
THE WORKMAN 17th ANNIVERSARY. AUG. 1929 PAGE SIX Isthmian Hardware Store MOLES OF REVOLUTION Hardware, Paints, Building MateriDetectives and Their Failure To Detect Crime and cigarette Mr. Julien Cahn when WAS The Famous Chinese Store KOHPCKE NEUMANN (By HERBERT KAUPMAN)
CHONG KEE ESTABLISHED 1888 Revolution is growth with tor they devastated.
If you need any kind of tuous, far reaching roots. Its sources Even Voltaire and Diderot were are always obscure. Oppressive esteemed merely as scribbling SILK, CURIOS, ORIENTAL WARES, Etc.
power has regularly met its Nemeses clowas by the Court of Versailles.
in unexpected quarters because it Before either met his hour of invariably under estimates capacities glory, both knew the infamy of imals, Ship Chandlery Etc. that experience bas not measured. prisonment without trial CENTRAL AVENUE 39 George the Fourth could not be Voltaird, whose name is now a Phone 67 Panama City brought to realize that young Doe feather in the wing of fame, was Box 365 Just call Phone 378 or our Branch Store tor Warren and shabby coated Sam chronic butt in lordly homes, whose Adams would eventually cost Bri rowdy hosts more than once verEL ANCORA tain her American colonies. bally slapped his face.
Any more than Charles the First And when he did finally take sensed that brewer son, named brocaded little puke to task, he was PHONE 204 Oliver Cromwell, would simultane drubbed by lackeys in the open Paously seize him and opportunity and ris streets.
rear commonwealth with the tim Since he was not a gentleman. bers of his scaffold.
his assailant refused to cross swords Moderate Prices In 1914 the last blind rouble in with him.
the Czar strong box was ready to So, denied satisfaction by duel, Excellent Service wager, at odds of a million to one, he drews his pen and plunged it into that Russias capital would never be the vitals of aristocracy itself. gray hair, a bloodstain on a science are employed to unravel called Leningrad The pigments with which he and pusheart, a grain of sawdust found buffling crimes and track down the The great designers of the French Rousseau and Montesquieu did their in the wax of suspect ear, a guilty. Indeed, the detection of Revolution were silent moles nib work were ground in tears stub, water soaked crime abroad has itself become a biing away at monarchism.
illegible wad of paper, a burnt science, and the modem detective Many a one of them had actually Autoeracy wantonly slashed their match, trivial but the only clues. of Europe works under the guidance been tramplled, like vermin, under pride and they dipped quills in the each one was enough to unravel a of able chemists, the high heels of the very monarchy wound and wrote its death sentence. microscopes of the scientific crime The police of America have no such biologists, phymysterious murder. Under the ricists, analysts and microscopists.
Guest at West Indian Club Dinner detectors in the police laboratories scientific erime detectors they of Europe, these slender bits of grope blindly, and unless unmistakKONG TONG HING Co. Ltd.
evidence were sufficient to point able clues are left behind, or inAn interesting event during the year plause. It had similarly assisted in unerringly to the murderer in each formation comes to them from the was the English cricket team taken bringing over teams in 1906 and case.
Underworld, the criminal usually esCorner of Central Avenue and 20 St.
to Jamaica by Mr. Julien Cahn. This 1323. Moreover, the Club Committee But in the recent killing of Ar enpes detection.
visit has done much to stimulate showed its sound judgment in hav IMPORTERS OF CHINESE SILKS nold Rothstein, king of the Underworld, the New York police failed turned on the incompetence of AmeA startling light was recently greater interest in Cricket in the ing selected Mr. Mallett to be Isle of Springs and Mr. Cahn has the Manager. It was largely due to Before Making Your Purchases. Please Inspeet Our Stort of Dross to discern one single clue, although Good. of Very Recent Arrival rican police detectives there were a dozen in sight, the head of the New York Police Designified his intention of touring the Mr. Mallett wide experience and the West Indies with another team in knowledge of cricket that the West You will be Convined that we are offering the Best Goods trail was fresh, the weapon of the the near future.
Indies had established their own at the assassin was found, the scene and partment ated that of 288 murder the hour of the crime were known cases in 1928 the homicide bun au The West India Committee Cir. Board of Control and had been raisLowest Prices in Town dignity of meeting All and abundance of tell tale evidence had made only two arrests. and cular states that Mr. Julien Cahned to the was scattered about.
he ordered these detectives back to was the guest of the West Indian England in a series of Test Matches We have a large Assortment of Club at dinner last June in Lon last year. Applause. Poremost nation of the world in patrolling the streets. But he has Mr. Cahn was one of those superNotions, Novelties, Perfumery and Curios almost every field of human en no better ones to put in their places, dom.
deeavour, America lags behind in In Chicago more than one hunSir Algernon Aspinall, one of the sportsmen whom The West Indian GIVE US CALL the efficiency of its detective police dred murderous, bombs. pineapHon. Treasurers of the Club, who Club delighted to honour. He was in In no city in the United States is ples. were thrown during, 1928, presided, proposing the health of Mr. deed an all round sportsman, for he there a complete scientifie labora and not one bombthrower Cahn, said that he was glad that was Master of the Burton foxhounds, tory for the exhaustive study of cought and convicted. When bandits there should be such a representa and, for a season, Joint Master of every possible kind of incriminat started a somewhat similar reign tive attendance in spite of the many the Craven and also a member of ing evidence; no detectives who of terror in Paris, the French Decounter attractions of the season. He the Royal Yorkshire Yacht Squadkaow what to do with intricate clues tective Bureau (the Sureté) gave had received letters from the Duke ron. He was also a good shot at PHONE 1045 BOX 986 when they see them.
immediate and thorough attention of Atholl, Viscount Burnham, Mr. any rate in drawing a winner (TriEngland, France and Germany, to the outrages, rounded up every de Pass, Chairman of the West ko) in a sweep. Moreover he was a Italy, and even Rusia, bave kept one of the desperadoes and the CUMBERBATCH BROS.
