
PAGE THREE THE WORKMAN 17th ANNIVERSARY. AUG. 1929 SOLB AGENT FOR The Genial Book Store. Believes Earth Billion Years Old GOLDSMITHS No. 11, 24th Street Guachapali Birthday Honours years.
Conferred by King George Fifth.
ledge Compliments of the 10 TO 60 Marine Photo Studio School Bcoks, Music Books, Hymn a: Dr. Millikan Considers It Good The anwers to that question, even GUARANTEED Prayer Books Also for Second Billion though never completely given, fire henceforth his one supreme conATHLETIC GOODS Hosiery for Men, Women and Children MAN 20, 000 YEARS cern. In this minute of experience OLD that he has already had he has tumbPOR GLASSWARE, CROCKERYWARE, NOTIONS led down in his crib, bumped his ALL SPORTS Scientist Speaks at Chamber of head against the slats and seea stars AND TOILET ARTICLES Commerce Banquet. real ones and unreal ones, and he IL MADURO JR.
hasn yet learned to distinguish We have learned within the past with certainty between those that Opposite Hotel Central Phone 749 Panama, Cheapest House in Town hak dozen years through studies in actually exist and those that only radio activity. said Dr. Robert seem to exist because his eyeballs Millikan, one of the world greatest had received a blow. And so he is Give us a call and be Convinced scientists, in his address recently at reaching out his hands, part of the. Brewster Mgr.
the annual banquet of the Chamber time trying to grasp illusions, and of Commerce of the State of New yet slowly, painfully learning, bit and check to private greed, then creates things both great and small York in the Waldorl Astoria, that by bit that there is a external your industries in the New York at the capacity for solving this world of ours has in all prob world, physical and biological, that Chamber of Commerce which are in blems The real art of we consists ability been a going concern for can be known, that can be counted themselves offsprings of pure sei in finding out what is the question more than a billion years and that upon, once it has become known, to ence, will join in the great Nation to be solved. The person who can do Whe human race can probably count act consistently, not capriciously wide movement to keep alive the apl. this is the man who really makes on occupying it for another billion. He is also learning that there is rit of science all over this land, the great contribution to life.
a law of gravity and that it is not through keeping pure science going Another speaker, Loree, Pre Further. snid Dr. Millikan, we necessary to be covered with bruises strong in the universities, its logical sident of the Delaware and Hudson have learned that mankind has been that there are laws of conservation, rate industrial laboratories where it stressed the importance of military all the time because he forgets it, home and applied science in the pri and President of the Chamber, of England doing business on it in something of energy and of heredity, utterly thrives best. No country ever had defenses on the line from Chesslike his present shape for a period futile to inveigh against, and that such an opportunity as ours.
of some 20, 000 perhaps 50, 000 years, peake Bay to Lake Erie, adequate On the occasion of his 64th birthAim of Education Defined Mr. William Anthony Baker, late. In other words that mankind, as in our duty is to bend every energy to inland waterway communication for day King George of England of dividual human beings, is now just know what they are and then to find In discussing the relation of col. ruval defense, development of deep ficially conferred honours on the folly Surveyor General, Jamaica.
an infant few months old at the how live in conformity with them. lege education to the needs of busi waterways, especially that of the lowing: Mr. Charles Pereival Bethel, As most, who up until but a minute ago, the possibility ahead of mankind of of Harvard declared the aim of edu River and the Great Makes and In a single sentence, that there is nose, President Lawrence Lowell Barge Canal joining the Hudson VISCOUNT sistant Colonial Secretary, Bahamas. only a short 300 years, has been lyThe Right Hon. Lord Hailsham, The Honours List also included ing in his crib, playing with his fin learning in the next billion years of cation is to train the imagination to specialized new trans Alleghang Baron, Lord High Chancellor of the name of Rear Admiral Henry his rattle.
gers, wiggling his toes and shaking its existence to live at least a million grasping things that cannot be felt railroad to seure quick transporte Great Britain.
times more wisely than we live or perceived by the material senses. tion between the Atlantic Seaboard Lord Hailsham, before his oleva. Karslake Kitson, who is awarded Mankind in Its Infancy It is not merely to give Imow. and the Mississippi Valley.
tion to the peerage. last year, was Just one minute ago. continued Dr. Millikan wound up with plea bates and wisdom, take it, is after guests were Senator Copeland, Mafor he added. vanIncluded among the nearly 700 Sir Douglas McGarel lloge, son of the C, Military Division. He is the late Mr. Quintin Hoge, Deputy u son in law of Mr. de Pass, first time to peer out through the American industry.
Dr. Millikan. man began for the for the support of pure science by alt perception of the relative value Gen. Hangon Ely. Rear Admiral Chairman of the West India Commit Chairman of the West India Com slnts in his erib to wonder and to be It you believe the President of things. The real thing we want is Lonis De Steiguer, Bishop Nontee he worked for a while on Planformerly commanded gin to try to find out what kind of an he said, that Government should resourcefulness.
ning, Police Commissioner Warren tations Golden Fleece and Nonpariel mittee and external world it is that lies sround only step in where private en What mean by that simply is and John Galvin, Chairman of the iu British Guiana as sugar estates Calcutta.
him an din which he has got to live terprise fails that it should act only that the art of Me, the art which Port of New York Authority.
uverseer. Returning to England, he for the next billion years.
as a stimulant to private initiative was called to the Bar, and was appointed successively Attorney General and Lord Chancellor. Last year he acted as Prime Minister in August during the absence of Mr. Baldwin on the Continent.
