Whether you believe it or no, we must of necessity plead guilty.
This task of filling a given space is not the Sinecure it would appear to be from the side lines, but, for weal or woe, here goes. If we successful enough to hold your attention, we shall be more than gratified, and if we are unfortumate enough to fall below the high water mark, why let us know; the more vigorous your objections, the better will they be appreciated.
In the world of sport, we predict that in Colon tonight, Young George Dixon, will whip Kid Salgado; Young Uzeudum will be given the decision cver Sailor Cousins, and that. Young Benny Leonard will Pedro Lemos inside of four rounds take it er leave it.
On Sunday Kid Shadow and Kid McClean will fight to a draw and Young Harry Wills will be given a hairline decision over Tommy White, don say that didn tell you!
In the literary world the MetropoHitan literary Club defeated the Seventh day Adventist debating team on Tuesday night last on the Subject Resolved that true religion has done more for mankind than medieine the tussle was a merry due, and the negative won by the handsome margin of one point, for the information of all and sundry, would like to say, that the Adventist take their religion seriously, and it is not productive of the highest feelings of harmony, to oppose them on this subject; they are however, excellent hosts, and served delicious refreshmeats.
You may have noticed a so, that we are being belaboured in a local contemporary, by the eminent and the profund Alex.
the latter gentleman, has especially aroused our admiration, with an excellent vocabulary and the figurative style and flourish of an Asiatie sophist, it is a source of profound regret to us that we cannot coneur with the polished suavity of such an attractive writer, it is men of this type that we need to assist in the dissemination of ideas to our people, we, for one, shall be not only willing, but ready to throw our column open to so vibrant and shrewd. welter, at any time, Orange Crush (Bottler Signature)
Samuel Russell The Tailor 24th STREET Guachapall Panama P.
Pan American Orange Crush Co.


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