India Committee, and Mr. country cricketer and owned two pace with the modern methods of guillotine ended their careers Austin, the skipper of two West cricket grounds, one at his country criminals, and all the resources of Boston Advertiser.
Indian Teams which had visited Eng. seat, Stanford Hall. and the other the GENERAL TAILORS Innd, expressing their regret that the finest private ground in they were unable to be present. On world in Nottingham.
The Jamaica tour had been car.
the other hand, they had with them No. 3, 4th of July Avenue Sur Robert Rutherford, Chairman of ried out entirely at Mr. Cahn ex.
Panama P: the Club, Major Bowring, the dis pense. That was a wonderful res.
with that Mr.
tinguished Barbados cricketer who ture! Not content THE PLACE FOR GOOD SERVICE WMS member of the first West In Cahn had also brought to Jamaica dies team to visit England. Mr. three crack cricketers from Trinidad. Dowd, a great supporter of West so that his side could meet an An Ledian cricket and many others.
West Indies XI. Applause. He (the Chairman, hoped that Chairman) coupled with the toast imagine that happening here!
their friends from Jamaica, and in the name of Mrs. Cahn who had Something else that impressed Jamaica would not think that in en proved herself on the tour to be a me was the loyalty of the people to tertaining Mr. Cahn they were try. most delightful hostess. Applause. this country. do think it is up to ing to seduce him irom his allegiMr. Cahn, replying to the toast us here to cement that loyalty. As to the other colonies, could ance to that Colony. That was not which had been honoured most cortheir object. Neyertheless, he hoped dially, remarked, Your Chairman nct manage to visit them as had that some future date Mr. Cabe has said that previous tours have to look after the hounds a little, but would take out a team which would been aided by this Club. If had hope that that defect may be reCOMMISSION Your MERCHANTS visit not only Jamaica but also Bar known of that probably might medied on another occasion.
bados, British Guiana, Trinidad and have touched you, but as was Chairman tonight alluded to Chalthe Windward and Leewards Islands. lucky in the Stock Exchange Sweep lenge Cups. Well. If may be allow(Applause. He admitted that that ll let you off this time. Laughter. ed to show interest in the West In.
was rather stall order. If he did so, It was a wonderful trip that dies generally should like to preMr. Cahn would earn their true trip to Jamaica. There were, how. sent you with a Challenge Cup.
platitude (applause) and there ever, one or two disappointments, mittee to decide what it shall be for. Applause Manufacturers would be rejoicing in those Colonies. One was that my finger make only one condition that if it Mr. Cahn might be interested to the first Test Match. That was raone is for telling the best story, your learn that when The West Indian ther a pity. only played in Club was founded just 31 years ago mateh, but finished up top of the Chairman shall be precluded from entering. Laughter. it was decided that one of the main bowling averages. Laughter. When was in Jamaica met a Cbjects should be the encouragement It is perfectly delightful to play gentleman who told me that he was ob esport in all its forms. The Club under such wonderful conditions. It Custos. When Lionel Tennyson was could justify a claim to have car is not a case of people going to ried out that object. They had es ericket matches as they do in Eng. making 100, good many cussed tablished an inter colonial competi land to go to sleep. Laughter. vs. Laughter. tion for rifle shooting, and they had They are far too enthusiastic for assure you of my great interest organised billiards and golf tourna. that. It was a pleasure to me to see in the West Indies. hope to so ments for handsome challenge cups the wonderful progress made in spain, and hope Lord Tennyson by the late Sir Alfred cricket over there.
will go with me. If there is any litMr. It was a wonderful experience to tle thing that can do for the West Jones, Mr. Fogarty, and FOR LAND AND SEA Harold Henriques.
see that beautiful Colony and to Lidies will do it. shall never for In the field of cricket the Club meet such charming people. If may bad played a part of some value to me allowed to say so it does one get the most wonderful holiday that the West Indies. Before the Club good to take out teams to the Colo. had in my life. Everybody was was founded, Mr. Slade Lucas, Sir nies. The honour which you have of most wonderfully kind. Applause. AVENUE No. 28 Arthur Priestley and Lord Hawke ered me tonight is, feel, meant The Chairman having thanked Mr.
had taken out teams to the West for the whole of the team. There is Cuhn for his generon offer of Indies, while after its formation it no doubt about it that in Jamaica challenge cup and having responded Oppoesite Police Station had carried on the good work, and it the heart and soul of people are in to the toast of his health which was BOX 599 PHONE 1164 might be recalled that in 1900 it cricket and, indeed, in all sport raised a fund which enabled the Things came to such a pitch that proposed by Lord Tennyson in an enfirst representative West Indies they had to shut up the Legislature tertaining speech, the company adPanama team to come over under the cap because everybody went to the journed to the smoking room where tafney of Mr. Aucher Warner. Apmatehus. Laughter. cannot the rest of the evening was spent.
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