Sir John Cadman, Se, Sir John, who has been a Member of the West India Committee for over twenty years, is well known in Trinidad where for some time he was Government Mining Engineer.
He is now Chairman of the AngloPersian Oil Company.
No. 109, Central Ave. Phone 206 Sir Frederick Seton James, E, Governor and ComPanama, mander in Chief Windward Islands, Sir Frederick is an administrator of wide experience who assumed the Government of the Windward Islands in 1924. He received his Knighthood in 1923.
KNIGHTS BACHELOR Eat Chocolate to VIM VIGOR Mr. Robert Howard Furness, Chie!
Justice of Barbados.
Get Slim!
VICTORY Mr. Furness has occupied his prerent post since 1926. He was Registrar General of British Honduras in The reneral bollef which There i bank roll in tin con that 1913, and Solicitor General of Trinhitherto Parl that eating will open with tug; idad in 1923. He served with the chocolate leads to the formation of Fame and millions for method to British West Indies Regiment from excessivo adipose tiesue, or, in simdestroy the cotton bug; 1915 to 1919.
pler worde, makes one too tat, has Mr. Robert Roy Wilson, Member at last been challenged.
What about the precious motion for Lichfield in the last Parliament.
Dr. Frederick wasted daily by the ocean, Bowser an emiMr. Wilson was a member of the Dest German heart specialist, or an automatie engine that will Parliamentary Commission which harness up the sun. has indeed stated that chocolate is Visited British Gulana in 1926. remedy for obesity.
Experimento conducted by him Opportunity is breeding chance for Mr. Douglas Roy Stewart, Coloyou while you re reading.
show, moreover, that chocolate efnial Secretary, Barbados.
tecte permanent cure of weak Have you any notions hands for a underwater runt Mr. Stewart, a Member of the hearts, neurasthenia, neuralgia, and West India Committee, has occupied yertes.
There are billiona worth of forces his present post since August 1926.
According to medical man, in cubie mile of air: He has acted as Governor of Barbawhose attention was brought to the Riches lurk beneath the devertdes on several occasions. He served No other car in the world in the mod and security. And a host of other foo matter by. representative of the yours it you ll get water there; for many years in Fiji.
orale prica dass can match such thrill tures wins your admiration. Sunday Dispatch, Chocolate has Mr. Stephen George Tallents, 965 Ing performance. 10 to 60 miles per Fisher bodies expressing the best rich lime content, and sufferers And the need of cheaper fuel ewery C, B, Secretary of the Emhour in 31 seconds, in high modern taste. An exclusivo non glare should eat plenty of foods that are Winter grows more cruel pire Marketing Board.
TO Buick alone could achieve such windshield. Exclusive new upholstery, rich in time. Cocos contain Man, we haven started thinking, qualities of speed, power and stam proof against water, dual and wear. por cent, of lime, almonds 81 per scarcely wything is done.
Mr. Patrick Nicholas Hill Jones, 1035 Ina in corso moderate in cost.
Four Lovejoy hydraulic dock cent. walnuts 69 per cent. CocoB. Director of Pablle absorbers and big Duo Servo In overy phase of performance, enclosed brakes.
But 82 per cent. and vanilla the Works, Bermudn.
Marquette is entirely unmatched in its Marquette is complete with all the fine remarkable figure of 27. per cent.
Gold Amarvelous flow of power sonde car characteristics. Yot the liberal Othey lime containing foods that Mrs. Isabella Bannister, President you Mying up the sleepost grades In terms make owning should be taken by stout people ROUSE of the Women Social Welfare Leahigh gor. You can ride at 60 or 70 a Marquolto very convenient and and sufferers from nervous disorders gue, Barbados with a wonderful fooling of pleasure economical So. It. Drive It today include brown sugar candy (14. Mrs. Rebecca Usher, for charitable SHOEMAKER per cent of lime. beetroot (6 per services in British Honduras.
Captain Wyrriot Owen, Ascent. cream and milk.
sistant District Commissioner, Sudan Sound, teady nerves en direct NO. TIRO 201. STREET Political Service.
ly dependent on an adequate lime GUACHAPALI content in the brain. Irritability, Captain Owen is a Member of the West India Committee and a son of 96 Central Ave.
restlessness, and twitching nerves Bost alltatorials toot: Captain Owen, Phone 335 are due to too low lime content Promptuosa la Encution of all of In the bain. formerly Superintendent of the don. Excello World Royal Mail Steam Packet Company in the West Indies.
Gunstood When better Automobiles are built. Buick will bulid them Drink Salade Tes the Lost GIVE ME TRIAL Trap IN 31 SECONDS Marquette Panazone Garage


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