
THE WORKMAN 17th ANNIVERSARY. AUG. 1929 PAGE ELEVEN EVI Caterpillar Tractors le da mes rane we BIGGER THAN ARMORED AGAINST THE Co ade cou from ind, nich trou sthe ing.
ning forw ther jest tea tly he hey dies West shas th JE tes good WEATHER TIME DE se fr idad, If you want to go to market GO! whatever the weather.
However deep is mud, sure traction ip Caterpillar tracktype action rolls you through big loads behind Many a top market has rewarded farmers with a higher price because a Caterpillar got them there because they beat the weather with TIMELY CULTIVATION OR HARVEST CARDOZE LINDO с inca is ne yable ters ateh Drav idos, Dra ind.
have Olay age PANAMA CATERPILLAR DEALERS RS fog forfofofo a very profitable concern. And sinee we stand today on our merit, we ask nothing more than an even brake. and with that we are confident that our new changes shall command of you your loyal support.
Aug. 24, 1929.
ELDORADO THEATRE Santa Ana Plaza Demilitarizing ΓΙΟΙ (Continued from page 10. The Workman getting West Indians here recognizel, have done their work. The task Stand Today before us now is a weightier one.
We must match Applied Education, The people have been awakened and (Continued from Page 1)
there should be subtler skill and keener vision to impress on them the themeselves into money or commodi constitutional and their inalienable ties. They always needed men of rights and how they can be used to intelligence to present them and the best advantaage Our powers secure results. The men should rep. are scattered about us to become useresent organized bodies so that their less because they are unharnessed.
caims shall be the voice of the We should develop the tact of appeople. The voice of the people is plied education and the knack to reflected in their literature, their stand solidly for our rights. In short, songs, their plays, their trades, their The Workman is making changes to professions, their newspaper; in suit the changed conditions culminatthese the white man sees the reflec. ing with the economic, journalistic, tion of civilization, and by thm we political and racial advancement.
shall measure the colored man see if he is ready to make good his workman will have to meet the cirThe people have progressed. The claims to better facilities and higher cumstances. Like every other fallible vagos; and even with all these, we the authorities commit no crime if concern this paper has had its faults: by our knowledge, strategy and de. but it is greater than its faults, reption, we can keep them where that why it has lived for seventeen they are. We did not come into years to be a delight to itself and a favor with big money just because monument to our people. Seventeen we could sing, or had many lodges, years of continous business and or could dress in the fashion, or earnest toil to hold the reputation of estableshed classes and intellectual its people clearly prove that it is not and pet prejudices. We have come to die an easy death; it proves also into big money because we sang in that ti can be casily developed into the same key, amalgamated our fra a very profitable concern. And since ternal strength, dressed to suit ac. it stands today on its merit it asks casions, organized our intellectual nething more than an even break prejudices to enhance our position and it is certain that with new and power; our pet prejudices are changes it shall comand the loyal designed to keep us where we are and wholehearted suppert of the enuntil they are well challenged and tire community.
fought flat, and, by establishing the people have progressed. The classes we cannot mistake the sheep Workman shall have to meet the for the goat: every man takes his circunstances. Like every other falown job and position in society, but liole concern we have had our faults.
we are all white people and, at the But we are greater than our faults slightest notion we can stand solidly that why we have lived to reach against any other shade. This is our seventeenth anniversary and to Applied Education, and it has pro be a delight to ourselves and a duced our knowledge, strategy and monument to our people. Seventeen deception. If colored men can meet years of continuous business and it they can meet us, else, we stand earnest toil to hold high our inSupreme.
tegrity clearly prove that we are not Consequently. The Workman real to die an easy death; it proves also izes that the skill and vision used in that we can easily be developed into ATTRACTIVE SHOWS EVERY DAY FROM p. to 11 tesy visits to South American republies. There is not a naval dock in the Caribbean capable of receiving and repairing a British ship of war of ten thousand tons.
During the late war the only ships of war that were supposed to be protacting British Caribbean possessiona were two Australian cruisers and two Japanese cruisers. When the war broke out the British North American Squadron in these waters consisted of six obsolete cruisers of approximately 6, 000 tons and one third class battleship, and these were sunk in a few weeks after the outbreak of war off Coronal, Chile, by a small German squadron in less than a half hour fighting. Comparatively, to day this squadron is no stronger, hence it can be seen that the policy of demilitarising the Caribbean was settled, as far as Great Britain is concerned, twenty five years ago, and any suggestion on this line to day is only an empty gesture. As far as America is concerned the demilitarisation of the Caribbean could have been accomplished as soon as the Monroe Doetrine was promulgated and accepted by European powers owning territory in the Western Hemisphere. MANDEVILLE.
Now York, July cool and Airy Play House sily be EE?


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