
THE WORKMAN 17th ANNIVERSARY. AUG. 1929 09 Dont waste your money on glasses unless they are correctly WE KNOW HOW SAVE YOUR EYES!
Glasses fitted to suit your needs and within your ability to pay SCADRON OPTICAL CO.
REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS ESTABLISHED IN PANAMA OVER 14 YEARS PANAMA COLON 23 CENTRAL AVENUE 9, 034 FRONT STREET NEAR CATHEDRAL PLAZA NEAR 9TH STREET China New Woman in MANUFACTURERS TO Tho stay indoors and work something like basket ball and engage in other Indeed the Chinese girls are quite The Forward domestic animals. Or, if of a better athleties. Formerly the parents ar aniusing flappers sometimes shockMarch family, be cooped up at home and ranged their marriage. Now one of ing sometimes so much so that tne stay there. She was allowed to be ten sees the young ladies walking officials have felt it necessary to seen only by her husband or brothers. very affectionately arm in arm with issue proclamations commanding No what a change! The modern their best boys. and the young them to dress modestly. The girls Chinese young women skip around people often do the arranging. The have even learned to flirt in the most (Rev. Hallock.
That freedom!
the streets with a spring, grace and dress used to be the most modest of up to date way. Box No. 1234, Shanghai, China new woman who has a share freedom that quite refreshing when any nationality. Now women are They dance in the latest style. They China, June 27th, 1929 in the goings on.
one remembers the women formerly often seen with short sleeves and ride horses, astride, with boots and Dear Editor If a woman in China, twenty years hobbling along on bound feet sup very low neaked frocks even at mid riding breeches. That English, Here comes a letter from this land ago, had been given a Rip Van ported by amáhs. Now girls bob, day. Sometimes they re seen with you know.
of intrigue, graft, warfare, famine, Winkle sleep, she would be more ehingle, or permanent wave their the most up to date up beyond the Once the ideal for girls was that suffering, chaos, to tell you and the surprised than he was, should she hair.
That a sign of freedom! kuee short frocks and flimsy silk they be able to do beautiful needleTuaders of your excellent paper about awake today. Then women had to They ride bieyeles, play tennis, hose and very high heeled shoes. work at home. Now they are doing cther things. They are clerks stores. Some are typists and stenographers. Some are bankers. They play the organ or piano or other musical instruments. Some are becoming movie artists or actresses.
Some are lawyers and judges and doctors, are teachers and kindergar(By DOTTIN)
teners. They even become soldiers BY APPOINTMENT und sometimes they become GenerIn the great struggle for existence MOTOR CAR TYRE and a place in the sun the Workal secretaries! Women also become MM. THE KING man is not an exception, and the street corner politicians and scream ability to have its seventeenth anthe Revolutionary platitudes such as, niversary celebrated is worthy of Down with imperialism. Give the admiration.
people freedom. to beat the most Few can realize the amount of zealous men Revolutionaries. Rarely energy and grit it takes to keep a do you see meetings for propaganda weekly periodical alive under unfavorable circumstances, but, the fact er riots without seeing girls or that it is yet alive and bids fair to women taking active part in them, journey through many more sumurging on the riots. am glad to mers can be seen by the present say that some few of them are tak outlook.
ing part in the Red Cross Work in Anniversaries are occasions when relieving the suffering of those folks who have the privilege of obwounded in battle. Women, too, eserving them, generally feel their best, they are proud of the day to cupy places of influence in the gov.
them the felicitations and goodwill emment in Nanking. Once women of their friends are extended, and fuces lacked all hope and ambition, despite the position they occupy at and there are still great hosts of the present time, whether high or women who are the same drudges at low, it is one of those privileges home or worse in great factories.
money cannot buy, therefore a simBut among the younger generation ilar feeling exists towards the anthey have ambition ambition that niversary of this weekly periodical.
carries them to extremes.
It can at this time boast of a change Motorists consider, and rightly in its physical appearance such a research and experiment, in which important m glad to asy that there are many so, that conditions in this country impose on change should serve a very useful use was made of all the data and knowledge modest, motherly women who have tyres a strain that is not encountered in parpose, being somewhat, more at: required in building tyres to stand the yone thro our mission schools who tractive in appearance than it formcountries where long stretches of bitumen terrifc strains imposed by the speed records are making sice, clean, beautiful and concrete represent a big section of the erly was, and should it succeed in of Majer Segrave and Captain Malcolm Christian homes where the children road surfaces. Appreciative of this fact, attracting our advertisers subscribCampbell. Casing, Tread, and Sidewalls are Dunlop has thrown its vast resources into are brought up well and taught to all specially designed for the conditions they ers, and contributors, then, the efthe building of a tyre specially constructed fort to bring it up to this standard have to encounter, and the tyre, as a whole, be good useful members of society, to give overseas motorists the same satis has a reserve of strength not known in tyres children of whom they and missions will not have been lost.
factory and trouble free mileage as enjoyed of a calibre generally accepted as standard.
can be proud and thankful. One can Let all who have had the privilege by those who use their tyres under more tyre of this quality necesity beromenatge not expect great thing from of contributing advertising or enjoy.
favourable conditions.
but the higher initial colore ter ing any of the usefulness of this longer mileage and all round satisfactory service preth nation in which the people have been paper, rally around it and bring it Known as the Fort Dunlop (reinforced. PortDescop cover, donc per to be the cheapest tyre en the workel ten brought up for ages in filth, physical up to what they think it ought to be.
it is the result of continuous and exhaustive The Fort Danlop will be made in full range of and moral; but a new generation is straight side Bigh Preure. hayrepuler When this is done, it can be said, are now available coming on, born anew in the church they have all done their duty.
DISTINGUISHED BY COLOURED MEDALLION of Christ and in those clean Christian As is the custom On the side wall of the Fort Delere you will find a co in war and medallies the distinguishing to the Welcome homes. We are expecting much for through life generally, to look forChina from Tuch.
ward, it is taken for granted that this will be the motto of this journal Things are out of joint in China. to look and march forward.
but we hope and pray that the comnon sentoe of better Chinese and the dovply planted power of the Gospel House Rent Receipt Books in Spanwil gradually overcome the criminal influences and that China wiń find ish and English for sale at the peace, prosperity, and a place among Workman Printery.
the great nations of the world, Yours in Christ glad iservice, New Syre Specially Made for Overseas Conditions FORT DUNLOP FORT YR INFORCED Drink Salada Tes the best for For Sale at Leading Garage F. ESCOFFERY Distribuitor If you have a Prescription to be made uptake it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana teous and obliging service the Troplas


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